《Lolly》Chapter 45. Munch Time


Anxiously, Lolly peered out the bus window. Up ahead she saw Munch waiting. He was dressed all in green with a red coat. Very Christmas. When he got onto the bus, he was in unusually good mood. He plopped down beside her and asked, “What’s up buttercup?”

“Last night, Trevor sang, At Last to me over the phone.”

Munch smiled. “The devil he did. I got me another Etta James convert.”

Lolly lowered her voice to a whisper, “He said it was our song.”

Wide eyed Munch asked, “Seriously?”

“I know right? Do you think he was saying he loved me or just singing a song?”

“Well, it didn’t take your pa long.”

Lolly rolled her eyes. “Can we leave our parents out of this? Tell me what you think?”

Munch tapped his fingers on his knee and looked out the window, before he turned back to her and said, “Etta James is powerful stuff. I love you Lolly, but Trevor, well, until he says the words straight out be careful. Guys can be kinda dumb sometimes.”

“But what am I supposed to do if he thinks he does love me?” She suddenly felt like she was going to cry.

Munch fixed his eyes on her and said, “Sweet Jesus, Lolly what is wrong with you? You been droolin’ over that boy since you first laid eyes on him and now you're upset because he might love you.”

“I know it doesn’t make any sense, its just why would he love me?”

Munch stared at her.

“Don’t look at me like that. You know what I mean.” Then, she asked the question that had haunted her all night. “Do you think his folks even know about me?”

The change in Munch’s expression was swift. He felt bad for her, she could tell. Suddenly, she didn’t want to hear what he was about to say. He surprised her when he said, “He’s a guy. Guys don’t really talk to their parents.”

“You do.”

“Yup, I’m an exception. Don’t read too much into it.” He looked her directly in the eyes and said, “Promise, you will not read too much into it.”

“How can I not? Look at me?”

“Don’t go there.”

Munch placed his hand over hers. While he maintained eye contact, he said to her something he had said before, “Yeah, you’re different. Everybody is, but for some of us, our differences are just more obvious.”

At this moment, her fervent old wish sloshed inside of her. She didn’t want to be obviously different. She wanted to blend in, she wanted to have long hair and be able to wear mascara.

The bus stopped. Trevor got on. He saw Lolly and smiled. That smiled. She smiled back, but she felt uneasy.

When they pulled up to the school, Spence Drew was leaning against the wall by the door. His cowboy booted foot pressed against the wall, while the other was extended forward on the ground. His horde of flunkies were with him. Panic rushed through Lolly. She didn't want Trevor and Munch to walk passed Spence together. They both had it out for him, and neither of them could take him. She followed Munch down the aisle. He stopped at the opened doors. He saw what she saw. With a glance back at her he said, “Let’s loop around the sidewalk to the Art room.”



They got off and headed toward the sidewalk to the visual art classes. Trevor caught up with them and asked, “Where are we headed?”

Lolly lied, sort of, Munch might actually need to get something from the art room.

“Yeah,” said Munch, “I gotta pick up some pencils."

“Okay.” Trevor slipped his hand through Lolly’s. The look he gave her made her heart race. He gently squeezed her hand. She actually got the courage to squeeze his hand in return. Suddenly, she felt light and happy. Spence Drew faded from her thoughts.


At lunch, Lisa slid into the chair beside Lolly and across from Munch. She told them, "Jake and I talked. He apologized in person this morning. He seems really sorry, but I don't know. I don't think I'm ready to trust him yet."

Trust. There was the word. This was something that Lolly could actually speak on. She said, "Wait till you are ready to decide. I you are ever are ready."

"Yeah, I know." Lisa sounded sad and conflicted.

Though she did not want to, Lolly pulled the note Jake had passed to her in Lit class out of her backpack. She handed it to Lisa.

The expression on Lisa's face was a cross between delight and confusion. With hands that trembled ever so slightly she read it. When she finished she said, "He wants to know if he can call me tonight. What do you think?"

Lolly would not commit. "Its your call."

A little giggle came out of Lisa. She said, "You are so funny."

If she was funny it was a very lame funny. During the rest of their lunch break, Lisa composed several notes which Munch read through and edited. By the time the bell rang, Lisa finally had one that she and Munch liked. Lolly knew what was coming next. Jake's Algebra class was across from her geometry class. Lisa asked, "Would you please?"

One more interaction with Jake today. Yay. "Sure."

When she handed the note off to Jake, he asked, "Is this good news or bad news?'

Knowing the entire contents of the note made Lolly feel a little guilty. She said, "Mostly good."A worried expression crossed his face. She repeated, "Mostly good."

He gave her a wary smile, pocketed the note and said, "Thanks Lolly."


After school, Munch met her in the hall and they headed for the bus. On their way out, Spence Drew partially blocked the door. In a low growl he said, “Well if ain’t the bald egg bitch and her little n------ princess.” They were being baited. Drew wanted a reaction. It was not the first time Lolly or Munch had been called these names.

Under her breath she whispered to Munch, “Sticks and stones.” It was their code. He jutted out his chin ever so slightly and whispered back, “Sticks and stones.” They acted as if they didn't hear him. Spence might have said more but the principal appeared and he darted away.

When Lolly and Munch got onto the bus, they fell into their seats. Instinctively, Lolly’s hand went to her scar. Munch saw her and got a dangerous look in his eyes. She didn’t want him to be home alone with his thoughts. She knew his mom had a late class tonight. She asked, “Would it be okay if I got off at your stop? I am just running a little short on Munch time.”


The smile he gave her went straight to her heart. At his stop Mrs. Anderson opened the doors and they got off. It was a bright clear afternoon. The earth smelled damp and fresh. The sun was heading toward the west. The trees had shed their leaves and their bare branches laced the horizon. The beauty around them began to push Spence Drew out of their thoughts. Cows watched them walk down the drive. Lolly was surprised when she saw trenches dug in the pasture near the house. “What’s going on there?”

“Plumbing. That’s were your pa is putting Grandma Toady’s trailer. As much as I hate all this, it will be nice to have you for a neighbor, especially on days like today.”

She put her arm through his and said, “Yeah, it will be.”

The chickens were clucking and strutting in the chicken coop. Munch told her, “I have a feeling when y’all move in, Mama's gonna have a tough time gathering eggs with Mitzi’s around.”

“I hadn’t thought of that. I hope y’all are prepared to have the famous Mitzi and her side kick Puccini around 24/7 when she is staying over.”

Munch said, “That plumbing is being put in for two trailers. Aunt Jessie will be living here too.”

No one had told her this, or if they had she must have been so preoccupied she didn’t hear them. She smiled at him and said, “Sounds like we’re going to be a regular tribe.”

“Yup. That’s another thing I do like. It gets lonely out here when Mama's working. I have always called Grandma Toady, Grandma Toady and now she is going to be my step grandma and Aunt Jessie will be my step aunt.” There was no mention of who would be his stepdad, but Lolly let that slide. They reached the house and he unlocked the door. They walked inside. Lolly couldn’t help but notice how still and silent the house was. Munch didn’t come home to this everyday, but he did most days.

She said, “I need to call Grandma Toady to tell her where I am.” Would Grandma Toady be okay with her impulsive decision to visit Munch? She was about to find out. She put her backpack on the table and grabbed the phone. The phone rang once. Mitzi answered and then asked, “Where are you?”

“I’m at Munch’s.”

Mitzi scolded, “Umm, you didn’t ask did you?”

Irritated Lolly said, “I am trying to ask if you would just give Grandma Toady the phone.”

“Asking for something after you've already done it sounds kinda sneaky to me."

"Give Grandma Toady the phone!"

"I will. Keep your pants on. Mama told me, we are gonna live next door to Munch. I was so happy. We won’t be apart and I can go and paint with Aunt Estelle anytime I want to.”

The ease with which the word’s Aunt Estelle rolled off Mitzi tongue gave Lolly pause.


Grandma Toady came on the line and asked, “What’s this about?”

Lolly wasn't ready to talk about Spence. It would only upset Grandma Toady, and she frankly didn't want to do that right now. "I just got a whim." Liar.

"Well, you don't have those very often. I'll come get you around 8:30."

That was easier than she thought it would be. "See you then. Bye.” Lolly hung up the phone.

Munch came back unto the kitchen and got them healthy snacks, because that was all they had. When they went to the attic, he put on an Etta James album. Some of her songs were so heart breaking, Lolly didn’t know how Munch could listen to her all the time. Did this album have the song on it that Trevor had sung to her last night? She hoped so.

On clothes rack against the wall was Munch’s collection. The clothes were all hung in dry cleaner bags. She asked, “Have you finished everything?”

He smiled and said, “Almost. Want to take a peek?”

“Of course!’

One by one, Munch showed her the outfits. He was a wizard with a sewing machine. When he showed her Trevor’s outfit she had to bite her tongue. It did look a little too much like a pimp suit, but she would never say that. As for her own dress, she was stunned to silence. It was made of a gorgeous lavender Organza. He said, “Try it on.”

She took it down stairs to the bathroom and put it on. It fit perfectly. The neck line was curved like flower petals and the scalloped sleeves were sheer lavender. It had a fitted waist and the edges of the hem line were also scalloped. She ran upstairs and shouted, “THIS IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL DRESS I HAVE EVER SEEN!”

In a soft voice Munch asked, “Really?”

“Really. You are so freakin’ talented!"

His eyes were shining. He said, “Thank you, that means a lot coming from you.” She started to give him a big hug, but he held his hands up and said, “Don’t. That fabric is a bitch to iron. Give me a hug after you change. Deal?”

“Deal.” Lolly twirled around in the center of the room. The dress felt like magic. Even though she was still completely terrified of walking the runway, she couldn’t wait to actually wear this dress.

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