《Illya: The Ruthlessly Violent and Slightly Sadistic Celestial Known as Illya.》Chapter 13: Business.


Chapter 13: Business.

*Illya's POV*

I arrived at the Katsumi estate two months ago, I still haven't met my grandparents. Whenever I asked the servants(?) about them they just told me that they're too busy to meet me but, according to Rias They're in this estate and are avoiding me.

Not that care. Some of the servants for some reason like to bully me whilst most of them absolutely adore me, by bullying I mean poisoning my food, putting needles in my food, tripping me, and various other methods of bullying. No matter what they did I didn't get mad or yell at them. Rias could barely keep her calm but, I convinced her to let them bully me while she finds who's making them do said bullying.

Whilst I was waiting for Rias to give me juicy info, I was continuing working on trying to raise my level and stats as well as trying to regain some skills that I've lost. Sorta hard for a peaceful world like this, Killing someone wouldn't give me really any levels due to the fact that almost everyone in this world is either level 0 or barely level 1 but, I found out that practicing cooking, working out, and training my skills at handling weapons gave me a lot of exp and levels fast.

Illya: "Phew!"

Illya: "That's enough for today."

I had just finished doing push-ups alone in my room and, I just set my new record of total push-ups in one workout which, was exactly 179,500 push-ups. I would like to go even higher but because of this small three-year-old body of mine that's my limit at the moment.

Illya: "Alright now I wonder what my stats are now!"

I didn't check at all since I like seeing big gains instead of small ones. My new stats will be because of all the effort I've put in these past two months.

Illya: "Status!"


Level up! x 99(You've hit the current level cap for this world)

Congratulations! You are now a level 100 Celestial Being!

You’ve regained all of your skills and titles due to your powerful soul!

: General:

Name: Illya

Race: Celestial

Sex: Female

Age: 3

Level: 100

HP: 50,000/50,000 (Capped at 50K)

MP: 50,000/50,000 (Capped at 50K)

INT: 899

STR: 5000 (Capped at 5K)

DEF: 1000 (Capped at 1K)

Luck: 10,777

Charm: 9999

Illya: "..."

Illya: "Why is it capped?"

I was about to go into a profanity-filled rage before I realized that even though my stats are capped I'm still most likely the most powerful being in this world. After I calmed down I saw a little note attached to my stats that said.

Yuna: "Just in case you do something crazy like do inhuman amounts of training I've taken the liberty to cap your highest level and stats. This way it makes it less likely that they'll find you, If you actually manage to make it to the level cap you will gain back all the skills and titles that you had prior to your reincarnation. I did this just so you wouldn’t waste years of grinding skills again. Please don't do anything crazy I love you bye!"

Illya: "Well shit!"

Eh whatevs, I'm op again and I'm still a little baby heh...Huh? What? Why didn't the list of tiles and skills show up? I'm too lazy to tell you about them since you're just a fake person in my head that I talk sometimes talk to for some odd reason. Anyway, now that no one can get in my way I think it's about time to get my revenge on those who went against me assuming Rias has the info I need.


Rias: "Illya I have finished my investigation."

Illya: "Oh? Do you know about the ringleader now?"

Rias: "It is the head butler Yagi Kei."

Illya: "Can't remember ever pissing him off though?"

Rias: "Yagi is being paid to do so by people who want your money. On top of that, he is the one that raised your cousin so he hates you immensely."

Ahh, That makes sense I wonder if I can just pay him off? Pffft like I'm willing to let a person that hurts me get away with it.

Illya: "On a day when my grandparents aren't home please call him and all of the servants that have gone against me into the home theater room."

Rias: "Yes Illya right away!"

What a good servant she is, not even questing what I'm going to do. I do think that I should be a little bit more merciful so I'll only punish Yagi.

About 8 days after that my grandparents went to an event thus those involved which number 18 maids and butlers counting Yagi are now gathered in front of the screen in the theater. It's a pretty big theater honestly bigger than most commercial ones. All of them were sporting a look of confusion.

Yagi: "My lady, could you please explain why you've gathered us here? We're all quite busy and don't have time to play games with you."

Illya: "Ignoring your rude comment, I've gathered you all here for a premiere of a short movie."

Yagi: "Short movie?"

Illya: "That's right! Staring all of you!"

Using creation magic I was able to make fake recordings of all of the servants bullying attempts since there were no cameras in any of the rooms so I had to make my own footage of said events and then I compiled them into a small montage. Once giving Rias a thumbs up she started the movie.

The run time was an hour and 38 minutes. The faces once showing confusion are now displaying emotions of fear and shock. The one who showed the most fear was Yagi. Kinda funny for grown adults to be afraid of a small child maybe, they're afraid that I'll tell my grandparents?

Illya: "What a splendid movie! I give it a 10 out of 10."


Illya: "Why would I bother my Grandparents when I can handle this myself?"

They all calmed down when I said that which means they weren't actually scared of me and they reasonably think that a little girl can't do anything to them.

Illya: "Goodbye Yagi!"

After I decapitated Yagi's head from his body it still had a calm look on his face which sucks because he wasn't scared before I killed him using a combat knife I made with creation magic. Being covered in blood whilst sporting a pure smile on my beautiful face seemed to make the remaining servants break down and start begging for their lives.

Illya: "Well didn't you all change your tone's fast?"


Servant B: "I DON'T WANT TO DIE!"


Illya: "I know."

From loudly begging for their lives to complete silence. I like it when people do what I want to do without me even having to say it. I mean I didn't even lock any of the exits so they could of all just run away but instead of they asked me for forgiveness.


Illya: "I won't kill any of you as long as you don't accept any more bribes, hurt me and stop other servants from doing so."

Rias: "Illya has given me permission to deal with anyone who goes against her from now on. That includes killing them."

Illya: "Just like she said. Now you all go back to work I'll clean of this mess."

And like that, they scattered like cockroaches. Rias told me that she'll deal with the body but I told her to "Just watch." and then using magic I completely got rid of Yagi's body and the evidence that he was killed. Not even forensic science would be able to find something.

Illya: "I'll leave the information regarding his disappearance to you Rias."

Rias: "Y-yes Illya I'll handle this immediately!"

Illya: "Good girl!"

I don't really know how she'll cover this up but I trust her to be able to do just that. After that whole business, my days were filled with luxury and peace! Besides reading manga and novels, watching movies and anime as well as playing games I didn't really do anything important for years until I was 14 and the time came for me to enroll in high school. Huh, what? what about every other grade? With my absurdly high Int stat I was able to skip every grade and I was only enrolling in High school for fun.

Rias: "Illya you look absolutely beautiful in your school uniform!"

Illya: "Well thank you kindly!"

I replied to her praise with a passionate kiss that lasted longer than most people could last but over the years I've trained Rias well. To this day I still haven't seen my grandparents so Rias was the only one to see me off after my driver dropped me off at the gates of Endo Academy which is the high school that I enrolled in. It's the top high school in the world, not just Japan and you need money and high test scores to be accepted in.

Illya: "I look forward to seeing you again Rias!"

Rias: "Likewise! I hope you will have an enjoyable school life!"

Illya: "Thanks! Bye love you!"

Despite all of the love training I gave Rias she still can't say that she loves me in public because she's too embarrassed to do so. Meanwhile, I just made out with my maid for an hour straight whilst other students watched.

Illya: "What?"

I cutely tilted my head to the crowd that was gathered around me. Due to my beauty, everyone including the girls and female teachers and staff members blushed. Endo is split between the male and female locations so only female personnel is allowed in this location. The perfect place for me to make a new harem and hopefully find Akane.

Female Teacher: "E-everyone please proceed to the gym for the opening ceremony!"

As such everyone snapped out of their daze and we all gathered in the gym. The current class president gave a boring speech that I didn't listen to because I was busy checking out all the students and figuring out which ones I should go for.

Illya: "Interesting."

I said to no one in particular. The ceremony lasts for an hour and then we're all guided to the dorms since this is a live-in High school. I went to a dorm that no one else went to because I had pulled some strings before coming here.

Illya: "This is absolutely perfect!"

Due to the low admission rate of this school, there was an entire dorm building that was completely unused. I used my connections and money to buy it and renovate it. There were well over a hundred luxury rooms with the biggest being mine, with all this space my harem can live in pure bliss.

Rias: "Welcome home Illya!"

What? You thought that I was actually gonna leave Rias behind? Nope! She was able to get in using the magic that I taught her. On top of magic, I also trained her combat skills and she is currently level 32.

Illya: "How was my acting?"

Rias: "Pretty good in my opinion but I'm pretty biased when it comes to you."

Illya: "Well at least they won't think you've followed me. Just make sure you use magic to hide yourself unless it's in front of someone we trust."

Rias: "Yes mam!"

Illya: "Hmm you look like you want to say something. What is it?"

Rias: "Was a 150$ million USD worth to buy and renovate this dorm?"

Illya: "Of course!"

Rias: "So you say but I just don't understand why you renovated all the other rooms. I mean like 30 people can fit in just one and your room could fit over 80 people. It just seems like a waste."

Illya: "Where else would I house the other members of my harem?"

Rias: "I wasn't aware that there were other members already."

Illya: "There aren't but giving how many beautiful women are enrolled here it won't be long until these rooms are filled up."

Rias: "Knowing you that isn't a joke."

I then grabbed Rias's hand and led her to my oversized bed and then proceeded to enjoy ourselves. But only for a few hours since I have my first day of class tomorrow. As such, we fell asleep cuddling each other.

What? How did I get so rich? Well, it isn't my family's money I just made stupidly advanced products such as the cure for cancer, and every other disease or sickness. I cured aging and extended human life to a theoretical 1000 years just to name a few.

Of course all under different names so the public doesn't know that it was all me. I'm currently the richest person in the world so a few hundred million is just chump change to me. Yuna did tell me not to do anything crazy but I'm sure she just meant for me to not to commit genocide or something. Tomorrow my days of gaining harem members start and I can't be happier about it!

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