《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 67: Dinner with Jake


I woke up shortly to the sound of three short knocks.

"Yes?", I called out tentatively.

"Hello, Jameson! I'm Jake's assistant. I'm here to get you for dinner. I hope it's to your liking?"

Oh right, Jake said he'd have someone get me and Dob and Lob for dinner after we'd gotten situated which I guess is now.

"Oh yeah, the room is great. Just give me a minute to get ready."

"Alright, no problem."

I quickly got out of bed and combed my bed hair with my fingers. Thankfully for me my hair wasn't too messed up since I hadn't slept for that long.

Hopefully, my little rest didn't mess up my sleep cycle and I can still sleep tonight without any troubles although on second thought I doubt it would mess much up since it was just a little power nap.

After I was done making myself look more presentable I opened the door and saw Jake's assistant standing there.

"Ah nice to finally meet face to face", I said chuckling slightly.

"Hehe indeed."

I didn't get the chance to ask for the guy's name as Dob and Lob came out of their rooms right then.

"Ah I was just about to get you two", Jake's assistant said to Dob and Lob.

They must've heard me and this guy talking and then decided to come out. It's kind of funny that they came out at pretty much the same time though.

Dob and Lob gave Jake's assistant a thumbs up and a smile before turning to me.

"So I guess we go to dinner now?", I said, looking at Jake's assistant.

"Yup! I'll bring you there immediately."

So Jake's assistant started to walk towards wherever the dinner was being held and we all started to follow him.


I wonder what kind of food or foods they'll have. This is kind of exciting! It's like a surprise. Well, it is a surprise, not just like one.

Jake's assistant, who I still didn't know the name of, stopped when we got to a set of open doors.

"Okay well, Sir Jake should be waiting for you guys in there. Have a great dinner!", said the assistant with a bright smile.

"I bet we will!", I said, answering for both me and Dob and Lob.

The guy then gave us a shallow bow before walking away.

I stood at the entrance, a bit nervous.

"Don't be afraid! I don't bite. Heheheh.", a voice said from inside the room before bursting out into boisterous laughter.

After hearing that I tried strutting into the room like nothing happened but it ended up just looking ridiculous.

"Hehe", Jake chuckled.

"Yeah uh, that was on purpose I wanted to lighten the mood a bit."

"Well, you certainly did that! Now please sit down with your companions. Let's have a nice meal!"

Okay! Yeah, I like this guy's energy!

"Kudos to that!", I said as I sat down at the table, joining Jake.

After I sat down Dob and Lob both followed my lead and sat down on either side of me.

"Great! Now let's eat!", Jake said before standing up and going to another table on the side of the room that was filled with food.

Oh. Well, I guess we're getting back up now. We could've just gotten food first I think but I do feel a lot more acclimated to this whole thing now which is helpful since I'm now going to have a nice dinner with this man and it probably also helped Dob and Lob feel more comfortable around Jake although I have a feeling that they didn't have a problem with that in the first place.


So I stood up, grabbed my plate, and went over to the table of food that Jake was currently at while Dob and Lob copied my movements. I soon arrived at the table of food with my plate and Jake turned from the plate of deliciously seasoned meat that he was looking at to face me.

"Welcome to the Table of Food!", Jake said in the voice that usually only announcers at sports games would use.

"Thanks!", I responded smiling.

Dob and Lob gave Jake a thumbs up to show their appreciation.

"Anything you'd recommend?", I asked Jake.

"Mmm. That's a hard question. Everything I guess!", Jake said with a large smile.

Well, that's both helpful and not helpful at the same time. I guess I'll just get a bit of everything then.

Now set on trying everything I put a bit of each item onto my plate.

Jake noticed what I was doing and smiled.

"Good decision!"

"Thanks! Alright, I'm done with getting food now. Anymore and I won't be able to finish it all! I'll be waiting back at the table for you guys. Take all the time you need."

I glanced at Jake's plate.

Wow, this guy eats quite a bit. Well, that probably just means the food is really good!

I became more eager to get back to the table so I started to shovel the food onto my plate at a faster pace until I had finished and ended up with a delicious but incredibly disorganized smorgasbord of food.

Well, this is everything. Guess I should go back now.

Now that I was done getting literally everything I headed back to the table. When I got there I was a bit surprised to see Dob and Lob already there.

Oh nah that makes sense since they didn't get everything so it clearly took way less time.

"Wow that well. That really is everything.", Jake said in a surprised tone of voice.


"Alright well now that everyone has their food I propose a toast to Jameson."

"Ah you don't have to do that.", I said while blushing slightly in embarrassment.

"Nonsense you've been a great guest so far."

Likely not wanting to wait for me to retort again he raised his glass and clinked it with Dob and Lobs' glasses.

Well, I guess I have no choice now.

Feeling defeated but also pleased I held up my glass and clinked it with everyone else's. Then Jake cheered and Dob and Lob made cheering motions with their hands.

"Thanks, guys. This means a lot", I said feeling grateful to have met such a nice human and two goblins in this new world.

"And now we eat!", said Jake, clearly excited to dig into their food.

"Indeed!", I added before sinking my fork into a nice juicy slab of some unknown meat that I'd gotten, like everything else, from the table of food.

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