《Sacrifice》4. Kinguneq
Marlow shivered as she followed Nix deeper and deeper into the water. When she looked up, she could no longer see the reflection of the sun on the water. Instead, the world around her had grown a darker, almost cobalt shade.
Nix still had a firm grip on her one hand, so Marlow wrapped her free arm around her chest and shuddered again.
“Are you cold?” Nix inquired.
Marlow shook her head. “No. It is just a little eerie down here. I have never liked the water much.”
Nix squeezed her fingers. “It will be alright. You have nothing to fear.”
“You all seemed unwilling to remain in open waters, but this is very open and dark. Do other creatures eat mer?”
Nix dipped her chin. “We are preyed upon, yes, but not too often. It is more likely that a lone mer will be attacked than a pod, but some of the larger shark species and white whales will occasionally decide we are worth the trouble. We only have one true predator, but you do not need to worry because there is mostly only a risk when we go hunting.”
Marlow shivered and swallowed a lump in her throat. Being eaten or swallowed alive…just a few hours ago that was what she expected to happen when she faced the mer. To learn now that it was still a real threat made her heart race. “What is the predator?”
Nix gave her fingers another squeeze as she continued leading her further down in the ocean. The seafloor was looming closer, coated in white sand and rocks. A few small fish were darting through broken shells and small brown shrubby plants, but it was more barren than Marlow would have expected. “Back up in the ice waters, we had a term for it. We called it the ulurrugnaq,” Nix said.
Marlow’s brows furrowed as she tried to test out the long, complicated word. “What does that mean?”
“The tribes that I come from used it to describe a massive beast of lore. A sea monster known for devouring whales. Their legends are not entirely accurate. It will eat whales, but primarily smaller porpoises like pilot whales and dolphins. Smaller sharks too. Has a taste for mer though. It is sort of a sea serpent.”
“But surely sea serpents do not exist,” Marlow protested. Her heart rate quickened in her chest regardless and she found herself glancing around as they swam along the seafloor. They were not the only Mer, and that made Marlow feel a little better, but she could not help feeling intimidated by every shifting shadow in the dark water.
Nix rolled her eyes and clucked her tongue. “You come from a culture that believes in aquatic people with the ability to enchant the mind and a taste for human flesh, but sea monsters are too wild of a concept?”
Marlow shook her head. “More of a desperate hope,” she admitted. “I would prefer not to think about any more monsters for today.”
“We are safe within our territory,” Nix assured her. “The risks are higher out in the hunting grounds, but we patrol our territory regularly. While serpents will go after individuals or mer in small groups, they are not so big that we cannot win a fight. They are smaller than white whales, just bigger teeth and a bit more nimble. You do not have to worry, Marlow, I promise.”
Marlow was not so sure she could believe Nix’s statement, but she decided to instead focus on a more immediate concern as Nix tried to pull her down into a large crack in the seafloor. Marlow pulled up short and her hand slipped from Nix’s. The trench was not super wide, just large enough that she could not reach out to touch the other side, but it did run very long in both directions and looked blacker than night within. She gulped. “Why are we going down there?”
Nix shook her head. “Eqnayug, you are more skittish than a guppy, Marlow. Now come on.”
The annoyance in Nix’s tone prompted Marlow to swallow her uncertainties and follow Nix down into the trench. She fumbled for Nix’s hand and clung to it so that she would not lose track of the mer as Nix led her deeper down. She could no longer see and she slowed her pace to avoid smashing into anything.
“Your eyes will adjust,” Nix assured her. “You just need time. We see well enough in the dark, but you are still new.”
“Why do mer choose to live so far down in the dark?”
Nix shook her head. “It will not be dark for long.”
Marlow pursed her lips but did not question it. She was beginning to regret not pushing the issue more to return home. This crevice in the ground ran deep and the water was getting chilly. “Are you not cold?”
Nix snorted. “You will adjust. Besides, this is nothing compared to the waters of my home. If this gives you chills Marlow, the arctic waters would have frozen your blood.”
“Well, I am glad we are not there then. Nix…that word you said earlier before we came into the trench…what did it mean?”
“Eqnayug?” Nix shook her head and bubbles shot from her gills. “It just means I am annoyed with you. I have not used the ice languages in quite some time, but it feels good to remember it from time to time.”
“I do not mind, really. It is interesting. I just do not know what you are talking about is all.”
Nix clucked her tongue and inclined her head towards Marlow. “I will explain to you when necessary,” she agreed. By this point, they had reached the bottom of the narrow trench and Marlow found it even eerier than the seafloor above. There were long, waving strands of kelp, and coarse sand with a mess of rocks to line the ground. It felt very dark and unwelcoming, but Nix tugged her forward with a certain eagerness that Marlow could not understand.
When she pulled up short and turned sharply, Marlow squeaked and closed her eyes as she braced for an impact that never came. She had expected them to crash into the rocky wall of the trench, but instead, Nix guided her into a tunnel in the side. “Your pod lives in a cave?” Marlow asked.
“Well, what were you expecting?”
Marlow flushed and shrugged. “I am not sure…an underwater town or city or something, I guess.”
“We are not human, Marlow. Besides, any structures we could build would warp and fall with the ebb of the currents and tides. We make use of what the ocean provides us.”
Nix gave Marlow’s hand another squeeze. “It is different than you are used to, yes, but try not to judge until you see it,” she urged.
Marlow flushed. “Nix, I did not mean to sound judgemental, I am sorry.”
“I know.”
“I just…did not know what to expect.”
Nix pulled them to a stop and cupped Marlow’s face. “I know,” she repeated. She brushed some of Marlow’s hair out of her face and twirled one of the locks between her fingers. “Come and see.” She began pulling Marlow forward again before she could have had the chance to protest if she had wanted to.
Though Marlow supposed her choices at the moment were to follow or to remain hovering in the tunnel that was barely wide enough for them to swim side by side. She stretched her fingers out a little way and ran them over the slick rocks. Each bump and groove caught briefly on her smooth, almost rubbery skin. It made Marlow shiver, but she swallowed back her unease. She missed the comfort and familiarity of her own skin, but there was nothing she could do about it for now.
Finally, the mouth of the tunnel opened into a massive cavern and Marlow felt her eyes widen as she gazed around. Her lips parted and she craned her neck for a full look around. “Woah.” The cavern was massive and stretched far above her head, as though the entire wall of the trench had been hollowed out. The floors were sandy and there were more mer in the pod than Marlow had been expecting. Certainly, more than she remembered being out in the water when she had been cast from the ship.
What stole Marlow’s breath the most was that she could see. All along the walls of the cave were glowing lights. A combination of glowing algae smears and veins pulsing from the rocks, to large crystal formations growing from the sand and rock alike. They were not harsh to look at, but rather pulsed in a soft rainbow of hues.
Marlow felt unfamiliar with her own body, she hated the water and the dark, and she desperately wanted to flee back to her family. Nothing had changed, but in just that one moment, everything froze and it was just beautiful.
“I thought you might like this at least,” Nix hummed. She tightened her grip on Marlow’s hand and gestured with her free one around the cavern. “Welcome to our pod.”
Those few words were enough to shatter the feeling of wonder and Marlow slumped in on herself once more. She wrapped her free arm around her waist and shook her head. “Nix, it is not my pod. I still want to go back home. I-”
She floundered to a stop as Nix pressed a finger to her lips and shook her head. She curled her fingers around Marlow’s chin and lifted until their gazes were locked. “I have not forgotten. But Marlow, you are one of us, and for as long as you are with us, this is your pod and you are always welcome among us. Kinguneq, Marlow…Welcome home.” Nix spoke with such insistence in her tone and her gaze was focused and stern enough that Marlow felt her heart begin to race.
For a split second, that almost sounded wonderful. But the reality still weighed heavily on her. “But I-”
“Home,” Nix reminded. “And it is yours for as long as you want it, Marlow.”
Marlow shook her head and dug her fingers into her arm as she wrestled with her distress. Nix was kind, regardless of the circumstances that they had met, and she was glad to know that people did not have to be so afraid of the mer, who so far seemed like they just wanted to live their lives and be left alone. She knew despite her aversion to wading deeper than her ankles into the ocean, she might even have enjoyed a friendship with the mer if they had met at the shore.
But right now, she could not help but want to flee. “But Nix, I do not want it,” she whimpered. “I keep trying to tell you; I want to go back to my home, to my family. I appreciate that you all saved me and went through the trouble, but I do not belong here.”
It made Marlow’s heart squeeze to watch Nix’s normally bright blue gaze fog over. Her shoulders slumped and she looked away. When she let go of Marlow’s hand, the guilt surged in Marlow’s throat like acid reflux. She gulped it back though her eyes stung as Nix backed away with a nod.
“Okay,” Nix agreed. She offered Marlow a grim, half-smile and indicated back the way they had just come. “I cannot make you want it, Marlow. If you want to leave, you can. We are not in the habit of keeping anyone captive. Ayag. Go back home then.”
Nix turned away from her and began swimming deeper into the cave, and Marlow’s heart seized as she glanced between the mer and the cavern entrance. Marlow had no hope of getting back to shore on her own, but it was more than that holding her back. Though it was a group effort, it truly felt that Nix had saved her, and she had done nothing since that moment except try to make Marlow feel safe and welcome. She had looked after her, and Marlow could not imagine leaving so ungratefully and hurting the mer. “Nix! Nix, wait, I-” Marlow broke off and her voice died in her throat as she realized she did not know what to say.
Despite Marow’s hesitation, Nix stopped and turned back. For a moment, her features were impassive, but then they softened to a smile and she reached out a hand. “Come here, then,” she urged.
Marlow sagged with relief. It was a bit intimidating to throw her weight forward and move the tail on her own without Nix guiding her. She had to be conscientious of it now and it made her shudder, but she closed the distance between them and grabbed at Nix’s hand like the lifeline it was. Despite her aversion to further touch, Marlow followed her own forward momentum and threw her other arm around Nix’s neck. “I am sorry,” she whimpered. “I did not mean to sound so cruel or ungrateful; I know that you saved me and have only tried to help. It is just hard. I do not know if I can stay here like this while my family struggles, but I do not mean to throw away your generosity.”
“I understand,” Nix echoed. “But I told you already that you need a few days. You need to rest, eat, heal, yes? You are just too pamaite – too stubborn – to listen. If your desperation lingers, we will discuss it then, yes?”
“Okay,” Marlow agreed. At the moment, she was just desperate not to be cast out on her own. At least Nix was safe.
“Come then, let us get you settled. Perhaps when hunger and exhaustion have been sated, we can show you that there are many wonders that come with being a mer, yes?”
Marlow was not so certain there were many wonders that she would discover about being this way, but she kept the opinion to herself as she followed Nix deeper into the cave. There were many other Mer, but thankfully they mostly seemed preoccupied, settling themselves back in as well. She was not sure how to interact with them. The ones who had been out in the water with her had all been quick to leave. She was not sure how to interact with these creatures. It made her nervous. She knew that they were not animals the same way that chickens or horses or bears were, but she also knew that even people behaved like animals when they were mad. She was not sure where to place the mer, but there were so many behavioral cues and warnings when dealing with animals and with people, and Marlow felt wildly out of place.
It did not help that Nix placed two fingers between her lips and whistled so shrilly that they instantly became the center of attention. Marlow shrunk back. “What are you doing?”
“Proving a point,” Nix replied.
A weight dropped onto Marlow’s back and hands grabbed at the lower of the two dorsal fins down her tail. She jumped and squeaked with surprise before twisting around to see who had grabbed her. A young boy was hovering in the water with a cheeky grin and twinkling dark brown eyes. He had skin whiter than milk and a rather short, thick tail with a wide, flat fin. His grin widened and he waggled his fingers at her.
“Are you new?”
Marlow swallowed the lump in her throat and tried to settle herself down from being spooked. “Uh-huh,” she managed finally.
“Who are you, then?” The boy demanded. He put his hands on his hips, flicked his tail, and cocked his head to one side as he peered at her.
“My name is Marlow…What is your name?”
“Axen.” The boy puffed up his chest and beat it with a closed fist as he introduced himself. Then he twisted and swam under, and then over Marlow. “I like your tail.”
“Oh, umm…thank you,” Marlow offered.
“You have two dorsal fins, that is neat. Will you tow me around?” Axen requested. He wrapped his arms around the dorsal on Marlow’s back. His tail slapped against hers and his laughter was soft and airy as he hugged her eagerly.
Before Marlow could come up with an answer, Nix reached back and plucked the boy off her back. “Not right now, Axen. Marlow needs to get some rest. Maybe later on, okay?”
“Aww, but Nix, please?” Axen whined. “Why did you call me over if you did not intend to play?”
Nix clucked her tongue. “You little picurlaun, because you can be polite and welcoming, and say ‘hello’,” she scolded. “Now get back to Precanna before she worries over you.”
Axen sagged in the water. “I just want to play. It is so lonely by myself, I am bored!”
The way his entire posture sunk and his face fell made Marlow’s heart squeeze. She had three younger siblings – two brothers and a sister – and in that moment, Axen reminded her so much of Bennie that she lurched forward and grabbed the young Mer.
He squeaked with surprise as she dragged him into an embrace and squeezed him against her chest. His silvery hair tickled at her nose and cheeks as he squirmed and fussed in her grasp. “Hey, let me go!” He complained. “I am not a baby, do not need to be held.”
But Marlow merely shook her head and squeezed him more tightly. She loved her siblings, but oftentimes she would find herself annoyed with them – in a loving sort of way – as they disrupted her chores and neglected their own, but she had never imagined she would miss them all this much. “I will play with you after,” she vowed. “You can teach me some good games, okay?”
He wriggled some more, so Marlow reluctantly released him. The young boy shot away from her with a huff and put his hands on his hips. “Okay, fine,” he agreed as he stuck his tongue out. “But no more squeezing me!”
Marlow dipped her head but her heart felt lighter and her smile was wide. Axen truly did remind her of Bennie, with boundless energy and a distaste for being coddled. Despite that, her younger brother could also never tolerate being left out if she hugged or played with any of her other siblings. She bit the inside of her cheek so that she would not start to cry again. “Alright,” she agreed.
“Later then,” Axen agreed. He waggled his fingers at them and then took off across the cavern.
Marlow stared off after the young boy until Nix broke her from her reverie by taking her hand once more. She turned to look at Nix and found the mer had a soft, almost smug smile and her eyes were shining.
Marlow flushed and shrugged. “How did you know?”
Nix inclined her head towards Marlow and her smile widened. “A lucky guess, really,” she admitted. It confirmed Marlow’s assumption that the mer had called Axen specifically over on purpose. She tugged on Marlow’s hand and began leading her up higher off the floor of the cavern. “You have mentioned your family many times, but you do not strike me as the youngest child.”
“I am not,” Marlow agreed. Then she frowned. “But Axen, he was not part of the…”
“No. No, Axen was born into our pod seven season shifts ago. That was when our last breeding cycle came around.”
Marlow sighed with relief. She could not imagine such a small boy being thrown overboard into frigid waters that he believed were filled with monsters. Guilt surged in Marlow’s gut as she remembered that just this morning, she had wholeheartedly believed that the mer were monsters, and they had proved since that to be anything but.
As Nix steered her into an alcove hollowed out in the wall, Marlow glanced around. It was easy to see now that this cave had several of these ledges and alcoves, as well as branching tunnels. She could see why it made an ideal home. Nix led her down to the floor, which had been lined with sand and large clumps of blue-green moss that was glowing faintly. Marlow pushed her fingers into it before shifting around. She was not used to having a tail – which did not move the way she was used to with her legs – and getting it to curl up enough that she could sit down more comfortably was a hassle that made her gut squeeze again. It did not help that she could not just stretch the limb out without crushing the dorsal further down the tail.
Nix laid a hand on the orange limb and hummed in the back of her throat. “I know it is a big adjustment, Marlow. I know you are scared and you feel alone. But you are not. You were alone on that ship, isolated from your captors who wished to kill you, condemn you to a terrible fate, to save their own skins for another few moons. But that is not how it is here. We are a family. Our pod looks out for one another. You will come to understand. I only hope you are willing to give us a chance.”
Marlow gulped. “But Nix, I-”
Nix shushed her and pressed a finger to Marlow’s lips. “I know. I merely wish to convey that you have a home and acceptance here. I will try to help you, Marlow, but I fear you are going to discover that there is no future in the direction you seek. But no matter what, you are not alone anymore, nor will you be ever again.”
Marlow chewed on her lip, then winced when the sharp fangs in her jaw punctured through the skin. She brought a hand to her mouth as a few tiny wisps of blood floated up in the water, while the taste coated her tongue. “I-” she broke off again when Nix began to shake her head.
“Sanqegg, be at peace, Marlow. You do not need to explain yourself or have an answer. Sometimes all you need is to know that you are wanted. We do not expect it in return. Now lie down. You need to rest and then I imagine your hunger will be great. I am going to leave you now. Our pod will disperse small hunting parties to bring back food and I am going to join one. I will not be gone long. Stay here and rest, and if you need anything before I have returned, there will be others remaining here. You have nothing to fear here, Marlow, so do not be afraid to approach. But do not leave the cave, okay? You promise me?”
Marlow shook her head and tightened her grasp on Nix’s hand. She had accepted she would be here at least a couple of days and Nix and Axen both had done a lot to assuage some of her fears about the Mer, but she was not certain she was ready to be left alone. “You are leaving? Please stay…I…”
Nix clucked her tongue. She pressed down on Marlow’s shoulder. The pressure stung on the bite wound there and forced Marlow to recline on her side with a wince. “Sanqegg,” Nix reiterated. “It is alright to be scared, but you will be fine.”
“Let me come with you, then,” Marlow decided.
She tried to sit back up, but Nix merely pushed her back down. “No, you will stay here and rest. I am your ataliumasta and you will not venture out without me. Not until you are capable of doing so. Akqe, Marlow. Promise me.”
“Okay,” Marlow relented. “I promise. I would not have tried anyway.”
“Good,” Nix affirmed. She ran her fingers through Marlow’s hair a few times and then her other hand slipped free from between Marlow’s fingers. She rested it on the larger dorsal on Marlow’s back and rubbed her thumb over it in steady circles. Despite how foreign the sensation was, it also felt strangely nice and Marlow sagged beneath the attention. “Rest now.”
Marlow’s jaws split in a wide yawn, but by the time she had closed her mouth once more, Nix was no longer by her side. She shifted awkwardly on the moss and sighed. Despite Nix’s earlier words, Marlow felt lonelier than ever this far underwater, leagues away from her family and everything she knew.
But at least the moss was soft and the alcove strangely warm despite how chilly it had been just outside the cave, and now that she was lying down, her exhaustion was dragging her down hard. She yawned again and curled her fingers into fists in the plush carpet before closing her eyes. Maybe if she was lucky, she would wake to find it had all been a really strange, terrifying dream.
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