《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 68: Leaving Stawford


I closed my eyes in pleasure.

Oh, this meat is fantastic! I'd even put it above filet mignon! This gets me even more excited about the other foods. I think I made a great decision when I decided to sample everything.

After the meat, I started to go through everything else that I'd gotten from the table of food while also trying to hold some kind of conversation.

"So uh. Do you have this every night?"

If he does I'm moving here...

"Nah only when special guests come over, like yourself", said Jake, smiling.

Ah well, that's nice to hear. Now should I tell him about the piece of food stuck between his teeth or not? It looks uncomfortable although if it was uncomfortable he probably would've noticed it by now. It would probably embarrass him more if I pointed it out so I'll stay quiet for now. Hopefully, I don't have anything stuck between my teeth. I don't think I've ever wanted floss until this moment. Guess you really do never appreciate something until it's gone.

After chit-chatting for a bit I gave up on keeping the conversation alive and devoted myself fully to the delicious food that sat in front of me.

That conversation wasn't going anywhere anyway and the food is so good. I can do the social stuff later anyway.

It wasn't long before I had completely cleaned my plate of food.

Sigh. Why does the good food have to be so good? I just eat it too quickly!

I looked around at Dob and Lobs' plates.

They seem to have a bit of food left. I should check on Jake and try talking to him again.

I moved my eyeballs towards where Jake was sitting.

Oh well, he seems to still be eating. Guess I'm the only one who had trouble pacing myself. Now I just have to wait until he's done.


After Jake finished eating he looked up from his plate and noticed that I was looking at him.

"Ah, Jameson. Have you been done for a while? Sorry I was kind of absorbed with my food."

Actually, you absorbed the food hehe.

"Nah I haven't been done for too long and it was honestly no problem at all. I also got very preoccupied with eating. It was so good!"

Actually, I think "so good" is an understatement. It was the best food that I've had here yet! I'm not counting the mango-like fruit though because that wasn't cooked or prepared in any way. So I guess this is the best cooking I've had yet. If I was counting the mango-like fruit nothing else would probably even come close.

After talking with Jake a bit more Dob and Lob had finished their meals which led the dinner to a close.

Actually, we should probably say goodbye now since we have to leave very very early tomorrow. Well, we don't technically have to but I really want to just skip Addersfield as I don't want to deal with Mayor Burke the Jerk again. Oh, that rhymes. Heh. I'll have to use that more often. Mayor Burke the Jerk. Has a certain ring to it. Anyway back to business I guess.

"Well, Jake this was great. We'll stay here tonight of course but we have to leave very early in the morning because we want to get back as soon as possible. If it's not a problem could we take some food for our trip tomorrow? We probably won't arrive at our destination until a little bit after dark and we don't want to be incredibly starving and thirsty by the time we arrive there."

"Oh yeah of course. I'll have someone do that right away and then I'll just ask them to leave the food outside of your rooms. I assume you want them to be put into a bag>"


"Well I already have a bag but I guess we could use another bag if it's not too much trouble. Also if you could have someone wake us up that would be amazing."

"Oh, it's not much trouble at all Jameson! You've been great guests."

"And you've been a great host!", I replied in turn.

"Thanks! I hope you come visit again sometime."


Dob and Lob waved to Jake and Jake waved back.

After we finished saying our goodbyes we went to our rooms and quickly fell asleep with full stomachs. The next morning I woke up to some knocks on the door.

"Hello?", I said groggily.

"Hello, again Jameson! I'm Jake's assistant from yesterday!"

"Oh. Good morning..."

How does this guy have so much energy? It's not like they have Red Bull or coffee here...

"Indeed a good morning it is! Ok well, I'll go wake up your friends now."

I groaned and then got out of my soft bed and quickly threw on some of my clothes before heading out the door. To my surprise, Dob and Lob were already out there when I got out.

Did they sleep in their clothes or something? I mean I'm not judging I've done it multiple times it just seems like they got out here unusually quickly.

"Morning.", I said to Dob and Lob.

They waved in reply.

I looked around and spotted a bag filled with some dried meat.

Ah, those must be our... travel rations I guess. Well, nothing left to do now but head on to Yarthaw. We need to move quickly too or it might be pitch black before we get there and then we wouldn't be able to see although I could maybe make something. I don't know and I don't intend to find out. Oh, making things! Right, I wanted to make a toy for Nate. Well, I can do that while we fast-ish walk I guess.

"Jake's assistant could I have your name?"

"Ah yes, I'm Venir."

"Well, Venir thank you very much. You've been great."

"No thanks needed. It is my job after all.", Venir replied with a grin.

"Well, you do a fine job of it."

"Hehe. Thanks.", Venir said.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dob and Lob looking a bit disappointed at my extremely bad pun.

Do they not like puns? I thought it was pretty punny...

"Well, we'll be off now. Thanks for everything!"

"You're welcome. Thank you for your thanking."

"You're welcome for thanking you for your thanking."

Then I rushed out of there before my brain exploded from trying to follow along with that potentially never-ending train of thought. Soon we were on the road, heading back to Yarthaw.

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