《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 58: A Mountain of Food


When I arrived at the Dining Hall I looked around, trying to find Ben and Nate before getting my food. As I was scanning the big hall looking for Ben and Nate I noticed that some people that were sitting at a table were waving at me. I looked at the waving hands and then down towards the faces of the people waving.

Oh, it's Ben and Nate! How nice of them to wave me over. I should go over and tell them that I'm just gonna get my food quickly and then I'll join them.

I walked over to where Ben and Nate were sitting and looked at their almost empty plates. The only thing remaining on the plates was a few crumbs.

Oh, they're done already.

"Oh, you guys are done already? I guess I got up later than expected."

"Hehe. Don't worry about it. We don't have much to do today anyway. I just pushed aside everything I had to do today to tomorrow so that I could spend some time with Nate here."

Ben then ruffled Nate's hair which prompted him to giggle.

Aw. Children seem nice. I mean I don't know if I'd want any though because it's a big responsibility and a lot of work. Well, whatever I still have plenty of time left to figure out stuff like that. For now, though I just want some food!

"Hey guys I'm just gonna go get my food and then I'll be back", I said, interrupting Ben and Nate's banter.

"Okay, that sounds great. See you in a bit", Ben replied.

"Oh, Jameson sir! I didn't notice you came here. Good morning!"

"Morning Nate! You seem rather energetic for someone who stayed up so late. I figured you'd be tired after that."

"Nah I could party all night! But my dad make me go home when he left", Nate said, giving Ben a fake glare.


"Hehe. You can party however long you want when you're older but now your under my roof so you gotta play by my rules", Ben retorted.

He. I remember when my parents told me the same thing. Well time to go get my delicious breakfast!

Leaving Ben and Nate to playfully discuss house rules I left to go get some food at the buffet line thing. It was rather embarrassing as when I went to the buffet people would step out of the way to let me go first.

I can feel my face burning right now. Stupid human emotions.

Due to the kindness of the villagers, I got back to the table rather quickly. When I got back to the table I heard the snippets from what must have been another tangent in their conversation.

"Yeah but like if I wanted to I could do anything."

"Well, I suppose. But that's not the point."

"Well, then what is the point?"

"Uh-hum. Well, you see... Oh! Jameson's back! How was the buffet today? Find anything you like?"

I raised an eyebrow at Ben and moved my plate closer to him. Ben glanced at my plate.

"Oh. well then yeah I guess you did. Well, it did definitely take a lot of work to kill all those spiders so that makes sense. Although you came out without a scratch so you must be some kind of fighting master."

Fighting master? Me? Hehe.

"Well, I'm more like the Master of the Fighting Masters so to speak."

That's the only way I can say that without telling them everything. Well, I trust them but I do not doubt that Ben would give me up to save Nate or vice versa which is how it should be. Oh. I just thought about how that sounds... Out of context, it makes it seem like I'm saying that I'm the best at fighting.


Really what I meant was that I control my dagger and my dagger is the fighting master. Oh and also I guess I kind of control Dob and Lob but I don't really give them orders so that doesn't really count. Sigh. I look like some arrogant person now. Well, what's done is done.

"True. I doubt anyone else could do what you did without a scratch. Not to sound repetitive."

"Thanks. Now I've gotta dig into this so I can be done by the time dinner rolls around."

Ben laughed, "It won't take that long. Don't worry if you can't finish it though. We can just use it as compost. Don't tell anyone else about this though. You're getting special treatment because you obviously deserve it. Well, enjoy your food. I think Nate and I are gonna go play some kind of game."

Ben looked pointedly at Nate.

"Dad I'm not gonna tell you what it is. It'll spoil it! Come on! Let's go!"

I really wonder where he gets his energy from.

After finishing my breakfast I walked around the village people-watching and contemplating my old life.

There's definitely a certain charm to living like this. Everything is so simple. Everyone knows everyone. I couldn't live like this though. I need something new and exciting often to keep me on my toes and to give me something to work towards. That might've been why I found life on Earth kind of boring.

It's basically the same thing day in and day out with only tiny changes separating each day from the next. I might not be giving it enough credit but it definitely doesn't compare to the excitement I get here. One day I'm venturing into a dungeon. The next day I'm working undercover in a criminal organization.

I noticed that it was close to dusk and figured that the miners would be coming back soon to have dinner and then go to bed.

Finally, I can ask Keith how well the pickaxe is working out for him.

Other people were walking to the Dining Hall but I jogged.

I need to get a table close to the doors so that I can easily find Keith when he comes in. I'll just put something there so that people know it's taken and then I'll go in line and get some food. The miners have to change clothes before they come here anyway so I have plenty of time.

After getting my food I returned to my table and sat down. I didn't want to take my eyes off of the door but it was hard to eat properly without looking at where my utensils were going. I decided that looking away for a few seconds wouldn't really be a problem though as I could always just look back up when I heard the doors to the Dining Hall open.

I guess they can't spare much grease on the doors. But then again most people probably don't sit this close to the doors and the other people probably can't hear it over the noise of everyone else chatting and eating.

After eating for a little bit I heard the doors creak open. I looked up from my plate and saw the miners.

Woo! They're here! They seem to be chattier than normal though...

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