《The Genesis Project》Chapter 32: No Tomorrow
Chapter 32: No Tomorrow
The general cursed under his breath as he rifled through the papers on his desk. So far, not a single success. At this point, he was beginning to have concerns regarding the integrity of the samples. Surely there hadn’t been any contamination?
Not in HIS facility!
Of course, it wasn’t as if he’d been presented with the best subjects for testing. The fringes of human society could only produce so much in terms of quality.
Not one living specimen to show for his new efforts.
He grimaced, leaning forward to chew lightly on the knuckles of his right hand.
The situation in the capital with Eric was growing worse by the day. It wouldn’t be long before he would be forced to deal with the degenerate weasel. The dissention between the Holy Council and the common people was coming to a head.
The general stifled the chuckle that bubbled up in his throat. Deinan would be torn to pieces, and he would gladly scoop up the ashes. After all, he considered himself to be a patient man.
His smile widened. Oh, and wouldn’t those stuff-shirts of the council be surprised to see him then? He would make them pay dearly for their doubts and unjust criticism.
Perhaps some of them would make good candidates? They would surely understand first-hand then.
A knock at the door drew the general’s attention.
The door opened to reveal the general’s newest orderly; a smaller fellow with short-clipped, brown hair. Hayden. Hayden Whitmore.
“Yes?” the general inquired as the nervous youth hesitantly stepped through the door.
Hayden cleared his throat in an attempt to calm his nerves. “Er, y-yes, Sir. It would seem that the commandant is requesting your presence in Deinan again.”
Vladsco rolled his eyes. “And I request my presence in the opposite direction, if you please.”
Hayden gave a hesitant laugh. “Yes, of course, sir.”
“I do trust that the efforts in Segan went well?”
Hayden frowned. “Er, well, ye-yes, but there have been some concerns…”
The general quirked a brow. “Concerns?”
“Regarding the availability of supplies.”
Vladsco shrugged. “So move on to the next city.”
The young man hung his head, averting his gaze. “But, sir, wouldn’t that be considered treason without proper authorization-”
“You know,” Vladsco interrupted, resting his chin on his open palm. “The last individual that entertained this line of questioning with me took a very long walk off the deck of an airship.” His gaze hardened. “Something to consider before you go prodding me too deeply.”
Hayden swallowed.
The corners of the general’s mouth twitched in obvious amusement. “Will that be all, then, Sergeant Whitmore?”
The young soldier gave a nod, still refusing eye-contact.
“Very good. Now go assemble your team and prepare to move out.”
“Y-Yes, Sir.”
The loading bay was bustling with activity as soldiers scurried about, fulfilling their daily activities.
A lot of the ships that had come in from the Pheora base had arrived with considerable damage, creating quite a bit of extra work for the mechanics.
Faint shouting echoed over the clanging and hammering of metal.
Alice made her way to the control tower, assuming it would be the best place to begin her search for her newly-appointed liaison. Having no description of the boy, she supposed she would have no choice but to ask around.
If the blonde had thought the bay was busy, it was nothing compared to the tower. Soldiers dashed about, busily going about their assigned activities.
Alice supposed it was to be expected. After all, with communication down, the Ridgeport base had received no prior notification of the pending arrival of extra ships. She imagined the first ship to arrive had created utter chaos.
“Hey, who are you? Only authorized personnel are allowed up here.”
Alice jumped at the sudden, harsh address aimed in her direction.
The young man who’d spoken, a young brunette with a rather beefy build and short-clipped, brown hair stared back at her with unflinching, hazel eyes.
“Hey, take it easy, Ben, that’s no way to speak to a lady,” another, much smaller, boy spoke as he came to place a hand on the disgruntled boy’s shoulder.
The one called Ben merely grumbled, wandering off to resume whatever duty he’d been distracted from.
“You’ll have to forgive him,” the smaller boy chuckled as he turned his attention back to Alice. “He doesn’t get out much. Women aren’t exactly a common sight up here.” He smiled, extending a hand. “Hiro. Hiro Tanaka. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Alice smiled as she returned the gesture, shaking the friendly boy’s hand. “Alice. Alice Lynheart.”
The boy’s pale skin seemed to grow even paler, brown eyes widening, as he ran a hand through his dyed-red hair, patches of black becoming visible as the locks parted before falling back into place. “Golden Phoenix. It’s, uh, a pleasure to meet a fellow fire user.”
Alice’s eyes widened. Fellow fire user?
“Well, now, this is an unexpected surprise. Can’t say I’ve had the pleasure of meeting another Touched with the fire ability.”
Hiro chuckled. “Likewise. This is an extremely pleasant surprise. So what do I owe the honor, Lieutenant?”
“Well, actually, it’s Commander now,” Alice replied with a smile.
Hiro paused, eyes widening once more. “I, uh, see. My apologies. I wasn’t aware. I take it the news about Commander Derwent’s convoy was factual?”
“Afraid so,” the blonde replied. “I’ve been asked to step in on his behalf.”
“I see. My condolences. He was your father, correct?”
Alice nodded. “Yes. We got separated in the attack, so I was only recently informed myself.”
Hiro grimaced, looking away. “I am truly sorry. He will be missed.”
Alice settled for merely nodding once more, finding herself unable to speak any longer on the matter. Truthfully, she was still sorting out just how she felt. She supposed torn would be the best adequate descriptor. After all, the man hadn’t given her the warmest of welcomes when she’d returned.
“Well, right now we’re pretty busy trying to get these broken birds of yours back in the sky again, but if there’s anything I can do-”
“Of course. I won’t keep you from your duties then. Commander Stein just informed me that you would be my liaison, so I wanted to at least introduce myself.”
Hiro paused, looking mildly surprised. “Oh? Well, then I suppose we’ll be seeing a lot of each other from now on.”
Alice chuckled, nodding as she shook the boy’s hand once more. “I look forward to working with you.”
Hiro smiled. “You bet. How about a proper meeting tomorrow? I can get a few of the department heads together by then for a formal introduction.”
“Sounds great.”
The moment of comradery was brought to a swift end as the door burst open to reveal an angry Julius.
“Lynheart, a moment of your time, please.”
Alice frowned at the tone.
“Um, excuse me, Admiral, but I believe it’s Commander Lynheart,” Hiro interjected, causing the, already ill-tempered, youth to growl under his breath.
“Fine. Commander Lynheart, a moment, if you will.”
Alice quirked a brow, excusing herself from Hiro before following the disgruntled admiral.
“Alright, Julius, you mind telling me what this is all about?” Alice quipped as the pair exited the hangar and turned down the hall.
“Well, it seems you get to deal out your first disciplinary action. There was a fist-fight in the mess hall earlier today. It’s only been a day, and your people are already causing problems.”
“How do you know they were mine? Maybe one of yours started it? Any witnesses?”
“They were both yours! That guy with the weird eyes you came in with and the loudmouth from our old division,” Julius snapped.
Alice frowned.
Vincent and Seth?
“Apparently, they got into some argument…over you.”
A long sigh escaped the blonde. “I’ll take care of it.”
Julius crossed his arms. “See to it that you do. Because, so help me, if you don’t…”
“Cool it, Julius! I said I’d handle it,” the blonde quipped.
Julius paused, leveling her with a knowing stare. “Yeah, I know good and well what you’ll be handling alright. There were witnesses that overheard the conversation. Rest assured, I know all about your little tryst.”
Alice maintained her steely gaze. “Careful, Julius, you know what fire does to ice. And, right now, the ice you’re standing on is already getting dangerously thin.”
The brunette glared. “If I didn’t know any better, I would say that sounded vaguely enough like a threat. A set of freakish eyes is all it takes to get your motor running now, huh? He certainly didn’t look like he has much else going for him-”
The brunette cut off with a sharp yelp as he suddenly found himself against the wall, a petite hand secure in the grip around his throat.
“Now you listen, and you listen well, you insufferable ass: Right now, I outrank you, so you can either work with me, or you can find yourself demoted to janitor duty for all I care. Difference between you and me: You can make all the threats you want, but, right now, I can act on mine. Your choice: Stay out of my way or get burned. I’ve got too much on my plate as is without your petty ego.” Sapphire eyes crackled dangerously. “We clear?”
Julius glared, but said no more as the blonde released him then before stalking off down the hall.
Vincent sighed as he drummed his fingers against the wooden desk in front of him. Quite frankly, he was becoming annoyed.
All he’d done was defend himself. Why had he been sent to the commander’s office instead of Seth?
To add insult to injury, the commander hadn’t seen fit to show up yet. Then again, given his experience with Leo, he wasn’t so sure he wanted to meet this Stein person.
So much for the low profile…
The teen was brought out of his thoughts as the door finally clicked open. Head whipping around, he was unable to prevent the smile that overtook his features at the sight of the blonde figure in the doorway.
“Lieutenant,” he greeted warmly with a smile.
Alice chuckled, closing the door behind her. “Actually, it’s Commander now. At least for the time being.” A ‘click’ sounded as she locked the door before making her way over to sit on the desk in front of her boyfriend.
Vincent admired her for a moment, appreciating the way her black skirt contrasted her lovely, pale skin. The first two buttons of her pink dress-shirt were undone, giving him a sinfully delicious view of her slender neck.
“So, Vincent, what do you think I should do with you?” the blonde murmured after a moment, snapping the teen from his thoughts.
The boy flushed in spite of himself, averting his gaze. “I got a few choice suggestions.”
Dear Lord, was he ever in trouble! He couldn’t even seem to look at her now without wanting her. All he could seem to think about at the moment was the night they’d shared.
The way her body had seemed to mold perfectly to his own. Her soft lips touching his. Skin like moist velvet. The way she had shivered at the slightest brush of his hands. The soft whimpers of elation…
The teen rapidly shook his head in an attempt to reign in his emotions as his blush deepened. If he didn’t keep himself in check…
There was a spark of mischief in the girl’s eyes as her lips twitched slightly.
Vincent swallowed.
Oh, dear God…
“Well, before I address that comment, I’m afraid we have to discuss the disruption in the mess hall.”
Vincent sighed. “Alice, Seth was being irrational-”
The blonde held a hand up, silencing the boy. “You leave Seth to me. I’ll light the fire under his rear later. Don’t let him get to you.”
Vincent nodded, smiling as the commander then beamed at him.
“Now you come here, bad boy,” she giggled.
Vincent chuckled. Doing as he was bid, he made his way over to the girl. Wrapping his arms around her, he gave a contented sigh at the comforting warmth that began to fill him.
A shiver ran down the teen’s spine at the gentle nip to his ear.
“Back to those suggestions…,” the blonde whispered, punctuating each word with a light kiss to his ear.
Vincent felt his toes curl as another shiver ran down his spine. The warm lips trailed to his neck then as all his blood seemed to sink to his lower body, leaving him slightly dizzy. He paid little mind to the lightheadedness as his hands reached down to trail beneath her skirt, gently massaging her thighs.
The brunette smiled at the whispered whimper he received in response. Turning his head, he joined their lips together as he slipped a finger beneath her panties to tenderly brush her warm center.
The heated whisper of his name pleased his ears as petite hands slipped beneath his shirt to touch his skin, sending warm electricity all the way to his toes.
A moan bubbled up in the youth’s throat as he deepened the kiss, allowing his tongue to brush against her own.
The pair parted for air as the lights began to flicker.
“Y-You pro-probably want to turn those off,” Alice whispered in a breathless murmur.
Vincent chuckled as he pulled back to brush their noses together. “As my commander wishes.”
Alice shivered as the room was then plunged into darkness, suddenly very glad she’d chosen to wear a skirt today.
The boy returned to her with a gentle brush to her cheek before his hands drifted back down to her waist.
Alice smiled, leaning forward to peck a quick kiss to his lips. “Slow and gentle, alright?” She flushed. “I’m still a bit sore.”
As if in apology, soft lips ghosted down her neck to her shoulder.
At the soft, jittery sigh that he received in response, Vincent reached up to undo three more of the buttons on her shirt. Leaning his head down, he traced his lips over her clothed breasts.
The brunette shuddered at the heated whisper. He groaned, resting his forehead against the girl’s shoulder as he felt her begin working the clasp of his jeans.
Sliding the zipper down, Alice attempted to still her trembling as she used her feet to slide the boy’s pants and boxers down his legs. She had to bite back the whine as he stepped away from her then, quickly removing his sneakers before stepping out of them.
Alice shyly averted her gaze, feeling lightheaded as her heart raced through her chest.
Vincent slipped the black loafers from her feet before reaching up to undo the last of the buttons on her shirt. Suddenly, he found that he couldn’t be close enough to her. Sliding the fabric from her shoulders, he unclipped her bra.
“Please, I-I want to feel you,” he whispered, carefully wrapping her legs around his waist as he tugged her forward.
Alice whimpered as he lifted her slightly, removing her panties.
Capturing her lips, the brunette muffled both their cries of elation at their joining.
The blonde shuddered, holding onto the boy’s shoulders for dear life as he simply held her to him, his gray t-shirt the only barrier preventing her nails from lightly biting into his skin. After a moment, she felt him gently recline her onto her back on the desk, taking extra care not to separate them as he leaned over her.
Vincent gave a shuddering moan of his own as he savored the tight, warm heat for a moment. He started a slow, deep rhythm, groaning under his breath as she quickly matched his pace.
Breathless pleas and affirmations spurred the boy on as his heart floated in his chest. He felt her tense briefly before finally collapsing against the desk in a shuddering, whimpering ball. He followed after her a moment later, a whimper of his own rushing from his lips.
For a moment, the pair simply held one another, quivering in each other’s arms as they attempted to regain their senses.
“I love you,” the blonde finally whispered, her tone still meltingly sweet. “I promise, Vincent, nothing’s going to get in the way of what we have. I won’t let it. I accepted this position on the contingency that we would be left alone.”
The brunette pecked her lips in answer before carefully dislodging himself from her. He scooped her into his arms, pressing another kiss to her forehead.
Alice gave a small giggle. “Thanks to a certain someone, my legs still feel like jelly now.”
Vincent felt his cheeks darken, even as the chuckle escaped his lips. “That’s okay. I’ve got you, darling.”
The blonde gave a fond smile, brushing her lips to the boy’s cheek as he gently placed her onto her feet.
The pair quietly redressed one another amid stolen kisses, basking in the new tender intimacy they’d found.
Now sitting in the chair together, Vincent found purchase in running his fingers through the blonde’s hair as she rested in his lap.
A soft hum of approval left the girl as she angled her head back to steal one more kiss. With no small amount of regret, she sighed.
Vincent gave a grunt of disapproval, pressing another kiss to the top of her head.
“I know…”
The blonde rose from her human chair, giving a languid stretch.
“See you in your room later?”
“Our room,” Alice gently corrected the boy. Giving another soft giggle, she leaned forward to brush their noses together. “Now you run along, darling. I’ll be back in your arms before you know it.”
Vincent swallowed, feeling very much as if he were walking on air as he slowly exited the office before making his way down the hall that would lead to the staircase. He would collect Matthew from the medical bay, then eagerly await his girlfriend’s return. He only prayed evening would come soon.
Kurt took a sip from his coffee mug he’d retrieved from the medical bay down the hall, leaning back in his chair as he sat at his computer desk.
So far, the stubborn file had resisted every decryption program at his disposal. However, he’d managed to save a flash-drive containing his own special programs from the other base prior to fleeing. On it, was a decryption program he’d manufactured himself.
The teen smiled. It would only be a matter of time now. He’d started the scan nearly thirty minutes ago.
There was a musical tone as the scan concluded, indicating that the folder was now available for opening.
Kurt smiled to himself, resisting the urge to pat himself on the back. His elation was short-lived, however, as he opened the folder.
One name blinked upon the screen.
Kurt blinked, positive he’d merely misread. It was a miracle he hadn’t spit his coffee out in shock.
That was impossible.
The brunette swallowed, mind racing as he quickly scrolled through the file. By his calculation, such a thing would have only been possible by artificial means.
Matthew was six, meaning she would have had to have been only around eleven at the time of the procedure.
The teen began to sweat, all the pieces beginning to fall uncomfortably into place in his mind. It all made too much sense now: The numerous doctor visits, the blood-work, the injections, extensive monitoring…
She had been…chosen.
Kurt bit his lip. She didn’t know. He knew she didn’t. That was the sort of thing she definitely would have brought up as remembering.
He shook his head. No, there was no way she knew. She would have likely been knocked out anyway.
The teen continued to sweat.
Why? What on earth had Leo been thinking?! Had he truly been so desperate to get her blood flowing through offspring? And why? Why him of all donors?
The boy bit his lip. It was unsettling. How was he even remotely supposed to tell her? Truth be told, she would likely find it a tasteless prank.
Running a hand through his raven hair, the teen sighed. He had to try. Regardless, she had the right to know. MATTHEW had the right to know.
Kurt frowned. The poor kid.
Slowly pushing out his chair, the teen locked his computer before fleeing the room.
Seth swallowed another mouthful from his bottle before setting it down on the small table next to him. He reclined in his chair with a sigh.
After his altercation with Vincent, he’d scooped up what was left of his pride and hidden himself away in his room.
He grimaced. Thank God Alice hadn’t seen…
The brunette ran a hand through his short, black hair. He honestly wished he knew where to go from this point. Truthfully, he was a bit frightened of getting lost in the shuffle here.
She hadn’t even bothered seeking him out since they’d arrived. All it had taken for her to forget about him again was her seeing that boy’s face in the crowd.
Then she had kissed him…right in front of everyone…
God, he was jealous! At that moment, he would have given just about anything to be in the amber-eyed boy’s shoes. There was no doubt about it: Something had changed.
He wasn’t sure he even wanted to know what all had transpired between them for her to have fallen so desperately in love during her three-month absence. Once again, he assured himself that he would likely be unable to handle it.
Reaching over, he retrieved his bottle from the table again. He’d been playing this game with himself for the better part of an hour.
He supposed, if he kept this up, he’d eventually pass out. Not that he minded. At least then he could forget. Forget every image of her with him that he had floating around in his head.
It was almost cruel the hold she still retained on his heart.
Another sigh left his lips. He couldn’t wholly blame her. She’d found a wonderful thing in the midst of the bloody chaos that comprised their world: Love.
The word echoed through the boy’s head a few more times.
My heart belongs to another…
Seth shook his head as her words replayed through his memory, burning his heart anew.
The teen nearly jumped out of his skin as water suddenly splashed his face, causing him to rise from his chair.
Wide, brown eyes stared into crackling sapphire as the petite blonde twisted the cap back onto the water bottle she held.
How had he not heard her come in?
“What were you thinking?”
Seth swallowed, averting his gaze. “A-Alice, I…” The brunette paused. “I just lost my head.”
Alice folded her arms, her eyes narrowing. “Oh, no, it’s here alright. Lodged straight up your ass.”
The brunette winced.
“And I’ll tell you one thing for certain: That, right there,” she paused, gesturing to the bottle he held, “isn’t going to help you to pry it out.”
“I know…”
The blonde gave a defeated sigh as she walked around to sit on the arm of the chair next to him.
“Look, I know you’re hurt. I’m not asking you not to be. That would be…cruel of me.”
Seth turned to face the girl. “I-I don’t blame you, you know? Not really.” He paused, swallowing the lump in his throat before continuing. “You, uh, you found love. I’m happy for you.”
Alice quirked a brow. “Yeah? Then look me in the eyes and say that.”
Seth pinched his eyes shut, grimacing. “Damn it, Alice. Please, don’t… Please, don’t ask me to stop loving you. I can’t.”
The blonde blew out a sigh. Rising from the chair, she took the bottle from his hand before making her way over to the sink in the nearby kitchenette.
“I’m not,” she finally replied, dumping the remainder of the bottle’s contents down the drain. “I know all too well that, once you bring yourself to love someone, there’s a part of you that stays with that person…whether you want it to or not. Though I’d prefer it be as easy as forcing you to forget and bottle your feelings, I’m afraid that wouldn’t be fair of me either.”
Seth frowned.
“So I’m going to instead tell you to move on in your own time. What I AM going to make very clear, however, are my priorities,” the blonde continued, making her way back over to stand in front of him. “Seth, what you did today put my family at risk. Put the man I treasure most at risk. I can’t have that.” Sapphire eyes narrowed. “I WON’T have that. Make no mistake: I will kill to keep what’s mine.”
Seth froze at the sudden chill that entered her voice, giving a meek nod. “Y-Yes, Lieutenant."
"Commander," she corrected.
Seth’s eyes widened, though he nodded obediently, amending. “C-Commander.”
Alice nodded her approval. “Good. Consider the subject dropped…permanently. Get some rest and sober up, alright?”
Not waiting for a reply, the newly-appointed leader took her leave, leaving a frazzled Seth behind alone with his thoughts once more.
Alice gave a sigh as she snuggled into her boyfriend’s embrace. After the tiring day they’d both had, all they’d wanted to do once Matthew had gone to sleep was cuddle in bed together.
She brushed a kiss to his bare chest, smiling at the small tremor the action provoked.
Vincent pressed a kiss to her lips, trailing his fingers down her naked back to her tailbone. The soft whimper he earned tugged his lips into a smile as he felt the young woman shift, moving to lean over him.
A knock at the door drew a growl of frustration from the blonde, causing her boyfriend to chuckle.
Slipping back into her panties, Alice redressed herself in Vincent’s gray t-shirt and waited for the boy to tug his pants back on before trudging to the door.
Cracking open the door, the blonde yelped as Kurt pushed his way in.
“Hey, I brought those papers you requested on Matthew, and there’s something you should-” the teen trailed off, finally taking notice of the moment he’d clearly interrupted. He averted his gaze, rolling his eyes. “know.”
Grateful that her brother had shone tact by not commenting on the matter, Alice took the papers from him before making her way over to the table in the kitchen.
Kurt awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. Vincent stared at him as he remained in his spot sitting on the bed.
“Well? I take it you’re coming in?”
Kurt gave a sour frown, but said nothing before moving to follow Alice into the kitchen. She had just finished applying her signature to the paper as he took a seat across from her.
Vincent arrived in the kitchen after. Taking the paper from the table, he scanned it briefly before applying his own title.
Kurt’s eyes widened. Alice taking on Matthew was something he could understand, but Vincent… Vincent was taking on the responsibility of a child that was most definitely not his own.
“You, uh, sure about that, Vincent? You do realize what you just signed, right?”
Amber eyes stared at the scientist for a moment.
“The piece of paper that is going to keep these people from trying to separate my family,” the brunette finally replied.
Alice smiled warmly at her boyfriend before turning her attention back to her brother. “You were saying there was something we needed to know?”
Kurt shook his head, quickly reaching into the pocket of his white lab coat to retrieve a second paper. “Right. Here.”
Alice frowned, scanning it briefly. “What is this?”
Kurt swallowed, steeling himself. “Matthew’s results. Where is he, by the way?”
“Sleeping,” Vincent returned, “Now what’s going on?”
Kurt looked away for a moment. Drawing in a deep breath, he turned back to face his sister. “It turns out that Matthew was already in the system.”
Alice nodded. Far from unusual. After all, the boy had been conceived and birthed through The Program. “Not exactly a surprise. He’s Madison’s.”
Kurt looked away, rubbing the back of his neck. “W-Well, about that… His blood type actually doesn’t match is the only thing.”
Alice quirked a brow. “Meaning?”
Kurt swallowed. “Well, offspring always share a blood type with one of their parents.”
Vincent shrugged. “So he has his father’s blood type. What does it matter?”
“No, he doesn’t.”
Alice and Vincent both froze, exchanging a glance.
“You found his father?” the blonde asked after a moment, her tone clearly apprehensive.
Kurt bit his lip. “I’ve got the name.”
Vincent frowned, folding his arms. “Kurt, out with it. Is he or is he not Madison’s son?”
The scientist averted his gaze. “N-Not biologically.”
“What?” Alice questioned, brows furrowing. The boy wasn’t making any sense at all. Matthew had to be Madison’s son. He’d told them so himself.
Kurt raised his gaze to his sister finally. “Alice, Madison Fairchild was Matthew’s surrogate mother. Matthew’s biological mother is the one whose blood type he shares.” He paused, carefully taking her hand within his own. “Someone…with type A positive blood…”
Vincent’s brows furrowed. Surely he didn’t mean…
“B-But type A positive isn’t rare…is it?”
Alice felt her body go numb as Kurt failed to answer, his eyes instead boring into her own.
“Alice…you have a son. You are Matthew’s true mother.”
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Laia is pissed. When she kills off a fan favorite from her successful novel series, she elicits the anger of some chuunibyou god-child. As her ‘divine punishment’, she gets thrown into a world of her own making– literally. Waking up as the villain of a shitty CEO romance novel she wrote long ago, Laia has to satisfy the life wishes that character has. If she does, she can get out of this world and return to her own. If she doesn’t, she dies. Armed with a talking fox-cat-thing to navigate the system mechanics of her punishment, she’s ready to turn the place upside to get what she wants. She's also not opposed to having a little bit of fun in the process. The original protagonist is in love with her, the original love interest is thoroughly destroyed, and– if it wasn’t already obvious– the original storyline is up in flames. ⋅ ⋆ ⋅ ⋆ ⋅ One crappy romance novel was enough, but another? “I fucking completed everything that stupid system asked of me, so tell your idiot brother to bring me back to my world.” The handsome man languidly sitting on the throne sighed dramatically, “Unfortunately, father and mother heard about what he did to you. He’s currently under guard and won’t be able to get you out of here.” “Why didn’t your parents get me removed from here first before locking your brother up?" "They forgot,” he simply said. He showed a regretful expression. She knew it was bullshit. Her temples throbbed, “So what are you doing here?” A beautiful smile bloomed on his lips. It was enchanting, bewitching, and made her want to bash his face in. “I’m here to keep you company,” he winked, “My Empress.”God. She wanted to stab him in the heart just to shut him up. ▽▽▽ System but not really. Barebones shit. This book may end up reading like crack. You have been warned. Each 'arc' is a new novel our wonderful MC visits. There are three arcs to this story. one (1): CEO/Contemporary two (2): Eastern Historical three (3): Fantasy World Chapter Length: 1k-1.6k words. Upload Schedule: As of 01.04.20, daily updates for two weeks. After that, probably 3-5 a week. Estimated Novel Length: 150-200 (each arc will have about 30-70 chapters).
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8 159 - In Serial19 Chapters
a fake arrangement | wlw |
Hazel Grayson, a private woman, who comes back to her family estate for her family reunion, brings home a woman she's never met before in an effort to satisfy her family's expectations in her love life. Living under the same roof as Hazel is quite hard, especially when they get off on the wrong foot unknowingly.A childhood friend and his unusual style of work, helps Valentina be a fiancée to cover for her finance problems once again. Hazel has her demons, but so does Valentina.❗️note❗️i began this book when i was new to writing narratives in general. this story is a more fast paced book, like my other old narrative "kind regards."please keep in mind that not only is this book one of her firsts, but this story involves my old, quick paced style of writing. nonetheless, if you have a preference of these types of books, be my guest and enjoy !
8 86 - In Serial70 Chapters
[BL] Big Boss Got Pregnant
English Translation!Chinese Title: 大佬帶球跑You can read it more on NovelCat China!When an overbearing loving guy met a dashing flirtatious guy, what would happen between them?Herman had spent 5 years living with Jared. He devoted himself to taking care or Jared and pleasing him. However, he never got Jared's attention.Fine. Cheer up. With the little one in his belly, he would start a new life, without that idiot as well as his annoying lover. Jared thought to himself. Yeah, without that annoying couple, he would be happier.Gently touching his belly, Herman put on a cunning smile, "Well, guess what, little one, we need a new plan of our future."
8 133 - In Serial8 Chapters
"I'll never accept you as my mate," he growls in my ear, while trapping me in a corner with my back facing him.It hurts me every time he says that. Freaking makes me mad every time since he doesn't know shit about me. What a MOTHERFUCKER!! "Your a piece of fucking shit, you know that right," I spat angrily, moving my head back and hitting him in the face. "FUCK," he shouts while taking a few steps back from me.I turn around and snarl at him. Looks up at me with his pitch black eyes. "You'll regret that Ira," he says calmly while standing there, staring at me. "Well bitch, you can REGRET MY ASS CUZ I DONT REGRET IT!! And my name is not Ira, it's ADIRA YOU FOOL!," I say angrily, tearing up because of my frustration with this moron of a mate that causes me pain. Fucking cheats on me and expects me to act like a fool and ignore the shit he did behind my back.~+~*~+~*~Where there is only two packs in the world, one of females and the other of males living in peace. They hardly know of each other's existence, resulting them in mating with the same sex. Since babies don't exist no more in this world because of wolves mating with people of the same sex, it's causing the decrease of the population of the wolves.Adira is a stubborn, loud, brave, strong, funny, hard working and kind woman who took in two female pups that no one wanted to take in and raised them as her own pups. Has a best friend that's a dog named Pepita. Being surrounded by girls her whole life and has never felt attracted to a girl before. At times she questions herself, "Why am I so different?"Obsidian is the Alpha of the Male Pack, has a perfect life so far or so he thought. Being handsome and charming, liking men, fucking men, and dumping men. Living the perfect life until he meets his mate. Finds out life isn't going to be the same anymore.He's mated to a female.~Inspired by "Mismated" Fudgecakexox ~
8 159