《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 64: Leaving Addersfield


After Blake brought us back to our rooms I plopped onto my bed.

I really don't want to let these people suffer any longer but I have to. If Scorpion gets his way there's no telling how many people will get hurt or die. The tension in Whitebridge and Blackbridge was already near its boiling point when I left. I just have to hope that nothing bad has happened yet.

I tried as hard as I could but I just couldn't fall back asleep. I kept thinking about Scorpion and what his plan could possibly be as well as thinking about the fact that every second that I lay there the people of Addersfield were suffering under the rule of the oppressive Mayor Burke.

I will fix this. But not now. At uh well in a bit I'll get Dob and Lob up and then ask Blake to take us to Mayor Burke. Then I'll tell him that he passed the inspection. Then we just have to go to the last mine and then hopefully the hard part is done and I just have to go back to Whitebridge and I can find out Scorpion's plan.

Then relay it to the Guild Master, and then have them storm the Association for the Betterment of Whitebridge's base. I don't know what we'll do about the Association for the Betterment of Blackbridge though. I guess we can just let Blackbridge know about them? They can probably handle it.

So I waited in my room, squirming around in my bed as I continued to attempt to sleep. After I felt that it had been a while I got out of bed and put my clothes back on before stepping out into the hallway. To my surprise though there was someone out there. I jumped back into my room, startled by the unexpected person.



"Yes sir?"

"Why are you out here?"

"Huh? Well in case you needed something of course", Blake said, looking slightly confused.

What the flip?! He's just waiting out here in case I need him? I mean it's nice but just like the rooms it's totally overkill.

"Do you even sleep?"

Blake scratched his head.

"I think so? sir."

I blinked twice in an effort to reboot my brain.

"you- you think so? What's that supposed to mean? Are you telling me you can't remember when you last slept or something?"

"No, I do sleep of course I just don't know if it's sleeping per se. Like I was sleeping before you came out but the noise of the door opening woke me up."

"So you don't sleep at night?"

"Sometimes but not when important guests like you are over. Leaving a bad impression on a powerful person would be very bad for everyone living here."

"How much worse can it get?!"

"Heh. Things can always get worse. Trust me. I used to think I was living at the bottom of the barrel but now I've learned that there is truly no end to the barrel."

That sound both deep and kind of depressing. Although I guess it's also kind of saying like be grateful for what you have but I don't know, it just has a kind of depressing feeling to it. Anyway, I should get Dob and Lob up and then tell Blake that I want to let Mayor Burke know the mine inspection is done.

So I went up to Dob and Lobs' doors and knocked on them. Dob and Lob came out of their rooms really quickly this time, at least compared to earlier this morning.


They must've kept their clothes on or something since they knew that we'd be waking up pretty soon anyway. Those guys are pretty clever honestly. I couldn't have asked for better companions.

Once Dob and Lob were out of their rooms I looked at Blake.

"Could you take us to see Mayor Burke? I want to tell him about the result of the mine inspection."

"He's probably still sleeping right now. He'll probably be annoyed if I wake him up. Is it good news?"

"I mean he'll probably see it that way."

"Ok then. It should be fine."

Blake led us to a very large-looking room with doors so big that I wondered how anyone could open them.

Does he have like a team of door openers or something? Otherwise, I can't see how this door is gonna open.

Blake knocked on the door. When he heard no response he knocked louder.

"What is it!", a groggy but clearly annoyed Mayor Burke yelled.

"Jameson is done with his inspection of the mine sir."

"Oh? Is it good news?"

"Well, I'll let him answer that sir."

"Good morning! Sorry about waking you up but we're on a tight schedule so I just wanted to let you know quickly before we go on our way. Your mine is working wonderfully. Great job."

"Oh. Thank you. Don't worry about waking me up", Mayor Burke said in an embarrassed tone.

He must've not realized that I was outside. I wonder if he would've changed his tone if he'd known? Probably. Anyway, that's none of my concern right now.

"Okay well, we'll be on our way then. Thanks for the great service."

"No problem! Come back anytime."

He's probably doing his fake smile behind those doors. Well, he won't be smiling for much longer, fake or otherwise. Since I'll be coming back later to free these people from his tyranny.

Content with the end of my conversation with Mayor Burke I walked away with Dob and Lob while motioning for Blake to follow me.

"So Blake. Thanks for everything. I will be back at some point, to do what I promised, when I'm less busy. You've been great. Now please get some rest!"

"Hehe. Thanks. I will forever remember your kindness. I think I'll rest tonight. I can't go to bed now though because the Mayor usually gets up in an hour or so and I have to be there when he does."

"Ok then. Take care!"

I waved to Blake as we left the fancy house and Dob and Lob also waved. Blake smiled as we left and returned our waves with one of his own.

It's amazing he can still be such a nice guy considering he got so little sleep! I would be so grouchy if I got that little sleep. Well on to the next mine.

I took out my map and looked at the location of the next mine.

Oh, this one is pretty close! We might be able to get there and then finish our inspection the same day! Then we'll probably have to rest a bit though. After that, I guess we'll leave very very early in the morning to get back to Yarthaw as I don't want to stay in Addersfield again. Then from there, it's back to Whitebridge to see Scorpion.

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