《The Genesis Project》Chapter 2: Second Chance
Chapter 2: Second Chance
Voices. Muffled and distorted, it was somewhat difficult for the boy to distinguish what exactly was being said. W-who…? The boy’s thoughts trailed off as the low voice spoke again, though he was now only hearing every other word in a mass of mangled sentences.
“Hear me?”
“Awake. He’s waking up!”
A pained groan involuntarily left the boy’s lips as he suddenly bolted upright. It took only moments for the brunette to realize his mistake as his head began to spin wildly, and he slammed his eyes shut as bright light assaulted his senses. Placing a hand to his left temple, he whimpered in pain.
“Hey, easy now. That’s a good boy. You just relax. Everything’s gonna be okay now.”
The teen blinked as the voice came to him again, much clearer this time. Slowly, the boy opened his eyes once more to reveal vibrant, amber orbs. Acute, slit pupils dilated slightly as the orbs protested the white-hot light shining down on him from the bulb directly above the bed he was currently sitting on.
Wait. Was that right? He quickly felt the panic set in as he desperately tried to remember the last thing he’d been doing.
The boy paled. What was his name? How old was he?
“So, welcome back to the land of the living.”
Finally taking notice of the rather broad man standing in front of him, the teen swallowed. He winced. His throat felt so dry!
“Hey, you alright there?”
The boy opened his mouth to reply, only to find no audio would come. Rendered mute for the moment, he merely shook his head as he grimaced in pain once more.
“W-where…where am I? Wh-what’s going on?” the teen finally managed to stutter out, his eyes widening as a pale finger quickly pressed to his lips to silence him.
“Shh! It’s all okay. You’re in a medical facility. We’ve been taking good care of you,” the blond informed as he pulled him to his unsteady feet. “So, you got a name?”
The brunette squeezed his eyes shut again as his pulse surged through his cranium once more. “I, ugh…”
Leo’s icy-blue eyes narrowed slightly in analyzation. “Come on, now. Focus for me. What’s your name?” he spoke with a snap of his fingers.
The boy groaned. “I…I don’t know!” he gasped as both shaking hands went to cradle his throbbing cranium. “M-my head feels like it’s going to split open.”
Taking pity upon the young stranger’s plight, Leo made his way over to the small end table next to the bed and retrieved a bottle of pain relievers. Twisting off the plastic cap, he collected two white pills in his hand before handing them to the ailing boy. “For your migraine,” he clarified when the boy gave him a questioning glance. Handing the boy a bottle of water, he eyed him suspiciously. “So, you really mean to tell me that you don’t know your own name?”
The teen gave a small shrug as he gladly downed the medication with a sigh. Once the man had helped him sit back down, he shivered. He hadn’t realized just how chilled he actually was. The cold, tile floor had chilled his bare feet something awful. Taking a moment to glance around his surroundings, his amber eyes widened.
The room he was in appeared to be straight out of a science fiction novel. There was a large monitor on the back wall. The boy squinted his eyes, but it was no use. He couldn’t understand the writing and images being displayed on the screen. It was then he took notice of the other individual in the room.
The teen cocked his head. At least that one appeared to be close to his age.
“Of course he would turn out to have amnesia,” the other teen quipped, running a hand through his disheveled, black hair with a sigh.
The boy watched in confusion as the other teen and the blond man exchanged glances for a moment.
“Amnesia, huh?” the blond murmured before turning his attention back to the ailing teen sitting on the clinical bed in front of him. Raising one of his large hands, he brought it roughly against the back of the boy’s skull with a dull ‘thud’.
“Ow!” The unsuspecting boy cried out as the impact nearly sent him off the bed and into the cold floor.
“That didn’t jostle anything loose in there?”
“No, that just hurt!” the teen grumbled in reply as he rubbed his head once more.
Kurt sighed as he made his way over to stand beside Leo, shaking his head in exasperation. “Leo, I don’t think that hitting him on the head is gonna help anything.”
The commander quirked a brow. “I didn’t exactly see you coming up with any ideas.”
“At least I know enough not to use violence as a medical treatment!” Kurt retorted.
The teen looked back and forth between the arguing pair for a moment. What on earth had he stumbled into?! “You mind telling me who you people are?!”
The pair quickly turned their attention back to their patient.
“Sorry about that. My name is Leo Derwent,” the blond man spoke as he held out his large hand in greeting. “I won’t bite,” he grumbled when the boy flinched back in response.
The teen stared at the blond male’s hand for a moment, considering it carefully before gingerly grasping it in a loose handshake. “I, uh, hope punching people isn’t how you normally go about introducing yourself.”
The older man laughed a hearty chuckle. “Of course not! I must admit that I am a little unfamiliar. You’re my first amnesia case.”
The boy cocked his head. “You said I was in a medical facility, so are you my doctor or something?”
The room immediately erupted into gales of hearty laughter from the other two individuals.
“Heavens no!” the man called Leo snickered.
“Good thing too, cause he sure doesn’t have the bedside manner for it,” the other dark-haired youth chuckled.
Leo turned to pin him with a cool glare. “Hey! I’ll have you know that most find me to be very pleasant company.”
The boy snickered. “Yeah, sure. Whatever you say, Commander.”
“Commander?” the strange boy repeated. “Am I on a military base, then?”
“Well, doesn’t he catch on quick?” the brunette quipped.
“H-How did I get here?” the boy breathlessly wondered aloud. His tone far away; disbelieving even.
Leo made his way to the back of the room where a table sat next to the enormous monitor. He returned a moment later to hand the boy a small, glass container.
“What?” he questioned. Staring at the sickening red hue that decorated the inside, he felt his stomach lurch. “Bullets?” he questioned as he turned the container over, hearing the metallic ‘clink’ as the fragments rolled around.
“They came from your chest.”
The teen’s amber eyes widened. “Wh-”
“Isn’t it obvious? Someone wanted you dead,” the brunette cut him off, rolling his brown eyes in exasperation.
Honestly! Wasn’t the boy paying any attention at all to what they were saying?!
“That’s why you were found floating down the river. Good thing too…,” Leo trailed off, glaring when it appeared the other boy would say yet another snide comment.
“B-but that doesn’t make any sense. Why would someone try to kill me?”
Leo then handed the boy a small, military dog tag. “That was also around your neck.”
The teen cocked his head as he turned it over in his hands, feeling the smooth, cool metal. “Vincent, huh?” he murmured, reading the engraved name at the top. A small, star-like symbol etched below the name captured his attention, and he squinted his eyes to better analyze it. The tag seemed old and worn, baring many dings and scratches.
“Recognize it, do you?”
The boy in question shook his head. “N-no, Sir. Sorry, I’m afraid I don’t,” he murmured. “What’s it mean exactly?”
Leo regarded the boy warily. “That is a military dog tag. Governmental military personnel wear that symbol. What do you think, Kurt? He look like a Vincent to you?”
“I don’t know, Leo. He seems awful frail to me to be military,” the other boy replied, scratching his chin in contemplation. “Though I would have to admit those eyes are sure striking.”
“True. It’s not often we see an iris like that,” Leo replied, seeming to ignore the bewildered boy’s question altogether.
“I’m actually quite fond of the pupil, myself. Reminds me of cat’s eyes. Quite animalistic,” Kurt continued, folding his arms.
Finally taking notice of the boy’s discomfort, Kurt reached into the pocket of his white lab coat to retrieve a small, handheld mirror. “See for yourself.”
The teen accepted the offering, gasping at what he saw. Indeed, it appeared to be cat’s eyes staring back at him! Swallowing nervously, he quickly handed the mirror back. He was now positive something had to be terribly wrong with him.
“Modest, are we?” Leo chuckled. When the boy failed to respond, he continued. “Anyway, make yourself at home. You’re a guest here.”
The teen nodded. “Th-thank you,” he responded, his voice light; airy.
Leo nodded to the boy and Kurt before making his way to the door. Upon reaching it, he stopped. Turning around to face the two teens once more, he pinned the patient with an almost eerie smile. “There’s just one more little thing, Vincent. You’re not to step one foot outside this room without an escort.”
The teen’s already pale skin took on an even lighter hue as he swallowed. “So I’m a prisoner?”
The blond’s smile turned almost wicked, resembling the toothy sort of grin a cat might give a captured mouse before devouring it. “Well, you might say that. Of course, why view your situation with such a pessimistic lens? You’re not in chains or handcuffs.”
“Not free either,” the boy interjected.
“And you won’t be. Not until we have a look at those results from the tests we ran on you.”
The teen’s eyes widened. “What?! What tests?!” What exactly had these people done to him while he was unconscious?!
Leo shook his head. “Never mind that for now. You just be a good boy and mind your manners, and we’ll all get along just fine.” With that, he turned on his heels and left the room.
As the door closed with a loud ‘clang’, the injured boy fell back onto the medical bed with a loud sigh. Although he held no memories, he was certain that this had to be the weirdest day of his young life.
Kurt watched the stranger for a few moments longer before addressing him once more. “So, uh, how about something to eat, Vincent?”
The boy in question didn’t look up. “So is that supposed to be my name now?”
Kurt felt his eyebrow twitch in irritation as he made his way to the back of the room again and sat down in the chair that awaited him. “Well, what would you like to be called, then?”
The teen shrugged, though, from his position, he had no idea if his companion could see. “Vincent it is, I suppose.” Sitting up, he shivered, realizing how little warmth the white medical gown he wore was currently providing him. He sighed again as he glanced around his surroundings once more. The small room was filled with machines and gadgets that he had no clue as to what their function could be. Placing his bare feet onto the floor again, he ground his teeth. The slate-gray tile of the floor felt more like a sheet of ice than anything else. Turning his attention back to his right hand that still held the object that had inadvertently named him, he twirled it through his fingers. “Government, huh? Aren’t you guys the government?”
Kurt took his attention away from the monitor he was supervising to turn around in his chair. “The commander will answer all those questions in due time.”
Vincent rolled his eyes. “Don’t know if I can take all the suspense,” he muttered dryly.
“I think you’ll survive,” Kurt retorted with a huff. “Besides, it isn’t like you’d survive more than five minutes on the outside. In case you forgot, someone tried to kill you.”
Vincent’s amber eyes narrowed. “Is that supposed to make me resign myself to the situation?”
What was with this guy?
“Look, it would be unethical for us to just turn you loose as you are right now. Just relax and all your questions will be answered in due time.”
Vincent slowly laid back down. He was beginning to feel so sore. His chest burned, and he winced. Pulling down the collar of his medical gown, he could clearly see the distinct discoloration around the medium-sized incision that marred the left side of his chest. That must be where I was shot. But…who would want to kill me? Why would they want to kill me? Just what did I do?...
“You okay?”
“Just peachy,” Vincent drawled, “Life just couldn’t get any better.”
Leo exited the small corridor and reached into the pocket of the gray coat he wore to retrieve his cigarettes and lighter. Selecting one and lighting it, he glanced up to notice the young woman making her way down the hall in front of him.
Right on schedule.
He took a long drag on his cigarette as she approached and gave him an almost expectant look.
Leo couldn’t help but smile. For three days now she’d been coming down to sit with the boy in hopes that he would awaken. “Your new friend is awake today,” he informed, watching as her bright, blue eyes immediately lit up. “And you’re not to see him, Alice.”
“What?! Why not?!”
Leo took another drag of his cigarette. “You mean other than the fact that I say so?”
Alice sighed. Sometimes, the man was too protective for his own good. Wasn’t it only fair that she got to meet the boy she’d saved? Then again, Leo always was a stickler when it came to his protocols. She only hoped that they wouldn’t hurt the poor boy.
Seeing the displeasure etched into her pale face, Leo continued. “He’s recovering. He needs all the rest he can get right now.”
Alice bit her lip, refusing to draw attention to the rather unpleasant topic of all the tests he had probably run on the boy. “W-well, I guess I’ll see him tomorrow, then.” The sound of the chuckle she’d earned in response slightly echoed in the vacant hall, and she watched as Leo continued to shake his head at her in exasperation. “Come on, Dad,” she murmured.
Honestly! When was he going to stop treating her like a child?
“What is it about this guy that has you so enamored?”
“I-I’m not enamored. I-,” the teen paused. Truthfully, she wasn’t sure why seeing the boy had become so important to her. For some reason, she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about him. “I just want to meet him. I did save him, after all,” she finally answered.
It wasn’t a lie.
“Yeah, well, so did Seth, and I don’t recall seeing him come down here the past 3 days to sit by his bedside,” Leo replied, taking another drag of his cigarette before a knowing smile crept across his face. “You, uh, sure his looks have nothing to do with your obsession?”
The reaction was almost immediate. Alice felt the heat rise to her cheeks before an intense warmth quickly surged through her body. “I-I’m not obsessed!”
Leo chuckled, watching as the lighting overhead grew in intensity. Noticing this, he sighed and finished his cigarette. “I’d prefer to keep my lights, Alice.”
The teen blinked, as if suddenly realizing. Looking away, she murmured an apology. Now she’d done it. How was he ever going to start seeing her as an adult if she lost control of her emotions so easily? She was brought out of her dim thoughts as a heavy hand was placed on her head, patting her hair affectionately.
“Don’t worry your pretty, blonde head. He’s going to be just fine. You’ll have plenty of time to talk to him another day.”
Giving a defeated sigh, the girl nodded. “Fine.”
Leo smiled. “That’s my girl.” He then made his way down the hall, turning the corner and disappearing from sight.
Alice glanced around for a moment longer. A mischievous smile began to grace her lips as she walked down the corridor from which Leo had previously emerged. Honestly! His overprotectiveness is getting out of hand. I don’t see any harm if I just take a peek.
Decision made, the blonde picked up her pace. The last thing she needed was to be stopped by one of her superiors. Reaching the small door at the end, she twisted the knob and entered a second, smaller corridor. She had barely closed the door and turned around when she noticed the young man guarding the medical room door at the end. Giving a sheepish grin when the boy cleared his throat expectantly, she offered him a friendly wave.
“Fancy meeting you here.”
The boy rolled his blue eyes as he brushed a tan hand through his unruly, brown hair. “Yeah, the commander has me on guard duty.” Giving a knowing grin, he continued. “He said something about keeping an eye out for a young woman named Alice.”
Alice felt her cheeks burn hot. “Oh, come on! You can’t be serious, Issac.”
The teen soldier continued to chuckle at the girl’s outrage. “Hey, what do you want me to do? Orders are orders.”
“Well, you could pretend you didn’t see me.”
Issac’s eyes widened. “But, Alice-”
The girl pursed her lips in an endearing pout. She had known the teen long enough to know that he simply couldn’t seem to stand seeing her upset. “Please, Issac?”
The brunette sighed. It was no use trying to talk her out it. After all, Alice was quite known for having a rather stubborn streak. “Arguing with you is an uphill battle, you know that?”
Alice smiled, placing a delicate hand on his shoulder. “And you’re the best.”
Issac instantly felt his face warm. “Yeah, yeah. You’re gonna get me in so much trouble. Only a minute, okay?”
The young woman gave another bright smile, nodding.
With another sigh, Issac turned and quietly opened the door, ushering her inside.
Upon entering the room, the pair heard voices rising in conversation and immediately hid in the doorway so as not to be noticed.
“So, when am I getting the grand tour?” Vincent inquired, running a hand through his disheveled, black hair. He sighed. What he would give to be out of this ridiculous medical gown. The teen shivered. I at least wish I had some pants…
“You’ll have to wait a little bit longer for that,” Kurt replied as he continued to busy himself with his computer work.
Vincent sighed again. Raising his head, he felt his heart nearly stop. There, in the doorway, was positively the most exquisite creature he’d ever laid his young eyes upon. Bright, golden hair cascaded down past delicate, thin shoulders. Beautiful, pale skin like fine alabaster marble… Vincent swallowed hard as her striking sapphire eyes continued to watch him. He smiled, watching in fascination as her fine cheeks quickly filled with color before she looked away.
Alice felt her heart hammer against her rib cage as she quickly leaned back against the wall. That soft, almost musical, voice had been the last thing she’d expected to hear. And those eyes…
The teen was brought out of her revelry at the soft tap on her shoulder. Slightly startled, she gave Issac a quizzical glance.
“What’s the matter with you?” he whispered, clearly confused to see her behaving in such a manner.
Alice felt her face flush hot again. “N-Nothing, okay?” she whispered back harshly.
Issac shook his head, clearly not believing yet unwilling to argue the matter. “Well, you got your peek. Show’s over. Come on, now,” he whispered, grabbing her hand to lead her back into the hall.
Alice seemed to ignore him, gently pulling her hand away as she moved to the other side of the doorway to get a clearer view as the boy on the bed began to speak again.
“But didn’t you guys say I could leave this room if I had an escort?” Vincent protested. Glancing out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the girl and smiled warmly to her again.
The reaction was immediate. The girl instantly flushed again, though she returned the smile.
“We don’t have an escort for you yet,” Kurt replied casually, his back still turned.
Vincent bit his lip lightly, finally taking his attention away from the female long enough to shoot the boy a glare. “You make me sound like an imposition.”
Kurt finally turned around in his leather chair. “I never said that. We’ll arrange an escort for you in due time.”
Alice gained a mischievous grin as she glanced in Issac’s direction.
Oh, no. I know that look… “No.”
“Please? I’ll owe you one.”
Issac snorted. “You already owe me one.”
Alice rolled her eyes. “Fine, make it two, then.”
Issac sighed. “Fine. You’re impossible.”
“You know, you two, you aren’t supposed to be in here,” Kurt suddenly called out.
Issac and Alice instantly froze.
“I can see you, you know? What are you doing? You’re supposed to be in the hall, Issac,” Kurt sighed in exasperation as both teens slowly emerged from the doorway.
“I-I was!” Issac protested, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.
“Come on, Kurt. You’re making a big deal over nothing,” Alice muttered, crossing her arms in mild indignation.
Vincent smiled again as he stood up.
Kurt sighed again before turning back to his patient. “This petulant girl is the one you should thank for saving your life, by the way.”
“What?! Petulant?!” Alice shouted indignantly, stomping her foot.
Vincent extended a hand to the girl, smiling another soft smile. “Um, thank you, then. It’s very nice to meet you, Miss. I’m Vincent…at least I think so.”
Alice turned her attention away from the boy she was glaring at to face him then, shyly accepting his hand. “I’m Alice…pleasure to meet you,” she murmured, captivated by the stranger’s molten, amber eyes.
Vincent cocked his head when she said nothing more. “Is, uh, something wrong?”
Alice cleared her throat, quickly looking away as she finally let go of his hand. “No, nothing.”
Vincent shot a questioning glance at Kurt.
Kurt shrugged. “She’s weird. Better get used to it.”
Alice spun around, feeling her face flush hot. “I am not!” she growled.
The lights flickered then, causing three of the four teens to jump slightly.
Kurt shot Alice a look. “That’s quite enough.”
Vincent scratched the back of his head, glancing between the two glaring teens. “Uh, did I miss something?”
Issac shook his head at the display, choosing to remain wisely silent on the matter.
“Never you mind,” Kurt suddenly stated, ceasing the glaring contest, “What you need now is rest.”
Vincent groaned. “Rest?!”
Alice shook her head. “Kurt, he’s been in bed for three whole days already.”
“Yeah, and the gunshot victim doesn’t need to be walking around too much,” he returned.
“Well, I feel fine,” Vincent murmured.
“But we-”
“If he was promised an escort, he’s got one now,” Alice declared, cutting Kurt off as she made her way over and took Vincent by the hand.
The teen barely had time to gasp as the girl’s small hand folded over his own, and he was practically dragged out of the room.
Kurt and Issac exchanged glances, both sighing in exasperation.
Vincent felt his heart skip a beat as he fell into step beside the girl leading him along by the hand. Taking a moment to glance about his surroundings, he was only left more dumbfounded. He became slightly fearful as he noticed no windows adorned the expansive, steel-like walls. A few passersby in the hall began to whisper amongst themselves as they passed, causing the boy to feel more than a little self-conscious.
As if reading the boy’s thoughts, the young blonde turned to him with a warm smile. “Don’t worry, Vincent. Never you mind them.”
Vincent gave a sheepish chuckle before nodding slightly. “So, uh, what is this place?” he inquired, hoping this girl would be at least a little more forthcoming regarding his situation.
“An underground facility. It’s perfectly secure and able to keep anyone from getting in.” Stopping to spare the boy a glance out of the corner of her eye, she continued. “Or out,” she laughed darkly.
Vincent felt the color immediately drain from his face as sweat began to fill his brow. Just what had he stumbled into?!
“Just kidding,” the girl giggled, bringing a swift halt to his racing, panicked thoughts.
“That wasn’t funny,” Vincent mumbled, though the smile she gave him in response drained the strength from his knees.
The blonde shrugged, tightening her hold on his hand as they turned and started down the next hall. “I know what will put you in better spirits. Come on, we’re going to the mess hall.”
“Mess hall?”
Alice pursed her lips, chuckling slightly. “I can’t promise that there won’t be a literal mess, but at least there’s food there.” She paused to give the boy another small smile. “You must be hungry.”
The boy resisted the groan that desperately wished to escape him at the mere mention of food. His stomach, however, felt no such dignity as it grumbled loudly. “Famished.”
The pair walked the rest of the hallway in relative silence. Reaching a set of twin, steel doors at the end, Alice opened them to reveal a large, open cafeteria. Once again, the walls strongly resembled what might be found in a bomb shelter. The cold tile squeaked loudly as they walked.
“Anything in particular that you like to eat?”
Vincent shrugged. “Not really. Anything will do,” he murmured. Truth be told, he was somewhat distracted by the small hand he held. Her hands are so soft…
“Hey, Vincent, you see that guy over there?” she spoke again, pulling him from his thoughts as she pointed to a long table in the far-left corner of the room.
“You mean the one with black hair?”
Alice nodded. “Yeah. Why don’t you go sit over there, and I’ll go get you something to eat?”
Vincent smiled and nodded as the girl released his hand then, though he found that he immediately missed the warmth. Feeling more than a little awkward at the moment, he slowly made his way over to the indicated destination with a sigh. He couldn’t have been awake for more than a few hours, but he already felt exhausted.
“Look who decided to join the party,” the black-haired boy greeted as Vincent slowly sat down next to him.
“Alice, uh, told me to sit here,” Vincent murmured in reply, confused when the brunette gave him a rather penetrating look in response.
He’s already calling her by her first name? “Showing you around, is she?”
Vincent nodded. “Ye-yeah.”
“There’s no need to be nervous, new guy.”
“Vincent,” he corrected him gently.
“Nice to meet you, Vincent. Name’s Seth,” the boy replied, extending a hand in friendly gesture.
Vincent accepted the teen’s outstretched hand with an inward sigh of relief. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“He’s Touched.”
Vincent cocked his head, glancing across the table at the young man who’d spoken. “Huh?”
“They’re gonna find out what you are, you know?” the boy murmured, resting his chin in one hand as he rested his elbow upon the table.
“That’s enough, Jonathan,” Seth barked.
The boy blew out an angry sigh, running a hand through his sandy hair before looking away. “Fine. Forget it, then.”
Vincent bit his lip, feeling a rather uneasy chill creep down his spine. “Wh-what’s Touched?”
As soon as the words left his mouth, he regretted them.
Seth gave him a somewhat forced smile. “Never mind that right now.”
Panic began to set in for Vincent as his mind quickly began to race. “Well, is it something bad? Be honest.”
“I wouldn’t exactly say that,” Jonathan murmured in answer, giving a half-hearted shrug.
Vincent could almost feel the worry creases forming on his brow. What on earth was going on in this place? For probably the third time, he idly wondered what he’d gotten himself into. “B-but I-”
Vincent was cut off as a bowl of soup was suddenly placed before him.
“Enough gloom and doom. He needs to eat, guys,” Alice stated, putting an end to the uncomfortable topic with her return.
“Thank you,” Vincent smiled gratefully before he began to make quick work of the meal.
“I didn’t realize he had his own catering service,” Seth jeered.
“Oh, is that jealousy I detect?” Alice returned as she took a seat next to Jonathan.
Seth felt his cheeks warm. “Je-jealousy?!”
“Sounds like it to me,” grinned Jonathan.
Seth grumbled under his breath before shooting Vincent a mock glare. “Looks like you have it made to me. You’re getting the royal treatment.”
Vincent wisely kept silence, choosing to maintain his focus on his bowl of soup he was nearly done with.
When his target remained silent, Seth then turned his attention toward another. “And by one of the most charming ladies we have here.”
Alice rolled her eyes. “Suck up,” she muttered.
Jonathan chuckled. “I would say insincere.”
“Well, no one asked you!” Seth returned. “And really? Spoiling him by bringing his meals to him?” he muttered, rolling his brown eyes.
Alice frowned. “Considering what he’s been through, I believe he’s due for a little special treatment.”
Vincent finished his soup, placing the bowl upon the table with a sigh. “Thank you again.”
Alice smiled. “I take it you enjoyed it?”
“It was delicious.”
Seth scoffed. “He’s easily impressed, I see.”
Alice shrugged. “That just makes my job easier.” She then stood up and began to walk away. “Come on, Vincent.”
Vincent hastily nodded, scrambling to his feet as he rushed after her. His head was on a swivel as they exited the cafeteria and entered a long hallway. A plethora of doors adorned both walls. Stopping in front of one door near the end, the blonde turned to him with a small smile.
“Come on, it will be a lot quieter in here.”
Vincent nodded obediently, following the girl like a lost puppy. He glanced around the room as she opened the door, and he stepped inside. Neutral-gray walls accented in white gave the room a cool feel. A small bed resided in the far corner next to a dresser. A desk occupied the opposite corner. Books were stacked neatly on top.
“This is my room.”
Vincent swallowed hard. “I-I, uh, see.” Get ahold of yourself! It’s just a really attractive woman…and you’re alone…in her bedroom…
“Something on your mind?” Alice questioned when the boy remained silent, eyeing him quizzically.
The boy shook his head, attempting to gather what was left of his nerves. “N-nothing.”
Alice smiled gently. “Oh? You don’t have any questions at all??
Vincent bit his lip as the incident at the table sprang to the forefront of his mind. “W-well, what does Touched mean?” he questioned, wincing when his voice practically dripped with the apprehension.
Alice appeared taken aback for a moment. “You mean you don’t know what that means?”
The brunette shook his head with a dejected sigh. “I have no idea what year it even is.”
“2142,” the girl answered, giving the boy a sympathetic glance.
“So that’s the year?”
The blonde nodded. He really must not have any memories to not know what Touched means. Ignorance is bliss, I suppose… Seeing the worried frown upon the boy’s pale face, she brushed a strand of her hair back. “Where did you even hear that?”
“From a boy at the table. Jonathan, I think, was his name,” Vincent murmured, resisting the urge to sigh heavily. He wasn’t completely sure he could handle all the stress he’d endured so far. It was a wonder he hadn’t had a heart attack!
Jonathan… “You really want to know?”
Vincent’s head shot up. “Of course.”
Alice sighed. “Well, if you’re sure.” The blonde bit her lip as she felt the warmth course through her. She smiled lightly as the boy winced at the bright light that followed. Gently clasping the boy’s hands within her own, the lighting then dissipated to its normal intensity. “There,” she murmured finally, “You’ve been touched.”
“Eh?!” Vincent balked, his pale cheeks rapidly filling with color.
The female teen smiled for a moment before releasing his hands. “Listen, Vincent, on a serious note, try not to worry about that stuff right now, okay? You’ve been through enough as it is. You were shot, for crying out loud.”
The boy swallowed, unable to maintain her gaze. “Ye-yeah.”
Alice smiled again. The boy was SO shy! She cleared her throat as she felt the heat quickly beginning to settle in her cheeks. “Anyway, just relax for now. Take it one step at a time.”
Vincent smiled warmly despite the color filling his pale face. He suddenly felt so much warmer for some reason. “I-If you say so,” he murmured.
Alice swallowed as she maintained his gaze. Wh-why does he keep looking at me like that? Blushing, she quickly turned her attention away as there was a knock at her door. “Uh, come in.”
Issac hesitantly opened the door. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I think it’s time we get him back to the lab.”
“Don’t you think that should be HIS decision?” Alice frowned, folding her arms in clear annoyance.
Issac sighed. “I don’t make the rules, Alice. You know that.”
“It’s okay,” Vincent assured as he hesitantly made his way to the door. He didn’t want to go. However, he had surely caused enough trouble for the kind girl for one day. “I really don’t want to get you into any trouble.”
“Never you mind that, Vincent. It was nice talking to you,” Alice murmured.
Vincent nodded, instantly returning her infectious smile. “The pleasure was mine.”
Issac quickly bit his lip to keep from chuckling as Vincent began following him down the hallway. Shameless flirting much? Sparing a glance at the boy from over his shoulder, he smiled. Then again, Alice DOES seem really into him…
Vincent found he couldn’t help smiling to himself as he followed the boy back the way he’d came. Golden hair and dazzling, blue eyes continuously flitted through his mind as he shuffled his feet along, no longer feeling the chill that had plagued him when he’d first awoken. May-maybe this place isn’t so bad…especially if it has people like her…
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The Bad Man System Collapse
616 feel that as a 24-carat pure Bad Man System, bad men’s tasks are much better than being a goody two shoes. It can be completed by just pulling any passer-by. However, it pulled Lu Ze. 616, “Ahhhhh why you are doing this? Why are you spoiling her?! You’re a bad man, it’s just a matter of letting her die !!!” Lu Ze had an innocent expression: “Yes ah… I’m a bad man. Didn’t you hear my wife scolded me for being naughty last night?” #who said a man can’t be pampered by his wife’s family# #how the scum man doesn’t collapse; but spoil his wife, younger sister and parents# #the proud man spoils his wife daily
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Greed and Despond (Ban x Sin!Reader)
!!!WARNING-SLOW BURN!!!{Seven Deadly Sins}~ Completed ~The Seven Deadly Sins- a group famously known for their attempt to overthrow the kingdom by killing the Holy Knight Grandmaster.... but there wasn't seven. There were eight. The only reason the legends don't speak of her is because she wasn't a part of the so-called scheme. Well, not until now. -------Highest Ranks: #1 in #humor#1 in #sevendeadlysins#1 in #animestory#1 in #banxreader#1 in #nanatsunotaizai#1 in #nanataunotaizaixreader#1 in #manga#1 in #sevendeadlysinsxreader#1 in #ban#1 in #sds#1 in #characterxreader#2 in #animexreader#3 in #anime#8 in #xreader#42 in #fanfic#44 in #fanfictionCover By: @ggukjinn
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Ribbons & Rumors
"Have you heard of the 8th wonder of the school...? They say she's called the Rouge Rumor..."A Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun fan-fictionstarted: june 2nd, 2020published: june 10th, 2020ended: n/a✨HIGHEST RANKINGS::✨•• #1 in #jibakushounenhanakokun••#1 in #amane••#1 in #hanako-kun••#1 in #toiletboundhanakokun••#1 in #yugitsukasa••#1 in #yugiamane‼️NO MANGA SPOILERS IN HERE‼️
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Just a Brawl Stars Game
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SAINT VALS 2021 [Closed]
Welcome to the 4th edition of the Saint Vals Contest!2021 is here and we are bringing all the love! Can you feel it? So can we! That's why we're bringing to you a contest that has everything the community has grown to know and love, with a little extra... It's all about you, and what loves means to you. Express it as only writers, poets and graphic artists can! Write about love, for love, with love in the language you adore. Be it English, Spanish , Italian, Arabic, French, Portuguese, Mandarin, Danish, Turkish, Romanian or Sinhala!
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Mrs. Jeon || jjk ☑
Starting from now you will become 'Mrs. Jeon'I'm sorry but this is not a mafia story.This is a boring story. I already told you so be prepare.
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