《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 49: A Rock That Rocks


What to do... what to do... if I could get close to it I could use the Bind Rune and make it serve me but I don't think I will be able to get close to it without it ending my life in a quick but likely grisly fashion which is obviously not what I want. So either I need to figure out a way to get close to the Giant Giant Spider without it noticing me or I need to figure out a different way to take it down.

I'll try to figure out a way to sneak past it first because then I can just bind it and that will be way easier than finding a way to kill it. I mean my dagger doesn't even damage it! Hmm... What if I enchanted myself. Yes, that might work! I can make myself move so fast that the Giant Giant Spider won't even be able to spot me! Darn, why didn't I think of this before?!

Extremely excited by this new idea I quickly placed my hand on my body and thought, "Rune Programming".

This is gonna be fantastic! I'm gonna be like a god!

[Requirements not met]

Flip! What the heck. Why... it was gonna be so awesome... I can't lose hope though since there are requirements then once I meet them whatever they are I will be able to Program myself! I'll be able to literally improve my body like some sort of robot that can upgrade its parts. I'll be unstoppable! But for now, I'm still very much vulnerable to things even if I can kill most of them. Surprise is my greatest enemy. Right now though I have to worry about how to deal with that behemoth of a spider.

Well since I couldn't Program myself I'll have to think of another way to take down that spider. What if.. yes that should work. If I can find another dagger around here or well it doesn't even need to be a dagger although I might as well get another dagger since my previous one looks ruined.


I remembered a few minutes ago when I'd peeked into the Giant Giant Spider's room, that the tip of my dagger, the one that was even now still banging into the spider's rock-hard carapace, was basically completely flat making it pretty much unusable.

That being said finding a dagger down here will be difficult since there's absolutely no way these Giant Spiders know how to make weapons. So I'll just try to find a sharp-ish-looking rock because like even a grain of sand with enough speed could destroy a planet. I don't plan on destroying a planet though so I'll just settle for using a sharp-ish rock with quite a bit more speed than the dagger had.

So I walked around searching for a pointy-looking rock.

Too dull. Too smooth. Too soft. Ah perfect.

My eyes sparkled with glee that normally only a rock collector or a crazy person looking for a pointy rock would experience and I'm no rock collector. I stared at the rock, a long hard stare.

It's so perfect.

It was colored gray like a normal rock but it had a very pointy-looking tip that seemed perfect for what I had in mind. Aside from functionality it also looked nice due to how smooth it was.

Now that's a sexy-looking rock. If I was a rock and was sentient I would totally marry that rock. Sadly though rocks aren't sentient and I'm not a rock. And even if I was a rock I doubt it'd accept my proposal because it'd be way out of my league... Anyway time to murder an enormous spider with a supersonic pointy rock.

Done contemplating what my life would be like as a rock I picked up the pointy rock and thought, "Rune Programming" which opened up my Rune Programming screen. I added a Parameter Rune and a Movement Rune. I didn't bother to have the rock come back after it went forward, like my dagger, because at the speed the rock would be going I didn't expect it to survive in one or even two pieces.


I set the Parameter Rune to a smooth 100 miles per hour figuring that if that didn't kill the Giant Giant Spider nothing would while also making sure that it didn't go too far because I didn't want to have a rock hurtling at 100 miles per hour that wouldn't stop moving.

Hopefully, this works because if it just bounces off like the dagger I'm so dead however I don't think that that will happen. Ok so I should just be able to go back to the room where the Giant Giant Spider is, point the rock at it, and then run the program and then it should go bye-bye, poof, gone-zo.

So I walked back to the chamber that held the spider, trying to keep myself from falling over as I neared the chamber.

Hmm, it seems like the Giant Giant Spider is a bit angry. I guess I would be too if I had a dagger constantly knocking into my head. Still, it deserves that and more but there's no use in letting it suffer unnecessarily because that doesn't help anyone.

As I entered the chamber I clenched the pointy rock tightly ready to quickly aim the rock and then let it loose at the Spider's head.

Perhaps I should've had it home in on the Spider's head but from what I remember it's big enough that I can easily and quickly aim at it.

As soon as I could see the Giant Giant Spider I aimed the pointy rock right at its head and ran the rock's program. The rock ripped from my hand at 100 miles per hour as it was told to do and before the Giant Giant Spider could release what was going on it hit the spider's head straight on piercing right through it and shattering into many different pieces. I noticed that the various pieces hadn't gone through the spider's head though which didn't make that much sense until I thought it over.

[Killed Giant Giant Spider]

[+500 System Experience]

[Experience: 1185/3200]

Wow, that's so much experience! It was kind of difficult to take down though. I mean its defense was insane! Ah, so I guess if a Programmed object is too damaged it just stops working. That makes sense.

Since the Spider was now dead though my dagger stopped its useless motions and flew back to the room where I had planned to wait for it to come back. I found myself running after it and then catching up to it a bit later. It was sitting at the same spot I'd let it fly from having followed its programming to a T as all good programs should.

If your program isn't doing exactly what you told it to do then what the heck is it doing. I wonder if there is any programming language back on Earth that doesn't do what you told it to do. I mean someone probably made it as a gimmick but it's definitely not used in practice because it literally defeats the whole purpose of programming.

Anyway, I think I'm gonna keep my dagger. It's got sentimental value after all and I can always improve it along with its programming as I get stronger. Yeah, I think I'll improve its programming when I get back up to Yarthaw to make it faster and some other tiny improvements. I should also ask Ben if he knows how I can make it stronger because I bet he knows quite a bit about metal and lots of stuff in general considering he manages Yarthaw and it's mine.

I would like to explore a bit though and I should have at least 2 hours of time left. Hopefully, I can find some goodies from whatever made these tunnels because even though they're not part of a dungeon they're obviously not natural. Maybe I should improve my dagger now. I can make it faster so that the fact that it's got a flat front doesn't matter due to it moving so fast.

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