《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 55: The Boy and the Parent Stealer


Ben and I then headed back outside to rejoin the party.

Hopefully, the chefs are having a good time. It's kind of worrying that they forgot to put out the fires when they left but they were excited about going to the party so it's understandable.

Immediately after we got out I saw some of the chefs already mingling with others and there were a few that were even dancing.

Wow, I guess they really needed this. Well, they deserve it and I'm happy for them.

I looked around for Dob and Lob but I couldn't see them.

Hmm. Well I know they're fine since they're so great at combat so I'll just enjoy myself a bit more.

Determined to enjoy the party that was being thrown in my honor a bit more I jumped back into the fray of people. Chit-chatting with people who weren't talking or just anyone that seemed interesting and wasn't preoccupied with anything.

I ended up coming across this boy who was sitting alone. He looked to be about 13. I'd noticed I'm because he had been wiping his face in a way that suggested that he might've been crying. He seemed to just be observing the party but I knew it was more than that. His eyes seemed to glisten with more wetness than was normal and his eyes seemed a bit puffy.

Yeah definitely crying. I can't have that! This is a party for crying out loud!

I sat down next to him and he started to scoot away from me until he looked at my face. I saw resentment appear on his face.

"Oh it's you", the boy said with a scowl.

"Wha-. Yes, I'm me? Can I help you? You seemed sad."

I hope he's okay. If an adult had talked to me like that without any reason I would've felt insulted. But with this boy, I just feel sad. What could I have possibly done to him? I don't remember hurting a child in any way but I guess I don't need to remember it since it's something that I would never do on purpose.


I'd never hurt anyone on purpose, well without a reason. Even with a reason though hurting children is not something I would do. Not unless they were going to hurt or kill other people and this kid doesn't seem like the kind that does that. If he was violent then I bet he would've tried fighting me already.

Oh, that gives me a thought. As soon as I get more Runes I should add something so that it doesn't try to main children maybe I can make it just gently smack them with the hilt. Yeah, that's good. Anyway for now I need to figure out what I somehow did to offend this kid.

"Do you not know what you did?"

What could I have done? I'm so confused.

"No? I don't remember doing anything bad to anyone here. Could you tell me, please? I want to know what I did and how I can fix it", I pleaded to the kid.

"You took all his time. Now he's never around."

Who's time did I take. Who's always around. Ben? It has to be Ben. That's the only person I can think of who always seemed to be around even though he probably has way better things to do. Things like being around his child. Ben seems like such a nice person though. Why would he do that to his kid? Because of me? That doesn't make sense. Wait. What if he's still scared of the people backing me. I mean he still calls me sir even though I asked him to stop with the honorifics.

If that is the case then I really did cause this kid to lose quality time with his father. I need to fix this. Not tomorrow, not an hour from now, immediately. I can't let this go on any longer. Ben needs to leave this stupid party and go pay attention to his kid. I get that he was doing it to protect everyone since if I went back and reported any disrespect the villagers would probably get a not-so-pleasant visit from some not-so-kind people but I mean I've been nice the whole time.


But he probably doesn't want to take the chance. Whatever I'll just order him to do it then he has to. I can't believe I didn't think it was weird how hospitable he was being. I mean some people are nice but this long crossed over into subservience. I mean no one should be placed above your family. No one. Well, Ben was doing this for the safety of everyone including his family but he could've at least told them why he was doing it.

I broke out of my thoughts and looked around for the kid. He was now sitting in a different area.

He probably got weirded out when I got lost in thought and just stared at him.

I walked over to him. Making sure to try to at least keep a smile on my face.

I can't believe I caused this. It's horrible.

When I reached him I sat down again but made sure to not sit as close to him as before.

"So I take it you're Ben's child?"

The kid nodded. His previous expression of resentment was now replaced with confusion.

He must be wondering why the Parent Stealer is being so nice to him.

"Listen I'm so so very sorry for what I did. I didn't mean for it to happen but that doesn't clear me of any guilt. I need to fix this. I'm going to go talk to your father and straighten things out regarding this situation. I don't want to continue being the guy that separates you from your father. Will you come with me?"

"I'm okay. I'll stay here."

It's kind of annoying that he won't come with me but it's also kind of reassuring since he won't get easily tricked by any kidnappers. Anyway, I shouldn't be complaining about anything right now considering the pain I caused that kid. Speaking of which. I should get his name so I don't have to keep calling him "this kid."

"Hey um could I get your name?"

The boy thought for a second before responding.

"Yeah, I'm Nate."

"Well nice to meet you. I'm assuming you already know my name so I'm gonna go find your dad now."

"Okay. I'll be here."

"Good. See you soon."

After finishing my conversation with the kid I went off to find Ben and right the wrong I'd committed.

Where the flip is this guy? You'd think he'd be easy to find. I should ask some people and see if they know where he is.

After a short conversation with a group of obviously drunk people I learned that Ben might be "o er by food somrshere."

Jeez, they must've drunk a lot. Anyway yeah, the food. Obviously. I saw him there before. This whole thing must just be messing me up. Hopefully, he's still there or I don't know where I'll be able to find him. I gotta get back to Nate fast so that I can finish this thing and go to sleep with nothing hanging over my head. Well,l nothing other than the fact that I caused this whole thing.

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