《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 57: Forgiven


After Ben and Nate had finished hugging they noticed that I was there. Ben walked up to me with a smile.

"Jameson. Thank you. It's not your fault for any of this you know? You're just doing what you have to do."

I mean I guess but I still caused it. It might not have been my intention but that doesn't mean it's not at least partially my fault. I was still part of the cause. But since Ben clearly thinks otherwise I think it's fine. Hopefully, Nate has the same opinion. Also, hurray! I finally got Ben to stop calling me "Jameson sir!" Now, this is a true reason to party! Although it doesn't make sense to have another party right now so I'll have a mental party. Wooo. Party!!! Ok, I'm done.

I noticed that Ben nudged Nate slightly which prompted him to talk.

"I'm sorry for thinking that you were the problem. You're a nice guy Jameson sir. Thanks for giving me my father back."

Aw he's so cute when he's smiling. Also "Jameson sir"? I just got Ben to stop saying it and now Nate is? I guess it's okay because he's a child but it still feels like fate is messing with me.

"No problem Nate. I did cause it by coming here even though it's not what I wanted to do."

"Yeah but you didn't mean to and that's what matters to me", Nate replied.

Wow. What a well-taught kid. Ben's clearly doing something right when he's around.

"Well, I'm glad you feel that way. I'm gonna go to bed now. No need to show me the way back I've got it basically memorized. If Dob and Lob ask where I went just let them know that I went to bed early. Today's been quite the day."


Ben nodded, "Yeah I will. Sleep well!"

"Yeah sleep well Jameson sir!"

I chuckled, "Thanks, Ben and Nate. I'll try my best. Oh and don't bother waking me and my companions up tomorrow. We all need our sleep and we can find our way to the Dining Hall by now."

"Okay, thanks. I hope to see you at breakfast then."

"Yeah, that would be nice. See you tomorrow then."

"See you tomorrow!", Ben and Nate replied.

Then I left the party and walked back to my guest house. As I stepped through the door I felt a wave of tiredness wash over me as if my body had been suppressing it until I was close to a bed. Now feeling extremely tired, I closed the door and then plopped onto my bed. Moments later I was out like a light.

I awoke in the morning to the sound of an old friend.

"Skreeeek. Shreeechk. SHREEEEEK!"

My body tried to jump in surprise but since I wasn't on the ground instead of going upwards I went backward, which caused me to hit my head on the head of the bed.

"UGGG! STUPID BIRD!", I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"Thank the gods! It stopped! Woo!"



I spoke too soon. Why do these birds do this to me? Do they know I'm from a different world? Is this some cruel and unusual punishment for transmigrating here? And if so why birds? I mean like wolves or something would be far more devastating. Although maybe it's not meant to kill me. Although these birds might literally kill me from sleep deprivation or just straight-up anger. Calm down, James. Soon you'll be leaving Yarthaw and going to the next mine near uhhhh.


I fumbled around to pull out my map.

Ah yeah, Addersfield. Good ol' Addersfield. Yeah, I've never heard of that place before... Well, it sounds nice. It's not called Murderville so I'm sure it's wonderful. Now I'll just wait for Ben and- oh right I told him that we'd get up ourselves and then go to breakfast. Maybe I should be thankful for the bird then? Nah it's just a coincidence and the stupid thing still caused me to feel a little bit of pain.

I should go get Dob and Lob up. Then we can have a nice breakfast, hopefully with Ben and Nate, and then we can hang around until Keith comes back from the mines and we can ask him how the pickaxe works. Hopefully, it's as awesome as I think it'll be which is very awesome.

So I got out of bed and changed my clothes, not wanting to wear the same ones from yesterday, and then headed out to wake up Dob and Lob. When I went and knocked on their doors a grumpy-looking goblin came out from both of them. They clearly weren't that happy to be woken up.

I wonder how late they partied? They don't seem to be hungover so either they didn't drink that much or that stuff was really low in alcohol like Ben said. Well, whatever the case we're getting up now. Or I guess they could just sleep in and miss breakfast.

"Hey are you guys okay with skipping breakfast if it means you can sleep in?"

Dob and Lob both nodded their heads immediately. Dob went right back into Bed and Lob ran off to get back to his own bed.

Hehe. Typical Dob and Lob. Guess I'll just go to breakfast by myself then. Now it's even more important that Ben and Nate be there so that I have someone to talk to. Although I'm sure I could join pretty much anyone considering they all now know me as the person that, according to Ben, saved all of their lives. But I've known Ben the longest and I want to see Nate smile again.

So I walked to the Dining Hall alone. Everyone that saw me waved and some came up to talk to me which was nice compared to the rush of appreciation I'd gotten from the miners and the general population when Ben first announced that I'd saved everyone's lives.

I think they could've handled it. Well not really well but not everyone would've died... My dagger is the real hero here. It killed everything. I just told it what to do... Although I mean since it's not sentient and I made it I guess it is kind of me who did it. Still, I don't like this much attention. Some attention is good but being run over by a group of appreciative miners is not the way that I want to go out.

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