《The Healer From The Fringe》Chapter 7: Polite As Can Be


“I have sailed from the furthest cold bays of Nok to the sweet waters of Ushorin, but never have I found water so bright and so lovely as the King’s Lake. If only it was a sea.”

Yoreen Wavestride, famed and explorer

Bim checked in on scores of folk over the next several hours, feeding several of them some experimental potions in an attempt to see if any worked-- a couple got a fair bit more energetic and less feeble, which Bim took notes on, but the rest did nothing or, one that was the worst, made the patient vomit uncontrollably. Bim patted that one on the back, tried to be as soothing as possible, and helped clean them and the floor up, give them some fluids, and settle them back into comfort. He could feel his at work; it was said that Talents pushed on Esun, the world, in accordance with one’s own will and the strength of their Class, this going double for things like . Such Archon-affirmed promises were double-edged blades, though; if you failed to fulfill one, you would lose all but 1 of your levels in your Class, or, in the most egregious cases, lose your Class entirely.

Bim continued on from house to house until he was finished late in the afternoon, and returned to check in with the team. Developments were slow; everything felt slow. A wave of fear and sadness washed over him; why was he, a young, inexperienced, not even Level 5 the primary source of medical aid in this town in turmoil? Why would the Archons curse him-- and just as soon as it came, the feelings of sorrow were banished by a wave of happiness and confidence.

“We and want to help you , young Bim.” Just like that Marvin and Shannon were there.


Bim laughed. “How did you guys get here so fast?”

Shannon smiled warmly. “We . It’s a useful Talent; it lets us intuitively know where we’re needed, and travel quickly from place to place within the town limits. But enough about us; we came to tell you about a new arrival! Come meet him!”

Zara and Coll broke away from the other two to come with Bim as the two Mayors led him to where a medium-height pale man with a thin mustache and small, malicious-seeming eyes stood, hands always fidgeting.

The man stuck out his hand. “Hello. I’m Jules Gailen, . I’m sorry how we got off to a bad start.”

Zara immediately tensed, as did Coll. Bim’s face was… blank. After a couple of awkward seconds, Bim stuck out his hand and shook Jules’ enthusiastically. “Welcome to Drumlin, Mr. Gailen. I wish I’d known your last name when we first met; I have an interest in your family’s business dealings. I’d like to apologize for your father’s premature death. My former mentor sponsored his bid for the Barony of Steeprun. Small world, huh?” He let out a stilted chuckle.

Jules’ smile was frozen like ice. “In… Indeed, Mister…”

“Selkis. My last name is Selkis.”

“Ha, now we’re even.”

Bim’s grip tightened like a vice, and Jules let out a sharp yelp. “Not by far.” The boy said, voice low and cold, smile still fixed firmly on his face.

Their grip broke, and Bim strode off swiftly, followed by Zara. As soon as he was out of sight of the , he slipped the tin bear necklace he held in his left palm over his head and onto his neck, where it sat firmly and satisfyingly.

Level 2!

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