《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 47: Trojan Horse


After taking out the Giant Spiders I continued walking down the tunnel, confident that at the end I would find the place where they all congregated.

They have to be at the end of this tunnel. They have to be. I still have close to 5 hours but I don't know where else to look if they aren't here.

I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down and then resumed walking down the tunnel. I was not however met with the giant mess of spiders I wanted to see instead I saw no less than 10 tunnels that branched off from the tunnel. I felt myself fill with despair.

I have a feeling it would take forever to search all those tunnels. Just 10 would be fine but I have no doubt that those 10 tunnels branch off even more which happens to make the number of tunnels I need to search very very large. Well, this is just fantastic. What am I supposed to do now? I can't give up because then no one would be around to stop Scorpion from carrying out his definitely evil plan.

I sat down on the ground and thought for a few minutes.

I got it! It's a bit of a risk but it's the only thing I can think of that isn't completely ridiculous. Well maybe it is completely ridiculous but it's the best plan I've got. Now I just need to find one or a few of those Giant Spiders and Operation Trojan Horse is a go.

So I ran into the first tunnel looking around for some Giant Spiders while making sure to keep track of where I was so I knew how to get back. I'd looked around in the first tunnel for a bit and hadn't found any Giant Spiders so I decided to leave.


Considering I haven't found any Giant Spiders in this tunnel yet I'm just going to assume that there aren't any in this tunnel. I could just continue searching through the tunnels that branch off of this one but I think that makes less sense than looking through each of the tunnels. I also think I'd get lost if I had to keep adding to this mental list of directions I have going.

I pivoted on the spot with one foot in a pointless attempt to look cool since no one was watching me and then followed the directions I'd been trying so hard to keep in my head. At one point I was confused and forgot whether I needed to go left or right at the fork I was currently standing in front of but by sheer luck, I managed to choose the right one and was soon back to the tunnel that had the ten-ish branching off tunnels.

I should go in order for obvious reasons. Hopefully Giant Spiders here I come! Now that's a sentence I never thought I'd think.

Entering the second tunnel I repeated the same process I'd done for the first tunnel. I kept track of where I went as I walked around so I wouldn't get lost and I kept an eye out for any spiders as well as listening for any spidery sounds I might come across.

I didn't come across any Giant Spiders in the second tunnel either and I found myself feeling slightly dispirited despite not having checked even 50% of the tunnels.

Sometimes it feels like you can't get rid of a bad feeling even if you know it's illogical. Kinda funny how that works. If funny meant stupid and annoying.

It wasn't until I searched the fourth tunnel that I found some more Giant Spiders.


Yes! Finally! Now I can put my slightly insane plan into action.

So feeling not at all confident in my plan but determined to see it through to complete my mission I walked up to the Giant Spiders and plopped down on the floor in front of them and I made sure to move so that they knew I was alive. The Giant Spiders seemed to look at each other.

I bet they're wondering why I basically just delivered myself to their doorstep. Will they see it as suspicious and leave me alone? Hopefully not.

For better or for worse the Giant Spiders ended up deciding not to look a gift horse in the mouth and started to wrap me up in their webbing.

Good my plan seems to be working. Hopefully, now the Giant Spiders will take me to their nest or whatever, and then I can get rid of all of them.

I noticed that I'd quickly become almost fully cocooned and that the Giant Spiders didn't seem to be slowing down. Soon even my head was encased and I couldn't see anything. Fortunately for me, I could still breathe through the webbing and the Giant Spiders hadn't poisoned me with the venom I assumed they had probably because I didn't resist at all.

I really hope this works out or I could end up dying along with tons of people in both Blackbridge and Whitebridge.

I managed to keep track of where we were going even without my vision. I could tell which direction we were going so I made sure to take note of whenever it changed as well as trying to vaguely remember the time between each change in direction.

Ok, so it might take a couple of tries for me to get out so I'll be fine. Otherwise, I think I might've been lost in here forever, or at least until I died of thirst and starvation although these Giant Spiders have to get water and food somehow so I might be fine. I'm not planning on staying down here though so there's really no use in thinking about it.

After about 10 minutes I noticed that I could now hear the sounds of many creatures moving around me.

They must be more Giant Spiders! It worked! Now I just have to wait for the to take me to wherever they're going. It would be bad if I got out in the middle of all of them I need some sort of plan.

Only a few minutes after that I noticed that I was no longer moving and the sound of the Giant Spiders moving getting quieter told me that they were leaving.

I did it! I'm safe, at least for now. Now I need to come up with a plan.

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