《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 65: The Last Mine


After looking at the map and figuring out that the next mine was pretty close I started to walk at a faster pace.

Well, my endurance is pretty good but I need to work on my endurance at higher speeds. I feel kind of exhausted already at this new pace I've set and it's only been like 30 minutes.

I looked back at Dob and Lob who were chugging along unfalteringly behind me.

They don't even seem to have broken a sweat! Wait... can goblins even sweat? Well, I guess that's a question for another time. I wonder how much energy thinking takes. Probably quite a bit because it's a very complicated thing.

Although I guess the complicated part depends on what kind of thoughts you're having. Well, whatever. It's not like I have an internet connection here so I can't look it up or anything and I don't think this world has advanced far enough into the field of Biology to know that.

I feel like my ability to have a conversation with myself has improved since hanging around with Dob and Lob because it's harder to talk to them since they can't talk back. On that note. Or on a different note, I guess it's kinda weird that the map didn't say the name of the mine we're going to now or the name of the village close to it. Maybe it just doesn't have a name?

We arrived at the mine just after noon, as the sun was no longer in the middle of the sky, but had started its descent downwards.

This mine seems a lot smaller than the other ones. Maybe that's why it didn't have a name. It was just too small to be named. I wonder where the village is. There has to be one.


I assumed that we'd come across it like in the first two villages but that doesn't seem to be the case. Thankfully though it seems like some miners are still working so I can have them bring me there after I inspect everything.

I looked at the miners, trying to find one that I could approach without interrupting their work. My eyes lit up as I saw one of the miners stop hacking at the stone to take a few sips of water. I hurried over to him. The miner noticed me as I neared him and stopped drinking the water.

"Hello! I'm here to inspect the mine. I hope I'm not interrupting your guys' work too much."

The miner raised an eyebrow.

"Hehe. It's fine. Take all the time you need. Let me know if you need anything."

Oh, this guy is really nice. Or is very good at sucking up to people. Or they're just scared of my backers. Anyway, I guess I'll ask him my questions.

"Yeah, actually could I ask you a few questions?"

"Of course. Ask away."

I guess I'll just ask the same questions that I asked Keith.

"Great! Could I get your name?"

"My name is Ron but everyone calls me Ronnie."

Interesting. Usually, nicknames are shorter but whatever. Seems like a nice guy anyway, at least so far.

"Okay well nice to meet you, Ronnie. I'm Jameson."

"It's also nice to meet you, Jameson."

"Thank you. Now onto the first real question. How long have you been working here?"

"This is my third year here."

"Congrats! That's quite the accomplishment. How long each day do you work?"

"Hmm. Well, I get up around 8ish and then I go back around dinner time which is 5 I think."


"Yeah it's 5", said the miner working next to Ronnie, after hearing Ronnie's uncertainty.

"Okay, so 9 to 5. That's quite a long work day. Do you feel overworked?"

"I mean the work hours could be less but I need all the money I can get to support my family."

"Hmm. Interesting. Do you think you're paid fairly?"

"I'm not sure. I've never worked at another mine so I don't know what the pay is there but it seems okay to me."

"Okay thank you very much. That's the end of the important questions now I just have some personal ones. Not personal as in about you but personal as in questions that I personally need answered."

"Uhhhh.", said Ronnie, looking a bit confused.

"Oh. Well, you'll soon find out what I mean. Soon as in right now."

Great use of language James. You're really putting your English class knowledge on display. Sonn as in right now. Pff. Just use the word now!

"So me and my buddies here were following a map to get here and we ended up at the mine which is great but we don't really know how to get to the village. I mean I'm assuming there's someplace you guys go to sleep?"

"Ah, you mean Stawford?"

"I guess? The map didn't really tell us the names or locations of the villages, only the mines."

"Huh. That's kind of a bad map then. No offense."

"None was taken.", I said, cracking a smile.

Yeah, it is kind of a stupid map. I mean I'm assuming Scorpion knew the name of this village so I can't think of a reason that he'd not put down the name other than to just be a jerk but that doesn't make much sense in this case. Yeah, I don't know. Maybe I'll ask him when I get back to Whitebridge. Although it isn't that important so whatever I guess.

"Well, I can take you guys to the village now if you all want to. Well if you're done with your questions."

"That'd be great", I said.

Dob and Lob gave Ronnie a thumbs up.

"Ok then. Guys, I'll be back shortly", Ronnie said, waving to the other miners.

Ronnie then started to walk towards the village and Dob, Lob, and I started to follow him. It didn't take long to get to Stawford and it reminded me a bit of Yarthaw. Large fields of crops sat in front of the small village and farmers worked tirelessly in the fields, providing food for the other villagers.

"Ronnie could you take us to your uh leader I guess."

"Sure. Just keep following me."

So we kept following Ronnie until we got to a nice-looking house. It was a bit nicer than the other houses but not as insane as Mayor Burke's was.

Okay well, this guy doesn't seem like a tyrant at least not yet. Hopefully, we can get everything sorted out rather quickly because I want to get back to Whitebridge as soon as possible.

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