《Lolly》Chapter 9. Supper with the Dutchendorphs


Seated on Lolly’s bed with Puccini and Fluff in her lap, Mitzi said, “Granma thinks Mrs. Dutchendorph has the hots for Uncle Trace.”

Lolly stood in front of her closet trying to figure out what to wear to Supper. She asked, “When did you hear her say that?”

“When Granma was on the phone with Mama and I was listening on the pink phone in Mama’s bedroom.”

“You know you aren’t supposed to listen to other people’s telephone conversations.”

Mitzi shrugged. “How else am I supposed to know what’s going on in this family? I’m four and a half and no one tells me anything. What does having the hots mean?”

“I am not at liberty to say. Ask your mother or Grandma Toady.”

“If I do that then they will know I was LISTENING." She shooed Fluff away snatched up Puccini and hopped off the bed. "I," she said dramatically, "Will go ask Uncle Trace."

Uncle Trace was Pa. Panicked, Lolly said, “No, don’t do that.”

“Why not?"

"Because it would sound rude."

"If its rude why did Granma say it?"

"I don't know. She just says stuff sometimes."

"If no one will tell me then how am I going to find out?”

An arguement with Mitzi was always a tricky thing. She was stubborn. She was the most stubborn person Lolly knew. In hope of distracting her, she asked, "Would you like to help me pick something out to wear to the Dutchendorph's?”

Mitzi glanced at her sideways and counter asked, “If I do, do you promise you will wear what I pick?”

There was no way Lolly would agree to this. “I’m not making any promises.”

“Well then, I will go ask Uncle Trace what having the hots means.” The little black mailer smiled in triumph and headed fo the door.

“Okay.” Lolly had a bad feeling about this.

Mitzi’s rushed to the closet and her hand went straight for the sea green dress Munch had got from Goodwill. “You washed it and it smells good, so you don’t have any excuses.”

“I don’t have any shoes to wear with it.”

“You can borrow some of Mama’s. Y’all wear the same size.”


"I get to pick your shoes out too. Come, on let's go."

Reluctantly, Lolly followed Mitzi back to her trailer. When they walked inside, Bruno broke into paroxysms. He was flouncing around so hard the entire trailer shook. Max's yelled, "Bruno, knock it off." Bruno abruptly sat and whimpered. Lolly stepped around him. On the couch beside Max was his tall blonde friend. Shyly, he waved at her.


Mitzi said, "Hey Kevin."

Kevin, his name was Kevin. Lolly waved at him. Kevin actually blushed. That was unusual. Lolly felt a little foolish but she was flattered.

Mitzi and Puccini disappeared down the hall. Lolly followed. Aunt Jessie was not like Grandma Toady. Clutter was her sanctuary. Her bedroom looked like a small tornado had hit it. Mitzi threw sweaters and jeans into the air, as she searched the floor for shoes. From beneath the bed, she jerked a white sandal. "Found one! Now, I just have to find the other one." Secretly, Lolly had coveted these shoes. Mitzi disappeared under her mother's bed. "I can see it!" There was some grunting and then, Mitzi reappeared with the shoe in her hand. "I got it."

Back at Grandma Toady's trailer, Mitzi helped Lolly dressed. When she finished, she told Lolly, "Twirl like Cinderella."

Lolly did as she was instructed. A bubble of joy rose up inside of her. She looked at the dress and the shoes and her own happy expression.

Mitzi asked, "What do you say to your fairy godmother?"

"Thank you!"


As soon as they got in the truck Pa turned on the radio. The music came on loud. With a look back, Pa pulled out of the drive. He seemed nervous. When they were almost to the Dutchendorph’s the song, “Desperado” started to play. Softly Pa sang along with it. When the song came to the lyrics: You better let somebody love you, before it’s too late, he didn’t sing that part. He punched the button and a James Taylor song came on. It was, Don't Let Me be Lonely Tonight. With a hard twist he turned off the radio.

When they got to the house, Mrs. Dutchendorph came flying out of the back door before they even got out of the truck. Maybe she was hot for Pa. Good Lord! Lolly got out. Mrs. Dutchendorph exclaimed, “Oh Lolly, you look beautiful in that dress.”

Pa said, “She does.” He gave her a smile. His lips twitched ever so slightly. He was nervous.

Inside the house, Munch was in the attic blaring Etta James. Mrs. Dutchendorph called up the stairs, “Lolly and her dad are here.”

The music stopped and Munch came down the stairs one loud step at a time. His face was grim. Lolly had never seen him like this. Pa extend his hand to Munch and Munch shook it.

Pa said, “You got quite a grip there.”

Munch just glared at him.


The meal was good, but the conversation was awkward. Mrs. Dutchendorph and Pa kept talking over each other or falling silent at the same time. Munch was a total lump in a chair. He did not say a word. When the meal was over, Mrs. Dutchendorph said to Munch, “Why don’t you take Lolly upstairs and show her your new sketches for her dress.”

Lolly thought, Could you be any more OBVIOUS?

Munch said, “She’s seen ‘um.”

With a nervous but determined smile Mrs. Dutchendorph asked, “How could she have seen them? You just finished those sketches this afternoon.”

There was another long awkward pause. Pa broke it. He said, “I would like to see your sketches. Are you making Lolly a dress.”

First Munch shot a look at Lolly and then he looked at Pa. “Did no one in your family tell you that I am designing clothes for them?” There was hurt and anger in Munch’s voice. “Not even Mitzi?”

Pa scratched his head. “Maybe. I am ashamed to admit it but that little girl talks so much I don’t always listen.” That was quite a confession! “Still, I would very much like to see your drawings.”

Munch remained rooted. His mother said, “Michael,” in her voice that meant business. Slow and reluctant Munch stood and went upstairs. He brought his sketches down and pretty much jabbed them in Pa’s face. Without reaction, Pa took the sketch book. With careful concentration he studied each drawing. He said, “Mama will look good in this.” “You picked a good color for Jess.” “Mitzi is going to have a fit!” “Wow, this will look good on Puccini.” When Pa got to the last sketch a soft light came into his eyes. “Oh, Lolly you have got to see this.” He handed the sketch book to her. On the page was a dress in pale lavender with long flowing sleeves and a knee length hem.

She said, “Oh Munch. It is beautiful.”

Some of the hardness left Munch’s eyes. “Really?”

“Yes, I can’t wait to wear it.” Actually, as long as there was a runway involved she could wait. She could wait forever because she did NOT EVER want to get on that runway in front of people. They would stare and she hated being stared at. However, if there were no stage and the dress was finished, she would put it on right now.

For the rest of the evening, Munch stayed right beside his mother. The looks he shot in Pa’s direction were none too friendly. Through out the game of Clue. Munch seemed determined to pin the murder on Pa’s character, Colonel Mustard. When the game was over Pa said, “It looks like I was innocent after all.” He smiled across the table at Mrs. Dutchendorph and she turned bright pink! Munch saw it. A strange something vibrated in the air.

Pa rose from the table and said, “We best be going. Thank you for the lovely evening.”

“Thank you so much for coming Trace.”

Pa grinned.

Munch looked like murder.

Lolly just wanted to go.

At the back door Mrs. Dutchendorph said, “We will have to do this again sometime.”

Pa said, “I’d like that Estelle.” The look Mrs. Dutchendorph gave Pa, was painfully sweet.

Out in the truck, Pa shoved a Beatles tape into his 8 track player. Half way home Pa said, “I need a pack of cigs.” He pulled into the convince store. He opened the truck door and asked, “Come with?”

“Sure.” Lolly slid out her door.

While Pa was studying the vast selection of cigarettes, the bell on the door rang. Through the glass door came Trevor Long and a couple of other boys. Lolly wanted to melt into the ground, no disappear in a puff of smoke. She stood very still praying Trevor would not see her, while deep down hoping he would. The boys headed for the chip aisle. Pa asked for a pack of Camels. Lolly could hear Trevor’s voice. Pa turned to Lolly, “Is there anything you want honey?”

She shook her head.


She nodded.

He pulled out his wallet to pay for his cigarettes. Suddenly, a voice behind Lolly said, “Hey there.”


She turned. His smile went straight through her. She let loose another YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL TO ME smile.

He said, “You look pretty.”

“Thanks!” The whole world seemed to break out into song.

“You’re welcome. See you at school." He headed back to the chip aisle. She watched him turn back down the chip aisle.

Pa asked, “Who was that?”

Quietly she said, “Just a boy from school.” It was a good thing Mitzi blackmailed her into wearing this dress!

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