《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 54: Inviting the Chefs


Hmm. Oh yeah, I should ask Ben to invite the chefs out now so that they can enjoy the party. It wouldn't be fair if they cooked all this food and stuff and then couldn't enjoy the fruits of their labor. Besides, they deserve a party anyway I mean they cook amazing food for everyone.

I looked around for Ben and spotted him piling more food onto his now full-ish plate. I decided to wait until he was done before coming over though so that he could finish getting his food.

Yeah, I don't want to make it awkward. Well more awkward than I make it just by being there...

So when Ben was finished I walked over to him. He didn't seem to notice me coming over as he was preoccupied with eating some of the food he'd just gotten.

"Hello!", I said in a friendly voice.

"Ah!", Ben said jumping up in surprise.

Oh, I guess I scared him. Well, I mean not guess I don't need to guess he was definitely startled.

"Oh sorry for startling you", I said with an apologetic expression on my face.

"Ah, it's no problem. What can I help you with", Ben said, a warm smile forming on his face, replacing the previous expression of shock.

"Well, I was hoping you could ask the chefs to come out and join the party because they've been making this great food the whole time but they haven't been able to join the party."

"Ah, that's a great idea! I'll go do that right away. Do you want to join me? It was your idea after all."

Join him? Yeah, I should do that. It'd be cool to see where the chefs work. Also, it would be kind of rude if I just sent Ben off to do that while I stayed here.


"Yeah, that would be great!"

Aw, this is gonna be so cool! I'm gonna see where the chefs work and I bet they'll be really happy when they find out that they can come out and join the party!

Ben led me into the Dining Hall and past the empty tables. We headed towards the buffet and went behind the empty counters where the food would usually be. We walked towards a set of doors and a person came out practically running while holding a tray of steaming food.

That must've just come from the kitchen. I thought they were done bringing out food? Well, I guess they'll be done shortly anyway once I get them to come out and party!

Ben and I dodged the rushing worker and continued towards the set of doors. As we neared I started to smell some very delicious aromas.

Wow, that smells so good! I guess the smell kind of wears off by the time it gets outside or something because this smells better than the food from outside.

Ben got to the doors slightly before me and looked through them probably to make sure that no one was going to come rushing out the doors and slam into us.

Yeah, corners are annoying. I always feel like I have to slowly look around them because if someone else is coming around them at the same time as I am we'll crash into each other.

After Ben had scouted out the door situation I followed him through the doors. It looked like a different world. People scurried around carrying ingredients and food all around the kitchen while pots bubbled with soup and meat sizzled as it was being cooked to perfection. Counters were piled with drinks along with tons of other miscellaneous items.


Medium all the way! All those rare and whatever else it is are wrong. Medium is the best! Of course, everyone's entitled to their own opinions but well my opinions are just better. Hehe nah everyone can like whatever I just prefer medium. Okay, time to announce to these people that they can go enjoy the party! Or will Ben do that? Hmm. Well, I guess I'll just wait and if he doesn't say it I will.

Thankfully things didn't get awkward and Ben decided to announce what was going on.

"Hello, guys! We're here to invite you to join the party! Everyone's eaten at least a little bit so you should come out and have some fun!", Ben said with a grin.

The chefs looked startled for a moment before cheering and thanking Ben. Then, without skipping a beat, they rushed out through the doors and went to join in on the fun.

I smiled at the joy the chefs were displaying.

"Well, should we go join them?"

"Of course! Well, we should extinguish the fires first though. It would be a shame if our party ended with the Dining Hall burning down."

"Ah yes that would be a bummer", I said, stating the obvious.

Duh, it would be a bummer! That's like saying it would be a bummer if you died. It's obvious! Stupid James. Get it together. I mean it's not really that big of a deal but whatever.

"Hehe yes it would be", said Ben chuckling. Ben then went over to one of the counters and grabbed a jug of water or something that looked like water before going back to the fires and pouring it out. It didn't extinguish the fire completely but it had mostly stopped burning in the section where the water had been splashed. The only bits of fire left in that area were so small that they wouldn't be able to do any damage anyway so Ben just ignored them and went back to the counter to grab another jug.

Hopefully, he doesn't accidentally grab something with alcohol.

"Hey uh, Ben. Just make sure you don't grab anything that has alcohol in it."

"Why?", asked Ben just as he splashed another jug of liquid onto the fires.

"Well it could make the fire uh angry", I said as I watched the fire be extinguished.

"Ah, that well none of the alcohol we have here is strong enough for that so I wouldn't worry about it."

Oh well, I guess that makes sense. I kind of feel like a bit of an idiot now though...

"Oh ok, that's good then. Thanks for letting me know."

"Yeah, no problem."

Oh, I should probably help Ben instead of just standing here talking about flammable substances.

I walked over to a jug and picked it up before going to the fire and pouring it out. Most of the fires were out now but there were a few more that hadn't yet been dealt with. Ben and I kept taking out the fires until there were none left.

"Well, I guess we're done now. We should head back out before people notice we're missing and get worried.", I said to Ben.

"Sounds good to me!"

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