《Sidequest》Chapter 7


Suzie pounded on the obsidian wall of the dungeon with both fists and shouted, "Let us in you fucking... fucker!"

The dungeon merely loomed dark and silent in response.

Kelsi hovered nervously by Suzie's side, her hands held loose and shaking in front of her chest, "Should we head back to town in case they use their medallions?"

Suzie stopped pounding on the walls and sighed, "Hiro's an idiot. I'm worried he'll-"

"Well there's nothing the two of you can do here now, is there?" A strange voice cut Suzie off. Suzie and Kelsi both turned around to face the source.

A person about their age with warm brown skin, an androgynous face, and long white hair braided down their back stood in the road. There were wide open plains on either side of this road, with nowhere to hide, and yet this person managed to get within a few feet of them without them noticing. Suzie's hand twitched by the handle of her ax and she inched in between Kelsi and the stranger.

They held up their hands, palms out and smiled, letting their eyes slide close and their head tilt to the side," I don't bite, I promise."

"What do you want?" Suzie asked, eyes narrowing.

"Well I had wanted to enter the dungeon but that seems to be impossible now..." They laced their fingers behind their head. "If you can't get in then it's useless for you to wait here. You should wait in the safe zone. Who knows your 'idiot' companion may already be there."


"What would you guys say to teaming up with us for the rest of the dungeon?"

Alphonse and Hiro shared a look. Alphonse shook his head while Hiro nodded enthusiastically, eyes sparkling. Alphonse sighed, "fine," and pressed the heel of his hand to his forehead.

Hiro turned to Blaze and Alyss, "we'll join you!"

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