《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 50: Searching for Treasure


Yeah, I've decided. I should upgrade my dagger now. Who knows if there are any other creatures living here that my dagger didn't get since it was only targeting the Giant Spiders. Time to get Rune Programming! Hopefully, I have enough Rune Capacity for everything I want to add. Well, I guess I'll see if I have enough once I'm done.

I picked up my dagger from where it was sitting on the ground and thought, "Rune Programming". The familiar Rune Programming interface sprung up and I cracked a smile.

Let's do this. First up is improving the speed.

Making it faster was simple enough I just had to modify the Parameter Runes for all of the Movement Runes. I decided to change the speed to 100 miles per hour.

Yeah, 100 miles per hour should be enough. If it turns out it's still not enough then it's easily changeable. Now I should change the targeting system. It's a bit annoying to change it to whatever thing I'm trying to fight at the time so I should make it automatically target things that are hostile towards me. I should also check if they're monsters or intelligent life because I don't want to kill humans when I can avoid it but monsters are bad for everyone and I always need experience.

So to make sure I didn't go around murdering fellow intelligent life I added two If Runes along with two Observe Runes so that when my dagger sensed hostile intent from a monster it would kill it but when it was from life that was sufficiently intelligent, human-ish level of intelligence or above, it would only attempt to disable whoever was the person with hostile intent.

Hmm well, I'm almost out of Rune Capacity so I think I'm done with adding more features to my dagger for now. One thing I should do is add the condition that my dagger has to be thrown by me before it attacks anything so that it doesn't try to attack without me wanting it to because the world is unpredictable and I bet there will be a situation someday where I don't want to attack someone even if they have hostile intent towards me.


I spent a few minutes looking over my code to attempt to find and fix any bugs or oversights that I'd had. Once everything looked good I knew it was time for me to start looking around the tunnels previously occupied by the Giant Spiders and the one Giant Giant Spider.

I should make sure I have ample time to get back up to the surface otherwise I'll be trapped down here after the five hours have passed and Ben blows up the entrance like I had told him to. I'll give myself 30ish minutes to look around and then I'll head up. No treasure can be more important than my life anyway because what's the point of having treasure if you're dead?

So looking for anything valuable or interesting I walked through the tunnels staying alert and looking for any hidden doors or enemies.

There probably was nothing more dangerous than the Giant Spiders down here since they were all still alive until I came along so I should be fine. Still, it can't hurt to be cautious.

Since all of the tunnels looked pretty much the same and I didn't want to have to remember more directions in my head I just picked up a random rock from the ground and scratched an X on the ground whenever I came to a turn so that I could easily find my way back.

I wish I could've done this while I was in the cocoon but my hands were tied. Literally. Along with the rest of my appendages.

As I laughed inwardly at my horrible joke I noticed an oddity in the wall. It was pretty subtle but the rock seemed to dip inward slightly which normally wouldn't be that weird. The weird part was that the part of the rock that seemed to be at a different level compared to the rock around it was in the shape of a door.


Wow. Talk about hidden in plain sight. Or lack thereof. This kind of camouflage could probably only fool relatively dumb things like those Giant Spiders. I wonder what it contains? It could be a trap though. The fact that it was so easy to find makes me nervous.

With my dagger at the ready, I approached the poorly concealed door and stood off to the side of it before jabbing at it with my dagger.

The front of my dagger is already so screwed up that it doesn't really matter anymore.

To my surprise when my dagger hit the door nothing happened. No traps or enemies sprung out to greet more but the door also hadn't budged even one bit.

What? I'm not that weak... at least I hope so. Something must be off about that door. Could it be that it was sealed off and it's now basically just a piece of solid rock? I guess it kind of makes sense that it was pretty easy to find them if that is the case. Welp, I guess I'll just have to knock it down.

Wait no the speed that I would need to make something go to blast through that solid rock would probably end up causing the tunnels to collapse. I need to come up with another plan and I only have 15 minutes left before it's been 30 minutes and I need to head up or risk being late and becoming trapped down here. Ok, let me think.

Things that dig... well it can't be heavy machinery because well I can't make that. So something simpler... A pickaxe would be nice but I'm no blacksmith. What about a drill? That might work. I can use a Movement Rune to make it spin. I need something to drill with though. It can't be rock because my drill would have the same hardness as the thing I'm drilling into which would be bad. So I need something metal...

I glanced at the dagger in my hand.

Sorry, buddy. Looks like I need you for something. Hopefully, you're made of a pretty durable metal so you don't get ground into tiny metal particles.

It felt like the dagger was vibrating in my hand as if it was scared for its life. I paid no attention to this obvious impossibility though and started Rune Programming. I just moved around a few Movement Runes from other places in my program and added a few Parameter Runes to the top of my program and then I was done.

The rest of the program wouldn't get in the way since I wasn't planning to throw the dagger anyway and I could just add the Movement Rune back in later. Then I pressed my dagger to the rock and ran the program.

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