《Fate's Grasp》Chapter Ten -- Burning Skies over Evergreen plains; 13 prisms


– Lewis –

The sound of bustling activity filled my ears and grew steadily stronger as I approached the village gate. Well… it was more of an open segment of a thick fence than a gate.

“Welcome to Miaenn!” Said a young, cheerful voice that broke my silent walk.

I lifted my gaze from the roofs of thatch and onto the girl’s face. Murky green eyes stared back from behind blonde locks; mature, but with a contained sense of mischief.

“I know the village’s name now, so what’s the name of the one who introduced me?” I asked, the unfamiliar use of my voice slightly straining my throat.

“Oh? You’re a bold one asking a name before telling yours. I assume you aren’t from around here…” she stated, curiosity evident in her voice as her eyes scanned my leaf and twig infused garments.

“Lewis. And you’d be correct in assuming that.”

“Oooh, another traveller~ Want me to show you around?” She asked, her serious undertone fading.

“That would be appreciated.” I replied, hiding the wariness I felt towards the place.


I watched the guard walk back towards the gate; my tour of the village over. Her name was Lily, and she was probably in her early twenties. She’d obviously been here for a while, as she knew everyone and everything in this village, memorizing every nook and cranny down every street or path; yet she definitely hadn’t been here her entire life. Most of the villagers… they were kind, but uneducated, speaking roughly and improperly. One the other hand, she possessed an educated tone, carrying herself in a proper way, one you’d only see of a person with some form of education.

I turned back to the tower in front of me, I’d seen the village from the ground; shouldn’t hurt to get an aerial view.

The old, wooden handle felt familiar, but I couldn’t remember what it reminded me of. My mind flashed back to events from before that fatal night, the feeling of remembrance bringing them to the front of my mind.


The thoughts lingered for a while, entertaining me as I climbed the rustic stairs.

The sight that greeted me was an unexpected mixture of serene beauty mixed with a sense of peace. The sky here only briefly turned blue in the afternoon and black at night; the rest of the time it was painted with shades of orange. Now, the burning orange complimented the ever-rolling gold and green grass that stopped only at the forest’s edge.


I opened the mental map, reliving the sight of blurred vision, followed by the dark-beige overlay. It had expanded; the mist had retreated back around the area and the golden words morphed to say ‘Miaenn.’

“It’s a beautiful view, isn’t it?” A familiar young voice said from behind me.

“It is. I had a view like this outside my… home, rolling plains under a gleaming moon.”

“Oh? And where is this home?” Her trademark tone of curiosity evident.

“Rithveer. I am- was, acquainted with the King.”

“I see… My geography’s a bit rusty so I’m not exactly sure where that is…” Lily’s expression

faded as she explored the depths of her mind, likely trying to see if ‘Rithveer’ rang a bell.

“Anyway, have you visited the inn yet?”

“Well, considering it’s only been five minutes from when the tour ended, I haven’t had the chance to.” I replied, a chuckle escaping my mouth.

“Ah-” She said, her demeanor taking on a tone of embarrassment.

“Do you have any Constelatons?” She asked.

Constelatons… a form of currency? Would be nice to have the same system as back in Rithveer.

“You’ll need at least a few prisms for a room…” She said, her eyes scanning my tattered garments and little possessions.

I felt through my pockets, seeing if some of these ‘prisms’ would be laying around.

“It appears I do not…” I said, the little strands of pride I still had pulled me away from asking for a loan.


“What’s the innkeeper like?” I inquired, a plan forming.

“Oh- He’s a burly guy, used to be a dungeon leader. Retired after his core shattered. It’s a sensitive topic for him, so I advise against bringing it up. Anyway, he’s a bit rough around the edges, but a pretty nice guy!” She stopped herself from continuing.

“Why do you ask?”

“No reason. The inn is… north of here, right?” I asked, recalling points from the tour.

“Oh so you were paying attention, you seemed to be focused more on your thoughts than on the tour~” She said, a smirk at the forefront of her tease-attack.

Without thinking, I folded my arms behind my back and bowed, an act of respect to someone of either higher power, or higher knowledge than you who shared an act of grace.

“Is that some sort of salute you did back home?” She chuckled.

“Almost, it’s more of a thanks.” I said to her feet as I disappeared down the stairs.


“Welcome! ‘Ome for a drink n’ eat or a room n’ sleep?” A deep and extremely masculine voice bellowed at me before I had even fully opened the door. The room was empty; I guess most people would’ve just left for whatever work they had here.

The source of the voice caught my gaze. Behind the bar stood the exact figure Lily had outlined, as if the very personality she had described was plastered over his face. Scars littered his arms, and his left side of his chest appeared to be slightly caved in. Yet he wore a big smile, with eyes that seemed to gleam with adventure.

“I…” I started, particles of doubt multiplying over my current course of action.

I could see his expression change to curiosity, but there was a hint of caution there. Did he think I would cause him harm? Try to rob him? I eyed the sword tucked to the side of the counter. I guess I’d find out what he thought of me if the tip of that sword found its way to my throat.

“Aye? I got steak cookin’ ‘ere so ‘urry up.”

“I’m broke.” I said with pure monotone, I was merely stating a fact after all.

The words seemed to linger in the air as he continued what he was doing without acknowledging what I had said. A moment passed. He raised his finger, a signal for me to sit. I pulled a chair away from the closest table and sat against the wall, waiting for him to finish.

A moment passed as he packed away the steak.

A moment passed as he cleaned up the counters.

A moment passed as he walked over.

The moment came to talk.

“A room here costs three prisms, correct?”

“Aye, tha’d be right.”

“Eleven prisms then. I’ll stay three nights and on the fourth day I’ll pay you twelve.”

I had no idea on how the economy worked here, and for all I knew both Lily and the Innkeeper could be scamming me, but I needed a place to stay; to relax and hopefully find some answers.

“You ‘spect me to trust ye not to steal away aft’r the third night, aye?”

How would I reply to that? Tell him to trust some ragged guy he just met?

“Thirteen prisms; nine as the usual fee, three as ‘nterest and one to d’wnpay the guards to hunt ye down if ye try to ‘scape, deal?”

I extended my hand to him, “deal.”

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