《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 61: Leaving Yarthaw


I woke up a bit on the early side of things, likely because I had gotten such great sleep the last few nights.

Hopefully, Dob and Lob slept at least a little bit. Oh, the bird didn't wake me up! Maybe it's done? Nah that's a pipe dream. This thing is gonna haunt me forever although it's not dead yet so I guess stalk would be a better term. Welp, I guess I should go get Dob and Lob.

Wanting to depart as soon as possible, to make sure we arrived before dark, I left to go get Dob and Lob.

What was it called again? Ah yes. Addersfield. Yeah, we should be fine if we walk at a brisk pace. We gotta wrap Addersfield up tomorrow and then move on to the next mine. Then we have to rush back to Scorpion and I need to figure out what he's planning!

As I'd hoped Dob and Lob looked very refreshed and energized today and they practically ran out when I knocked on their doors.

Well, it's good they have this much energy. They'll need it.

"You guys ready for breakfast? We'll hopefully meet Ben and Nate there and then we can say our goodbyes and head on to the next mine/village Addersfield!"

I can tell that Dob and Lob are sad about leaving but they're so energetic right now that they just seem perpetually happy.

"Ok well let's go! An amazing breakfast awaits us!"

Dob and Lob seemed to be cheered up by this but it was hard to tell due to how energetic they were being. As we walked to the Dining Hall I made sure to wave and smile at literally every person that I saw since I probably wouldn't be seeing any of them for a while.


I guess I feel kind of guilty leaving. I know I was always going to leave and it doesn't make much sense to feel guilty but I still feel that way...

Immediately after we entered the Dining Hall I spotted Ben and Nate. They were sitting at the same table that they'd sat at yesterday.

They must've done that so that we would be able to find them easier. That's nice. Guess we'll go get our food quickly and then head over. Hopefully, they haven't finished eating yet.

So we got in line and piled our plates with food while also grabbing some stuff to drink.

Sadly there are none of the mango-like fruits out right now. Well, I did have a lot last night so I shouldn't be sad. It might be my fault they're not out anyway since I had so many. I mean they probably aren't that cheap since they're so good.

After getting our food we headed to where Ben and Nate were sitting.

They seem to be eating. Yay! Oh, that's great! It just feels kind of awkward when we're the only ones eating. I'm not looking forward to telling them that we're leaving though. That's gonna suck.

Ben and Nate noticed us coming over and started waving which caused us to wave back and move a bit faster. When we got to the table we sat down and Ben and Nate quietly applauded us.

Ah, these jokers. They really know how to embarrass me.

"Please awh. Um. Thanks", I said while blushing from embarrassment.

It's ok. Nobody saw it. Nobody will know. Well except you. You'll always know. You'll forever remember this embarrassing but also wholesome moment. Wait. This means they finally see us as friends! Yay! Aw, this is great!

Ben chuckled at his successful prank while Nate tried and failed to hold in his giggles.


"Did you guys sleep well?"

"Yeah, we slept great thanks for asking Ben."

"Why do you always get to ask the questions Dad?"

"Ah sorry, Nate. Ask away", Ben said to Nate.

"Did you guys sleep well?"

I grinned and parroted my previous response.

"Yeah, we slept great thanks for asking Nate."

"No problem. We also slept well. Well, I did at least.'

"I also slept well", Ben chimed in.

"Great well then we all slept good! Now I'm gonna eat good too!", I said.

"Hehe. Glad you like the food we have here", Ben said with a smile.

"Of course! It's delicious!"

"Well, I'll let you guys eat then."

"No no. Please stay. We can talk and eat."

"Okay, that sounds good. Do you have anything to bring up?"

"Uh yeah, actually we have to leave today."

"Oh. Well, I knew this would happen. Just promise you'll come back and visit us?"

"Of course, I'll come back and visit! I promise."

Dob and Lob gave Nate and Ben a thumbs up to signify that they'd also come to visit with me.

"Good. I'll hold you guys to that promise."

"Well, we'll gladly be held to it. It'll be great to come here and just get away from everything every once in a while."

Yeah, I need a break once in a while from all the fighting and stress although hopefully after this Scorpion thing there won't be any fighting, or at least not as much fighting. I have this feeling that I won't ever fully escape fighting. There are a lot more bad people in this world than on Earth or so it seems and I was given the gift of the System so I have to do good with it when I can.

We all talked and had a nice conversation but when we were done with our food I knew it was time to go.

"Well, I think we have to go now. We need to get to the next place before dark."

"Yeah, I understand. Hey everyone! Jameson is leaving for now but he'll be back. Let's all give him a good Yarthaw goodbye okay?"

Whyyyy. It's a nice gesture but I hate all these eyes on me.

Everyone started clapping and I got the feeling that I was supposed to walk out now so I started walking out of the Dining Hall and motioned for Dob and Lob to follow me.

"Bye Ben and Nate! Bye, everyone!"

"Bye Jameson and others!", everyone replied, not knowing Dob and Lobs' names.

Everyone kept clapping and other people joined in when they saw the procession of people following Dob, Lob, and I. They stopped when we got to the end of the last field.

"Thank you guys so much! We'll be back!", I yelled at the crowd of clapping people.

Then we turned and left, walking towards Addersfield.

Hopefully, the people of Addersfield are as nice as the people in Yarthaw were. Well, it doesn't really matter that much since we definitely won't be staying that long.

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