《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 60: Last Night in Yarthaw


Ok well, that's good. The pickaxe isn't going to like destroy the world, thankfully, hopefully... Nah I trust Keith with it and it's not like it's a weapon of mass destruction it seems to only make the wielder mine better so that's not a big problem.

I wonder if Keith'll make a big difference in the number of ores the mine is outputting? Oh no obviously not. I forgot they have a quota system. I wonder why Kieht came home late yesterday then? Probably because of the miners hounding him with questions.

Well, maybe I should get some stuff since I'm back in the line anyway. Although I don't see the delicious mango-like fruits ahead of me, I probably already passed them in a hurry to make sure I didn't give Keith some World Destroyer pickaxe.

Maybe I can ask people to pass me it? I mean that's kind of awkward but I need to push aside my social anxiety this time. I have to do it. For the mango thingy! Anyway, it's my tastebuds that want it. Not me. I can't be blamed for it.

I turned around and addressed the line.

"Hey could someone please pass me one of the sweet fruit things?", I said with a meek smile, slightly embarrassed.

People were confused a bit by my request but the people standing near the fruit obliged. Soon I had many more fruits than I'd requested coming my way.

I just wanted one... although I could easily eat all of these it probably wouldn't do much good for my image which could actually use a little de-escalating and oh no my tastebuds just got more agitated guess I gotta eat all of the mango-like fruits before they get angry. Yeah, that's it. It's the tastebuds' fault.

Oh um, my hands are only gonna be able to hold two of the delicious succulent amazing mango fruits. Well, I guess I already had my protein and everything so this will be my amazing dessert! Woo mango-like fruits! Oooh, I can't wait! I'm salivating just thinking about them!


Soon my hands were full of the delicious fruits but I still had more of the fruits coming via the Highway of Helping Hands. Thankfully for me, there were some other small plates placed around the buffet. So I set the fruits I was holding onto one of the plates and then grabbed it before also grabbing yet another plate to hold even more of the fruits.

After piling a couple of the tiny plates with the fruits I carefully carried them back to the table, trying not to spill any of the fruits which I planned to gorge on. Thankfully, Ben and Nate were still at the table when I got back.

Oh good, they didn't leave. I figured that they might've left since I didn't come back that quickly and they were already done eating. I'm sure they have way better things to do...

Although it is pretty dark out now so I don't know what they could currently do other than sleep. Well, now I'm going to enjoy my conversation with them since I have to leave tomorrow. Nothing like a bunch of lives on the line to get someone moving.

"So how was your guys' day?"

"Good although Nate somehow beat me in the game that he refuses to tell me the name of. Speaking of which you wouldn't happen to know the name of the game where you throw rocks at trees and try to get a branch to fall off?"

"Uhh nope. Never heard of it. Although I wouldn't use me as your primary source for figuring out as I can't remember much from when I was really young."

Good cover up James. You can't tip them off in any way that you're from a different world. Although I doubt that's the first conclusion they'd jump to when you can't name some kind of game that children play but uh good job anyway I guess.


I feel kind of bad for those trees. Do they get rocks thrown at them? I mean they're just trying to survive and photosynthesize but they get their branches rocked off? Although trees aren't sentient. Wait well there might be some sentient trees here and maybe elves. Ooh, it would be cool to see an elf.

I heard they're very handsome/pretty. Granted I don't know why I'm assuming Earth's literary portrayal of them is correct. Oh yeah, we all need to get a good night's sleep to prepare for the nonstop walking I'll have to do tomorrow. Hopefully, Dob and Lob can sleep tonight since they seem to have slept basically the whole day.

Ben and Nate talked a bit more between themselves and I listened to while eating all of the mango-like fruits that I'd obtained from the buffet. When I was almost halfway finished with the fruits I noticed that Dob and Lob had somehow joined me at the table at some point and they both had plates of food.

I guess I got lost in the flavor of the mango-like fruits. Mmm.

Then I looked down at my plates.

1 left?! 1 left?! Where the heck did they all go?! You stupid tastebuds! You're so gluttonous. How am I supposed to savor them if they keep disappearing into my stomach! I'll just have to make this last one count.

So as Ben and Nate talked away and Dob and Lob gestured. I slowly ate my last mango. I'd occasionally slip a sentence or two into the conversation but it had been going on for so long now that I didn't really understand what they were talking about so most of the responses I received were just confused looks.

After finishing the last mango I signaled to Ben that we had to leave. He looked confused but went along with it anyway.

"Hey, guys we actually need to get going. It's been great talking to you!"

Should I tell him we're leaving tomorrow? Nah I don't want to end the night on a bad note so I'll let him know at breakfast. Hopefully, Ben, Nate, and the other villagers aren't saddened by my leaving.

I bet a few will be but this was never a permanent thing and I think everyone knew that. I'll never forget any of them though. If anyone dares to mess with Yarthaw I'll put them in their place. The grave.

"Yes it has been", I replied.

Dob and Lob looked confused at the sudden end of the conversation but figured there was probably a good reason so they both gave Nate and Ben a thumbs up before turning towards me.

"Yeah let's go. Bye Nate and Ben. We'll meet you for breakfast okay? "

We have a long way to go tomorrow so we need our rest. Even if Dob and Lob can't sleep if they don't sleep at least a bit they'll definitely be tired tomorrow which would be bad considering all the walking we'll be doing.

So after saying goodbye to Ben and Nate Dob, Lob, and I went back to our guest houses and went to sleep.

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