《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 46: Going After the Spiders


After learning that there were more of these spiders and that they might be coming for us I knew I had to do something.

I need to go find out what's going on with the spiders. That means I have to go deep into the tunnels and find their next or whatever they have. Since that one spider likely went off to report the intruders there's probably some sort of hierarchy that the spiders have which would mean that there's a leader.

I looked towards Ben, who had a worried look on his face.

"Ben I'll be going down into the tunnels to find the spiders and hopefully get rid of them. I should be fine but if I don't come back within 5 hours I need you to do something for me."

"You can't! It's too dangerous. We can always find another mine but we can't resurrect you if you die!"

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. I need to do this."

If I let one of Scorpion's mines get ruined he definitely won't promote me and I need to be promoted quickly because I think his plan will come to fruition soon. If it wasn't for that then I definitely wouldn't be doing this but unfortunately, that isn't the case.

Ben's confused and worried expression turned into one of acceptance.

"Well if it's something you need to do then I understand. I wouldn't be able to stop you anyway."

"Thanks, Ben. I really appreciate your concern though. As for what I need you to do. If I'm not back in 5 hours blow up the entrance to the mine."

I held up a hand as Ben opened his mouth to try to change my mind.

"Ben you and I both know what would happen if tons of these Giant Spiders get out of the mine. Everyone would be killed. It's simple math. One life isn't worth a whole village."


"Fine then. I'm counting on you to return safely alright? Taking down the spiders shouldn't be your top priority. Your top priority should be your life. If you see that it's too much for you then get out of there."

Yeah if it's something I know I can't win against like say a million giant spiders then I'll find another way to prevent Scorpion's plan from succeeding.

"I can promise you that I won't be in a hurry to throw my life away for no reason."

"Good. I'll take you down to the lower tunnels", Ben said while grabbing a torch and a lantern.

"Hopefully", I said with a tight-lipped smile.

Having come to terms with my decision Ben led me through the tunnels until we got close to the place where the spiders had been last.

"Ok well, this is it. Go down there and go down the second tunnel on your left", Ben said, pointing down the tunnel that stood in front of us.

"Thanks, Ben."

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you? I bet a lot of the miners would also be up for it if you asked."

That's nice of Ben but there's no point in bringing anyone else. They couldn't even handle a few spiders so it would just be more of a burden than anything else.

"No, it's fine. I tend to work better alone anyway."

I don't know if that's true but I don't want Ben to feel bad about not coming with me.

"Ok well, good luck. Oh and here take this.", Ben said with a pained smile, handing me the lantern that he'd brought down with him.

"Thanks, Ben!"

"No problem."

Wanting to finish the sad conversation I was currently having with Ben I started walking down the tunnel. I heard Ben sigh and leave to go back up and prepare for the possibility that I didn't return.


After Ben had left the only noise left was my breathing and the sound of my walking.

It's so quiet. It's hard to believe anything lives down here but I know better. Those spiders couldn't have come from thin air after all.

I shortly passed the first tunnel on my left side and after that I found myself standing in front of the second tunnel.

Here it is. The tunnel where the miners first met those Giant Spiders.

Not wanting to waste any time, I only had 5 hours, after all, I entered the tunnel, pulling out my dagger as I did so.

There could be more spiders waiting here waiting to see if more 'food' would come so I have to be careful. I should be careful the whole time anyway considering I'm basically inside of enemy territory.

I walked a bit further into the tunnel and noticed some blood on the ground. I also observed that the blood had yet to dry.

Interesting. I never really knew how long blood took to dry but I guess I now know that it's not very quick. Anyway, I should continue down this tunnel. Hopefully, I can find some clues or something that will lead me to the Giant Spiders.

So I kept walking down the tunnel looking for anything that might tell me where the spiders were.

Darn, these spiders are annoying to find. Well considering that a group of spiders found the miners here their main hub or whatever is probably close-ish to here so if I just wander around the tunnels that branch off of this one I should be able to find them pretty quickly.

So I started running through the tunnels. Spending about a minute running down each one before heading back and moving onto the next tunnel. I kept doing this over and over until eventually as I was part of the way down one of the tunnels I was met by a small group of Giant Spiders. There were only about 3 of the things in the group.

Ah finally! That took a while. So now I know that the Giant Spiders are probably down this tunnel. I just have to get rid of these guys and then I can continue. This shouldn't take long at all with my programmed dagger.

I took out my dagger and since it was still programmed to target the spiders' heads from earlier I didn't need to make any adjustments. I thought, "run program" and the dagger flew into action cutting through the Giant Spiders like a knife through butter.

[Killed Giant Spider x 3]

[+90 System Experience]

[Experience: 875/1600]

Woo! Now I'm over halfway to level 6! If I'm lucky taking out all the spiders in here will get me all the way to level 6! That would be fantastic!

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