《A Familiar Cat》Chapter 34: Sidetracked


Artman and Maven were enjoying the balcony view, from the comfort of their bed.

"Mmmhh, Brother Artman Wolfram. It feels so right to say." Maven said slowly. They had spent the night celebrating Artman's return to the Order for almost a week. The Brothers were all excited to hear of Artman's theories and witness his construct in action.

There was even talk of the rare patronage from wealthy men in the city. Magic and Art may cross at times, but there were rarely any magic patrons outside the Brigade and it's Generals.

But Artman's work had caught their fickle attention.

"Yes Maven, It does. Though I am merely restored to an acolyte, not a Brother Yet " Artman replied, stroking her long hair, splayed out over the blankets

Maven purred at his touch and turned over under the blankets, letting the sun caress her back."Does it really matter? You can now fulfil all those wonderful little promises you made me." she said, planting a kiss on Artman's cheek.

"If by little you mean-" Artman didn't get to finish, a knock at the door interrupted their tender moment.

"By all that's holy or Infernal, If it's Belisarius again, rambling about his Langarus Configuration, I'll flay him alive and piss down his eyeholes."Artman muttered as he climbed out of bed while Maven gave a, somewhat bemused expression before shifting to make herself presentable.

Artman opened the door and found Father Brion Waiting for him, holding a red lacquer box

"Ah, Father, what a surprise. Please come in. I wasn't expecting you. "

"Artman, Who is it!?" Maven called out from the bedroom.

"It's Father Brion. Please come in Father, I'll get some breakfast made for us- Maven we have a visitor!" Artman was talking out of both sides of his mouth. Father Brion waved him off/

"I won't be here long, I'm just here to give you this." He held the box in front of him and pushed it towards Artman. The young mans eyes widened when he saw it.

"Is that?"

Father Brion opened the box to reveal it's soft black velvet interior, cradling a small geometric object, a wooden frame of twelve sides with several hinged panels of silver pewter. The object was the size of Artman's open hand. Each of the panels were open, like a peacock flaring its plumage.

"It is, young Artman. And it is yours. This, this is the next stage of your education. The Mage Shape is a powerful tool within the Order. And though you have only recently returned to the fold. You hold great promise, and so I am honored to present you with this, as a gift." The older scholar patted the box lid gently before closing it.


Maven entered, wearing a plain gray dress and white blouse "Oh, Father Brion. How nice of you to visit."

The Wizard gave a slight bow. "Ah, Miss Maven, a pleasure to see you again. I was merely delivering a present for Young Artman"

Maven gave a polite smile " Why thank you Good Father."

The old man scoffed "You'll need it. If I understand correctly, I hear a Patron is interested in Young Wolfram's work. Rumors are certain that either Madam Steinbock or Duke Wellington are the interested parties. But it could just be the Guilds covering their bases like they always do."

Artman was holding the box like a dear friend in his arms, Mavens faced crossed in a look of surprise.

"Madame Steinbock, Duke Wellington? Oh my." She felt her heart flutter a moment as she began thinking of a very large stack of coins and satin dressed halls.

Father Brion gave a smile. "Well, I now must take my leave. I wish you luck in your new project, Artman. This is where the fun begins. I will see you soon. There is a meeting on Fifth day. You will join me and a few others beforehand for brunch, I hope?

"Oh of course, Father, I wouldn't want it to be said I spent my first weeks as a true magician getting drunk and sleeping in all day. Besides, I have some items to discuss as well. Maybe your friends can help me with. I'm still trying to puzzle out how to extend the range on the mechanism. Limits of magic and that."

Father Brion chuckled as he stepped towards the door. "I'm sure you will find the solution soon. You are a brilliant young man and a determined one at that." He stepped out of the doorway and made his goodbyes. As the door closed, Artman slumped into a chair and turned to gaze at the gift he'd received.

Maven looked curiously at Artman "Why the face, this is all good things."

"Yes it is, but-" he paused "It's all happening so fast. I can hardly take it in. Father Brion, I know he's trying to help, but first the Mage Shape and now-" his voice trailed off.

"Mage Shape?" she asked, head cocking to the side a bit.

Artman opened the box with great reverence, displaying the bizarre metal geodesic item inside. Like a ball of metal clams with their shells open,


"I've never seen that before, is it like-" she started but Artman waved his hands to dismiss any notions about to appear.

"No, it's not like anything you or I have used before. I've only ever seen one of these things let alone get to use one. And I'll bet you've never even heard of a Mage Shape before today."

"So, what is it?" she asked , leaning in to get a better look at the strange object.

Artman had an excited breath leave him as he gingerly reached out to pick up the item. "It's, like a Clarinet, or maybe an Organ. But for Pneuma instead of air."

She tried to touch it only for Artman to shoulder her away for a second, She gave a cross look and he sheepishly turned to let her see it better.

"It sure doesn't look like any instrument I've ever seen. Are you sure that's how it works because-"

Artman was waving his hands again, or just the one while he held onto the precious item. "Pneuma doesn't exactly work that way. You see, this device is actually a dam, or more or less. Pneuma can't get through these little doors here, called gates or locks."

He motion to one of the small metal panels extending away from the main body, pushing on it with his finger to show it could close and open again.

" The trick is which gates and which passages to open. Doing that makes it, oh what's the word, uh, Tuneable. I guess that will do. It makes the whole thing more like the pipes on an organ, or the holes on a flute. Covering the holes changes the notes, makes the Pneuma curl on itself in unique patterns, much like the carvings I use when making the Wooden man."

"So, it makes music out of Pneuma. How nice." Maven commented dryly.

Artman shot her a scathing glance at that moment. "bite your tongue, No. Well, it could. But that would need a dedicated circuit to make anything more than a squawking sound."

"than, what is it?" she asked. Artman took a sigh and tried to smile.

"Well, By itself, Pneuma actually isn't that impressive. You push things around and can sometimes light candles or smother them. It's when it's gathered up and curls in on it's self that interesting things happen. Like air through a Horn to play notes or water rushing over rocks to make rapids."

Maven walked around the table, moving the box to the side "So, all wizards are musicians, eh? how come you never play me a song?"

Artman gave a chuckle."You wouldn't want to hear me play. I'm terrible with a violin." Maven laughed with him for a moment before continuing.

"So, you mentioned its works like an instrument, alright, then what is giving life to our wooden man?"

Artman smiled. "That, I suppose, would be the Sheet music." Maven cocked her head slightly. "Sheet music?" Artman nodded."Written notes that following a rhyme or rhythm, The Pneuma plays them. I write the notes into something, wood or metal, doesn't really matter actually, And push my Pneuma through-"

"And it follows the notes to make the charm work, oh that's wonderful." Maven finished, her face shining with the excitement of understanding.

"So when Father Brion gave you this, it means that you've graduated from merely reading the notes and writing them."

"To being able to play them myself, yes. It's a sign of great trust in me, not only because I'll be able to make a spell whenever I wish, where ever I wish. I'm the student being given the chance to play for an audience instead of merely practicing in a locked room, where no one can hear my mistakes."

Maven suppressed a laugh as Artman put the Mage Shape back in it's box and closed the lid.

"So, breakfast?" he asked, "Oh yes, please, I'm starved" she replied. Artman smiled and flipped open the control device for the simulacra, ordering it to walk into the room without its signature illusion running.

"Oh, lord not again." Maven grumbled, as Artman maneuvered the Wooden man towards the stove and turned to ask her a disastrous question.

"How would like your eggs my dear?"

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