《The Genesis Project》Chapter 10: A Part We Play


Chapter 10: A Part We Play

The vehicle rolled to a stop finally. The sound of car doors opening filled the brunette’s ears again for a third time that day, Vincent releasing a breath he hadn’t realized he’d even been holding. The hand he was clutching gave a small tug, pulling him from the car before his sight was then returned to him.

No longer blinded, Vincent frowned at the penetrating glares aimed in his direction, bowing his head. The warm hand he held fell away then, and he immediately found himself missing the girl’s warmth.

“I need to report to Leo. He needs to know that the Holy Council is in Pheroa,” Alice spoke, breaking the tense, silent barrier that had fallen over the group.

“I’ll go with you. I need to talk to him too,” Kurt added as he began to follow the blonde toward the door.

Seth slung an arm around Vincent’s shoulders. “You guys do that. Vincent and I are going to have a little chat.”

Alice looked as though she would say something but nodded. Time was of the essence. She would settle things later with Vincent. “Right. You’re dismissed then, you two.”

Vincent felt his heart sink a bit as he watched her walk away. Pain inevitably followed as he was suddenly jerked backward, his head slamming against the car before Seth released his shirt collar.

Vincent let out a yelp of pain, his left hand unconsciously going back to rub the back of his head.

“Do you have any idea what the hell you just did? What you could have done?” the teen growled. Sweat glistened against the boy’s forehead. He had almost lost her!

Amber eyes narrowed. “I saved an innocent kid and his grandfather from being murdered.”

“That’s great, Mr. White Knight, but you could have killed Alice in the process!” Seth snapped, “Do you have any idea what they’d do to her if they ever caught her?”

Vincent averted his gaze to the floor, feeling his heart sink into his stomach. Honestly, after what he’d witnessed today, he was almost positive that he didn’t wish to know.

Taking his silence as a sign to continue, Seth blew out a sigh. “Look, Vincent, you’re new, so I want to cut you a little slack, but you better learn fast. Alice can’t be covering for you all the time. You need to understand that now. What you did today put her in more hot water than you even realize.”

Vincent bit his lip. Was it really so bad that he had stood up for an innocent person? What did these people want him to do? Allow senseless murder? “I felt it was the right thing to do.”

“Vincent, Alice is at the top of The Order’s Most Wanted list. If they were to ever get their hands on her…”

Seth didn’t have to finish the thought for it to sink in. Vincent looked away. “What’s going to happen now?”

Seth sighed, folding his arms as he moved to lean against the car. “Well, I can’t say for certain, but you can bet your ass it won’t be good. At the bare minimum, The Order is going to beef up security.”

Vincent gave a sigh, his amber eyes sinking to the floor once more. He wasn’t certain of anything anymore. He ached terribly. The stress certainly wasn’t doing wonders for him. The teen winced, placing a hand to his burning chest. The, still healing, injury protested the day’s earlier activities as it throbbed, causing the boy to close his eyes with a small noise of discomfort in the back of his throat.


Seth eyed the boy. A look of sympathy briefly crossed his features as he straightened his posture. Amid all the chaos, he’d honestly forgotten that the boy was still injured. “You should probably head to the medical wing. You aren’t looking so hot.”

Vincent nodded, holding in a pained whimper. “Perhaps some rest would be a good idea.”

Seth’s brows furrowed, all his previous animosity seeming to deflate with a sigh. “Look, just…just take it easy, okay? Try to use your head more often than your heart.” The brunette looked away. “Your heart is more likely to get you hurt.”

Vincent said nothing as the boy walked away then, leaving him alone with his thoughts. If he was being truthful with himself, there was a part of him that found that concept even more terrifying than anything he’d endured in the city earlier.

The brunette pinched his eyes shut as he made his way toward the door.


Leo took a long drag of his cigarette, flipping through the papers he had haphazardly thrown upon his desk. Where was that damn report?! Giving an angry huff, smoke expelled from his mouth in a thick, gray cloud.

The door behind him flew open, his sudden visitor not bothering to knock as she entered.

Catching a glimpse of blonde hair, the commander smiled as he finally turned to face his ‘intruder’. His smile instantly dissipated into a frown as he took in the look on her face.

Her pale lips were pulled into a tight frown. Her sapphire eyes, normally a bright, clear blue, had dulled to a stormy gray. Her posture was rigid as she stalked into the room.

“We have big problems. Your guy never showed.”

Icy-blue eyes widened. “What?”

Alice shook her head. “We waited for over an hour. We barely got out. the Holy Council is here in Pheora.”

Leo’s eyes narrowed. “Say what?”

“Yeah and tell him about the little stunt Vincent decided to pull,” a voice chimed in from the doorway.

Kurt leaned against the doorframe, hand on his hip as he shook his head.

Leo glanced back to his daughter as she slowly sat down in one of the chairs across from him at his desk. “What stunt?”

Alice chewed her lip lightly before shooting a glare over her shoulder at her brother. He rolled his eyes.

“What stunt, Alice?” the commander prompted again, his eyes narrowing almost into slits as the young lieutenant continued to avoid his gaze.

“Look,” Alice sighed, “he can’t be wholly to blame. It was a horrific sight, especially to him since he only woke up a few days ago.”

“Out with it.”

Alice flinched with the tone, her eyes drifting to the floor. “He had a run-in with some soldiers of the Holy Council.”

The commander leapt from his chair, his eyes nearly bulging from his head in rage. Of all the stupid, idiotic things! “Come again?! And you didn’t think it wise to stop him?!”

“It’s not like I predicted he was going to randomly throw himself into harm’s way like that!” Alice returned. “They were going to execute a little kid and his grandfather.”

Leo huffed out a breath, his icy-blue eyes rolling. “Well, doesn’t that just break your heart? Come on, Alice! What happens when The Order locks Pheora down now, huh? Where do you propose we get our supplies?”

The lieutenant hung her head, looking away. “We’re supposed to be fighting for the innocent. Wasn’t that the whole point of this war? To defend the weak and helpless? If we turn a blind eye like that, what are we even fighting for?”


“To stay alive!” Leo snapped.

Drawing in a deep breath, the commander finished his cigarette before shaking his head. “Did they see you?”

Alice sighed, raising her eyes to meet his gaze before shaking her head. “No, I don’t think so. But they definitely saw Vincent. I had to do something. I couldn’t just leave him, Dad.”

Leo raised his hands to rub his temples in a desperate effort to ward off the impending headache he could feel setting in. “You used your powers?”

“Did you want me to let them capture him?”

Leo glared. “What have I taught you about all this, Alice? About your men?”

“Never make it personal,” the teen sighed, her eyes falling to her lap as she tried desperately to hide the tears that began to roll down her cheeks.

Don’t make it personal? How was she supposed to do that? How was she supposed to simply forget each and every face that willingly offered up their life on a daily basis for their cause? The ones who put themselves in harm’s way for her sake? These so-called ‘boys’ were like family to her. She loved them! How could she not? She had grown up with most of them.

The blonde’s thoughts wandered to Seth. Poor Seth! She had probably scared him so badly today. And Vincent… She could only imagine what he must be thinking. After all, what a fine introduction to the world he’d had.

Kurt frowned. “Dad, I…I think she gets it.”

Leo sighed.

“Go, Alice. You need rest. You’re looking tired,” the commander muttered. “I have to assess the damage. If we lose our supply line, that boy is going to regret it. YOU are to see to his punishment.”

The blonde’s eyes widened. “Wh-what? Me?”

“Yes, you. You’re his boss, Alice. This is your mess to clean up,” Leo replied, making his way over to stand directly in front of her. A dark smile twisted his lips as he grabbed the armrests of the chair, effectively trapping the girl. “Either you do it, or I will. I don’t think you’ll like my methods, Lieutenant, so do your job. If you want that boy to remain capable of producing children, you will handle the punishment. And I expect you to put the fear of God in him. Ensure an incident like this NEVER happens again.”

Alice squirmed, feeling more than a little uncomfortable. “Th-that’s uncalled for!”

Leo shrugged. “Oh? Then should we have the conversation about enrolling him in The Program right now? We could get some use out of him before I chop off his naughty bits.”

Alice flushed, the lighting in the room brightening briefly. “I-I’ll handle it. Don’t…don’t do that to him.”

The commander straightened his posture, leaning back as he stood up straight once more. “Good girl. You’re dismissed…daughter.”

Alice glared, but said no more as she stood, making her way toward the door. The blonde spared her brother an almost accusatory glance as she passed by, leaving the two men alone.

Kurt frowned as he watched her go. He knew she was angry with him. Why didn’t she understand? There was nothing he could do. He couldn’t go against Leo’s wishes. As questionable as his methods were when it came to her…


Cold darkness enveloped the teen. A sickening, metallic scent filled the brunette’s nose as he attempted to feel his way around the area. Completely blind, Vincent slowly inched his way forward, his footsteps echoing as if he were in some hollow space.

What on earth?

The teen made it nearly four steps when muffled shouting reached his ears.

Where am I now?

Vincent stumbled as his feet brushed against an unseen obstacle on the floor. Losing his balance, the teen yelped as he fell. His fingers grasped something soft. Fabric? Curling the digits around the object, he grimaced. Sticky fabric. Giving a small tug, the object rolled toward him.

The brunette felt his stomach drop, his eyes nearly bulging out of his head as the body of a young woman came into his vision. Wide, amber eyes took in the blood-stained, white dress of the headless female.

Vincent bit his lip against the wave of nausea that struck him. A gasp hung in his throat as he realized that he recognized the clothing.

No! No, no, no! PLEASE, don’t be her! Not her!

As if in protest to the boy’s fragmented thoughts, a movement off to his left drew his attention. Raising himself on shaky legs, the teen slowly moved toward the object. Catching a glimpse of familiar, blonde hair, tears poured down his cheeks.


The boy fell back onto his knees as his sobs made movement impossible, clenching his bloodied hands into fists. This was all his fault. He had done this. His naivety was to blame.


Vincent bolted into a sitting position, a gasp flying from his lips. He instantly regretted it as his chest seared with pain. A moan left his lips as he pushed himself out of his bed.

The teen closed his eyes as he attempted to draw in slow, even breaths.

The brunette stood still for a moment, feeling his heart hammer against his ribcage as the horrific nightmare replayed in his mind over and over again as if on repeat.

Vincent shuddered. Brushing a hand through his dark hair, he willed his heart to cease its racing. He needed to get ahold of himself. It was only a dream.

A horrible nightmare…

The teen drew in a deep breath, wincing when his chest burned. A whimper of pain escaped his lips as he ambled toward the door. He needed to see her. He needed to prove to himself, without a shadow of doubt, that she was, indeed, okay. His ailing injury would surely wait.


The lighting in the room alternated from dim to bright and back again as the young blonde continued her attempts to glare holes into the ceiling of her office. Why hadn’t she just gone back to her room? At least, there, she would have been able to attempt to sleep.

She sighed. Who was she trying to fool? There was no way she would be able to sleep now. How was she supposed to punish the boy when she agreed with him?

A dark frown twisted her lips downward as she sat up straight in her chair, her eyes drifting to her lap.

Do your job.

Alice’s brows furrowed. She was doing her job! She had brought all of them back alive, hadn’t she?! Another sigh escaped the girl’s lips. She hated punishing her soldiers. She took no pleasure in harming people. They were intimidated enough by her; they didn’t need any further reasons to fear her.

She closed her eyes. Not that she could wholly blame them. After all, setting people on fire WAS quite terrifying to witness. Why? Why, of all the elements the virus could have linked her with, did she have to be cursed with the fire ability?

The blonde leaned her head back in her chair once more with a sigh. She would be a hypocrite if she punished the boy.

A timid knock at the door drew the young woman from her thoughts as she sat up straight. “Yes, come in.”

The door slowly opened to reveal a familiar set of striking, amber eyes.

“V-Vincent, hi,” the blonde greeted as cheerfully as she could manage. “Wo-won’t you come in?” she stammered as she gestured to one of the empty chairs in front of her desk.

Vincent sucked in a breath as the gentle voice reached his ears. Her voice… She was alive! Relief flooded the youth as he nodded, his heart nearly skipping a beat. Suddenly feeling bashful and awkward, the teen slowly made his way over to one of the black chairs and sat down.

“I, uh, I actually needed to see you anyway,” Alice stated, giving a small smile. A frown tugged at her lips as he quickly avoided her gaze. “Vincent, are you-”

“I am SO sorry, Lieutenant,” the boy suddenly blurted, hanging his head.

Alice shook her head. “Vincent-”

“I wasn’t thinking. I put everyone in danger, and I’m sorry, but… I’m not sorry that I did what I did. I couldn’t just-”

The blonde sighed. “Vincent, I understand how you feel. Really, I do.”

Vincent finally raised his eyes. “You’re…not angry with me?”

A warm smile lit the blonde’s features. “While what you did was, undoubtedly, reckless, no, I’m not angry with you.”

“B-but, I thought that-”

“Trust me, Vincent, you’ll know when I’m truly upset with you,” the young lieutenant responded with another dazzling smile.

The brunette swallowed. “B-but I did put you in danger, didn’t I? I am sorry. I just… I saw that kid, and I-”

“Vincent, it’s okay. I don’t want you thinking about that right now, alright? We all made it out. That’s what matters,” Alice replied. “Truthfully, I can’t say I wouldn’t have done the same thing. To be honest, I should be thanking you, Vincent.”

“Thanking me?”

Alice nodded. “That’s right. You made a good distraction. That took a lot of courage.” The girl winked, causing the boy to flush slightly.

The boy looked away shyly, a hand going to tangle in his hair. “More like sheer, dumb luck.” He turned back to her, managing a bright smile. “You really saved me back there, ya know?”

The blonde flushed lightly at the unexpected praise, glancing away. “I don’t leave soldiers behind, Vincent. I never have, and I never will.”

The boy’s smile grew. “Well, I think you’re really brave too; far braver than I am. I was absolutely terrified.” His smile faltered. “I…I’m so sorry for causing you this much trouble. Seth told me something about you being on The Order’s Most Wanted list.”

Alice blew out a sigh, rising from her chair. “That’s not for you to worry about, Vincent. It’s my job, as your lieutenant, to make sure you come back safe.”

Vincent frowned. Why? Why did this girl even care about him? After all, he wasn’t much more than a stranger to her. “W-why?”

“Pardon?” the lieutenant questioned, cocking her head slightly.

“I-I mean…I’m not anyone special. You don’t really know me…so why…”

Alice eyed the boy. Sympathy creased her brows as she moved to sit on the desk in front of him. Reaching out, she took his right hand within her own.

“Because I know what it’s like to feel as though you don’t have a voice,” she murmured, giving his hand a soft, gentle squeeze.

Vincent’s eyes immediately raised to meet her gaze. Finally. Finally, someone understood! Someone heard him!

Alice smiled. “Believe it or not, Vincent, I was actually a regular cadet a few years ago…just like you.”


“Fall back!”

The blonde barely registered the shout of her lieutenant over the roar of gunfire in the distance. Adjusting the assault rifle she carried, the teen took cover behind the safety of the nearby tree line.

Glancing around at her comrades, the girl frowned. Her stomach twisted as she caught sight of the medics hurriedly tending to the fallen that were being carried off by what had to be the dozens, some of which she was certain would never see the battlefield again. Closing her eyes in an attempt to block out the sight proved to be even worse, as the sound only seemed to amplify at the absence of her sense of vision.

The sick, metallic scent of blood mixed with gunpowder filled the teen’s nose, causing a wave of nausea to sweep over her. Caught off guard, she doubled over and fell to her knees as the contents of her stomach forcefully emptied onto the ground.

A hand on her back helped to steady her as the blonde shakily stood to her feet.

“Easy, there, soldier. Can’t have the lieutenant seeing you like that,” the young, male cadet murmured, patting her shoulder affectionately before passing her his water canteen.

Alice gratefully accepted the offering, taking slow sips as the boy rubbed her back in gentle circles. Passing the container back to him, she offered her gratitude. She recognized him. He was one of the brand-new cadets Victor had sent in to join the squad a week prior. She thought she’d heard some of the other boys call him Julius.

“Hell of a way to break us in, huh?” the boy quipped, causing a fleeting smile to light the girl’s face. “Alice, right? Alice Lynheart?”

The blonde nodded. “Uh, huh. And you’re…Julius, right?”

The brunette beamed, his dark, brown eyes gleaming. “Hey, you know my name.” Running a hand through his messy, black hair, he shook his head with a sigh. “Not exactly my ideal choice for a formal meeting, but it’s nice to finally make your acquaintance. The squad sure talks a lot about you.”

Alice looked away. Lovely. More gossip. Lord only knew what rumors were spreading now.

“Lynheart! Rogers! Fall back and regroup with the others,” Price ordered as he rushed past the pair.

The soldiers exchanged looks before following their commanding officer. They were soon joined by a small group of able-bodied soldiers. From the looks of things, they were beginning to feel a bit antsy with the cease-fire as they gathered in front of the tent.

“Listen up!” Price began, “Everyone who is able needs to prepare to move out. We’re heading north to meet up with Division 6.”

Rumbles of discontent murmured through the crowd. North? As in Deinan?! Alice glanced around at the various faces. Her blonde eyebrows furrowed. Several familiar faces were notably missing from the crowd. A cold chill shot down the teen’s spine as she realized she’d lost track of Seth, Issac, and Johnathan.

Turning on her heels, she began her search. Faces blurred as she briskly searched for any sign of the missing boys. She had to find them. She had to!

“Has anyone seen Squad B?”

She felt her mouth forming the words, though her voice failed to register. The uneasy stares she received in response told the young soldier all she needed to know. Tears filled her eyes despite her best efforts to ward them off.

Stop it! Stop crying!

The girl’s body refused to heed her demands, a distinct, salty taste filling her mouth as she quickly drug her sleeve across her cheek. Amid the sorrow came anger. The teen set her jaw, spinning on her heels.

The young cadet marched back to the pop-up tent that had hastily been erected as a base of sorts to tend to some of the more severely injured. It didn’t take her long to track down Lieutenant Price as she stepped inside. The officer was busying himself with his small group of advisors, no doubt formulating some sort of battle strategy.

“Reager, I want you and Little to split into two teams. We’ll cover a lot more ground that way. If we hurry, we’ll get to cut off those supply lines to Deinan on the way.”

Alice frowned, overhearing. “Wait. We’re already fragmented, and you want to split us up even more?” She spoke before she could stop herself.

The lieutenant rolled his eyes, turning on her with an exasperated sigh. “What are you doing in here, Lynheart? You aren’t injured.”

The blonde shook her head. “N-no, Sir. I was just-”

“Then you should be out there with the others preparing to move out,” Price cut her off.

“But what about Squad B?”

Price’s eyes narrowed. “What about them?”

Alice flinched at the gruff tone. “Th-they’re M.I.A.”


Sapphire eyes widened. “W-well, what’s the plan to retrieve them?”

“Does this look like a rescue mission, Lynheart?” the lieutenant snapped.

“So you’re just going to abandon them? What about the injured here? You’re going to just leave them all?” the blonde retorted hotly.

James Price glared. “Careful, cadet. You would do well not to forget your place.”

Alice briefly spared a glance at the other two soldiers as they eyed her, feeling somewhat self-conscious.

“The evac team is on its way. Now I suggest you get your ass out there with the others.”

Alice gave her commanding officer a pleading look. “Please, Sir. You know what they’ll do to them.”

“And we will mourn their loss. Fine, young lads.”

“Let me at least assemble a recon team. If we hurry, we can head them off before they get too far. Hopefully, we can get to them before they’re executed,” the blonde pleaded.

Price scoffed. “You’re assuming they haven’t already been executed.”

“But, Sir-”

“That’s the price of war, Lynheart! It’s a risk they were all well aware of!”

“They didn’t have a choice!”

“And neither do you!”

“Actually, with all due respect, Sir, I think it’s a good idea,” a voice murmured, breaking up the shouting match.

Alice turned to see Julius approach, coming to stand next to her. The blonde stared in awe. Finally, it seemed as if she wasn’t the only one.

“I suggest you butt out, Rogers. I don’t need some rookie trying to tell me how to run MY division,” Price quipped. Dismissing his two advisors to prepare the unit to move, he turned back to the two teens. Glancing between them, he rolled his eyes. “You need to think with your brain, boy, instead of your dick. Now are we going to have problems, or are you going to follow orders? I want you up front, Lynheart.”

“We can’t afford to lose that many men. I’m sorry, Sir. I’m retrieving my comrades,” Alice returned as she turned and fled the tent, Julius hot on her heels…


“We found out later, after retrieving Squad B, that Price and the others were ambushed on their way to Deinan.” The blonde looked away, “They didn’t make it.”

Vincent swallowed. Monstrous. Absolutely monstrous! He wasn’t aware of the tears until they started to roll down his cheeks.

Alice sighed before turning back to face him once more. “I don’t know. I guess I’ve always thought that, maybe, if I’d followed orders that day, we wouldn’t have lost so many.”

“But you saved the missing squad,” Vincent gently countered.

The blonde gave a somber smile, nodding. “That’s right. Every single one of them.”

“Is that why you’re on The Order’s Most Wanted list?”

The young lieutenant seemed to pause at the question, looking away from him again. The girl turned back to him after a moment, seeming to consider her words before finally settling on a simple nod. “Correct.”

Vincent frowned. He got the distinct feeling that there was definitely more to the story, but he declined to push the matter any further. From where he stood, the girl was obviously a hero. He looked away. He couldn’t even imagine…

“Actions have consequences, Vincent,” Alice spoke, snapping the young boy out of his thoughts. “Speaking of which, we also need to discuss your punishment.”

The brunette paled, all the blood seeming to drain from his face, despite the warm hand he held. “P-punishment?”

Alice nodded. “Officially, I am supposed to reprimand you, so…” The young woman trailed off as she carefully turned the hand she held within her own over, giving it a light swat with her free hand. “Bad boy. Don’t ever do that again.” She gave a mischievous wink. “There. You’ve OFFICIALLY been punished. Traumatized?”

“Eh?” Vincent squeaked, his face flushing hotly.

Alice sobered, breathing out a soft sigh. “Seriously, Vincent, I’m going to give you a piece of advice: This place will eat you alive, if you let it. It has a way of changing who you are. Don’t let it consume you,” The blonde murmured, pushing herself off the desk with her free hand. She gave the boy’s hand another gentle squeeze before pulling him to his feet.

The boy came up easily enough, though she did notice his movements were slow and almost rigid. She eyed him for a moment, a warm smile slowly taking over her features before she stepped forward.

Vincent froze as the girl’s arms came around him, enveloping him in a veil of warmth as his breath hitched. The girl’s head rested against his chest, and the teen swallowed. He only hoped she wouldn’t hear the pounding of his heart. Of course, somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew this was an impossibility with her being so close. After a moment, the teen managed to force his mind into working properly again long enough to wrap his trembling arms around her small frame.

Momentarily forgetting herself, Alice tightened her hold on the boy. His sharp intake of breath snapped her back to reality, the lighting in the room brightening as her face began to fill with color. What on earth was coming over her?! Releasing the boy, she looked away. Doing her best to ignore the racing of her heart, she offered the boy a shy smile.

The blonde’s eyes widened then when she took notice of the blood on the boy’s jacket, the green stripe of the athletic suit he wore now stained a dark, almost olive, color. She hadn’t noticed that when he’d come in earlier.

“V-Vincent, you’re… Tell me I didn’t-”

“Huh?” the boy murmured, following her gaze. His amber eyes widened, snapping him out of the momentary daze the girl’s embrace had put him in.

The brunette failed to hold in a pained whimper, flinching as Alice lightly brushed a hand to his chest.

The blonde gasped as her hand came back stained crimson. “Vincent, how long have you been like that?”

Vincent gave his commanding officer a sheepish look. “W-well, I guess I first noticed it when we got back from Pheora earlier.”

Alice shook her head in obvious disapproval. “Vincent, why didn’t you say something?”

“I thought it was just soreness from where I was shot.”

Alice snorted, grabbing the boy’s hand before she led him to the door. “It’s from where you were shot alright. I think your stitching has opened. Come on, I’ll take you to Kurt. He’ll get you fixed back up.”

Vincent sighed, rolling his eyes. “Lovely.”

Alice turned to him as they exited the office, giving a rueful frown. “Come on, soldier. I can’t have you bleeding out on me, alright?”

Vincent couldn’t help but smile as she led him along. He glanced at their intertwined hands. He didn’t need any memories to know that he’d never felt such… What even was the term? Infatuation? Attraction? His pale cheeks heated up once more. Whatever this feeling was, it was only seeming to grow stronger with each passing moment he continued to spend with her.


Kurt frowned, huffing out a sigh as he finished running the third decryption program he’d run on the article. No luck. Nothing. There was absolutely nothing on the boy. It was as if he’d simply appeared out of thin air.

The teen was brought out of his thoughts as the door suddenly opened. Turning around in his leather chair, he saw Alice enter the room. He frowned as he noticed her companion.

Speak of the devil…

Catching sight of the pair’s linked hands, the teen’s eyes narrowed slightly. What was up with that? “Uh, can I help you?”

Alice led Vincent to the small bed in the corner, sitting him down before she gave her brother her full attention. “I think Vincent’s stitching has opened up. Can you take a look?”

Kurt rolled his eyes. Could the boy possibly be any more trouble? “Let me get my kit.”

The young scientist watched with no small amount of annoyance as the blonde situated herself next to the boy, sitting beside him on the bed. Retrieving the medical kit from his desk drawer, the teen made his way over to the pair.

“Vincent, shirt off. Alice, out.”

As if they’d planned it, the pair quickly began to protest at the same time, causing Kurt to grind his teeth in agitation.

“Just do as you’re told, you two.”

Alice folded her arms in defiance, her sapphire eyes narrowing slightly. What was the big deal? She wasn’t allowed to offer moral support to the boy? After all, he’d been unconscious when he’d initially been stitched up. It only stood to reason that he may be somewhat apprehensive. “Why?”

Kurt pinned the girl with a knowing glare. “Because old habits appear to be resurfacing, and history doesn’t need to repeat itself.”

Vincent cocked his head in confusion as the blonde recoiled as if struck. He frowned as she slowly stood to her feet.

“You know, you can be a real dick when you want to be,” the lieutenant spat, her tone dripping venom.

“And you’re obvious. Out, Lieutenant…or are you going to tell me where that blood on YOUR shirt came from?” Kurt returned, unflinching.

Vincent winced at the slamming of the door as she left. He sighed as he glared at the boy in front of him. “Did you have to do that?”

Kurt rolled his eyes as he opened the medical kit, collecting the supplies he would need for his task. “Shut up and take your shirt off.”

Rolling his eyes, Vincent complied. “Shouldn’t you at least ask me out to dinner first?” He cringed as the chilly air of the laboratory stung his wound. It ached terribly! He closed his eyes. The girl had been so warm. A small smile graced his lips. He could almost still feel her.

Kurt glared. “Funny. Real comedian. What did I tell you about getting too close to her?”

Amber eyes shot open at the interruption to his pleasant thoughts. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Kurt’s eyes narrowed as he threaded the needle he held. “Don’t try to bullshit me, Vincent. I saw you two holding hands.”

Vincent sighed. “I wasn’t aware that holding her hand was such a crime.”

A yelp was torn from the boy’s lips as the needle was suddenly inserted into his skin. The young scientist gave a sharp tug, earning another pained cry of anguish from his patient.

“I’m warning you, Vincent, leave well enough alone. Believe it or not, I’m trying to help you.”

Vincent glared. Trying to help him? That was a little hard to believe when the boy seemed to be doing his best to make it feel as though his flesh was splitting open! “Y-Yo-you’ll have to forgive me, but I’m a bit skeptical.”

Kurt shrugged before continuing his work. “Some just like heartache, I suppose.”

Vincent frowned. “H-Heartache?”

“Vincent, you think you’re the first one with a dick and a pair of balls to look at her like that?” Kurt returned with a roll of his dark eyes.

The brunette couldn’t help the flush that crept onto his face. He looked away. “I-It’s not like that. She’s…she’s my friend,” he protested.

Kurt snorted. “Friend? You haven’t even known her a week,” he quipped, giving a swift jerk of his wrist to pull the stitching taut.

“Ow!” Vincent yelped. Glaring, his hands balled into fists at his side.

Noticing the movement, Kurt’s eyes narrowed again. “Vincent, you punch me, and I’ll open every last one of these again.”

Vincent sighed in defeat, saying nothing more. It wouldn’t do any good. He hadn’t the faintest clue what tomorrow would bring, but he could only hope that it would be better than today.

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