《Number 7》Chapter Number 11: A Client's Request


"Seven seven seven!” The creature squealed. “It's me! It's me! Look, look! Look at my face now! Isn't my host cute?"

Shane held his sister tightly as the creature who had overtaken Sylvia's body seemed to undergo a great change in personality the moment that this new character appeared.

She seemed to be jumping up and down with joy as she presented herself to him, to which the man placed his hand on her head.

"Yes, yes. Your host is very cute. What do you think of mine? Do you think my face is... suitable?"

Leaning into the girl, the man touched his forehead to hers as he spoke with blackened eyes that widened in madness.

"To destroy this world, that is?"

“Hehe… I think so."

The girl responded without moving her head as the two pressed them to one another, staring into each other's eyes with expressions of pure madness.

"Excellent. Then... if my face is suitable... I suppose we should begin preparations. Our hosts need to become worthy of containing us, after all. How far along are you with yours?"

"Ah.” Number 1 tutted. “Well, I taught her a nice lesson today. She tried to save those small humans when they were in danger, so I forced her to suffer as a result."

"Then it looks like things are proceeding nicely. I would like to meet up with the others... but it was pure luck that I ran into you here. I suppose we'll just have to put that off for now and continue molding our hosts. So? What about the small humans? Are they vital components or are they fodder?"

"Ah, they're not vital, but I think we can use them."

It was then that the woman disappeared before Shane.

"Isn't that right, kiddies?"

And she reappeared behind him.

It was an instant.

No, less than that.

It was truly as if she had teleported behind him.

Her speed was incomprehensible.

To call it inhuman would be an immense understatement.

It was something which was impossible for a living being.

'This thing... is a monster.'

It was then that tentacles were wrapped around Shane and Amy.

"If I keep you two alive... then you will turn into weaknesses for my little Sylvia. I can watch as she struggles in earnest to protect you two... trying over and over... and perhaps you two will die, and drive her mad. Ah... that would be interesting."

The tentacles seemed to pick the two up, forcing them to stand, yet their legs were both trembling to the point where they couldn't do so on their own.

And then, the tentacles seemed to change their shape, taking the form of two human hands.

Rubbing her hands on the heads of the two, the psychopathic girl smiled as she turned both of the children to face her.

"Let's play nice then, ok? Don't hate Sylvia too much now that she's a monster."

It was then that the eyes of the woman became normal again. The sclera became whitened, and the navy blue eyes once more took the shocked expression of a human.

[Welcome back. This is life number 2.]


Syvlia had died.

She had died.


Her heart had stopped beating.

Her blood had stopped running through her veins.

Her lungs no longer took in oxygen, and her cells no longer required that oxygen to function.

For they were dead.

Yet here she was.



As Sylvia looked at her pale blue hands, she failed to even notice the scenery before her.


The two children were hugging one another, trembling in fear as if they were witnessing a monster.

The bodies of numerous zombies with impalements throughout them littered the lounge, and blood covered the floors.

Yet even in this situation, the only thing Sylvia could focus on was her hands.

Her pale blue, cold, undead, hands.

'I.... was eaten alive.'

Even if there was no longer any pain, the phantom feeling of her flesh being torn from her body was still fresh in her mind.

It was a feeling which she would never - no, she could never forget it.

To the point where a thought such as 'was it all just a dream?', never even crossed her mind.

It happened.

It was real.

Sylvia had died.

Yet here she was, in the body of an undead.


Her mind was fresh and she could feel and think the same as when she was alive.

'I... am a zombie?'

'That... can't be right.'

[Zombies are supposed to be mindless monsters. Isn't that what you're thinking?]

It was then that Sylvia was reminded of the existence which haunted her being. The realisation hit her like a ton of bricks- despite having died, the creature was still there.

[Unfortunately for you... because I am here, you won't become brainless like them. After all, the virus affects the brain... yet I am a part of your brain. And I just so happen to be immune.]


'I.... see.'

Sylvia wanted to scream.

She wanted to shout out in terror.

Because of what she had become.

Yet she could not.

She could not scream, for as she thought this, she came to see the two children in front of her.

Safe and sound.

'They... are still alive.'

And as she saw them, Sylvia smiled.

Tears ran down her zombified face, and Sylvia couldn't help but find herself overwhelmed with relief.

'You... aren't as much of a monster as I expected.'

[Hah? Don't get the wrong idea, human. We hate all humans. However... I spared them because it would be better to use them as hostages.]

It was then that tentacles of flesh spouted out from the back of Sylvia, forming blades at the end which pressed to the necks of the two children.

And then, from one of the tentacles, a mouth opened as it spoke.

[It wouldn't even take me a second to kill them. Therefore... I've changed my mind on our deal. From this point on.... heh.]

Sylvia widened her eyes as the tentacles seemed to move on their own, completely free of her will.

[If you don't want these two to die... then you will have to become my slave.]


"Oh... you've always been so creative like that."

From behind, Sylvia heard an unfamiliar voice speak as a hand was placed on her shoulder.

Turning her head however, she saw it.

A familiar face, yet one which had become rotten with zombification.

"I wouldn't have ever thought of something so... evil. Maybe I fail as an enemy of humanity. What do you think... Number 1?"

It was then that the tentacles seemed to retract from the children.

"No, not at all. I can think of things like this, but you're the one who was able to spread the virus. It's because of you... that we were able to turn this world to chaos."

Sylvia could do nothing more than watch as an extension of her own body had a conversation with a man who was clearly not Marcus.


"You... there…” Sylvia panted. “Are there multiple of you? And you've taken over Marcus... as well?"

"Yes. Ah, looks like your host is pretty smart. My host isn't that dumb either.” The creature mused. “I tried to pick a smart one because they seem to understand things a bit quicker."

"Hehe... well, no matter how smart she is, that doesn't matter if she's weak."

"I suppose that's right."

Holding out his arms, the monster who had overtaken Marcus' body grinned with pride.

And it was at that moment that both Sylvia and the two children were filled with something beyond mere terror.


They were left breathless on seeing that demented, greed filled smile of the man who stood before them.

And in that moment, Sylvia felt as if that man was holding out his arms in order to grasp the entire world within them.

"After all... you humans are nowhere near as superior as we were taught you were."


"Well... I believe my time is about up. I have said all I wish to say for now. Do treat my host nicely, Host Number 1. Ah, and for your reference... I suppose I have yet to introduce myself."

The monster motioned his arms in a fluid manner, bowing his head before Sylvia with the grace of a noble.

"We were never allowed the luxury of names. However, if you wish to refer to me by anything... then Number 7 will be fine."

Closing his eyes, the man grinned in a confident manner as he spoke with eyes closed.

"I do hope that you can get along with my host for the time being. After all... you are both monsters in this world where monsters are as common as insects. As disgusting as he was…” The creature breathed in deeply. “..That man at least allowed us to confide in having comrades to share the suffering with for a time. Therefore... we will at least grant you that slight bit of mercy."

And then, the creature grinned so that his pristine white teeth peeked out, to reveal a set of monstrous fangs.

"Good luck."

And then, opening his eyes, the eyes of the creature no longer had the black sclera which they held before.

They returned to their normal state, and the man seemed to jolt around as if he had just awoken, looking around in confusion.

"Where... am I?", he whispered as he looked around him, then to the children and the zombified woman standing in front of him.


Marcus felt his body, looking around him to confirm the scenario.

"Am still...."

'No... I am not still alive. But even so... I am not dead.'

It was then that Marcus took note of the woman before him.

She was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, though they had been torn and were covered in blood.

A tentacle seemed to be retracting into the back of the zombified woman, who looked to him with an expression of fear.


"M-Marcus? Is that you?" Sylvia whispered.

"It... is. For now."

For now.

Marcus realized now that the creature could take control of his body whenever he wanted.

Which meant that every second Marcus held control of his own body was a conscious decision from that creature known as Number 7.

At any moment, it could steal his body and perform horrid actions in his name.

And Marcus would be able to do nothing to stop it.

Not even kill himself.

"Sylvia... wait... just a minute..."

It was then that the information began to process within the mind of Marcus.

"Your blood... the blood on your shirt and jeans... is... is that your own?"

Looking at Marcus with a pained expression, Sylvia nodded.

"That is correct."

"Then... you too..."

"Yes. I too... am covered in my own blood."

Walking forward, Sylvia wrapped her arms around Marcus, resting her head on his shoulder as she bit her lip in concern.

Placing his hand around the woman, Marcus did not bother to become flustered.

He merely laid his hand on her back, and the two looked forward with pained expressions - now fully aware of the predicament they were in.

"From when I was human."


"What's the situation?" Marcus muttered.

"I tried to help the kids, and I died because of it." Sylvia responded.

"Was it painful?"

"Of course."

"I died as well... but not from anything so noble."

"What have you learned?"

"This is no place to explain such things. Should we find somewhere to sit?"

"I... suppose so."

The two remained leaning on one another, Sylvia's head on the shoulder of Marcus as they had this strangely professional interaction.

"Children... come over and sit down. After all…” Sylvia laughed at the morbid irony. “This was a lounge at one point. And it would seem that the undead are no longer using it."

Sylvia walked over and quickly took a seat, at which Marcus followed.

"Well... there are two, I suppose."

The children watched as the two sat down, and they slowly stood up from the ground.

Shane took the hand of his sister, and once more he put on a brave expression, walking forth as he sat across from the two people who hosted such monsters within them.

'Even if she has a monster inside her... she died for us.'

'Even if she is a zombie... she is still a good person.'

The two were confident in at least this much.

No matter who they were, no matter what they were, these two people were ones that they could trust.

Even if the creatures inside them, they could not.

Sitting forward, the man seemed to fix his tie, as ragged as it was in combination with his bloodied and torn suit.

"Now... I think I should start from the beginning."


Sylvia and Marcus exchanged their own experiences with one another and with the children, soon coming to understand the creatures inside them a bit better.

"So they are experiments... and parasites. But where on earth could such things have taken place?"

"I don't believe that even they know. For if I were them and I knew, heading back to that place would be my first priority."

The two threw away all emotion, focusing completely not on the fear in their hearts, but on the facts and how to deal with them.

They were logical beyond all else.

Truly a man and woman of business.

"Then... how do we deal with these new zombified bodies? Will they not rot away as time passes?"

"That is not possible. We hold strange regenerative powers, likely as a part of the merging of our cells with the parasite. Even if we are continuously rotting from the inside, those rotten cells are continuously being replaced."

"I see."

"There is one more thing which I... am unsure about."

Reaching to his side, the man grabbed one of the two knives - the one made from a fleshy substance.

"Somehow... I created this. It was not by the will or decision of that thing... but rather, I did this."

"So... you are saying that we may be able to utilize whatever strange powers these monsters hold?" Sylvia gained from that statement.

"Perhaps.” Marcus mused, turning the knife around. “However, that is merely in theory. If we are unable to actually master them in practice, then such a theory is meaningless."

"True enough."

Looking at the children with a serious expression, Marcus leaned forward, resting his chin on his hands.

"Children. I see that my coworker... would it be acceptable to call you by such a title?” Marcus quickly glanced at Sylvia. “Well, that shouldn't matter right now.”

Turning back once more to the children, Marcus continued.

“Sylvia has apparently saved your lives. I never personally would have imagined that a woman like her would risk her life for a couple of children such as you two…” Marcus continued slightly bitterly. “But I suppose in a situation like this... you truly learn about the inner workings of a person's heart."

"Don't speak of me as if I am some sort of saint. I... merely failed to listen to the logical side of me." Sylvia muttered.

"Which would imply that there is an illogical side of you. Heh. Or should I say... an emotional side."


Holding up his hand, Marcus quieted the woman before she could respond.

"Tell me then. Are you two afraid of us? Should we leave you, or should we stay with you? If we leave, we cannot protect you. But if we stay, we may endanger you. I suppose in this world... there is no guarantee of survival. Therefore I would like you two to have the choice."

The two tensed up, pressured by the words of the man, at which he laid his question on them.

"Are you two willing to survive alongside a couple of monsters?"


Without hesitation, the two replied in unison.

Not a moment passed before they responded.

"As scary as those two were... I think this world would be even scarier... without Miss Sylvia.", Amy whispered.

The two stood up, and they walked over to the zombified woman.

And then, they hugged her.

"Even if you had to become a zombie... we're glad you're still alive.", Shane said.

As the two hugged her, Sylvia once again felt a warmth inside her cold, dead heart.


"How interesting. I never knew that you were so good with children. You never spoke about your personal life, after all.", Marcus joked.

Sylvia looked at the man with a slightly annoyed expression, but on seeing the gentle yet brave expressions of the children who held her, she placed her rotten hands on them.

"Then... I will do my best. But nothing more."

"Of course. We cannot expect any more. We have already died once... and who knows when those things will turn our lives upside down again?"

Standing up, Marcus stepped forward - fixing his tie as he prepared to fight.

"Yet even so... are we not professionals?"

And then, he laughed.


With arrogance and overconfidence, the man unbuttoned his suit jacket, grabbing both of his knives as he prepared to fight.

"This is a request, is it not? A request... for protection."

Slicking back his hair with the hand that held the normal knife, the man turned around to face the three with pride.

"Then is it not our duty... to do everything within our power to ensure that our clients receive the best possible service?"

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