《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 66: Meeting Jake


Granted just like Mayor Burke I don't want to assume anything so who knows? The mayor or ruler or whatever of Stawford could be a tyrant. I just have to wait and see.

Ronnie turned toward Dob, Lob, and me.

"You guys have to go in by yourselves. I don't have anything I need to talk to the Mayor about."

"Oh ok. Well, we'll be back shortly I guess. Oh before we head inside do you know where inside we can find the mayor? I don't want to go searching around the whole house for them."

"Oh yeah. They should be right there as you walk in. He has someone who lets him know when people are coming to see him so he can get ready."

Oh, that makes sense. That's a pretty good idea actually.

"Ah, I see. That's clever. Okay well thanks, and I guess I'll see you again in a few minutes. Or are you heading back?"

"Oh, I'll be staying here. It gets me out of work for a bit and I'll definitely still get paid for it since I was helping someone as important as you."

He. I like this guy. Well, I guess I should go see the mayor now. Hopefully, he's nice like Ben and not a tyrant like Burke.

So trying to keep my expectations low I entered through the singular door that led inside the Mayor's house. I looked around as I waited for Dob and Lob to also enter. The house wasn't opulent like Burke's but was still reasonably fancy, as a mayor's house should be.

Okay well, this seems good so far. Not arrogantly fancy, I don't see every object being gilded so that's nice. I feel like I have to wait for my eyes to adjust from the stupid ostentatious luxury that was Mayor Burke's place. Glad to be back in the realm of normality.


Shortly after Dob and Lob had entered and stood beside me a poshly dressed gentleman came out to welcome me.

"Hello! I'm the Town Leader here. You can just call me Jake. What can I help you with?", Jake said with a smile.

Ok good, he seems nice and his smile isn't fake, or at least not obviously fake.

"Nice to meet you, Jake! I'm Jameson. I came here with my companions to inspect your mine which I happen to have done already."

"Nice to meet you, Jameson. I hope your inspection turned out well?"

"Yes, it went splendidly. Oh, and a miner by the name of Ronnie brought me here. Would it be possible to have him reimbursed for the time he took out of his work day to come escort me here? Not anything absurd just the normal pay that he would've got working normally as I'm pretty sure he just scrapes by."

"Ah yes of course! I'll make sure to tell the Mine Manager to give him a raise as well! Such a great worker should not have to worry about putting food on the table."

"Yes indeed", I said with a smile.

This is good. Ronnie will be pleased and I'm already happy to have helped him. Hopefully, now he can more easily provide for his family. Now I guess I just need to ask for a place for both me and Dob and Lob to sleep for the night.

"I have one more request actually. Could my friends and I get a place to sleep for the night? It would take too long to travel anywhere now that it's rather late in the day."

"Oh of course! I actually have some guest rooms here but I'm afraid there's only two of them."


Two rooms. Well, that's not bad and it's nice of him to let us stay here anyway. I guess Dob and Lob could share a room or I could share a room with one of them.

I turned towards Dob and Lob.

"Hey do you guys want to share a room together or is one of you okay with sharing a room with me?"

Dob and Lob thought for a bit and then pointed at each other.

"Okay, so the two of you are gonna share a room?"

Dob and Lob nodded and smiled.

Okay well, I guess that settles that.

"Okay so then I'll take one room and these two will share the other room if that's fine with you."

"Of course! I'll show you there right away!"

Jake started to walk away and I started to follow him and Dob and Lob followed behind me. It wasn't long until we got to a set of two doors which Jake pointed at.

"Those are your rooms. The people that are sharing the room will probably want to take the one on the left since that's meant for couples and thus has a bigger bed. Jameson the room on the right is meant for one person so that should suit your needs. I'll give you guys some time to get situated and then I'll have someone get you for dinner okay?"

"Okay yeah, that sounds good."

How nice of him to give us time to get settled in. I like this Jake guy.

I then waved to Dob and Lob and then entered my room on the right. It was a pretty nice room. A pretty big bed sat in the middle of the room, accompanied by two nightstands on either side. One of the nightstands boasted a lantern-looking thing while the other had nothing on it.

Okay, so I'm gonna guess that that's a light of some sort. That'll be good if I need to move around during the night and go to the bathroom or something. I wonder when whoever is going to take us to dinner will show up because I feel pretty situated already I mean it's not like I had any luggage to unpack or anything so hopefully Jake took that into account when considering how long it would take us to get situated.

While I waited for someone to get me I decided to take a quick nap on the bed. I jumped onto the bed, making sure that I didn't land on the head of the bed before situating myself in the middle of the bed.

This bed is pretty comfy. I wonder what it's made of. Feathers maybe? Well, whatever the case I'm not gonna go under the covers since it probably won't be long until someone comes to get me and Dob and Lob for dinner. I bet the food will be pretty good too!

Tired from all of the walking I quickly dozed off.

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