《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 56: Telling Ben the Truth


Now positive that I knew where Ben was I rushed over to the few tables that still had some food remaining on them.

Wow, the people of Yarthaw can really eat!

As I had just finished searching around the second table I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. It was Ben walking over to the first table that I'd searched!

I'm glad I caught that otherwise, I might've never found him!

I rushed over to Ben.

"Hey, Ben! I need to talk to you!"

Ben stopped walking and turned around to meet my gaze. He looked a bit worried probably because I seemed a bit frantic, probably because I was frantic.

"Yes, Jameson sir?"

I resisted the urge to call him out for using sir but managed to control it once I remembered what I'd come over here for.

Nate. I need to make this right with Nate and also Ben now that I think about it because Ben could've handled it better I think but it was me being here that caused the whole thing in the first place and I'm sure that Ben didn't want to spend less time with Nate in the first place. So I have to apologize to both of them. Jeez, what a mess.

"Ok so I'm going to talk for quite a bit now so please just let me finish. It might be hard but I need to just get all of this out there okay?"

"Yeah sure. Talk away", Ben said and I could see the worry that was on his face become more severe.

He must be thinking that he did something wrong but everything is my fault. Wait no I need to get him to believe me this time. I should ask to talk to him alone and then I can reveal some of my secrets so that he knows that I can be trusted and that he can go spend time with his son. I just have to hope that none of Spider's spies are around but I don't think any of them will be there since they'd have to enter after me and no matter how good they are there's no way


"Actually Ben could we go talk somewhere where it's just the two of us? It's kind of an important matter."

I saw fear appear on his face but he quickly suppressed it along with his worry and smiled at me.

"Sure no problem. We can just go into the Dining Hall. Everyone's out here anyway."

"Okay, that's great."

Got to be quick. Got to be quick. Got to be quick. Nate probably won't wait that long so I have to get back fast. But there's so much to say! I'll just have to be quick. Quick, quick, quick.

I rushed towards the Dining Hall and Ben followed behind me after a few seconds probably trying to figure out why I was in such a hurry. We soon arrived at the Dining Hall and immediately after we got inside and the doors closed I turned to face Ben.

"Okay sorry about that. Now I will talk a lot so please just listen until the end. In a nutshell, I'm not really working for the people that you're so scared of. Well, I am but I'm undercover. I'm actually working for another organization called the Guild. Which I don't know if you've heard of them but we're the good guys.

Anyway, I came across your son Nate tonight and it turns out that I've caused you two to spend less time together which is something that I'm obviously not ok with. I think that you still viewed me as a bad person and thus wanted to protect everyone by making sure my stay here was the best it could be which it was.

Well, now that I've learned about it it has to stop now okay? I can't be the reason a boy and his father spend less time together. I can't have that weighing on my conscience. I have to leave soon anyway because I have other places to check on. I promise you this though. I won't let any harm come to any of you. So please stop pushing yourself to be so subservient and just be yourself. Go spend time with your son. Please. For your happiness and mine."


Ben just stared at me for a few seconds before breaking into a smile. When I compared it to the ones he'd given me before it was obvious that this was genuine. I smiled back.

"Your son should be waiting at those empty tables in the back", I said sensing that he wanted to go over there right now.

He gave me another smile before literally sprinting out of the Dining Hall toward his son.

Should I follow him? Yeah, I'm gonna go see this very wholesome moment. My presence won't make it any less wholesome so I should go. Maybe some of the wholesomeness will rub off onto me.

So I left the Dining Hall and headed to where I'd last seen Nate. I didn't feel like running but I also wasn't walking. When I got to where Ben and Nate were I saw them hugging each other very tightly. The kind of hug that was so tight that it hurt a little bit but that didn't matter because of the amount of love that was there.

As I watched them hugging I thought back on my own life. On my parents. The one time I had a girlfriend. I noticed my eyes start to get wet but I quickly steeled myself.

I can't interrupt this moment with my own memories. I would be an even bigger jerk if I let that happen. Besides you have Dob and Lob James. You're not alone. Far from it in fact. You have lots of friends and companions.

I stopped reminiscing on myself and just smiled as I watched Ben and Nate pour their feelings and love into each other. In the way that sometimes only a hug can.

I've done it. Now all I have to do is check if Keith likes his new pickaxe and then we can go to the next mine! Maybe we should split up though and each do one mine? No that won't work since Dob and Lob can't talk. I guess we'll just have to be way faster on the next few mines.

It shouldn't be a problem though as the stuff that happened here is very unlikely to happen again. Then we can get promoted, find out Scorpion's plan and any other important information, then report it to the Guildmaster, and hopefully, I can see Scorpion get taken away.

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