《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 53: The Party


Everyone cheered after Ben announced that there was going to be a party and people rushed into the Dining Hall and brought out tables and chairs while others rushed around to organize other aspects of the party.

Wow, these guys really know how to party. I can already tell that this is gonna be great!

I looked at Dob and Lob who were standing next to me and saw wide smiles on their faces.

I guess they also love a good party. Well I mean that's kind of obvious. Who doesn't love a good party?

I watched as people scurried around to arrange the party. The tables were being lined up in rows and I noticed that food was also being brought out from the Dining Hall.

Ah, that must've been the food that we were supposed to have inside the Dining Hall tonight. There seems to be a bit less food than usual but that's probably because this whole party thing was unexpected and dinner was a bit away so the chefs didn't have as much time to prepare the food.

I wonder if the chefs will get to join the party or if they'll just have to cook food the whole time because to my knowledge people generally consume a lot of food at parties. Hopefully, they get to participate in the party a bit otherwise that would be sad. I should make sure they get to join at some point. Yeah once everyone looks full-ish I'll ask Ben to invite the chefs to join in. For now, though I'm gonna party with everyone! Woo!

I started my rave by telling Dob and Lob to go and enjoy themselves. I wanted to let them have some fun because I had some stuff I wanted to do.

Hmm, where is Keith... I need to give him this pickaxe before I start really partying because well it would look kind of out of place and it's not exactly easy to carry around. I wonder how good it'll be at mining. I'll have to ask Keith how easy it is to use after I've given it to him and he's used it for a while.


After a while, I spotted Keith chatting with some of his fellow miners. I walked towards them dodging some people who already seemed to be drunk even though the party hadn't been going on for that long.

I wonder when alcohol was even brought out. I didn't see it but I guess that makes some sense considering I wasn't looking for it.

The group of miners that I was walking toward soon noticed that I was heading in their direction and I watched as inviting smiles spread across their faces.

When I reached them Keith took a step forward.

"Jameson! It's great to have you here. What a pleasure!"

"Ah, the pleasure is mine, Keith. You really helped me that time when I interviewed you."

"Oh, that was nothing any one of my coworkers would've done the same. Well most of them anyway."

I chuckled slightly as he revised his statement.

I wonder which ones he's thinking of. Well, it's none of my business anyway...

"Well, I came here because I have something to give you."

"Really? Thanks so much!"

I noticed Keith's eyes darting around my person, looking for what the gift could possibly be before settling on the pickaxe that I was holding.

"Ah, it's no problem. You've earned it."

Well, all the other miners that helped also earned it but there's only one and I'm only familiar with Keith so it's an easy decision.

I handed the pickaxe to Keith and watched as a surprised expression appeared on his face.

Surprise? I hope nothing is wrong with it.

"Jameson this is very nice. It seems to be heavier than it should be though which is fine don't get me wrong but in all my years of mining experience I feel like it should weigh less. Anyway, I can tell it's an amazing tool so thank you so much!"


Heavier than it should be? Hmm. I wasn't able to tell since I'm not much of a metal guy. Music or material wise but clearly Keith noticed something. So this mystery metal is pretty dense. Interesting. I wonder if it's some metal specific to this world or if it's like tungsten or lead or something because I heard those metals are very dense.

Well, whatever it is Keith said it'd be good for mining so at least it'll mine well although I guess we won't truly know for sure until it's put into use. Yeah, I should definitely ask Keith about how the pickaxe is different compared to the one he normally uses after he's used it for a bit.

"You're very welcome! I hope it works well for you in the mines! I'd love if I could hear how it's working for you sometime."

"Of course! I'd love to talk to you about how it works in practice. Maybe we can uncover some stuff about it!"

"Great! How does tomorrow at dinner work for you?"

"That works for me!"

"Great again!"

Great again?! Great again?! Come on James use your synonyms. I know it's hard without Thesaurus.com but you can do it! Thanks for the encouragement me. Yeah, no problem I'll always be here for you. Yeah because you are me. Be quiet and enjoy the party. Oh, right good point.

Ok, so I have to remember to sit with Keith tomorrow at Dinner or have him sit with me both of those will work. Ugh. I really wish this world had sticky notes or something. It's getting kind of annoying to keep track of everything. Maybe I should get some kind of journal or something. Better yet maybe I'll unlock something in the System, later on, that will let me take notes somehow!

Now that all of that is done it's time to have some fun!

To start off my fun-having I decided to have some food. The food that was out was pretty normal since the chefs hadn't had time to prepare but it was still good. I piled my plate high with yummy edible things and walked around, chatting to people and taking a bite or two whenever I wasn't talking.

It took me a while to finish my food though because it seemed like everyone wanted to get a word in with the guy who had apparently saved everyone's lives.

I'm talking so much but I'm not really complaining I mean these people really appreciate what I did and want to talk to me plus it gives me a chance to savor my food. Everyone is all so nice and fun to talk to so it's great. No not great. Different word umm. Fantastic! Yeah, it's fantastic!

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