《The Genesis Project》Chapter 31: Beautiful Liar


Chapter 31: Beautiful Liar

The first thing Alice Lynheart became acutely aware of as weary sapphire eyes fluttered open was the light, throbbing ache in her groin. It wasn’t an unpleasant sensation. A comforting fullness warmed her from the inside out as she slowly angled her head to gaze at her slumbering human pillow.

Her lips curved into a smile.

He looked to be having pleasant dreams, judging by his peaceful expression.

She lovingly brushed a hand through his soft, raven hair. Warm memories from the night prior drifted through her mind, beckoning her to linger.

Perhaps she really had perished in the flames of the lost base. It honestly felt like she was living in a dream. One she only prayed she would never wake from.

A blush heated her pale cheeks as she slowly slipped out of bed, careful not to disturb her sleeping lover.

Lover. The mere word sent a bout of fresh tingles all the way to her toes as she practically floated across the room to the kitchen after redressing herself in her t-shirt. Amusement danced in her eyes as she found her hands refused to cease their trembling.

Something had shifted within her. She could feel it. It went beyond the unfamiliar sore sensation of muscles unused being stretched in a way they’d never been before. It went beyond the best night’s sleep she’d had in years. It was in the fluttering of her heart every time he smiled at her. It was in the tenderness of his touch. It was in the passionate way he held her.

Yes, no doubt about it: Alice Lynheart was completely, and hopelessly, in love. Body and soul.

The teen gave a contented sigh as she basked in the rare, tranquil moment. She made her way over to the sink. Removing the pitcher from the coffee pot that sat next to it, she closed her eyes as she allowed it to fill.

Then let’s go. We’ll run away together. There has to be somewhere out there for us. We just have to go find it.

Alice gave a somber smile as her lover’s words replayed in her memory. She spared a glance over her shoulder toward the bed. Now, more than ever before, she wished for such an outcome. They could take Matthew and disappear. She was beginning to see it as a real possibility.

With Leo gone, was there anything actually keeping her here?

As if in answer to her question, Kurt, Jonathan, Issac, and Seth’s faces flashed through her mind.


She really would need to find him later to apologize for being so harsh with him. Her feelings for Vincent in no way erased their friendship. He had to understand. Then again, perhaps he didn’t wish to.

The blonde pinched the bridge of her nose as a frustrated sigh escaped her. Perhaps disappearing would be for the best. She wasn’t so sure she could take the risk of her and Vincent being separated. Not now.

Then there was Matthew. She would sooner die than allow these people to take him from her. They were not going to force their life on him.

Truthfully, she wasn’t even sure Issac and Kurt were still alive. After all, she hadn’t seen them in the hangar. Of course, at the time, her eyes had only seen Vincent.

Though she was sure there was a part of her that would be deeply saddened if they did turn out to be among the casualties, she could do little about it.

Pouring the water into the machine to percolate, she massaged her temples.


She would be seen as a deserter. A disappointment. A coward.

A growl bubbled up low in her throat.

Let them! She’d lost too much precious to her. She was unwilling to take any chances. Not this time.

The blonde nearly jumped out of her skin as a pair of arms wrapped around her waist from behind, tugging her back into a warm chest.

A shirtless chest…

Alice flushed at the warm voice next to her ear.

“Good morning, darling.”

“M-Mo-Morning. Sl-Sleep well?” she stuttered, drawing an amused chuckle from the male.

Alice gave a light shiver as she felt the boy’s hands begin to gently massage her hips, warm lips brushing her neck.

“Well, my dreams were filled with you, so you could say that.”

Alice melted. Closing her eyes, she leaned back to rest against the boy. Another kiss to her neck drew a soft sigh from her lips.

The boy’s grip tightened slightly as he flattened himself against her back, allowing her to feel him through the course material of the jeans he’d redressed himself in.


The sensual lips teasing her skin paused at her faint whisper. “Hmm?”

The girl bit back a moan at the exhaled breath against her ear. When one of the boy’s hands drifted down to lightly trace her bare thigh, her legs nearly buckled out from under her. Finally unable to take any more of the boy’s amorous teasing, she spun around in his arms to capture his lips as she backed up to rest against the counter.

Vincent followed easily enough, lifting her up to sit on the counter before rejoining their lips. His fingers slowly traced along the girl’s legs, causing the young woman to tremble all over again as soft whimpers leaked from her lips.

“I love you,” she whispered breathlessly as the pair finally parted for air. “Now and forever.”

Vincent opened his mouth to speak, only to find no words would come. Finally, he opted for giving a tender smile as he brushed their noses together.

Alice leaned forward, stealing another kiss before hopping down from the counter.

The pair exchanged a loving glance before Alice turned her attention to locating two coffee mugs. Her search of the cupboards proving fruitful, she handed one to Vincent. He thanked her with a kiss and another loving caress.

Collecting a portion of hot, dark liquid in his mug, Vincent made his way over to the small table to sit down. Alice located the coffee creamer in the fridge before joining him.

The pair enjoyed a comfortable silence for a moment, a commodity that had not been afforded to them for quite some time.

Vincent couldn’t help being swept up in the moment. Truth be told, he’d never felt more at peace. Seeing the warm smile on his girlfriend’s face as she gazed back at him was simply bliss.


“What’s wrong?” Alice murmured as she reached across the table to take his hand in her own, her brows furrowing at the sudden shift in the boy’s expression.

Vincent sighed. After the night they’d shared, the last thing he wanted was to hurt her. However, he supposed the news would be easier swallowed coming from him rather than hearsay.

He lowered his head. “A-Alice, Leo isn’t coming.”

Alice quirked a brow. “How do you know? Did… Did you see…”

Vincent shook his head as the blonde trailed off. “No. I didn’t see it happen, but Jonathan told me his convoy was destroyed on the way here.”

Alice closed her eyes, drawing in a deep breath. She was unaware of her trembling until she felt the slight squeeze to her hand.


“I’m okay,” she reassured. “We… We lost so many this time… More than we have in years. I don’t know how The Resistance is going to recover.”

At a loss for words, Vincent brushed his thumb along the petite hand he held. Anything he could do to offer her some form of comfort in her grief. Though he held no personal attachment to Leo, he knew that the man had at least raised her if nothing else.

The pair looked up as a thumping sound carried down the small hall, no doubt a sleepy Matthew bumping into the wall as he made his way to them.

“Well, good morning, little explorer,” Alice greeted as the boy’s blond head appeared around the corner.

The boy beamed at her as he bounded over.

“Sleep well?” Vincent inquired, quirking a smile when the boy enthusiastically nodded.

“Yeah, this place is great! The bed was SO comfy, and-” The boy trailed off. As if sensing something amiss with the atmosphere, he frowned. “There’s been more bad news…hasn’t there?”

Alice and Vincent exchanged a glance.

“I’m afraid so, Matthew,” Alice finally replied with a sigh.

“But don’t you worry, okay? Alice and I are going to make sure everything’s alright,” Vincent added with a smile, reaching over to pat the boy’s head.

Matthew frowned again but nodded. Before he could speak again, there was a knock at the door.

Alice rose from her chair with a sigh before making her way over to the door. She cracked it open, intending to alert whom she assumed to be Julius that she would be with them momentarily, only to have Kurt burst into the room.

“Thank goodness!” he exclaimed, immediately throwing his arms around her. “I-I thought you were gone, then I heard from Julius that you’d made it here-”

The teen paused, pulling back after a moment. He quirked a brow, just now taking notice of her current attire of only a green t-shirt and white panties. The picture only became more clear as a shirtless Vincent peered around the corner.


Alice folded her arms. “Really,” she stated with finality, matching his stare.

Kurt rolled his eyes. “Playing it awfully risky, don’t you think? If Commander Stein finds out-”

“He’s not going to find out, and I don’t care if he does,” Alice replied, cutting the boy off. “Who I bring into my bed is my business.”

“Not when you’re a commanding officer,” Kurt returned. “Alice, Leo hasn’t turned up.”

“And he’s not going to.”

Kurt’s eyes widened. “What?”

“His convoy was destroyed,” Vincent clarified as he made his way over to stand next to Alice.

Kurt sighed. “That explains things,” he muttered, looking away. After a moment he turned to face the girl again. “So what now?”

Alice blew out a breath. “I really don’t know. Right now, I’m still mulling over where I stand in all this mess. If I even have a stand anymore.”

Kurt’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t you think that’s a bit selfish?”

Vincent wrapped his arms around Alice from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder as he glared at the boy. “I think she’s given up quite enough for you people, thank you.”

“Wasn’t aware you spoke for her now,” Kurt returned.


“Alice, you’ve lost your mind. There’s safety here,” Kurt snapped.

“Leo’s base had safety too,” Vincent returned.

“Not like here,” Kurt argued. “Alice, you at least owe it to Stein to talk to him.”

“She doesn’t owe you people a damn thing!”

Alice reached down giving one of Vincent’s hands a gentle squeeze. “It’s alright, Vincent.”

Kurt shook his head. “You know what? Fine, forget Stein. Though I would stress that, without him, you wouldn’t have that warm bed there.”

“Look, I don’t think you-”

“How about the men who look up to you? We’re talking your own cadets. Don’t you think you’re turning your back on them?”

“You mean the same ones that never bothered even looking for her?” Vincent quipped.

“The place was on fire and falling apart!”

“Didn’t stop me. I went back.”

Kurt sighed, realizing that there was likely no getting through to the pair. His eyes drifted to Matthew hiding around the corner. “Well, what about him? Don’t you think he deserves a better life than to constantly be on the run?”

Alice frowned, folding her arms. “He also deserves a better life than the one he’d be provided here.”

“They wouldn’t induct him right away, Alice,” Kurt muttered with a roll of his eyes.

“Maybe not, but that’s part of the reason you’re here, isn’t it? To see if we had him and put him in the system?”

Kurt averted his gaze. “W-Well, it is protocol.”

“You know what you can do with your protocol?”

“Vincent!” Alice snapped, squeezing the boy’s hand. Sighing, the blonde shook her head. “Kurt, if you just came here to pick a fight, the door is that way. Quite frankly, I’m too exhausted for this. I’ll be down momentarily to speak with Stein, but I refuse to make any promises. My family is my top priority.”

“Interesting to see how new connections seem to erase old ones,” the boy quipped as he turned and made his way to the door. “Bring the kid to the medical wing when you get the chance.”

Both teens sighed as the door slammed with his exit, exchanging a weary glance.


Brown eyes glared at the brunette sitting across the cafeteria.

He was casually eating alone in the corner. Like he hadn’t stolen from him the only thing he held most precious.


Snorting in disgust, Seth took another swig of the bottle he held. He had seen him this morning…with her. Walking down the hall…with her. It wasn’t fair. The boy barely even knew her. What right could he possibly have to her?

Should’ve been me. Why not me?

No one loved the girl more than him. He was sure of that.

Vincent was a stranger. An outcast. He didn’t deserve her love. Why couldn’t she see that?

Why had she betrayed him? Hadn’t she learned her lesson with Julius?

Seth frowned. He had thought for sure that he’d had a chance. If only she would hear him out.

His brows furrowed in anguish as he slammed his, now empty, bottle onto the table, startling the few soldiers closest to him.

No room in her heart, huh? Oh, but there was room for a complete stranger?!

What are you doing?! Put me down, Seth! That’s an order!

The brunette winced. God, he could still hear her heartbreaking sobs. He had never heard her so broken.

She had never cried like that for him. For anyone. No. No one…but a stranger.

A low growl bubbled up in the boy’s throat as his eyes narrowed. If he’d only known that the boy would end up taking everything from him…

He should’ve let the prick drown. Why hadn’t he?

Rising to his feet, the disgruntled soldier made his way over to the unsuspecting teen, anger fueling his steps.

“How’s the food, you disgusting weasel?”

Vincent looked up from his bowl of oatmeal. He quirked a brow. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me: You’re a disgusting weasel. Swooping in, getting all friendly with the lieutenant… Sleeping with her too, I bet. I saw you two this morning."

Vincent’s eyes narrowed as he rose from his seat, feeling more than a little uncomfortable as numerous eyes began turning in their direction.

I won’t tell, if you won’t.

Vincent’s eyes darted as his girlfriend’s words replayed in his mind.

Seth was obviously drunk, judging by the strong scent coming off of him. His gait was awkward and unsteady as he took another step closer to his adversary.

“Well?” he snapped. “Nothing to say for yourself?”

“Seth, you’re drunk. Trust me, you don’t want this fight,” Vincent sighed. “I think you need to go sleep it off.”

“And I think you need to keep your filthy, outsider hands off Lieutenant Lynheart!”

A small crowd began to gather, transfixed by the show of drama from the inebriated soldier.

Amber eyes narrowed at the boy’s obnoxious outburst. This was getting out of hand. A soft growl bubbled up in the boy’s throat. No. He would not lose everything now. All over petty jealousy no less.

“Seth, last chance. You need to stop.” His tone lowered as he fixed the boy with an icy glare. “Before I have to hurt you…”

Seth Morgan glared. “You don’t tell me what to do, you son of a bitch!”

Vincent readied himself as Seth charged, catching the boy’s fist in his palm as he threw the first punch. A faint, blue glow lit his eyes as his free hand drew the liquid from his nearby water cup.

“You need to cool off, Seth.”

The brunette’s brown eyes widened as water suddenly soaked his face. A hand suddenly grabbed a fist-full of his hair, twisting his neck around to face the table before his head slammed against the metal surface.

“Go rest, Seth. You’re in no condition to be picking fights.”

With that, the amber-eyed teen walked away, leaving his stunned adversary sitting on the floor gapping at his retreating figure.


“So I’m sure you understand the severity of the situation we’re in here,” Commander Stein spoke, reaching up to brush a thick finger through his handlebar mustache.

Alice leaned back in the chair she sat in across from the man. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

In all honesty, the man looked to be more suited for a seat of parliament rather than an army base.

All that’s missing is the top-hat and monocle.

The blonde bit her lip to keep from chuckling at the amusing thought. A sentiment that faded immediately as he began speaking again.

“Of course, we have to address your conduct.”

Alice quirked a brow. “My conduct?”

Stein ran a hand through his salt and pepper hair before nodding, collecting a paper from the desk in front of him. “That’s correct. It seems you were seen with a boy in the hangar when you got here.”

“So?” Alice returned, folding her arms. “I’m surrounded by young men every day. Wasn’t aware it was such an issue.”

“A cadet, young lady.”

“Your point?”

Stein cleared his throat, his eyes narrowing. “Kissing. There were concerns expressed that he was one of your subordinates. It seems you also share a room with this boy?”

“Vincent,” Alice spoke, “His name is Vincent, and so what if we share a room? I was under the impression that accommodations were tight enough as is, so do we really need to be making such an issue out of this?”

The commander sighed, rubbing his temples as he placed the sheet of paper back onto the desk. “Look, I’m willing to cut you some slack due to your impeccable record as a lieutenant. You ARE the daughter of a commander, after all.” He paused, shaking his head. “However, rules are rules. If that boy-”

“Vincent,” Alice interjected.

Giving an exasperated sigh, Stein continued. “If VINCENT is one of your cadets, the inappropriate conduct needs to cease immediately. You are well aware of the nepotism rule, I take it?”

Alice rolled her eyes, giving a nod.

Stein returned the gesture in approval. “Good, then-”

“And if I refuse? If I abdicate instead?”

Stein’s green eyes widened. “Now, hold on just a moment. I would hope that your loyalty would not allow for that.”

Alice glared as she straightened up in the black, leather chair. “My loyalty is to my family.” She paused, giving a shrug. “Besides, I had just gotten back from Fort Brein. I was never officially reinstated as a lieutenant. I have no division.”

“F-Fort Brein?” Stein swallowed, looking away as he ran a hand through his thick hair once more. After a moment, he turned back to the girl with an exhausted sigh. “Look, I got three hundred new soldiers here. Soldiers that I’m sure would much rather follow orders from one of their own; a familiar face they can respect. They would obey you. If I were to have a mutiny on my hands…”

“Sounds like a whole host of not my problem. Perhaps you should learn to manage your operations more properly. Besides, what do you suppose Victor would say? I don’t see him taking too kindly to a woman in charge.”

“Victor doesn’t have to know…not yet. Look, as the Pheora location had no admirals, I believe you are the best person to fill your father’s shoes at this time, based on the merit of your record. At least make an attempt. If it gets to be too much, we can sort out other avenues together,” Stein returned.

Alice looked thoughtful for a moment. Becoming commander was not an easy undertaking. In fact, she was likely to face more adversity than ever before. However, there was no denying that she would also be afforded additional protections. Protections she could extend to her new family. If she played her cards correctly, there would be no safer place for Matthew and Vincent.

After a moment, the teen nodded. “Fine. But I’ll only step in under a few conditions.”

Stein’s brows furrowed. “Name them.”

“Number one: My relationship with Vincent is a forbidden topic. At no point is it ever to be brought up. Turn a blind eye.”

Stein frowned. “Now, you hold on-”

“This isn’t a negotiation, Commander. These are my terms, if you want my assistance.”


“If not, I will be more than happy to sit back and watch the show,” Alice quipped, folding her arms.

“And if it’s brought to my attention in the form of a complaint?”

Alice shrugged. “I would trust you know how to defuse a situation by now, but, if not, send them to me, and I will deal with them directly.”

The older man’s sigh alerted her to his displeasure with the arrangement. However, he acquiesced. “Go on.”

Alice nodded, clearly pleased. “Number two: I want formal guardianship papers in place for Matthew and all his chips removed.”

Stein nodded. “Right away. You’ll have the papers to sign by the end of the day.”

“Very good. Third: I want to have a discussion on abolishing The Program.”

Stein rose from his chair. “Young lady, that is absolutely not possible! Especially not with the casualties we just endured!”

Alice shrugged. “Out with the old and in with the new. You want my help; you do things my way.”

Stein’s eyes narrowed. “I have half a mind to court-martial you.”

“Be my guest,” Alice challenged. “If you wish to court-martial a dead person, more power to you. Though, I do suspect you’ll have trouble filling a jury.”

Stein’s eyes widened. The girl was correct. She was a ghost. He had seen the broadcast. Unless he were to take the matter straight to Victor, foregoing any chance of help from the girl, he would have to go along with her wishes…at least for the time being.

“I’ll… I’ll put it on the docket for discussion at the next meeting.”

Alice nodded her approval. “Very good. Pleasure working with you.”

Stein sighed as he flopped back down into his chair, waving her toward the door. “Very well…Commander Lynheart. For now, settle in. I’ll handle the necessary paperwork. Hiro will act as your liaison.”

Alice paused, quirking a brow. “Hiro?”

Stein nodded. “Yes. Hiro Tanaka is our best in aerial assault tactics. You should find him down in the loading bay.”

Alice nodded in acknowledgment before taking her leave, confidence fueling her stride.


Kurt Landon hummed a nameless tune as he continued cataloging the data he’d obtained into the computer system. Anything to keep his mind off the tragedy behind their reason for being here.

The timing was almost too suspicious.

Then again, he supposed he should have expected as much. Hadn’t he given the general all the information required for finding the base? Of course he was going to use it.

The brunette’s brows furrowed as a file popped onto the computer screen.

It would seem that the boy was, indeed, already in the system.

Upon further analysis, the teen scratched his head.

That wasn’t right. Surely the blood sample hadn’t been contaminated?

Weird. Offspring’s blood type always matches the blood type of one of the parents. A positive isn’t a rare blood type by any means. Let’s have a look at the parents, shall we?

Kurt clicked on the folder displayed on the monitor. Hazel eyes widened upon opening the file. Within the folder titled ‘Parents,’ there existed not two, but three separate folders. Two could be opened easily enough. The third, however, was heavily encrypted.

The brunette’s eyes only widened further upon opening the folder labeled ‘father.’

Name: Leo Derwent

Kurt swallowed.

Leo? Matthew was Leo’s?!

Quickly shaking his head, Kurt attempted to rationalize. Leo had type B blood. Madison, whom he knew to be the mother, had type O.

It didn’t make sense. By all accounts, Matthew should have either type B or O blood, not A positive.

Hesitant eyes fixated on the third, encrypted, folder.

He had to get to the bottom of things…for Matthew’s sake…

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