《The Genesis Project》Chapter 14: Calling the Shots
Chapter 14: Calling the Shots
Sapphire eyes flew open, a choked gasp leaving their owner’s lips as she bolted into an upright position. The first thing Alice became aware of upon awakening was the pounding headache throbbing in her skull.
“Thank goodness.”
The blonde turned at the relieved voices of her comrades. “H-how long have I been out?” she questioned, her voice raw.
“Since morning. I heard some of the guards talking about bringing dinner soon, so I guess it’s evening now,” Vincent replied as he reached out a hand to assist the girl in standing.
Alice placed a hand to her temple as Kurt slowly shuffled over to them. She frowned, noticing the silver band now present around the boy’s ankle. She glanced at Vincent. He had one too. A rueful sigh left her lips. “I’m so sorry, guys.”
Kurt gave a weak smile. “You don’t have anything to apologize for.”
Vincent nodded with a chuckle. “I’m going to have to agree with Kurt on that. Shocking, I know.”
Alice gave a forced smile, resisting the urge to laugh aloud at the sour frown on her brother’s face.
“Yeah, real funny,” Kurt mumbled, gingerly touching the wound on his right arm.
Sapphire eyes widened, catching sight of the injury. The blonde averted her gaze to the floor. She had been sleeping while her brother had obviously endured some sort of horrific torture! She spared a glance at Vincent and chewed her bottom lip lightly. His left eye was bruised and swollen a bit.
The teen lieutenant pinched her eyes shut as she drew in a deep breath. This was all her fault! She was supposed to be protecting them!
Vincent frowned as the girl cast him another sympathetic glance. He wasn’t naïve. He knew that she was likely blaming herself for his injuries.
“So what do you think they’re going to do with us now?”
Kurt scoffed at the brunette boy’s question. “Probably kill us. Surprised they haven’t already,” he muttered, rubbing his injured arm once more.
Both Alice and Vincent glared.
“Kurt, don’t talk like that.”
Vincent nodded, agreeing with the blonde. “That isn’t funny.”
Kurt shrugged. “Do I look like I’m joking?” the boy returned. “You do realize we’re going to die here, right?”
Vincent’s eyes narrowed. “Giving up already?”
“They didn’t bring us all the way here just to kill us, Kurt. Don’t be a pessimist,” Alice murmured, rolling her eyes.
“I’m being realistic,” Kurt shot back.
“Sounds more like a defeatist. I, for one, don’t plan on dying here.”
Kurt whirled on the amber-eyed boy. “You know, that’s easy for you to say. You’re the reason we’re here in the first place. You and her! I shouldn’t even be here!”
Alice winced as her teeth sank into her injured lip. He was right. She knew he was. Leo had no business sending him on such a mission in the first place. She frowned, her eyes narrowing. “No, you shouldn’t.”
Kurt’s brows furrowed. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Vincent expelled a heavy breath. “What’s the matter, Kurt? Don’t like the sound of your own words?”
Kurt glared. “I don’t recall asking for your opinion, traitor!”
“Kurt!” Alice warned.
Vincent smiled devilishly. “You know, I recall a saying that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Right now, from where I’m standing, that’s you.”
Kurt seethed, holding up his injured arm. “Does this look weak to you?! How about we slice your arm open and pour hot sauce in it?!”
“Oh, and I suppose getting punched in the face is nothing?!” Vincent spat.
Kurt gave a smug grin. “I’d say you got off fairly easy, yes.”
Alice opened her mouth to interject but fell silent at the sound of approaching footsteps. Her eyes narrowed. If it was Cain again, she’d roast the bastard alive!
A young-looking guard appeared in front of their cell, a silver tray in his hands. When he spoke, it was with a much gentler tone than the teens had expected.
“Take it easy, Phoenix,” the young man assured as he gave the glaring teen a wary glance. “I’m only here to bring you your dinner, nothing more.”
The group of teens exchanged an uneasy glance.
The young brunette gently placed the tray on the floor, sliding it underneath the bars. “I got you some extra water here too.”
Alice slowly made her way over to retrieve the tray, picking it up and examining it.
“The general has given everyone strict orders to leave you guys alone tonight. If I were you, I’d get some rest.”
Alice eyed the man carefully. “Thanks, but the rest I’ve gotten so far here hasn’t been particularly restful.”
The young guard held in a chuckle, shaking his head. “If you apply half that energy to your work detail, you might just make it. Name’s Jack, by the way. Jack O’ Connor. You guys need anything else, just hit that button over there.” The brunette gestured to a dark-red button on the left side of the wall. “That will send a signal to the guard control room and let us know you need help.”
The three nodded in acknowledgment, bidding the guard an amicable farewell.
“You think we can trust him?” Kurt questioned after a moment, eagerly taking one of the water bottles for himself.
“And what reason would he have to lie about a call button, of all things?” Alice responded, handing another water bottle to Vincent. “Besides, what does it matter?”
“I don’t think it would be very wise to be making friends.”
Alice rolled her eyes. “I wouldn’t exactly call that making friends, Kurt. No sense in being unnecessarily hostile.”
“You would be an expert on unnecessary hostility, wouldn’t you, Kurt?” Vincent added.
“Shut up!” Kurt snapped. “You and Alice haven’t gone through shit compared to me!”
The blonde paused in her task of handing out the three bowls of soup provided to them, her eyes narrowing. “Excuse me? I wasn’t aware that this was a contest.”
The boy looked away, mumbling under his breath. “You know what I mean.”
“No, we really don’t. Why don’t you tell us, Kurt?” Vincent quipped.
“You guys didn’t get your arm cut open. I hardly think a black eye and some water even compares to what I went through,” Kurt grumbled.
“You weren’t back there with us. You don’t know what you’re talking about!” Vincent retorted.
Alice pinned her brother with a cold glare. “Better buckle up, Kurt. Not all torture is merely physical.”
The blonde pinched her eyes shut, almost immediately regretting her retort. After all, it wasn’t his fault that his training had been less than adequate for their current situation. She drew in a deep breath. If these people didn’t kill her, the stress certainly would. She swallowed, taking one of the bowls of soup for herself as she made her way to the back corner of the cell. She couldn’t afford to lose her head now.
The two boys observed the girl with more than a bit of unease.
Kurt frowned as she turned her back to them. He turned his attention to his bowl of soup, taking a small spoonful. The teen pursed his lips as he briefly glanced it over. The broth appeared to be some yellow liquid of unknown origin. He grimaced slightly. It didn’t smell overly pleasant, giving off an aroma something akin to a sour concoction of beef and pork.
“What kind of meat do you think this is?” the teen questioned as he eyed the chunk sitting in his spoon. It appeared to be some sort of light-pink meatball.
“Looks like it could be veal…or maybe pork of some kind. No doubt something cheap,” Alice finally replied after a moment, setting her bowl aside.
Kurt looked at his spoon in apprehension, eyeing the chuck of meat suspiciously once more. He felt his stomach gurgle, and he bit his lip. He couldn’t recall being this hungry in quite a long time. Unable to take anymore, the teen quickly shoveled the spoonful into his mouth. He pulled a face, forcing himself to swallow. The meat was much more chewy than anything he could ever remember eating. The broth itself was rather bland with a fatty aftertaste.
Vincent paid the other boy little mind as he took a spoonful of his own bowl. Forcing himself to swallow the concoction, he sighed. “Regular five-star cuisine,” he muttered dryly.
The boy was met with a small giggle from his female companion. Kurt said nothing, merely rolling his eyes. Vincent paid him little mind as he choked down another spoonful. After all, there was no telling when they were going to be fed again.
The light filtering in from the high windows began to dim as late evening drew near. What would tomorrow hold for them?
Vincent spared a glance at the blonde once more. She was sitting down now, her back against the wall with her head resting in her arms. Her bowl of soup sat, virtually untouched, beside her.
“You going to eat, Miss Lynheart?”
At the boy’s question, the blonde lifted her head. She offered a wry smile. “I’m afraid I’m feeling a little nauseous at the moment.”
Vincent offered a sympathetic smile.
The blonde did her best to return the gesture, though, judging by the looks on both of her companions’ faces, she was failing miserably. She shivered. Truthfully, she was becoming quite cold. Her clothing still had yet to fully dry.
Only Vincent seemed to take notice, however, as Kurt polished off his bowl before setting it down next to himself.
“So what’s the plan?”
Vincent resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the other boy’s thickheaded question. Wasn’t he paying the slightest attention to his sister?
“I think that it would probably be for the best if we slept in shifts for now. With any luck, we’ll be able to pattern out the guard shift,” Alice replied.
Kurt pulled a face, glancing briefly in the amber-eyed boy’s direction. He wasn’t too keen on the idea of his safety relying on the traitor.
“I’ll take first watch, so you boys get some sleep, alright? I’ll wake you if there’s any trouble,” Alice quickly stated, pulling herself to her feet.
Vincent frowned. “With all due respect, Lieutenant, don’t you think you should be taking it easy?”
Alice mustered a small smile. “I’ll be alright, Vincent. I promise.”
The blonde held up a hand, cutting him off. “If I get to feeling too badly, I’ll wake you up early. Deal?”
Kurt rolled his eyes as he made his way over to the bed. “She knows what she’s doing.”
Vincent glared at the boy, before sighing in defeat. “Well, at least promise you’ll eat. Have to keep your strength up, right?”
Alice nodded, managing a true smile. “Definitely.”
Feeling somewhat reassured, Vincent made his way over to the corner next to the bed. Since there was only one bed in their cell, and Kurt was already occupying it, the teen was left with little choice but to sleep on the floor. The brunette glared at the boy, taking one of the blankets from the bed for his own. He only hoped that he would be courteous enough to give up his prime position to Alice once her shift at watch was over.
Pale, yellow light began to leak through the windows. Whether from the glow of the crescent moon outside, or the rotating searchlights, the boy did not know. With the stealth of a cat, the young blond crept along the corridor. If caught, he knew he’d likely be beaten before suffering the loss of his rations for the next week.
Matthew grit his teeth. He didn’t care! The young woman had to be the same girl his mother had told him about shortly before she died.
Murdered, he inwardly corrected himself. The blond shook his head. He didn’t have time.
Upon reaching the top of the stairs at the end of the hall, the boy paused. Growing up in the prison had offered him little in the way of perks. However, he’d had plenty of time to memorize the many paths and hallways within the walls.
Sparing a quick glance to ensure he was not being followed, the blond descended the staircase as quietly as possible. The last thing he needed would be to alert the guards. Reaching the bottom of the stairs, he chewed his lip. To get to the kitchen, which was his ultimate destination, he would have to go by the last row of cells. Hopefully, most of the prisoners would be asleep.
Opening the door, he winced at the audible squeak. He peeked around the corner, breathing a sigh of relief when he found no one. With a brisk spring in his step, he continued on his way.
Amber eyes peered open as the soft, repressed noise came again. Vincent straightened his back against the wall. He blinked, his pupils constricting at the light that assaulted his senses. Another soft, muffled cry drew the teen’s attention. Turning toward the direction of the sound, the brunette observed his female companion.
The blonde stood near the front of their cell, her head down.
Vincent opened his mouth, intending to greet the girl. However, he froze upon noticing the light tremors that shook her delicate shoulders. His brows creased in concern as another, muffled sob reached his ears.
The teen slowly stood to his feet. A stir to his left drew his attention as Kurt sat up in the bed, no doubt awoken by the same, distressed sound. The pair exchanged a glance.
Kurt brushed a hand through his dark hair. His eyes went to the floor as he chewed lightly on his bottom lip. By now, he was no stranger to Alice’s nightly inner demons. He stood up. His eyes taking another moment to adjust to the dim light, he quietly shuffled over to where Vincent stood. “We need to go back to sleep, Vincent,” he whispered. Placing a hand on the boy’s head, he attempted to turn his head away.
Alice had pride. She wouldn’t want them drawing attention to her moment of weakness.
Vincent swiftly pulled away. Glowing, amber eyes narrowed. Really? The boy wasn’t even going to comfort his own sister? He could offer her no words of reassurance? “You’re not going to say anything to her?”
Kurt frowned. What could he say? After all, by now, he was quite certain of their fate. “And what would you have me say, Vincent?”
Amber orbs rolled, an exasperated sigh leaving their owner’s lips. “You mean to tell me that you can’t think of a single comforting thing to say?”
When another choked sob reached his ears, Kurt sighed. Though it made him feel useless, he convinced himself that she would want it this way. Alice wasn’t the type to allow herself to break in front of others so easily. “Let her have some pride, Vincent,” the brunette finally mumbled.
Vincent’s eyes narrowed. Did the boy not even care about his own sister? Raising his right hand, he extended his middle finger. “There’s what I think of your pride, you condescending prick,” he whispered in a frigid tone.
Not giving the boy any time to reply, Vincent stalked away. He didn’t care what Kurt had to say any longer. After all, he wasn’t the priority at the moment.
Alice closed her eyes as she attempted, without much success, to halt the tears of frustration that continued to flow down her cheeks like rain. She wasn’t deaf. She highly doubted that they had intended for her to hear their conversation. God, could she be any more pathetic?! It was bad enough that she had failed to keep them safe, but now she was at a complete loss as to what to do.
The blonde shivered lightly, folding her arms around herself. Her breath hitched in her throat as a pair of arms slowly wrapped around her, warmth pressing against her back. Soft, midnight hair caressed her cheek as the boy held her close.
As if words would fail to convey the moment, Vincent wordlessly held the trembling girl for a moment. Resting his chin on her shoulder, he closed his eyes.
I’m here. You’re not alone…
The blonde drew in a deep breath, attempting to collect herself. Once again, she couldn’t help but feel ashamed. After all, no cadet should have to comfort their commanding officer. She had to be strong for them. She was a lieutenant now, for God sakes!
Another choked sob bubbled up in the girl’s throat. Pride be damned! Turning around, she buried her face into the boy’s chest. Under different circumstances, she might have smiled at his sharp intake of breath, or the rapid beating of his heart she could feel against her cheek.
The pair continued to hold onto one another for a moment longer. Kurt appeared as though he were about to say something, though the glare he received from the amber-eyed boy in response caused him to think better of it.
“I-I’m so sorry,” Alice murmured once her voice finally found her, a weak hiccup managing to escape her.
Vincent gave a soft chuckle. “There ya go again; apologizing over nothing.”
“B-but I-”
Vincent pulled back a bit to place a finger to the blonde’s lips to silence her. “You know, it’s okay to get overwhelmed.” The brunette paused, giving a small smile. “With all you’ve been through in the last forty-eight hours, I don’t think there’s a soul alive that would blame you.”
For a moment, the girl said nothing. She looked away, no doubt too ashamed to even meet his warm, amber gaze. Heaving a heavy sigh, the blonde finally pulled away. She frowned. She already missed the boy’s embrace, though she would likely deny such a claim. “I’m your commanding officer, Vincent. I’m supposed to set an example, you know?”
Vincent pulled a face. “That doesn’t mean you have to always have all the answers. To my knowledge, no human on Earth can be expected to be perfectly composed all of the time. Don’t we all have our bad days?”
The blonde paused, looking thoughtful. He had a point. However, she did have certain expectations to fulfill. Giving one last, stuttering sigh, she straightened her posture. Right as the boy was, she had made enough of a spectacle of herself.
Kurt wisely remained silent. He couldn’t deny that a part of him agreed with the boy, even if he highly doubted his understanding of the situation.
“You should get some rest now,” Vincent murmured, “If you’d like, I can take next watch.”
“I’ll take next watch,” Kurt quickly volunteered, earning a suspicious glance from the amber-eyed boy, and raised eyebrows from his sister.
What? Was it so difficult to believe that he could be helpful?
Alice could almost feel her heavy eyelids droop at the mere mention of sleep. Despite her efforts, a weary yawn escaped her.
“Look, I got a bit of rest, so I should be fine,” Kurt insisted again. Gesturing to the bed, the boy continued, “You really need to sleep now, Alice. You heard that O’ Connor guy. We’re all going to need our strength for the work detail.”
“He’s right,” Vincent agreed, placing a gentle hand on the girl’s shoulder.
Alice sighed, nodding in agreement. She was so tired by now that her eyes were beginning to burn. Her head felt like it would split open at any second. Another long yawn escaped her. Decent rest would do wonders. If she could get to sleep, that is.
The blonde sat down on the bed with a soft sigh. Taking the bed’s only remaining blanket, she wrapped it around her shoulders. It was on the thinner side, but at least it appeared to be clean. She shivered again. What she wouldn’t give for a mug of hot chocolate!
The young lieutenant was brought out of her thoughts as a second blanket was draped across her shoulders. Sapphire met amber as the girl held her companion’s gaze. “Th-thanks,” she murmured.
Vincent felt a tingling warmth slither up his spine at her soft, quiet tone, his cheeks flushing red. He only hoped the girl wouldn’t notice. He looked away. Intending to return to his former spot on the floor, the teen turned to walk away. A gasp hung in his throat as a soft hand curled around his own, preventing his retreat.
“B-but what about you? Won’t you get cold, Vincent?” the blonde inquired.
The brunette swallowed, certain that his face had regained its former, strawberry hue. “I, uh, I’m sure I will be alright, Miss. After all, I’m not the one who was soaked twice.”
Her soft chuckle in response nearly melted him then and there.
“I suppose you have a point,” she replied, giving a soft smile. “However, I don’t imagine that floor is all that comfortable.”
Vincent couldn’t help but return the sentiment. What could he say? Her laughter was absolutely infectious. He felt the air rush from his lungs as she gently patted the space next to her.
A shiver shot up the teen’s spine as his face filled with color once more. He only hoped that she would fail to notice in the dark. Clearing his throat, his eyes unconsciously darted over to Kurt.
The teen scientist rolled his eyes, turning his back to them in a display of blatant disgust, though he chose to remain silent.
Vincent swallowed again, feeling his heart skip a beat as he then turned his focus back to the girl.
The blonde seemed to follow his gaze. She shook her head before patting the empty spot next to her once more.
Chewing his bottom lip, the boy relented and slowly slid himself next to her on the bed. After all, who was he to refuse the beautiful, young woman a second time? He closed his eyes as he felt her wrap one end of the blankets around his shoulders, securing the other around her own.
Despite the heat, Vincent felt himself shiver, looking almost anywhere but the girl next to him. Wait, heat? It was then that the amber-eyed boy noticed just how warm he suddenly felt.
The pair exchanged a bashful glance before looking away again, and Vincent could have sworn he felt the temperature rise even further. Was that her doing? He hadn’t felt this warm when he’d had the one blanket all to himself.
Despite his obvious embarrassment, Vincent couldn’t help but smile softly to himself. Was she perhaps attempting to thank him for earlier?
The boy leaned his head back against the wall. He wasn’t sure. Though, he couldn’t deny that her open compassion and affection made his heart race. Situating himself a bit closer to her, he carefully slid his hand beneath hers.
Alice drew in a shallow breath. God, his hands were soft!
The blonde felt her cheeks burn, unable to meet his eyes. Letting out another slow, shuddering sigh, she intertwined their fingers. Closing her eyes, she leaned her head back to rest against the wall. For perhaps the first time since their arrival at the prison, she felt a sense of peace, or at least a semblance of comfort.
Issac expelled a weary sigh, giving one last look around the office. He had been very careful, so far, to keep everything the way she’d left it. He frowned. Nearly forty-eight hours had passed since her disappearance now. He closed the door, locking it.
A somber expression played across the teen’s face as he made his way down the small hall and into the training room. At this point, the odds certainly weren’t looking very good.
Another sigh left his lips. And he still had yet to receive a response from Commander Stein’s base. The brunette chewed his bottom lip as he drew nearer to Commander Leo’s office. He wouldn’t be happy.
At least Seth had stopped pestering him for the time being.
The teen shook his head. He couldn’t entirely blame the boy. It was no secret that he held feelings for their commanding officer. Of course, if the brunette was wise, he would never let the commander know how deep his feelings ran for his daughter.
Issac continued to shuffle along, his weary eyes downcast. He could understand Seth’s feelings all too well. How could he not? Her personality was magnetizing. A small smile graced the boy’s features. He wondered if she even knew how much people were drawn to her.
The boy sighed. How could people not be drawn to her? She was kind and compassionate with just a bit of spice. Her, normally gentle, nature was not so easily encountered in their line of work.
Reaching the commander’s door, the teen steeled himself, drew in a deep breath, and turned the knob.
Leo Derwent sat at his desk; a small lamp was perched on its surface, providing the room’s only source of light. In his right hand, he held his daughter’s damaged watch.
Issac’s brows furrowed. “S-Sir?”
“Your report, Lieutenant?” the commander’s eerily calm tone came, piercing the dark silence that seemed to cloak the room.
Issac gave an uneasy glance, rubbing the back of his head in apprehension. “There’s, uh, still no word from Stein yet, Sir. No new information from Pheora either, I’m afraid. People are still refusing to talk.”
“I see,” Leo replied, expelling an exasperated sigh as he rubbed his thumb along the blue band of the watch he held. “I suppose I have no choice. I will be contacting Commander Victor in the morning.”
Issac’s eyes widened. If Victor were to come to Pheora…
“W-with all due respect, Sir, don’t you think that’s a bit drastic?” the teen murmured.
Icy-blue eyes narrowed. “Drastic? Your commanding officer, who risked her life to save you just three years ago, has been abducted, and you call utilizing every resource to retrieve her drastic?” The blond paused, standing up from his chair. “I would have thought you, of all people, would be a bit more concerned for her safety.”
Issac visibly winced. Of course he was concerned! How could he not be?! He, Seth, and Jonathan were merely a few of the ones she’d saved that day. “I-It’s not that, Sir. It’s just…well, aren’t you worried that he will complicate things in Pheora? He does have a tendency to go overboard.”
Leo appeared thoughtful for a moment, absently stroking the watch band once more. The bastards would pay. One way or another, he would make them regret ever laying a finger on her! “Overboard, you say? Well, if the people of Pheora don’t start talking soon, I’ll make what Victor’s going to do look like Christmas in July!”
Issac shrank back at the outburst. “V-very well, Sir. Should I, uh, prepare my division?”
A smile erupted on the blond’s face then. A dark smile that promised sinister intentions. “You know, you’ve always had a level head on you, Issac. You’ve never let emotion get in the way of your reason. I like that about you.”
Issac gave an awkward noise in the back of his throat. Why did that sound like both a compliment and an insult? “Uh, th-thank you.”
The commander nodded, placing the watch into his pocket. “I do want you to get a few of your cadets together, though. I have a special assignment for you. For now, go get some rest, Lieutenant. I’ll give you the details in the morning.”
The brunette nodded, obviously not wanting to press his luck when the exhausted leader was so clearly on edge. Bidding a final goodnight, the teen took his leave.
Now left alone with only his thoughts for company, the blond reached into his pocket to retrieve his cigarettes and lighter. Oh, yes, The Order would pay, if he had to hunt down every last one of them and gut them himself!
A soft, contented sigh left the boy’s lips as he gradually began to feel the pull of wakefulness. There was a quiet rustle beside him. It was then that he became aware of the weight upon his right shoulder.
Amber orbs slowly opened. Upon taking in his surroundings, a deep frown marred his features. He had so been hoping to find that he’d merely been trapped in some horrifyingly realistic nightmare. Glancing to his right, his breath died in his throat instantly.
The teen gazed at the soft, golden hair draped upon his shoulder in awe. He swallowed. He could have sworn that they had both fallen asleep with their heads leaning back against the wall. The silken locks brushed his chin as the slumbering beauty continued to rest her head against his shoulder.
At least Vincent assumed she was asleep, judging by the gentle, even breathing against the pale flesh of his neck.
The brunette’s cheeks filled with color as he closed his eyes once more, a smile tugging at his lips. After all, there was really no need to wake her, was there? If they were going to be given the rare opportunity to get extra rest, he intended to take full advantage after yesterday’s events.
A low, contented sound escaped the blonde’s lips, causing Vincent’s heart to miss a beat as she seemed to cuddle further into his side within the warm cocoon they’d made for themselves.
However, as with most good things, the peaceful moment was ended with a loud ‘clang’.
Amber and sapphire orbs flew open, startled gasps leaving their owners’ lips.
Alice glared once her eyes settled upon the offending target as he released the bowl and spoon he’d slammed against the concrete floor.
Disgruntled grumbling carried down the hall, the other prisoners clearly being less than thrilled with the rude wake-up call.
“Who did that?!” a deep voice boomed, “I catch you out in the yard, I’m gonna kick your sorry ass!”
The trio flinched as loud chatter then broke out. Arguing could be heard, followed by the sound of clanging metal.
“Be quiet, all of you!” a guard’s voice commanded.
The sound of struggling could be heard, then pained cries. A beaten prisoner, the trio presumed. The calamity slowly died down, the loudest prisoners being beaten into silence by the overzealous guards.
“Mind telling me what on earth you were doing?” Alice hissed, pinning her brother with a frosty glare.
The brunette huffed, folding his arms. “Correcting a mistake.”
Alice quirked a brow. What was he babbling on about? “What are you talking about?”
Kurt shrugged. “You think it would be good for the guards to come and find you two all wrapped up together like that?”
Alice flushed. Caught off guard, she looked away. Was it really so wrong of her to accept the comfort he’d so innocently offered?
Vincent glared. All that racket over them sharing a blanket?! “And what business is it of yours?”
“My sister IS my business,” Kurt spat, earning another glare from both his fellow inmates.
“Lay off, Kurt. Even for you, this is a bit much,” Alice snapped. “Don’t you think we have more important things to worry about?”
“As a matter of fact; we do,” the brunette returned. “Getting out of here needs to be top priority.”
Alice drew in a breath, grateful that she no longer felt the throbbing of her pulse in the back of her skull as before. For a moment, she closed her eyes.
That doesn’t mean you have to always have all the answers.
The blonde sighed. The boy was right. Lieutenant or not, she was still only seventeen! How could she possibly be expected to always have everything figured out?
She shook her head. Now wasn’t the time for all the philosophical epiphanies. “Well, that’s going to take a little time, in case you haven’t noticed.”
Kurt let out an agitated breath in his obvious impatience.
“I’m serious. We can’t rush it. I may not know exactly what to do, here, but I at least know that we need to take our time and plan it carefully,” Alice murmured.
Kurt looked away, no doubt feeling a small bit guilty. After all, she clearly didn’t need the extra pressure at the moment. But still…
“For now, we need to lie low, and keep our eyes and ears open. Watch each other’s backs. We’re going to have a tough enough time here without making any unnecessary enemies.”
“Yeah, well, killing us will take no time at all, Alice,” Kurt muttered. “I mean, good grief. Why don’t you just invite them for a cup of coffee, while you’re at it. Smooth things over a bit, huh?”
Vincent glared. “She’s right, Kurt. Dislike me all you want, but at least listen to her. Remember what I said about the weak link in the chain?”
Kurt rolled his eyes. “Yeah, and remember me not giving a rat’s ass?”
“Yeah, well, you better. You don’t cool your head, and you’re gonna put a target on all our backs,” Vincent retorted, returning the fellow brunette’s glare with one of his own.
“You wanna say that again?” Kurt seethed, his dark eyes narrowing.
“Enough! You want to rush the front gates, Kurt, be my guest,” Alice quipped. “If we’re going to have a prayer of getting out of here alive, we’re going to have to work together.”
Both boys sighed. She was right.
Vincent spared a glance at the teen scientist, giving an internal nod of resolve. He would try. Perhaps they really would find some common ground. Eventually…
Blowing out a sigh, Kurt leaned back against the wall. “I highly doubt prayer is going to get us out of here, Alice.”
Vincent’s amber eyes flashed to the girl as she glared at her brother for a moment before shaking her head in a display of disappointment, or maybe it was disgust. Perhaps a bit of both.
The sound of approaching footsteps drew the trio’s attention as a guard appeared in front of their cell. Alice recognized him as the one who had introduced himself as Jack the previous night.
The young brunette gave the girl an openly sympathetic look. “010 has sent for you, Miss Lynheart.”
Kurt and Vincent gave the blonde a look of unease before nodding to one another in understanding, moving to stand in front of her.
“She’s not going anywhere,” Vincent asserted, folding his arms.
Kurt nodded. “Yeah, I think she’s had enough of this 010 guy.”
Jack sighed, pulling out a set of keys from his pocket. “I don’t make the rules, guys. If I don’t bring her, it will be my head. Trust me, bringing her to him is a lot better than him having to come find her.”
Alice shook her head, placing a hand on each of her companions’ shoulders. “It’s going to be alright,” she whispered.
Kurt huffed. “I thought you didn’t lie, Alice.”
The blonde sighed, gently pushing the boys out of her way.
Vincent frowned. He sure hoped the girl knew what she was doing.
Jack nodded. “Thank you, Miss. A couple of guards will be down here to get your friends for their work detail in a bit. I’ll take you to them after.”
Vincent and Kurt exchanged glances as the young lieutenant was led away.
The brunette whistled a nameless tune as he leaned back in the black, leather chair, obviously in high spirits. Despite the heavy reprimand he’d received yesterday, he couldn’t help but smile. After all, the old man was far too preoccupied to bother with him anyway.
Cain shook his head. He was glad he didn’t have the emperor breathing down his neck.
There was a knock at the door.
Cain straightened up in his chair. “You may enter.”
The heavy, steel door creaked open to reveal Jack O’ Connor, though Cain’s eyes were more drawn to the young companion he’d brought with him.
“Thank you, Jack. That will be all for now,” the brunette spoke, rising from his chair.
Jack gave a curt nod to both teens before taking his leave.
Alice quirked a brow, taking a moment to survey the room. It was much larger and more elaborate than the interrogation room from yesterday. His personal quarters, the blonde surmised.
Her assumption was only proven correct when she caught sight of the large bed in the far-left corner of the room. A red, silk curtain decorated the top, once again, giving the impression of extreme luxury.
“What, no cuffing me to the chair this time?”
Cain chuckled, reaching for the bottle on his desk. “You wouldn’t be that stupid. You know good and well you would never make it out of this room alive.”
Alice shrugged. As much as she hated it, the dirt-bag had a point.
Pouring a generous amount of the bottle’s dark, red liquid into a glass, the brunette held it out. “Care for a drink?”
Alice regarded him warily. “Pass, thanks.”
Cain shrugged, taking the drink for himself. “Suit yourself.”
“So why’d you bring me up here?”
The brunette grinned a cheshire grin. “To talk. I think we got off on the wrong foot.”
“Pft! That’s an understatement,” the blonde scoffed, rolling her eyes.
Cain snorted, sitting down on the edge of the desk. “You’re not enjoying your stay in Wonderland, Alice?”
Alice rolled her eyes again. How original. Like she hadn’t ever heard that one before. “If I enjoyed it anymore, it would be off with your head.”
The brunette’s grin widened. “Ha! Well-read, and a knockout. I love it.”
The blonde folded her arms, her eyes narrowing as her patience began to wane. “Spit it out already. What do you want?”
Cain smiled for a moment longer before he placed his, now empty, glass down. He shrugged. “To talk. I have a proposition for you.”
Pale eyebrows ticked upward. “Oh? And why should I even remotely consider, given yesterday’s little playdate?”
“Because who do you think is actually calling the shots around here?” Cain returned, his eyes boring into her own for a moment. He snorted. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but Vladsco’s an old man. Who do you think is set to take his place once he’s gone?”
Alice looked away. If the boy wasn’t lying, they could be in even more trouble than she’d initially thought.
“Let’s face it, Phoenix, you and I both know you’re never walking out of here alive,” the brunette continued. “I could at least make your lives here more bearable.”
“At what cost?” Alice quipped, her eyes narrowing once more.
Cain let out a hearty laugh. “Direct and to the point. Well, you know nothing in life is free. If this is going to work, we’re going to have to reach a mutual…understanding.”
Alice quirked a brow. “Understanding of what?”
As soon as the question left her lips, she immediately regretted it. A shiver ran down her spine at the sultry gaze aimed in her direction.
The blonde swallowed. “I-If it’s what I think, I thought I made myself perfectly clear before.”
Cain pursed his lips in a mock imitation of an endearing pout. “Oh, I think I can change your mind. What do ya say? Play nice with me, and, though you’ll still be a prisoner, I can give you the keys to the kingdom, baby.”
“Go play with yourself!” Alice snapped.
A predatory smile tugged at the brunette’s lips as he stood. “Thinking of you the whole time.”
Alice looked away, her eyes darting around the room once more. At this point, she would rather be back in her cold cell than spend another moment alone with this boy.
“You think I’m playing you?”
Alice didn’t answer. She’d be a fool to trust him. The boy obviously got off on the manipulation. It would be a mistake to let him under her skin.
“When you found my little brother, he had been shot, right?”
“And what of it?” Alice returned.
Cain smiled. “Who do you think shot him?”
Sapphire eyes widened. Alice stared at the boy in disbelief. “Wh-why?”
Cain turned his back to her then, pouring himself another glass of the red liquid. “Believe it or not, I was doing my little brother a favor. We’re more than blood, after all. We’re both Touched.”
Alice quirked a brow. “So why shoot him? Where, in your warped mind, is that doing someone a favor?”
He paused, turning to face her once more. “The virus is a funny thing. Some just take to it more…naturally.”
Alice glared. “You honestly expect me to believe that you’re a Touched? You’re working for The Order.”
Cain shrugged. “What can I say? I know a good meal ticket when I see it. Let’s just say I don’t keep all my eggs in one basket.”
“What are you talking about?”
“General Victor rings a bell, I’m sure,” Cain replied casually. “He’s made quite a few friends in Deinan.”
Alice froze. General Victor? As in General Thomas Victor?
The teen shook her head. He was lying. He had to be. If General Victor was orchestrating deals with The Order… “Y-You’re lying.”
Cain held her gaze. “Oh, really? About fifty miles northwest of Deinan. Just west of a little town called River Run.”
The blonde swallowed, her heart leaping into her throat. Did Leo know Victor was a traitor? She did her best to conceal her concern. Unless Leo knew of Victor’s treachery, he was in terrible danger!
“Did I hit a nerve…Lieutenant?”
Alice glared.
“You see, either way, I’m on the winning side. Make no mistake: I don’t give a rat’s ass if you don’t give up Derwent’s little base. At the end of the day, he’s expendable even to his own people…just like you,” Cain stated, finishing off his second glass. “You think they care if you’re in here, blondie?”
“They won’t stop looking. Leo IS going to find this place, and-”
Cain chuckled, cutting the girl off. “That’s rich. You may be a lieutenant, but if you think Derwent is going to get Victor to send troops here after you, you’re out of your head.” The teen paused, another wicked smile gracing his pale lips. “The only one that can guarantee your safety in here is me.”
Alice said nothing, her sapphire eyes attempting to bore holes into the boy as he continued to smile at her.
“What?” he questioned, cocking his head, “You think I’m bad? You don’t know the monster that’s sharing a cell with you right now.”
Alice’s eyes narrowed. “You’re delusional.”
“Am I?” the brunette returned, his tone dark. “The little bastard was born a murderer.”
Alice looked away as he approached her, trapping her against the wall with a hand on each side of her head as he flattened his palms. Now he was just talking crazy. Born a murderer?
“The difference in me and him is that, if I want to kill you, I’ll just shoot you and be done with it. 012, on the other hand; he’s a different animal.”
“The only animal here is you,” Alice returned.
“Have you ever seen someone drown?”
A chill shot down the blonde’s spine.
“You see, it’s all in the eyes. The swift recognition. 012’s favorite thing to do was to manipulate the pressure in the veins to burst, drowning the person in their own fluids. Nasty way to go,” Cain continued as he reached a hand up to trail his fingers through soft, golden hair.
Alice did her best to still her body from shuddering.
The boy was lying. He had to be. Vincent had been so timid from the moment he’d awakened. He was simply incapable of that kind of brutality.
“Perhaps you need more time to think it over,” the brunette purred, absently stroking her hair.
Glaring, Alice swung her arm out, her palm landing a solid blow to the boy’s cheek.
A low grumble sounded in the brunette’s throat as he took a slow step backward. Shaking his head, the teen made his way to the door, knocking on it in signal. “Remember what I said about your friends paying for you doing things the hard way? Think it over carefully, blondie. DON’T keep me waiting.”
Alice chewed her bottom lip in apprehension as she was then led away. One way or another, she had to find a way to get them all out of this nightmare. Their lives depended on it.
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