《The Genesis Project》Chapter 9: The Holy Council
Chapter 9: The Holy Council
Vincent felt his knees tremble as his commanding officer hastily pulled him to his feet. His body felt numb.
“I know, Vincent. I know, but you’ve got to focus now, alright? Can you do that for me?”
Her voice was a warm phantom in his ear. The brunette wordlessly nodded. He had to get ahold of himself! There would be plenty of time for him to fall to pieces later.
“What’s the plan?” Seth questioned, keeping a vigilant eye on the escalating crowd.
Alice’s sapphire eyes scanned their surroundings, catching sight of the parade floats loaded with fireworks just up the street. A handful of guards stood watch, casually chatting away as they observed the festivities. What was Leo thinking?! How could he have not known? Weren’t celebrations planned at least weeks in advance? “The plan is to get our tails out of here as fas-”
“You clumsy, little fool!” a shout cut the blonde off, drawing the trio’s attention back to the man who’d introduced himself as the commandant.
A young boy in shabby clothing stumbled back a few paces from the blow he’d just received from the robed man.
An eerie silence seemed to loom over the crowd.
“These clothes are worth more money than you will ever see in your miserable, insignificant life!” the commandant roared. “How do you plan on compensating me, you disgusting urchin?!”
Vincent felt his stomach twist as the man lifted the boy off the ground by his shirt. No…
“Since it seems you won’t be paying me with money, how about I just take your eyes?” the commandant sneered.
“N-no, please, Sir, my grandson didn’t mean any harm. He’s never attended the Crowning Festival before,” an elderly man pleaded, a long cane supporting his weight as he hobbled toward the pair.
The commandant sneered again as he glanced over the wrinkled, old man. It seemed age had certainly not been kind to him. A devilish smirk played across his lips. “Well, since he doesn’t seem to be using them, I reason he won’t miss them.”
“Pl-please, Sir-”
“On second thought, one little urchin’s eyes are hardly enough compensation for fine robes such as these. However, if we added yours as well, it could become interesting.” Dropping the boy roughly on the ground, the blond snapped his fingers.
Two guards appeared at the command. One swiftly hauled the boy to his feet, the other tossing the elderly man onto the ground.
“Hey! Leave my grandfather alone! He didn’t do anything to you!” the boy cried, kicking his captor in the shin.
The soldier gave a grunt of discontent before holding the boy up higher. “That’s enough, you pest. Show some respect to your commandant!”
Vincent’s eyes narrowed as he continued to watch the scene unfold. These people were barbarians! “Shouldn’t we do something about that?” he questioned, turning to his commanding officer.
Alice’s brows furrowed. It would be so easy. She spared a glance at her hands.
“What do you propose we do, Vincent? We’re outnumbered,” Seth muttered before the blonde could reply, “I ain’t risking my neck that easily.”
Vincent glared. “Not even for a kid?”
“Look, it sucks, but that’s the way the world is now, Vincent. We can’t save everyone.”
Alice frowned, feeling her heart sink as dark memories began to surface once more. Shaking her head, she fixed the brunette with a glare. “That’s funny, Seth. I would have thought you, of all people, would be a bit more understanding.”
Seth paled, recognition flashing in his eyes. “A-Alice, that’s not fair…”
Another roar from the crowd drew the trio’s attention once more. Vincent felt his stomach lurch. The elderly man was on the ground now, his cane now being used to beat him repeatedly in the back as any attempt to stand ended in obvious failure.
Onlookers laughed and jeered at the spectacle. What was the matter with these people?! The soldiers began dragging both boy and grandfather up the platform steps, the young boy’s cries drowned out by the screaming crowd.
“Since the boy seems to be enjoying the festival so much, how about we make him a part of it?” The commandant called out to the frenzied crowd, waving his hand in command as he made his way over to a waiting chair on the other side of the platform.
The amber-eyed teen resolved himself. He had to do something! He wouldn’t just stand by and watch such depravity. He barely registered the calls of his name as he sped away.
Seth cursed under his breath.
Alice made her way to the entrance of the alley. “Seth, get out of here. You need to get to Kurt as fast as you can.”
The brunette’s eyes widened. He knew that look of resolve all too well. “But, Alice, you can’t! They’ll kill you!”
The blonde offered him a dark smile over her shoulder. “Probably, but they’ll have to catch me first.”
Her sapphire eyes narrowed. “Go, Seth! That’s an order! If there’s going to be any blood on my hands today, it will be my own.”
The brunette gulped as she too then sped away.
“Shit!” the boy cursed as he spun wildly on his heels and ran. Tears stung his eyes as he forced himself onward, not daring to look back.
That’s an order!
Her words burned through his memory as if branded. An order. The teen smiled, quickly batting away a stray tear that rolled annoyingly down his tanned cheek. As much as he wanted to, he knew he couldn’t turn back. His princess had given him an order, and he’d be damned if he didn’t follow it!
The teen pinched his eyes shut as he rounded a corner and paused to catch his breath, praying with all his might that his sweet spitfire of a lieutenant would soon return to him.
“Please don’t do this!”
The cries for mercy that rang through the crowd fell upon deaf ears as the young brunette was forced into a kneeling position next to his, still pleading, grandfather. He grimaced as he felt the knees of his tattered pants soak through with the blood that still stained the stage.
The boy closed his eyes. Yeah, that was right. This was all an elaborate show. He felt his heart drop as the screams of the crowd grew muffled to his ears. For a moment, he no longer heard. His entire body going numb, he felt nothing. Perhaps that was for the best. After all, it wouldn’t be so bad, would it? His parents had been taken by the virus long ago.
Tears rolled down the boy’s cheeks like rain. His pale hands trembled as he felt the calloused hand of his grandfather swiftly curl around his own, offering what little comfort he was able to muster in what would be their final moments.
The loud clatter of metal sounded next to him, causing the boy to open his eyes as a sword skittered by at his right side. A stone followed the weapon, rolling to a stop near the edge of the platform.
“Ow! Son of a-” one of the guards yelped, reaching a hand back to rub where the projectile had struck the back of his head.
The crowd fell silent as the member of the Holy Council brought his hand back, eyes widening to see it stained crimson.
The commandant’s green eyes narrowed at the interruption. Standing up from his ‘throne’, the blond pulled back his lips into a feral snarl. “Who dares disrupt my entertainment?!”
“Forgive me, but I fail to see what the death of an innocent child and elderly man is going to accomplish. They’re obviously no threat to you.”
The commandant paused, his eyebrows crinkling in morbid amusement at the voice. The crowd parted slightly then, and his eyes locked onto the brunette left standing with his arms crossed near the middle of the street. “Innocent? Ha! Foolish sentiment. Young boy, no one is truly innocent.”
“And what crime have they committed?” Vincent spat back, his amber eyes narrowing.
Though internally he was trembling with fear, the teen couldn’t deny the wave of relief that washed through him as he watched the young boy quickly pull his grandfather to his feet. He forced himself to remain still as all eyes fell upon him. Biting his lip, he attempted to tune out the hushed whispers that murmured through the crowd.
“Identify yourself,” the commandant demanded.
Vincent gave a sheepish smile, scratching the back of his head as the guards descended the platform steps to advance on him. “Heh, well, your guess is as good as mine.”
“Don’t get cute. You know that all citizens must show their proper documentation upon request,” the blond returned with a roll of his eyes, beckoning to his soldiers.
Vincent’s eyes darted from the advancing soldiers to the white blur that raced down the street behind the crowd. A cold chill shot down his spine. Why was she still here?! Despite the chilling fear that gripped him, he couldn’t resist a small smile. Giving his full attention to the new adversaries he had made, the teen’s smile turned somewhat mischievous as he extended the middle finger of his right hand. “Document this, Mr. Commandant.”
Lightning flashed in the official’s darkened, emerald eyes. “You cheeky bastard! I’ll have your tongue ripped out!”
“That doesn’t sound like a very fun party. Sorry, but I’m afraid I’ll have to pass,” Vincent replied with a coy smile.
“Stay right there. Don’t you move a muscle, you insolent, little prick,” the guard that he had struck in the head ordered.
Vincent smirked. Hey, if he was going to die anyway, why not taunt them as much as humanly possible? “Heh! Well, I can tell you with confidence that I may be insolent, but little…not so much.”
The soldier’s face contorted, absolutely livid. “Why, you disgusting reprobate!”
Alice bit her lip lightly, doing her best to keep out of sight as the guards shifted their attention, moving to aid their comrades with the rebellion as the crowd began to grow restless once more. Grabbing the side of the decorated float she was hiding behind, she pulled herself up. She was pleased to find the platform unattended.
Swiftly making her way over to the large, middle compartment filled with pyrotechnics, the blonde set to work unwrapping the fuses from their protective plastic.
Sparing a glance over her shoulder, the teen breathed a quick sigh of relief. She didn’t have much time from the sounds of things. Honestly! What was the boy thinking? He was crazy. Crazy amazing, but still crazy, nonetheless.
Working as quickly as she could, the young lieutenant intertwined the fuses, tying them together. Adjusting the firecrackers to where they were tilted upwards toward the sky, Alice grasped the fuses. Drawing in a deep breath, she closed her eyes as she felt the heat rapidly travel up her spine and into her hand.
Hearing the sizzle of the fuses catching fire, Alice opened her eyes. Turning on her heels, she bolted across the float and leapt off. She winced as she felt the burning in her ankles from such a leap. She pushed herself onward, carrying herself as quickly as her legs would allow as the explosions began to sound behind her.
Adrenaline surged through the girl’s veins as she picked up her pace. People began to scatter as the larger fireworks began to go off now. Weaving through the crowd, a triumphant smile graced her lips as she saw a group of soldiers quickly pass by on their way to quell the disturbance.
The scent of smoke filled the air as the crowded streets quickly emptied out, people fleeing for the safety of their homes in the calamity.
Eyes trained on her target now, Alice watched him dart into a nearby alley. Catching up to him in the narrow space, she quickly shoved him behind a cluster of trash bins as another band of soldiers clad in the same decorative, white armor dashed past.
“Stay down,” the blonde hissed, whipping her head around to scan for when the coast was clear to move once more.
Vincent swallowed, his heart pounding as she held him. She…didn’t leave me behind… “A-Alice, I-”
The blonde swiftly cut him off with a slender finger to his lips, giving a strained smile. “Let’s, uh, get out of here first. Okay, Vincent?”
The boy wordlessly nodded, allowing himself a minute to catch his breath.
Alice frowned as she continued to hold him for a moment longer, his head resting against her shoulder. He was trembling. Then again, that was to be expected. You brave idiot. You don’t even know how to use your power. He had to be so frightened…
“It’s okay, Vincent. Don’t worry, I’m going to get you out of here. You can beat yourself up all you want after that,” she murmured, a knowing smile tugging at her lips in spite of herself.
Vincent met her eyes, unable to stifle the choked laugh that bubbled in his throat. “You got it, Lieutenant.”
The blonde offered a somewhat tender smile. One thing was certain: He was definitely trying. Sparing another glance around the corner, Alice saw no sign of immediate danger. “Time to be on the move. It’s not going to take them long to up security.”
Vincent nodded as she hauled him to his feet once more, his legs feeling like lead. How? How did this girl do this every day? The teen tried several times, in vain, to say something, but his tongue apparently saw fit to cease functioning for the time being.
The young soldier had found a new appreciation for the beat-up car he’d ridden in on by the time it came into view. Very much out of breath, the teen panted lightly as his commanding officer picked up the pace once more.
Alice breathed a sigh of relief, having never been so overjoyed by the sight of that horrendous hunk of metal and rubber. Throwing the back-passenger door open, she quickly pushed Vincent inside before climbing in next to him.
“Lieutenant!” Seth exclaimed as he turned around in the front-passenger seat, a relieved smile brightening his features as the two exhausted teens each caught their breath.
“Alice, what happened?” Kurt demanded, turning around in his seat to pin his sister with an imploring look.
The blonde frowned, sparing a glance at Vincent as he hung his head. She shook her head. “Right now, we need to get out of here. Just drive.”
Kurt let out an agitated breath, but stomped the gas, nonetheless. If Alice was implying that it was bad, then it was likely within his best interest to heed her request.
Vincent offered no resistance when he felt the girl slip the blindfold over his eyes once more as they left the city. Now blind again, the teen sighed in a small bit of relief. Who knew that he would ever find being blinded preferable to being able to see? Then again, after all he’d witnessed today, it didn’t seem like there was much to be gained from sight.
“Are you going to tell me what the hell happened back there?” Kurt inquired as he finally began to slow the car down a bit.
“Vincent pissed off some guards over a dumb kid,” Seth quipped, earning a glare from the blonde in the backseat.
“Well, that dumb kid was about to be executed, along with his grandfather,” Vincent snapped.
“Okay, that sucks, but what’s it to you, Vincent? You know him or something?”
The brunette opened his mouth to reply, only for his lieutenant to cut him off.
“What does it matter if he knew him or not, Kurt? He was an innocent kid. We’re SUPPOSED to be the good guys here, ya know?”
Kurt rolled his eyes. “Oh, spare me the nobility speech, Alice. You know as well as I do that the common people here are of bottom means when it comes to priority for both The Order and The Resistance.”
“How can you say that?!” Alice returned hotly.
“You know better than to make it a personal affair, Alice.”
The blonde glared at the back of her brother’s head as if she were attempting to set his hair aflame with her thoughts alone. “We’re supposed to be helping these people.”
The young driver snorted. “Yeah, be sure to tell them that when The Order locks this city down now because of you two.”
Vincent gave a sigh as he leaned his head against the headrest of his seat. He had thought he was doing a good thing. After all, what kind of person would he be if he had simply sat back and watched such an atrocity with unflinching eyes?
The teen frowned. Just…what kind of person was he anyway? Who…am I in the grand scheme of things? What had he recklessly gone and done? No. He couldn’t have just left that kid to die senselessly like that. He at least knew that much.
The brunette’s inner turmoil ceased instantly as his hand brushed the soft flesh of another. Taking a chance, the boy curled his hand around it, fingers interlocking. There was a sharp intake of breath beside him. He had shocked the girl, he supposed.
Just when the teen was contemplating letting go, fearing he’d overstepped some invisible boundary, he felt the soft, timid squeeze.
The boy held in the gasp that bubbled up in his throat. A wave of calmness and relief slowly washed over him as he reciprocated the gesture.
Oh, this girl…
He leaned back in his seat with another sigh as the car sped along, clinging to the young woman’s hand as if it were his only lifeline. It was then that the icy reality seeped into his heart, gripping it with the most chilling touch he’d ever known.
We…we really could die…
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