《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 48: Sit Back, Relax, and Kill


So I lay there in the webbing cocoon trying to come up with a plan while also listening to check if there were any of the Giant Spiders near me.

What to do... what to do... well I know how to get out of the cocoon so that's good. How am I going to take down all of the spiders though? I can't just use my dagger and the low-pitched sound stick because there's definitely going to be a lot more Giant Spiders here and I doubt my dagger would be able to take them all down before they'd have killed me. Although now that I think about it. Why can't I just use my dagger? I mean it might take a while but it should eventually get all of the spiders if I wait long enough.

Yeah, I just have to be patient. Patience is key. As long as I don't run out there into the middle of all of them I'll be fine. Also, I haven't heard any spidery sounds so I think it should be fine for me to come out.

Confident that there were no Giant Spiders near me I thought, "Rune Programming" and started to program the cocoon I was stuck in. One quick Movement Rune and a "run program" later and I was out of the cocoon.

Fortunately, the Giant Spiders hadn't added much webbing to the bottom of my cocoon otherwise I don't think I would've been able to get out so easily. It probably would've taken a lot more force and that might've hurt me when I activated it.

I looked around and noticed that I was in a room. The room was filled with countless other cocoons of different sizes and shapes and I could even see some cocoons that were moving around slightly which let me know that whatever was inside them was alive, at least for now.


Maybe I should come back later and save whatever poor creatures are in these other web cocoons. I have a feeling that whatever was in store for them is something that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I mean we were kept alive for some reason so I can only guess that they like their food fresh. Or worse maybe they lay their eggs in their prey so the baby spiders have something to eat when they hatch. Either way, it's a horrible way to go.

Along with noticing the other cocoons I also found that as expected there were no Giant Spiders in the room. I also saw that there was an entrance to the room where I could see various appendages of the Giant Spiders as they passed by although the majority of the appendages were legs.

Ok, so should I just let my dagger fly out there and kill everything? Yup. That sounds like a good plan to me. And I'll stay in here so that I don't have to deal with any of the Giant Spiders myself because if they saw me out of my web cocoon I bet they'd chase after me and probably kill me to save themselves more trouble. I'll wait here for an hour. That should be enough time for the dagger to kill all of them. Actually, I can just wait until I stop receiving experience. Yeah, that'll work way better.

So with a plan in mind, I took out my dagger and modified its program slightly to have it return when it couldn't find any more spiders. Then when I was done with that I threw it out the entrance right as I ran its program. Then I snuck into the corner of the room to hide in case any Giant Spiders had noticed where the dagger had come from and came to investigate although I was pretty sure that they'd have more important stuff to deal with.


I'm going to get so much experience from this! And all I have to do is wait. I'm so spoiled. I can just sit back and relax while my dagger goes around and kills all the Giant Spiders and I get the experience!

So I did just that. I sat down in the corner and watched as the experience poured in.

[Killed Giant Spider x 47]

[+1410 System Experience]

[Experience: 2285/1600]

[You are now level 6!]

[Rune Capacity + 3]

Wow! I got so much experience! I finally leveled up! And now I have more Rune Capacity so I can make even more complicated and cooler programs! I wonder when I'll unlock the next big thing though like I did with the If Rune at Level 5. Well, I can't change it so no use in worrying about it I guess. Oh yeah, I think all the Giant Spiders are dead now. I haven't gotten any more experience in a while.

Although it's weird that my dagger hasn't returned. I must've made an error somewhere although it doesn't matter that much since all the Giant Spiders are dead now. Besides I can always get a new dagger. I wonder how much time I have left. Definitely a few hours. I have plenty of time to find my dagger and then get the heck out of here.

So I walked out of the room that I'd been in and looked around. I saw the corpses of Giant Spiders littering the ground every so often. I had started counting them almost unconsciously as I passed and there were exactly 47 of them.

Well, I don't know what I expected. Of course, the System isn't wrong.

Although I'd found all the corpses of the Giant Spiders I had yet to find my dagger. So I kept wandering around going into all the places that I hadn't yet gone into. I noticed that the floor had started to shake slightly when I got close to a particular room one with an entrance that seemed way larger than the others.

What the heck is going on? Is there some giant creature making a ruckus? Well, I can't leave without seeing what's going on. It could threaten the miners and villagers of Yarthaw while also compromising my whole mission!

I cautiously neared the entrance and my eyes went wide.

What the heck is that?! And is that my dagger?! It's Giant! No, I think Giant Giant is a better description...

I saw a Giant Spider but unlike the other Giant Spiders, this one was really giant. My dagger kept trying to fly through its head but the Giant Giant Spider was unfazed as its carapace seemed to be abnormally tough. My dagger just kept bouncing off of it again and again.

I might have a bit of trouble with this. I mean it's so big and my dagger literally does nothing to it! How am I supposed to deal with something like that?! Ok, first I need to get out of here so it doesn't see me and then come up with another plan.

I slowly backed out of the entrance and away from the Giant Giant Spider, sweating due to an insane amount of anxiety that threatened to overtake my mind.

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