《Hide and Aizawa》HA1 2.2 - Homework


Hide carefully arranged 34 vials of Hateur Formula into an insulated box. His main objective had been completed, now he only had to take some anesthetic and the main ingredient to make some explosives.

For the explosives, Hide only took the compounds for which an end-user letter was required. He could get the other compound at a chemical store.

Hide had just put his stolen items in his briefcase when a female researcher in her late 20s came over. She had a slender body, about 165 cm tall with fairly defined curves, black hair tied into a pony-tail, and a beautiful face but unfortunately devoid of expression.

Hide recognized her. Otsu Shimamura, the third-highest position holder in the TDRC Laboratory.

Otsu looked at the vial box in Hide's hand before asking, "Noob, what are you making?"

"A sedative prototype that doesn't react to TBC med."

"Do not lie!"

From inside his briefcase, Hide took a document containing a false but official explanation of what he had just done, and handed it over to Otsu.

Not long after that, Otsu returned Hide's documents while saying, "Give some to me?"

With a Hoa accent from Villipine he said, "You can make it yourself if you want it."

Black clouds filled Otsu's expressionless face as she pursed her lips. "The last time I used something I made myself, I had to be taken to emergency room and unconscious for five days."

"Then ask the person who gave you the formula to try the concoctions."

"I made the formula myself."

"Have you tested it using a lab mouse?"

"I was too excited to know the effect, so I immediately tried it."

Hide sighed deeply before taking three vials of Formula Hateur and handing it over to Otsu.


"There are over four hundred reagents I have to test, so there's not much I can spare for you. You can use cigarettes or drinks as a medium. All drinks can be used except milk and coconut water. The safe dose is one drop every three days or you will end up in the emergency room."

A small smile spread across Otsu's lips, as she glanced at the name-tag that read 'Arnulfo Lim'.

"You can call me Otsu and my position here is quite high. If someone bothers you, don't hesitate to tell me."


Hide answered with a smile, but inwardly he decided he would never come back again. Considering that an unexpected conversation with Otsu could create a variable he didn't want if he returned to the TDRC Laboratory.


With a curious gaze, Aizawa looked at the yellow dough in Hide's hand. Since two days ago his brother had been busy in the garage making the smelly dough. He works using a portable stove, glass cups of various shapes, and bottles filled with various powders or liquids.

Aizawa wanted to take a closer look, but Hide asked her to stay away. On reflex, Aizawa wanted to cry because she thought Hide was ignoring her again.

But luckily, after two hours of working in the garage, Hide then looked for Aizawa to remind her to take a shower, and after dinner Hide accompanied her to study.

And today, Hide allowed her to accompany him in the garage. Hide turned to Aizawa before asking. "Do you want to help Big Bro with school homework?"


Seeing Aizawa nod with enthusiasm, Hide smiled. He then took a 30 cm long cable and handed it to Aizawa.

"Make 23 cables of the same size."



Aizawa nodded firmly and Hide handed her a coil of cable and scissors.

After observing Aizawa for a while Hide returned to his work. Using a special glove, he skillfully glued the orange dough called Semtex into the pipe cleavage, 10 cm in diameter, 20 cm long. In all, there are 4 pipe cleavages. After all of them were filled with Semtex, he arranged dozens of buckshot onto the surface of the Semtex and wrapped them in brown duct tape.

For the primer, Hide uses a lamp holder. Its plastic lid was removed while the copper part was straightened and coated with a special reagent. The base of the lamp holder was then connected with one of the cables that Aizawa cut, while the copper was plugged into the side of the Improvised Explosive Pipe (IEP).

To activate the primer, Hide used a flashlight. He took off the lamp on the flashlight and connected the copper with a new coil of cable. Of course, for now he did not insert the battery to avoid accidents.

For IEP settings, Hide could only determine it on location. So for the time being he only kept every part of IEP in the backpack. Of course, he packed each part carefully by using self-making anti-impact and waterproof boxes. After that, with the help of Aizawa, Hide cleaned the garage from any trace of IEP making.

Hide turned to Aizawa who was helping him wipe the table using alcohol and asked, "Aizawa, do you have something in mind for our dinner?"

"Ummm...." Aizawa pondered for a while before saying cheerfully, "Other kids in class have been talking about the Vormossa Beef Noodle shop at the Tamaki Shopping District. Can we go there?"

"Of course, we can. After we take a bath, we'll go over there."

Seeing Aizawa smiling from ear to ear, Hide instantly smiled as well.


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