《Number 7》Chapter Number 37: Perfect


"It is through progress that we rose above the beasts of the world... and it is through progress that we will drive ourselves into the ground below such creatures. This... is the statement of a fool who knew nothing of the true power of humanity."

Looking into the crowd with a confident grin, the golden eyes of the man known as Victor seemed to sparkle with life as he spoke.

"Alfred Steiner, the man who stumbled upon the research which would soon lead to the development of the atom bomb, immediately regretted his own discovery out of FEAR that it would destroy the human race. And looking back on his actions... I can only say that he was a FAILURE as a scientist."

Speaking with fervor, the man slandered another who had come before him without reserve as irritation filled his expression.

"As a scientist, the existence of one of us who would not support the progress of humanity is nothing more than ludicrous. However we will not fall into such a trap of cowardice. We will fearlessly trudge forward into the unknown waters, taking on any and all challenges head on. And this includes... the development of weaponry."

His smile returning to his expression, the man noticed the people of the crowd who were engrossed in his speech and continued.

"This man went on to preach of the dangers of his own research and went so far as to claim that the atom bomb would be a weapon so great that it would wipe out humanity. However as we look back on such statements... we know that such a position is LAUGHABLE."

It was then that the crowd burst out into haughty laughter, mocking the very danger which such a weapon could possibly pose.


"As if such a weapon could pose any real threat to our elevated existence!!"

"Perhaps the man who invented the spear thought the same thing?"


With jeers and ridicule, the people collectively laughed at the very premise that such an outdated piece of technology ever posed such a threat.

"However... as we all know... the nuclear bomb which was once rumored to be insurpassable as a weapon soon became something which could be countered. Just as all great weapons have weaknesses, so too did this weapon. However the true weakness of this weapon... was it's apparent invincibility."

Thinning his eyes, the man spoke with a grim tone as the crowd looked to him with expectation.

"It was exactly because we feared this weapon so much that every nation of Clarica put forth every effort to completely nullify its purpose. And thus, the weapon which was once viewed as the most powerful piece of technology to ever exist fell into a category of economic inefficiency. Every City in the world was equipped with an anti-nuclear defense system, and due to the ease with which these weapons were countered, it became more costly to produce one than the amount of use it would ever gain. And thus... the era of nuclear weapons came to an end."

Many in the crowd nodded as if the words of the man were common knowledge.

"Yet this led to an era of more... standard warfare. Another era of armies and tanks, planes and battleships - all of these outdated relics once more held meaning on the battlefield. Yet as a researcher... it was my duty to search for the next ultimate weapon. One which would truly allow the Empire to gain the absolute advantage over its enemies. And after years of research... I am exrtremely glad to say that I am able to present to you a weapon which far surpasses a mere nuclear bomb. And all it took was for me to realize one simple thing."


Clicking the remote, the powerpoint flipped to the next slide which showed a diagram of the human body.

Detailed with all forms of organs and systems, the man held out his hands with grandeur as he presented the image to the crowd.

"What is the most powerful weapon in existence - even more powerful than a nuclear bomb? What was it that stopped nuclear weapons from taking hold of the entire world, and will always work tirelessly to improve further no matter the age? It is quite simple, my good people. THE HUMAN MIND."

Turning around, the man began to walk off the stage as his back faced the crowd.

"Therefore... I would like to present to all of you... the new era of modern warfare. What would happen if a person with intelligent decision making were to gain offensive and military capabilities which are equivalent to even those of a nuclear explosive?"

Closing his eyes with a light chuckle, the man slowly walked to the back of the stage as his voice trickled off into a whisper.

"That person would become a human calamity. Therefore, I encourage you to await in eager anticipation as I proceed with the Human Calamity Project."


"My... quite the exceptional presentation that was, Doctor. I find it... most intriguing."

A fox-like woman wearing a navy blue military uniform with a similarly colored military cap stood smiling before Victor as the two both sipped on glasses of wine following his presentation.

"Oh... is that so? Do tell. As a fellow Division Commander, I would certainly like to establish a partnership with the navy if possible."

The woman had long hair which was colored somewhere between black and brown, and her sharp hazel eyes seemed to gaze straight through the man as she flashed him a seductive smile.

"I think personally that such a thing is exactly what we need on the battlefield. I have seen excellent soldiers lose their lives time and time again due to the limitations of the human body. If our minds are honed and trained, we as humans can exceed all other lifeforms, however it is the body which limits us. This is why we spend so much time improving our technology. Tanks, ships, missiles, planes, all of these things are merely substitutes for our weak bodies. But what if a human body were to be improved to replace all of these things? Just imagining this is enough for me to take an interest in your research."

Leaning in closer, the woman grazed her hand across the cheek of the man, who froze as she whispered into his ear.

"When you've finalized a usable product, you'll inform me before anyone else... right?"

With a sly grin, Victor took the woman's hand from his face as he gently lowered it to its previous position.

"I believe that we can come to some sort of... understanding."

"Is that so?"

Turning around, the woman walked off in a confident manner, placing one hand on her hip as she glanced back.

"Ah... but you should be very careful, Doctor. I'm sure there are many hounds who would also like to get their hands on such quality products. And based on how much such a thing would be worth... I can only assume that their numbers are excessively limited. Even among your own men... I would not trust anyone."

"Such worries are unnecessary."

The man responded to the statement of the woman with confidence, stopping her in her tracks as she turned around to face him.


"What ever could you mean by that?", she said with an inquisitive smirk.

"Ah... well, I suppose I will give you a bit of inside information. This is just between you and me, but the subjects have been... specially trained. To put things simply... they will never even consider following an order which I did not give them."

"Hahaha... is that so? That makes this entire project all the more intriguing. I suppose I shouldn't get on your bad side?"

"It would be a great mistake to do so."

The two smiled as they had this interaction, speaking with friendly expressions as they discussed such things.

Closing her eyes as she turned away once more, the woman nodded as her beautiful hair swayed by her side.

"Very well. Then I will ensure not to do so. I hope to meet with you again soon, Doctor."

"And I as well... Madame Admiral."


'Ah... ah ah ah...'

Running his hands through his hair, Victor walked through the hallways of a luxurious mansion.

The moon was high in the sky, and it's light was the only source of illumination in these otherwise darkened hallways.

'Hahaha... they are all so gullible. Ah... how much longer until they're ready? How many more experiments do I need to perform before I can form the perfect batch?'

Stopping in his tracks as he made his way through the extravagant halls, the man's sinister smile soon became a clenched grimace.

'Never... never never never NEVER NEVER NEVER!!!'

The man ran his hands furiously through his hair as his eyes were filled with veins, a furious expression of madness exposing itself.

'Why... are they never perfect?'

'Why... are there always FLAWS to be worked out?'

'Why... do those creatures continue to disappoint me?'

The man began to tremble as he ravaged his mind, however in the next instant he stood up with a grin, fixing his hair with the brush of the very hands which had disturbed it.

'No... no... I must be patient. Progress is not something which can happen in a single day, or even a year or two or ten. It is something which takes a lifetime of effort to perfect. However... We are close. I am close. Ever so close, I continue to inch towards the final product. Yet I need... more. What more could I need? What else could I do to make them.... invincible?'

Placing his hand to his chin in thought, the man began to whisper to himself out loud as he walked down the hallway, approaching a large set of doors on the end.

"If I were to introduce that.... then would such a thing allow for that? No, but what if that were to require a catalyst? But what could be used for such a thing?'

As the man mumbled to himself, he approached a pair of maids who stood on either side of the large set of doors.

They stood with their hands folded and eyes closed, not even so much as daring to breathe without permission.

The first had hair which was pitch black, and the other had hair which was as white as bleach. They both had a single ponytail which was draped over their shoulder, and at first glance the two appeared to be exact mirrors of one another.

Even their outfits were inverted from one another, the black haired one wearing a white outfit with black garments, and the white haired one wearing a normal black dress with white garments.

"Welcome home, Master Lichtenburg."

The two spoke in perfect unison as if it were a practiced maneuver, not so much as blinking an eye as they made this robotic statement.

Yet even as the two said this, the man merely walked through the two without response, as if they did not even exist.

Quickly, they each opened one door for him as he walked through, overcome by thought.

"If I were to do that.... ah."

Stopping as he was halfway to the doors, the man turned to the girl on his right.

Walking over to the girl, he stood before her as he gazed up and down the maid who didn't so much as move a muscle.

Then, placing his finger on her cheek, the man slid it across in the same way that someone would search for dust on a windowsill.

Scraping off a light layer of powder, the man glared at his own finger with disgust as he clenched his teeth.

"Chi. What do you think this is?"

"It is makeup, Master Lichtenburg. You stated previously that my face was imperfect, and thus I applied a solution to make it appear more perfect."


The statement of this girl was met with the brutal clapping sound of skin making contact with skin, and the woman's face was thrown to the side due to the force of the slap.

Immediately returning her now reddened face to it's previous position, the girl kept her eyes closed as she spoke without emotion.

"Have I done something to displease you, Master Lichtenburg?"

"Have you done something to displease me?"

Placing his hand on the chin of the girl, the man glared at her with his golden eyes as he smiled.

"Yes.... yes, you have. Yes, absolutely. You indeed have done something to displease me."

The man's speech became fragmented as he spoke in a pretentious manner that was tinted with madness.

"Chi. Let me ask you this. Who told you to apply such a product as the solution to your DEFICIENCY in appearance?"

"I was not told specifically to use this product as a solution."

"Then you are telling me that without my specific and exact orders, you decided to make such a decision on your own?"

"I... did, Master Lichtenburg. I thought that it would please you-"

As the maid spoke the man grabbed her black hair, lifting the girl up with strength that was beyond human.

"Did you not realize that the only ones who are to make their own decisions... are humans?"

"I... forgive me."

Even as the girl was raised into the air, dangling from the hand of the man in such a manner, she still spoke with professionalism and there was not a single shred of pain or emotion in her voice.

The man then dropped the girl to the ground as she landed with a thud, to which she quickly recuperated, standing up once more.

"Let me ask you this, Chi. The fact that you made a decision on your own would imply that you were somehow... attempting to act like a human would. You were trying to mimic our intelligence, our problem solving, our ability to find solutions without assistance. Yet if a mere object were to attempt to mimic such things... then do you not think that it would undermine the VALUE of humanity?"

Slowly, the man moved his hand to the throat of the girl as he gripped it, bringing his lips close to her ear.

Without so much as a flinch, the girl kept her eyes closed as he spoke.

"You are an object. My property. And as my property... it is your DUTY to do exactly as I say, when I say, how I say, and nothing except for what I say."

Gripping her throat as he began to choke the girl, the man glared at her with a single eye, looking at her with a combination of disgust and pleasure.

"Do you not understand such a thing?"

"I... was wrong to offend you in such a manner. I will do my best from this point on-"

"From this point on. From this point on. From this point on. How many times have you said that exact line? When will you actually START to do better?"

"Forgive me for my incompetence, Maste-"

"Incompetence. That is exactly what describes you."

Even as the man tightened his chokehold on the girl, she continued speaking to him with respect and professionalism, yet without even so much as recognizing her as human he cut her off with every statement she made.

"Do you understand how much I have given to you? Do you understand where you would be if it were not for myself?"

"I understand perfectly, and am excessively grateful for everything you have done for me and my sister."

"Then why... Do you continue to disrespect me in such a manner?"

The man spoke with complete disdain, at which the girl took in a deep raspy breath, barely able to get the air in due to the chokehold in which she was being held.

"It is... as you said. It is because of my own incompetence."

"Are you certain of that? Are you certain that it is not rather that you somehow have gotten the idea into your head that you are a HUMAN?"

"No, absolutely not. Without a doubt, I am merely an object for your use. I would never even so much as entertain such ridiculous thoughts."

The girl made this statement without hesitation, immediately responding without wavering.

As if it had been instilled into her very core.

"I see."

Letting go of the girl's throat, the man dusted off his lab coat as he nodded.

"I see.", he repeated.

Glancing to the side, the man eyeballed the white haired girl.

And as he glanced at the girl, he witnessed it.

Just as the other, this girl was standing perfectly still with her hands folded and her eyes closed.

She controlled her breathing perfectly, and not a single flaw could be made out.

Except for one, single tear.

It slowly fell down the side of her face, yet the woman did nothing to wipe it or even so much as make a movement.

Walking over to the girl with his hands folded, the man glanced directly into the closed eyes of the girl as she stood motionless.

With his left pointer finger this time, he slowly slid it up the cheek of the girl, drawing the line of the tear.

Then, placing it into his mouth, he tasted the saltiness of the liquid.

"Shay. What is this?"

"I... f-forgive me, Master. I... I had no intention to-"

"Did you just ignore my question?"

Unlike the other, this girl spoke with evident fear in her tone.

Despite their appearances being almost complete mirrors of one another, the girl who was now questioned spoke in such a different manner that it was clear as day that they were not merely copies of one another.

Shutting her mouth, the girl was unsure as to how she should even respond.

"And now you stay silent. Should I take that as... refusal to answer to me? Shay. Do you even consider yourself to be my property?"

"Of course.... of course I do."

"Then answer me. What is the liquid which has draped down your cheek?"

"It is... a tear... Master Lichtenburg."

"A tear. A tear. Yes, based on the taste and the location of origin, that is exactly what it is. I completely agree. However there is something which concerns me. Do you know what I speak of?"

"Only... humans have emotions."

"Ah. So you do understand, don't you? Only humans have emotions. There is no such thing as an object which can cry or feel pain. Why then... are you trying to act as if you have such emotions?"

"I... I... I..."

"Ah ah ah... and now you have become a record on repeat. Truly... an unfixable object. Like a program which has been given an unknown command... you have become utterly USELESS."

Grabbing the ponytail of the girl, the man whipped her head forward as she fell to the ground before him.

Placing his foot on the head of the girl, he spoke with arrogance as he looked down upon her with a nauseated expression.

"Do you understand what happens to an object when it no longer holds use?"

It was at that moment that the man heard a thud from behind him.

Turning back, the man witnessed the black haired maid, who was kneeling on the ground before him with respect.

"Master Lichtenburg... please... I beg you to follow the agreement which we have made."

"Ah... ah ah ah... how irritating."

Holding his hand to his forehead, the man removed his foot from the back of the head of the white haired girl.

"To think that you would have the GALL to speak up to me, a human, in such a disrespectful manner. However... very well. I will respect our agreement. However I am starting to wonder if such a deal is creating... ripples."

Grabbing the girl known as Chi by the hair, the man slammed her head into the wall, causing blood to spray itself across it.

"I am starting to believe that because you are taking all of the punishment which I should be implementing onto Shay... that she is starting to become more and more disobedient. Therefore... I am considering rescinding such a deal. After all... why should I have to follow the pact which I made with my own property?"

"I beg of you... please... keep our deal. I will do anything... I will become perfect for your sake... please... just do not hit my sister."

Even as she was bloodied with the abuse, the girl continued to speak in a respectful manner towards the man.

Standing up, the man glared down at the girl with clear disgust, yet holding his hand to his forehead he turned away.

"I am beginning to have a migraine. Enough of this. Both of you. Come tend to me."

The two then stood up, immediately jolting to attention despite the injury which they had endured.

Closing their eyes and bowing with respect, the two obeyed the man without question.

"Of course, Master Lichtenburg."

“But do not forget one thing, Chi.”

Stopping in his tracks, the man looked upon the two women as he turned around, veins filling his otherwise golden eyes.

“One such as yourself could never possibly hope to become perfect.”

With this statement, the man turned forward once more, at which the maid merely bowed her head in remorse - although her emotionless expression was not one which appeared to be capable of regret.

“Of course, Master Lichtenburg.”

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