《Lolly》Chapter 35. Play Offs


The sound of her fuzzy duck clock Meowing startled Lolly from sleep. She did not want to get up. She did NOT want to go to school. Her stitches felt tight and funny. It just felt too soon to Face the World. The clock continued to Meow. Fluff jumped up and swatted it with his paw. It hit the floor and he pounced. Against her will, Lolly got out of bed and wrestled the clock away from Fluff. This was the first time he had ever attacked it. She slammed off the alarm. Silence echoed in her ears. She put the clock back on her night stand. Fluff glared at it and then went to the door. He turned back and gave her a dirty look. He wanted out of the room. Obediently, Lolly went to her door and opened it.

As she gathered her things to take a shower, last night's conversation with Munch began to surface in her brain. The football team had won another game and were advancing to Semi Regionals. The game would be played in the Astrodome in Houston. Lolly had never been to the Astrodome before but it was supposed to be one of the Wonders of the World. Munch was upset. It looked like the team might make it to State. Mademoiselle Petite had called Art Club Booster parents and told them that the Art Show had been postponed once again. In Texas Football was King. Choir and Band still got to have their Christmas Programs, but art, well it had to wait. Lolly understood why Munch was upset and she sympathized, but she was also relieved. Her walk down the runway was now scheduled for the second week in January. She could wait.

After her shower, she held up a hand mirror and studied her stitches. There was a little bruising around the area but the bruises were fading. Desperately, she wanted to cover up her stitches, but she decided against it. Worse than people seeing her stitches was them asking to see them. If her head was bare they could just look without asking. She sighed and put down the mirror. If only this day were already over. She tucked her robe tightly around her and headed to her room.

Mitzi was already in her room facing the open closet. Puccini dangled in her right hand. To her back, Lolly asked, “What should I wear today?”

Mitzi turned to her. Her eyes were large. She asked, “Does it really help you when I pick out your clothes? Last week I picked them out and something bad happened.”

“You dressed me for bravery that day, and I needed to be brave. I trust you Mitzi. What do you think I need today?”


She reached for Lolly’s oldest softest jeans and her new chucks. She handed them to Lolly and said, “I think the shirt you need today is in Grandma Toady's closet.”

NOT GRANDMA TOADY'S CLOSET! There was no way Lolly was going to wear one of Grandma Toady's floral blouses. Lolly followed Mitzi into Grandma Toady's room. Mitzi pulled open the closet. Grandma Toady liked bright warm colors and loud prints. Lolly preferred cool colors and no prints. With a slow swipe of her hand, Mitzi touched every blouse. Her hand stopped on one that was the exact shade of cream as Lolly's new chucks.She said, “This.” It was a very old fashioned blouse from when Grandma Toady was young. It had tiny pearl buttons and a high collar. It was actually pretty.

Next, Mitzi lead Lolly to Max's room. He was still asleep. On the floor was his cast off shoulder sling. He didn't have to wear it anymore. Mitzi pulled open his top drawer with a bang.

Max woke up and yawned. “What are ya’ll doing in here?”

Mitzi said, “Lolly needs your Puka shell necklace today."


"For her Armor of the Day."

Once upon a time, not so long ago Max would have either refused to let her wear the necklace or made fun of Mitzi and Lolly. He did neither. He said, "Okay," and stretched.

From the kitchen Grandma Toady called, “Maximilian are you out of bed yet?”

When Grandma Toady called him Maximillian, it meant she was loosing patience with him. Max groaned and crawled out of bed. Still, half a sleep, he made his way to the shower.

Mitzi followed Lolly back to her room. She placed Puccini on top fo Lolly's backpack and said, "I will take this to the kitchen."

"Okay thanks." Lolly got dressed. She turned from side to side. The blouse fit her just right. The cotton was crisp and the detailed stitching was beautiful. Munch was gonna love it, if he wasn't in too foul of a mood to notice. She went to the kitchen to say good bye to Grandma Toady. She had just given Grandma Toady a kiss when, Max flew into the kitchen, grabbed a pack of pop tarts and rushed through the front door. Lolly was really hoping he would walk with her to the bus stop.

Outside, the air was tinged with smoke. A hazy sun was just making its way over the horizon. It was dank outside but not cold. On the front porch Max was shoving a pop tart down his throat. He had waited for her. Lolly was so grateful, she could have hugged him, but she didn’t. When they reached the bus stop, EVERY ONE wanted to see Lolly’s stitches. It took a lot for her to stand there while her head was being examined. In the distance she heard the roar of the school bus. Being at school was one step closer. It was one thing to have her head stared at by kids in the trailer park, it was going to be another thing, when she got covert and overt stares in the halls.


When she got on the bus, Mrs. Anderson said, “Good to see you Lolly.”

“Good to see you too.” Abruptly, Lolly sat down. She really hoped Mrs. Anderson didn’t want to see her stitches too. The bus rolled forwards. Usually, she looked out the side window, but today she just looked straight ahead. Behind her she could hear people talking about Saturday's game, the score, the players. Suddenly, Lolly remembered that Spence was a football player. Because of his stupidity, he was suspended from the team and would not be playing in any more play off games. She bet he was pissed, but it was his own fault.

Up ahead she saw Munch waiting for the bus. He was dressed all in black. A black turtleneck sweater, black slacks and a black shoes. This was a bad sign. Mrs. Anderson was learning Munch's moods, so when she saw his face she gave him a nod, but that was all. He plopped down beside Lolly. Silent, brooding, he said not a word. He did not even notice Lolly's blouse.

The bus stopped to pick up Trevor. His eyes lit up when he saw her. She smiled. As he passed her, he gave her the thumbs up. The bus roared forward.

Too soon the school loomed in front of them. The bus stopped. It was time to Face the World. Lolly followed Munch off the bus. The next thing she knew Trevor had taken hold of her hand. He steadied her. She took a big breath in and slowly out. She could do this.

Munch didn't go to the cafeteria. He said, "Sorry, I gotta go talk to Mademoiselle."


To Trevor Munch said, "You will walk her to her first period." It was basically a command.

"Of course." Trevor squeezed Lolly's hand.

"Good." Munch gave Lolly a hug and went to the Art Room.

Trevor asked, "Do you want to go to the cafeteria or the library?"



At the library door, Lolly let go of Trevor's hand. He gave her a questioning look. "Mrs. Stanton, the librarian, forbids any public display of affection."



On their way to Lolly's usual table, they passed Lisa. She was alone. Lolly couldn't even remember the last time, she had seen Lisa alone. It just did not happen. When she saw Lolly, she sprang from her chair and gave her a big hug. She let go and said, “I just wanted you to know that I think what you did for Munch was amazing. You inspired me to face my own bully.”

Lolly asked, “Really? Who?”

“Viv. I have been letting that girl push me around since we were in second grade. I told her I didn’t want to be her lackey any more.” A bemused smile turned up the corners of Lisa’s lips. “Viv had no idea what I was talking about. If she did she would have said even more hateful than she did.” She asked, "Ya'll want to sit with me?"

This was an invitation, Lolly never expected to receive. "Sure." She sensed Trevor was not too thrilled about her choice, but then, he got invited to join people all the time. She did not.

Lisa may have sensed Trevor's reluctance too, because she said to him, "I heard you are going to the Regional Meet for Cross Country. Congratulations! Corpus Christi is such a pretty city, but I hate that stupid bridge you have to cross to get there."

Trevor smiled at her, "Thanks." Cross Country, like art did not get much school attention.

When the first bell rang, Lisa asked Lolly, “Will you be here during lunch?”

"I will."

"Could you help me with my vocabulary then?"


Lisa gave her another quick hug and said, "See you then."

"Okay." Was it possible she had just made a new old friend?

As soon as Lolly and Trevor exited the library. He reached for her hand. He gave her a smile and walked her to her Literature class. If anyone was looking at her stitches, Lolly did not notice.

Once she was in class, she felt curious gazes straying to her head. A sinking feeling formed in the pit of her stomach. She sat down in her desk and unzipped her backpack. There on top of her books was Puccini! Mitzi had actually parted with her bear for the day. This was love and this was courage. Lolly touched the tip of Puccini's scarred nose. She whispered, "Thanks for being here Bud."

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