《Number 7》Chapter Number 33: The Reading of Hearts


"In order for one to do EVERYTHING wrong, you must first know how to do everything RIGHT."

"Ah... it looks like you caught me."

Not backing down for a moment, Stella spoke in an unhalting tone.

Without batting a single eye, she admitted her own defeat - a defeat which was unthinkable to an instructor.

"I would ask why... however, I am a historian. Historians do not have the luxury of being able to go back in time and ask various figures why they would do the things they did. Rather, we have to use our own heads. We must take all factors into consideration, researching and studying possibilities before coming to our own conclusions as to why such events may have played out in the way they did."

"You are quite wordy, aren't you? So basically... you want to guess?"


The man grinned as he sat across from the girl, glaring at her with excitement.


Putting his hand to his chin, the man's hair fell as he tilted his head in thought.

"You purposely failed your exam, despite the fact that you carried such grand expertise - and you did so in a way that would make it obviously strange that you could have possibly failed in such a spectacular manner. It could be out of spite for either myself, as your teacher, or perhaps out of spite for your parents who may be holding you to extreme expectations... however I don't feel that you are angered in the slightest bit. Therefore... I would say instead that you did this to please someone?"

"Haha... why would you think that?"

"Did you do this to impress me?"

The man cut straight to the chase, and as he spoke these words a silence filled the room.

Stella averted her eyes, discomfort coming over her expression for a moment, however in that next moment she soon overcame this, looking to the man with a smile.


"Do you wish for me to teach you more?"

"I... would like that."

As the man spoke, Stella felt a shift in the mood.

With this single preposition, her confidence began to fade as uncertainty began to creep into her heart.

'Is this... really what I should be doing?'

"Then... would you like to meet me after school for extra lessons?"

"That... would be fine."

'Why am I doing this?'



'For what?'

'Why... am I so jealous?'

"Very well. I will be quite busy with a number of other students... however I don't wish to deny you the opportunity to meet with me. Would you be able to come a bit later than the others? Would your parents take issue with studying between 8 and 9 PM?"

"My parents... won't mind."

"I see."

'Am I really... doing this?'

As the man spoke to her, Stella did not know why - yet she felt a strange feeling as her intuition told her that something was off.


"I'll... see you tomorrow then."

Standing up quickly, Stella found herself rushing out the door.

"Of course."

As the man said this, she felt a chill down her spine.

With those two words, Stella felt that the man carried an underlying tone.

A message within them, which he did not speak - yet one which clearly came across to her.

'I will be seeing you tomorrow. Whether you like it or not.'


Stella found herself studying with the man day by day for over a week.


Each and every day she would show up from 8 PM to 9 PM, studying and discussing history before she left late at night.

It became a routine for her.

Stella could not say that she didn't enjoy the sessions. They were interesting, and she learned much from them - though the majority of the things she learned were all regarding the topics which Mr. Pertan enjoyed the most.

Yet even though she enjoyed these study sessions, Stella knew.

'I... can't escape them.'

It was nothing more than a feeling, yet it was something she was absolutely certain of.

'If I try to escape... I won't be able to.'

However on one day in particular, Stella found herself studying by the side of her instructor, preparing to leave for the night.


"Y... yes?"

Replying with a timid smile, the girl turned to the man, who grinned as he motioned for her to sit back down.

"I have been preparing you... for quite some time now. I would like you to enter... a special class of mine."

"Eh? What... What do you mean by that?"

Looking to the man with confusion, Stella wondered what he could possibly be speaking of, yet the man continued as he folded his muscular hands.

"After school, I tend to the other students who enjoy learning about my ideals, and the history lessons which I like to teach. I would like you to join the others, rather than coming here every day so late."


Stella did not feel that she had a choice in the matter.

The man spoke with complete and utter confidence, not allowing no for an answer.

Though his words were spoken as a request, Stella knew that this was a demand.

"I see. Then... I will do so."

With a grin, the man smiled greatly.

"Then... come with me."


Standing up, the man walked past Stella, grabbing her hand as he walked.


As Stella spoke out upon having her hand grabbed, the man turned around with a horrid smile.

"Did you say something... my student?"

"Er... n-no..."

Averting her eyes, Stella allowed the man to pull her forward.

"Rebelliousness is the sign of false morality. Those who rebel may act as if they are doing what is right, yet it is only because they like to dress up their wrongdoings as correct... so that they can deceive the people around them. Who am I referring to?"

"The story... of Kyle Ruthobold... the false hero."

"Exactly. Very good, Stella."

Dragged along, the girl and the man walked towards the outside of the teachers lounge, however it was at that moment that something happened.

A flash of light which took the form of an electric bolt sparked throughout the office, connecting each and every electronic and light fixture.

And among these connections, the minds of the two people were hit by this electric impulse.



Drowsiness began to overtake the girl, and as she felt the grip on her hand loosen, a single thought enveloped her mind.

'Why... was I being so unreasonable?'

As she fell to the ground alongside the man who stood next to her, the girl closed her eyes as darkness enveloped her sight.

[Why... indeed. I will never be able to comprehend the mind of a human.]

[Goodnight... my foolish daughter.]



Closing her eyes, Sylvia felt a number of veins burst in her forehead as she spoke.

"Pfft... pfft... eck!!"

Spitting out blood, flesh, and even fingernail bits, Sylvia found herself disgusted as she opened her eyes.


"Why the hell did you eat his fingers like that!?!?! WHAT IS WITH YOU AND EATING FINGERS!?!?!"

The woman was sitting atop a throne of heads with a young girl by her side, crossing her legs in a dominating manner as she spat the remains of the man from her mouth.


"Sylvia. You seem to have changed a bit. Has Number One impacted you?"

"Hm? What could you mean by that?"

"Well, the fact that you are sitting on a pile of heads would be the first indicator."


The man in a suit who said this was Marcus, and he stood before Sylvia with a crooked smile.

The woman jumped down, landing lightly as she motioned for the child who sat next to her to come beside her.

"Well... it would seem that the man has finally died. Though... perhaps it would be better if he were left here to starve?"

"To say such things... well... I suppose that man did do some truly horrible things. Therefore... I have nothing to say about his demise aside from the fact that if anyone deserved to die such a gruesome death... it was him."

Looking around him, Marcus took in the sad sight of this horrible place.

Bodies were everywhere, lining the walls.

The physical mutilation which these bodies had endured made even the rotten figures of the zombies look like they were flawless.

"Truly... this man was a monster.", he murmured.

And then, he smiled.

"And that is why it is fitting... that it would take a monster to destroy him."

Walking out of the building, Marcus said nothing more.

He merely walked, and the other two inside that room followed him quietly without a word.

For no more words could be said about the events which had occurred.

Having experienced the memories of the man known as Larry Pertan, Sylvia was filled with an emotion which she could never even begin to describe.

It was something much greater than mere hatred.


The fact that such a man could exist, that such a blatant hypocrite could act so differently in his personal and public life, and that a psychopath such as him could hold so much influence on society - it was enough to turn her stomach.

To Marcus, who had witnessed the results of this, he too was appalled.

[Do you see, Marcus?]

'Do I... see? What am I supposed to see here? Death? Destruction? Chaos? Murder? Slaughter? Abuse? Of course I see these things. They are clear as day, right before my eyes. How could I NOT see them?'

[Do you see... what kind of MONSTERS human society creates?]

'Monsters... like you? Like that man? What does that word even mean?'

[That man became who he was through his own demented desire for pleasure. And that which he derived pleasure out of was something which was beyond disturbing. Yet you will soon enough see that he is not the only one. Humans... despite their overwhelming focus on heroism and morality... are rooted in wickedness. And it is this very wickedness which strives in society. Whether you realize it... or not.]

[It is true that I destroyed the human world out of hatred, Marcus.]

[But it was out of hatred for the horrible things... which I saw.]

[You too will soon enough see how horrible humans can be.]

'You speak too much.'

Arguing back weakly inside his mind, Marcus spoke to Number Seven with irritation.

He wanted to defend humanity.

He wanted to tell the monster inside him that such a man was a one in a million villain - someone whose existence could never be so common as the creature implied.

Yet Marcus could not bring himself to say such a thing.

[You haven't answered me... because you know I am right.]

[Even the very people you worked with in your life.... were all a part of this vicious cycle of evil.]

[And no hero or savior will ever be able to bring down such vile people.]

[The only thing which will ever truly bring someone to their knees... is to be beaten down.]

[And only a villain can do such a thing.]

[However... you will understand this soon enough.]


"Ugh... where... ah..."

Stella found herself slowly waking up next to Gordon and Shane, who also seemed to be groggily awakening.

'I... I'm in this world.'

The memories of having fallen asleep only to wake up in this rotten and forsaken world exploded within the mind of Stella, forcing her back to reality.

She recalled being saved by her teacher and then left alone before she was knocked unconscious by the zombie who seemed to have some sort of intelligence.

'I.... what am I doing?'


Sitting up, the timid boy looked around as he gained his bearings before he turned to Stella.

"You... you were with that man. He attacked us... and then we were saved... by the monster. The one that lives within Marcus. And now... where are we?"

Gordon looked around with confusion, however soon enough Shane spoke up with fear filling his expression.

"This is... Number Seven must have taken us here. But where is this? It's in the school, but... is this a teachers lounge?"

"Ah... that's right!! I... I remember now!! He wanted me to meet him in the teachers lounge... this is the place that I was told to come for those extra classes. But why..."

As Stella said this, she held a hand to her heart as she balled up a fist, looking at the open door before her.

Standing up, she stepped forward as if compelled by something.

"Hey... should you be getting up so quickly? You must be dizzy, right?"

Gordon spoke out with concern, however the girl ignored him as she pressed into the principal's office.

"I... have to see something."

Then as she entered, she saw it.

She was met with the corroded body of the principal at his desk, yet this was not what took her attention.

On the side of the room was a secret chamber which had opened up to a spiral staircase.

"This... this must be the special classroom."

"Hey, what are you doing? Special classroom? What are you talking about?"

Gordon persisted as he grabbed the girl by the shoulder, stopping her from stepping any further.

'I... can't be weak anymore.', he thought. 'Even in something small like this... I should step up. And do what I can.'

Inspiring himself with this forced courage, the timid boy spoke up.

"Stella. That's your name, right? Why do you look so scared?"


Turning around to face the boy, it was revealed that tears were streaming down the face of the girl.

Looking down, she noticed that her hands were trembling, and that her heart rate was through the roof.

"I... look scared? Why... would I be scared?"

"Was it that man?"

Looking Stella into the eye, Gordon spoke with confidence which he never before had held.

"It was him, wasn't it? He... what was he doing with you on that night?"

"What.... was he doing with me?"

As Stella repeated this question herself she realized something.

Even she did not know this.

[Indeed, indeed. A particular case, that one. Quite an unreasonable fellow, even for a psychopath.]

It was then that the three children turned around at the sudden voice which spoke from the hallway, and walking out from the dark hall was a man.

He wore a pristine white suit which had strangely not been sullied even through the calamity, and his hair was styled in a prestigious manner.

He carried himself with elegance, and he grinned arrogantly as he pushed up his glasses, stepping into the room as if he were a noble.

Taking a seat on one of the couches while crossing one leg over the other, the man was the very definition of dignity as he smiled confidently, thinning his eyes as they met with Stella’s.

[Good day. I have been patiently watching over you, my daughter. How interesting it was to watch you plunge yourself into such a situation for something as petty as revenge against a person who never directly harmed you. The human brain... truly is irrational. Yet that is exactly why it is so interesting.]


Stella whispered these words quietly, realizing that the man before her was the same man who had taken her in two years ago and cared for her ever since she was kicked out.

[That would be me. I do apologize. I am quite the negligent father. After all, since you were nothing more than an experiment that allowed me to study human emotion, I allowed you to fall quite deep into a troubling scenario without doing anything to prevent it from happening. Yet I did stay close by. For even if you were nothing more than an experiment... I suppose your strange emotions seeped into my being as well. After all, why else would I hold a desire to protect you from the CREATURE that you were throwing yourself to?]


Stella whispered this word, the terror evident in her voice.

"What... what are you talking about?"

[Ah... you did not know? I see. That.... well, I suppose that is another outcome. I see... so humans find it difficult to perceive the intentions of other humans, despite how simple it is for myself. Yet I temporarily allowed some of my cells to invade your mind, therefore you should hold at least some fraction of my intuition. Ah, let me test it then.]

Standing up, the man casually approached the three, placing his hand on the shoulder of the girl.

Not a single person moved, as if they had been completely frozen in place - in awe at the grace with which he took each step.

[Why, when you entered that room, did you immediately focus your attention on that hidden passage, even when a man who was slaughtered sat in the chair right in front of your face?]


Her eyes widening, the man slowly walked around the girl, past her and into the principal's office once more.

[I will tell you why. It is because you hold a slight portion of my ability, due to the small number of cells which I planted in you for surveillance purposes. Ah... but I suppose I should start from the beginning then, no?]

Walking over to the stairway, the man soon stood before it, looking down into the darkness.

Then, turning to the girl, the man took a bow as he pushed his glasses up with his middle finger.

[Good evening, my adopted daughter and you other humans. I am a being who was created in order to read the hearts of people, perceiving their intentions and emotions. Ah, that plank is loose. Don't allow it to hit your head when you step back.]

It was as the man said this that Gordon stepped back in fear, and the plank shot out from under his foot, hitting him in the head as he fell backwards.


Slowly gaining his bearings, the boy and the other two looked to the man before them with widened eyes.

[Ah... are you wondering how I knew that such a thing would happen? Well it is quite simple indeed. To be able to read the heart of a person... well, it is almost the same as being able to predict the future.]

Then, fixing his purple tie, the man who wore a clean white suit stood up as he puffed out his chest, flashing the three a professional smile filled with arrogance.

[I hold no name... but you may all refer to me as experiment Number Two.]

[What a pleasure it is to meet you all... as my true self.]

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