《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 62: Testing the New Program


As we walked along the beaten dirt road it got boring to just stare at the landscape so I started to tell Dob and Lob about my adventure in the mines. Including how I took down the Giant Spiders and the one Giant Giant Spider.

"So then I quickly programmed the sharp rock to make it go super fast and then I sent it hurtling at the Giant Giant Spider and it basically exploded! After that, I did some looking around and then I found the pickaxe that I then gave to Keith, and then well I almost got run over by what I like to call the Human Steamroller."

Lob gave me a confused look.

"Oh yeah, I guess maybe I should explain. The miners were so happy that they all started running toward me and it didn't seem like they were going to stop. Thankfully though I survived although I guess that's obvious now since I'm currently alive."

Or am I... Dun dun dun. Nah yeah I'm alive or at least I feel alive so I'm gonna keep on living! Or is it all a simulation... Curse the Matrix for making me think of stuff like that. It just hurts my brain.

Hmm. I'm getting kinda hungry. I really should've packed some food and stuff for us. Well, maybe we can find a stream or something along the way.

We walked for a good while before Dob and Lob gestured for me to stop and be quiet.

"What is it guys?", I whispered to the two goblins.

They pointed to an area not that far ahead of us. It was slightly off the path but still pretty close and it had an insane amount of bushes and other foliage around it.

"Is there someone there?", I asked them, still whispering.


They nodded and held up three fingers.

"There are three people there?"

Dob shrugged and pointed to some hard-to-see tracks that were on the side of the road. They were footsteps! The footsteps went off the main path and into the forest and seemed to be heading towards the direction of the very thick ticket that Dob and Lob had first pointed out.

Ah ok so it's some indeterminate amount of people but it's definitely three-ish. Hopefully, the -ish doesn't become a problem. Oh, this is a great opportunity to test my dagger! I have to make sure that they're bad people first though. I mean they probably are but I don't wanna take the risk. Oh. Wait that's fine because I have my dagger programmed to only attack people with hostile intent. Ok so then this'll be fine.

So I motioned for Dob and Lob to keep walking with me. They looked very confused as to why I didn't seem to be doing anything to prepare for the potential ambush.

Hehe. I didn't tell them about the improvements I made to my dagger so that I could surprise them like this. Their expressions are gonna be hilarious.

As we walked past the area where the bad guys were likely hiding they jumped out, their swords and one mace for some reason, at the ready.

"Give us your money!"

"and other stuff!", added the one bad guy that was wielding a mace.

"Oh shut up Baldwin", one of the sword guys said.

"Well as entertaining as watching this infighting is we have to be on our way so uh good luck walking to wherever you need to go!"

This is gonna be amazing!

I unsheathed my dagger and ran its program while smiling expectantly. The thugs gasped in surprise as my dagger seemed to say "*&%$ you" to gravity and started whizzing around, incapacitating all of the thugs in under 10 seconds flat.


Now that's a cool dagger. Granted it was very cool before but now it's reached a whole new level of coolness.

I looked at Dob and Lob; their expressions were everything I'd hoped for. Their jaws seemed to have stopped working as their mouths just hung open and their eyes were open so wide that I thought it was a miracle that their eyes didn't pop right out of their sockets.

Wow. Yeah, they have really good surprised expressions. But back to my dagger. It's so awesome!

"Ok well, that was a nice break guys. Now onward!"

Dob and Lob finally came to their senses and continued following me although they now glanced warily at my dagger as they followed behind me.

I had a feeling that they might be scared of it after I showed them what it could do so I attempted to reassure them.

"Don't worry guys. The dagger only attacks after I've told it to and only attacks people with hostile intentions towards me."

Hearing this they calmed down. Likely because they now knew that the dagger wouldn't be completely free to do whatever it wanted to do but would be closely controlled by me.

We kept on walking until we got to Addersfield. Despite the name, it didn't seem to be a farming-based village and basically, everyone could be seen carrying around a pickaxe.

Interesting. So this town, village, thing is like completely focused on mining. That's good then this shouldn't take much time at all.

The people living in Addersfield didn't seem to take much notice of us or didn't really care which I was fine with considering I just wanted to check on the mine and then get out of here as quick as possible so that I could get back to Whitebridge and finish up the whole Scorpion thing.

After asking one of the people for directions we walked to an opulent-looking manor that seemed out of place compared to the rest of the buildings in the settlement.

Don't tell me it's one of these rich high-tax jerk guys. Please don't let it be that.

I walked up to the entrance of the manor and noticed a guard standing there.

"Hello, we're here to inspect the mine."

"Uh ok. Who should I say sent you?"

"Tell him Scorpion says hi."

"Scorpion? Weird name. Well okay, I'll be right back."

The guard came back a few minutes later with a quite plump-looking man that was wearing gilded clothes along with a fake-looking smile.

"Hello. I'm Mayor Burke."

"I'm Jameson. These two are Dob and Lob.", I said while pointing to each of the goblins when I said their name.

"Well nice to meet you all."

I have a feeling he doesn't think it's nice at all. Or maybe I'm just being too quick to judge. I'll just wait to solidify my opinion since my opinion of him doesn't change much anyway.

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