《The Calamity of a Dungeon Crawl》Watching From a Coma
“This isn’t look too good for him, his lost roughly 60% of his blood, and the his lungs aren’t functioning properly, they have taken a drastic turn since the last test, they can barely breath in the oxygen without the help of the machine.”
I could hear a sweet, somewhat, worried, girlish voice, but everything was still black.
“Where am I?”
I couldn’t see anything or feel anything, but I could hear what seems to be voices very close to me.
“The amount of carbon monoxide has decreased his body’s oxygen supply to almost none, even with this machine, his carbon monoxide poisoning is too much for his body to handle, I believe he has already been diagnosed with angina. Pretty quick for a heart condition to show up.”
A second voice explained more of the situation, her voice was very similar to the first voice.
“Huh? Are they talking about me? I don’t recall having a heart condition?” Despite my appearance, I didn’t have any health issues except a little over weight and a scar on my right cheek that I covered up. I tried to move but I couldn’t feel my body, what is happening?
“I think we should just monitor him and pray that he makes some type of recovery”
There it was again, that sweet, worried, girlish voice, but where is it coming from? Maybe if I try and open my eyes, even though I can’t feel them…….
I managed to open my eyes, but what came into focus was something I did not expect.
“Is that me!”
I looked down and saw my lifeless, motionless body lying on a hospital bed hooked up to all sorts of machines, I had plugs running up my nose, bandages wrapped around numerous areas of my body, needles in both my arms with what seems to be blood running into my body.
“What is going on!?”
I then saw my reflection in the black Flat TV Screen hanging in the corner of the pale white room, I looked like a ghost. I could see my reflexion, but I could also see through me, I took a closer look at my ghost like body and, yep… it’s definitely me but my actual body is lying on the hospital bed.
“Am I dead? Is this my soul?”
I asked myself. I didn’t believe in God or any type of deity, but I didn’t think it was complete rubbish either, the amount of knowledge the human race doesn’t possess, there is a high chance part of that knowledge has to do with a deity or something very similar.
“Poor man, his only 21, still a child. It’s a shame. I heard he risked his own life to save that rude mans children and yet, he has been given all the blame for the fire and the AI and even the little girls broken leg, I also heard that the rude man pushed him out of the way when the fire started to save his own skin rather then trying to find his kids.”
The sweet worried voice caught my attention again, I looked down to see two nurses walking around my body, assessing it. I feel bad for them, I look horrible, not only is my body wrapped in bandages but my eyes are puffy and red, my skin is way more pale then it normally is and is that soot coming out of my nose? A black flaky substance seems like it’s blocking my nostrils from getting any air in them. I also seem to have burn marks all around my face, when did that happen? I don’t remember getting burned at all in the fire? It must have happened when I was unconscious, embers maybe drifted off the burning building and onto my face.
“Wait? What did that nurse say? Something about being blamed for everything!?”
I exclaimed, wondering what exactly is going on, when the door to my hospital room burst open.
“Why are you attending to that fat waste of space!”
…. I knew those insults from a mile away, it was my boss, Mr. Saku, screaming and insulting me like always, far out, I’m in a coma and on the brink of death and you still insult me, how low can you possible go jerk!
“Sir, you are not permitted to be in this room, I must ask you to leave now immediately before I use force”
A policeman followed Mr. Saku into my room with his arms almost around Mr. Saku trying to stop him from causing a bigger commotion than he already has.
“Let go of me! Do you have any idea what that fat little man did to my children! He broke my little girl’s leg and started the whole fire with the missing AI!”
Mr. Saku screamed and flailed around like a drunkard, did he really think I started the fire? And what was that about breaking the little girls leg? I saved her life damn it!
“Sir, I’m only going to tell you one more time, you need to leave this room immediately or I’m going to have to remove you by force.”
The Policeman now with a firm grip on Mr. Saku’s arms instructed him, well, more like threatened him to leave my room immediately.
“Daddy! Stop this”
A small, soft voice appeared in the door way.
“Isn't that the little girl I saved?”
I looked at the door way to see a small girl in crutches begging for her father to stop yelling.
“Quiet Lolita! This man tried to grab me when the fire started and hold me back to kill me!”
Mr. Saku yelled back at his daughter causing her to jump back in fear. Wait! I did what! I didn’t try and grab him! You pushed my over and knocked me out!
“Dad! This man saved our lives! You need to leave him alone!”
Another voice appeared from the door way, this one a little louder than the girls but just as squeaky.
“It’s that little snot nosed brat that ate my Pork Cutlet Curry leftovers”
I glared at the boy as he came into the room yelling at his father, he had a bandage over his head where the gash was.
“Quiet Jack! He didn’t save you, he was holding you two hostage, he was going to use you two as human shields, but the Fire Fighters managed to see him before he could even attempt it”
Mr. Saku was now yelling at his son, but his son had a little more of a back-bone then his little sister by the looks of it, standing his ground, but you could see tears starting to swell up at the bottom of his eyes. I don’t blame him, Mr. Saku looked like a complete monster right now.
“Sir, we are here doing our jobs, you have no business being in this room, you need to leave immediately.”
One of the nurses, seeming to be fed up with this tantrum of Mr. Saku, stepped in and ordered him to leave the room at once.
“Quiet you! You two are only hear to clean up piss and shit, that’s what woman are only good for! Get a real doctor in here to access him, you’ll see his faking it!”
Mr. Saku snapped at the nurse who spoke up. Wow, that’s what woman are only good for, ha, this isn’t going to end well for him, does he not realise his daughter is right there?
“Sir, I ask you to not insult us, especially when your children are right in front of you, what do you think will happen to your daughters mentality when she hears you speaking so lowly of woman?”
The other nurse stepped in to defend her college while glaring at Mr. Saku.
“Sir, you have left me no choice”
The Policeman having enough of this grabbed Mr. Saku forcibly and pushed him out of the room, with his children following.
“What a piece of shit!”
“I agree, the scum of the scum!”
The two nurses looked at each other, obviously enraged at Mr. Saku’s comments and actions.
“Why does he hate me so much? Did I do anything to him at all?”
I asked myself, still watching my lifeless body.
“I’m sorry you two had to go through that, if you would like to put in an offical complaint I can help you with that as a witness?”
The Policeman bowed his head to the two nurses as he made his way back into the room.
“No need to apologise, we face similar comments like that on a daily basis”
The nurses smiled at the Policeman brushing off the horrible comments Mr. Saku made.
“In light of his actions, I believe it will be in our best interest to place a guard in front of this room, do you two have any objections to that request?”
The Policeman politely asked the nurses, worried about the safety of my body.
“I believe that’s the smartest action we can take”
“I agree, that would be a wise decision.”
The nurses nodded at each other and accepted the Policeman’s request.
“I wonder if I can move around in this form?”
I wondered out loud as I tried to move, hmm, its quite easily actually. I made my way through the wall and out into the hallway, I wonder where the lobby is, they should have a TV there with the news on it, I might be able to see if anything has been said about the fire. I made my way to the hospital lobby, it was a big square room with a reception desk at the front, the doors to the outside were at the back, and had toilets on both sides of the room, it was lightly dim and didn’t look very appealing, the floor was a beige colour and looked stained with all sorts of liquids and food.
“Todays Top Story”
The TV came into my sight as I saw a tall man in a sling reach up and turn the volume up.
“Leviathan Gaming Company has been under investigation into money laundering and Police have a main suspect, an employee that worked with the AI Program that has gone missing along with all the research. The AI had been given the task to investigate a way for the earth to recover along side humans, but after the buildings fire, it has mysteriously vanished, Police suspect the employee that was laundering money in the company, Kubo Udon.”
“WHAT! Money Laundering! AI Theft! What the hell has been blamed on me since I’ve been in a coma!”
I screamed as loud as I could, but no one could hear me, what is going on? Damn it! That piece of shit boss has put all the companies problems on me!
“More reports are also suggesting that the building fire was not caused by an electricity wire fault, but, more the work of the suspect Kubo Udon, there has been a report written by the CEO Of Leviathan Gaming telling the Police that, ‘Kubo Udon programmed the AI to start the fire in the building and then delete all its information and coding,’ Kubo Udon is currently been treated at a nearby hospital for the wounds he suffered in the building fire, but I have been sent reports telling me there is a police guard in front of his room.”
“Are you kidding me! The Police guard is there because of Mr. Suka throwing a tantrum! Wait! Was this his doing!? The guard was just put on my room and they already know! It has to be, where is that piece of shit!?”
I flew around the hospital going through the walls, the ceiling and back down through the floor trying to find that jerk, I flew into a room where I found the little girl and boy sitting on the bed.
“That’s his children, yes?”
I asked myself as I stopped in the room and watched them.
“Lolita how are you feeling darling?”
Mr. Suka walked out of the bathroom in the private room, he held a glass of water and placed it on the table next to a sofa chair.
“Why are you trying to get that man in trouble daddy?”
Lolita asked her dad staring up at him.
“Yeah! Answer her you scum!”
I screamed waiting for the answer from this piece of shit of a dad.
“Well, baby girl, you see, that man who you thought saved you, treated a female employee of mine very badly and forced himself upon her, does that make sense?”
I did not force myself on anyone! Is he talking about that horse bitch! For the last time, I didn’t touch that disgusting horse!
“Are you talking about my old baby sitter, Miss Sara?”
Lolita asked her dad. I knew it! They were sleeping together! Ha! Suck shit muscle head, your horse girlfriend was cheating on you.
“But dad, I thought you and Miss Sara made mum cry? And that’s why she left us?”
The son sitting next to his sister spoke up trying to understand the situation. So that piece of shit ruined his own family just for that horse bitch and then it must have blown up and she left the company.
“No, that is where your mum has lied my boy, you see, Miss Sara came to me and told me what had happened to her at the company, she explained to me that the bad man forced himself on her, and I was comforting her and your mother got the wrong idea and started thinking that Miss Sara and I where lying to her and that is why she left.”
Mr. Suka looked straight at his son and lied right through his teeth, seriously! How lower can he go!?
“So that man made mommy leave?”
Lolita asked her dad, at that question an evil grin came over Mr. Suka face, he knew he just got away with it.
“That is correct Lolita, look at you, as smart as ever”
Mr. Suka patted his daughters head making her give a small chuckle, the son on the other hand, doesn’t look too impressed.
“Lolita do you mind getting me a glass of water, remember what the nurse said, not to leave your leg motionless for too long”
The son, Jack I believe his name was, asked Lolita to basically let him and his dad have a conversation.
“Oh, that’s right, of course brother”
Lolita grabbed her crutches and went into the bathroom.
“That wasn’t very nice of you, making your sister grab your water.”
Mr. Suka said changing his grin into a more serious face while looking at his son.
“I don’t think you should lie to her da….”
Jack tried to talk to his dad but he wasn’t having it.
“Enough! Do you have any idea how much you two cost me? This is how the world works Jack, you need to step on and trample anyone that you see as a problem or you won’t get far in life. Now I assume I can count on you for helping put that fat man behind bars?”
Mr. Suka staring straight into his son’s eyes with a threatening tone asked him a question, Jack turned away steaming with angry at what his father just said.
“Huh? Is he really going to use his own son to make up a lie to put me behind bars when I wake up?”
I looked on trying to grasp the situation at hand.
“Y-you can count on me, but I don’t like it dad, and if I do this, you promise you will stop hitting Lolita?”
Jack turned to his dad, face angry as ever and made the situation clear for me.
“That is correct, despite your sister screwing up every little task she tries, I will stop hitting her.”
“If I wake up, I will kill! I’ll kill you with my own hands! You low-life piece of shit!”
His true colours have finally come to light, well, to light in my eyes at least. Not only was he a misogynistic, lying cheater he also hit his children, his daughters leg was probably broken and he just used the building fire as an excuse so he wouldn’t get into any trouble.
“Brother do you mind helping me bring the glass of water back?”
Lolita said as she came out the bathroom. She was using crutches, I don’t know why she would have thought she’d been able to bring back a glass of water.
“Oh, u-uhh yeah sure, sister” Jack got up and helped his sister bring back the glass of water.
“That boy, far out! He reminds me of his mother, annoying little shit.”
Mr Suka mumbled to himself putting his hand on his forehead, exhausted about the whole situation.
- In Serial39 Chapters
Haven in a Dangerous World (Old)
Devin McMullen. Female. 18. Single dad. Dead mom. Good in fights and little else. No friends. Or, at least, that's what she's always been. Now, she's not sure exactly what she is. She's never been one for reading fiction, or anything for that matter, but this feels like something straight out of a fantasy. Her newly acquired instincts, however, scream dungeon core. Whatever that is. Unlike most dungeon cores, though, she's missing something very important. A dungeon. Stuck out in the open, above ground where she's definitely not supposed to be, with not a cave in sight, or any other land form besides miles and miles of ice and snow, Devin's not sure if she can survive. Update: Big caveate, though, just so you know. Started with this one idea and ran with it as far as I could. Characters and plot suffer from it, but I'm proud that I wrote as much as I did. I will rewrite this at some point and make it so it actually has plot. Check out my wordpress © [koallary] and [Haven in a Dangerous World], [2017]. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to [koallary] and [Haven in a Dangerous World] with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
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