《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 45: Creepy Crawlies


So confident that everything was going smoothly regarding the mine I left to go back to the place I was staying. I wanted to take a little nap because I was feeling a bit tired for some reason.

I hope the mining exploration people can find some more veins to mine. It wouldn't help my relationship with Scorpion if I brought him the news that one of the mines he oversees is running out of stuff to actually mine. That would no doubt hinder my chance at a promotion. I mean he might decide not to promote me if I bring him such bad news.

After walking for a few minutes I heard something that made me stop in my tracks. I waited a few seconds to see if I'd hear it again to make sure I wasn't just imagining things. About a second later I heard a faint scream coming from the direction of the mines confirming that I had heard correctly the first time.

I started running back as fast as I could. My legs moving in almost a blur.

What could've happened? Did something go wrong with the exploration of the deeper tunnels? Did they collapse or something? I need to get there as fast as possible. I need to help!

I got back to the mines very quickly. I could still hear the screams of the miners but they were of course louder. I looked towards the tunnels where the miners had mined, where I'd questioned Keith, and rushed towards it.

I have to help them. I know I can help them. I just need to get there before anyone dies. I don't want the weight of a human life on my conscience.

I ran towards the back of the mines as I could tell that was where the loud mess of screams were mostly originating from. I reached the back of the mine and found most of the miners fighting back giant spiders. I also noticed Ben in the fray.


Good on Ben for fighting instead of fleeing although I wouldn't expect anything less from him.

Ben had a knife that he'd retrieved from somewhere and was trying to stab it into the eyes of the spider that was attacking him. He had managed to stab 3 of the eyes of the giant arachnid but it still had plenty left and it was using them to their fullest extent. Side stepping most of Ben's attacks and trying to bite him with its fangs to inject its paralyzing venom into him.

I saw some workers in clumps protecting some of their injured or poisoned colleagues. Ben was rather far away from the other groups and turning his back on the spider in an attempt to run to a group would be a fatal mistake.

I couldn't see where the spiders had come from but I knew that they must've come from the lower tunnels. I knew that the miners must've been less powerful though since the spiders had managed to make it this far.

The miners must be getting pushed back slowly as more and more of them become unable to fight. I have to help Ben first since he's currently in the most danger. I can take care of the other spiders after that.

So I quickly whipped out my dagger and reprogrammed it back to just going straight instead of something like targeting Achilles since I knew that spiders definitely didn't have an Achilles tendon.

Once I know what their weak point is, assuming they have one, I can change it to target that but for right now I have no idea so I'll just aim for the head. Oh, the head. Yeah, I'll just have my dagger target the head of the spiders. I don't need to worry about keeping them alive since they're monsters.

So I changed the programming of my dagger once again to target the head of the spiders and watched as it flew towards the spider and stabbed right through the beast's head.


[Killed Giant Spider]

[+30 System Experience]

[Experience: 665/1600]

Ha, take that you stupid spider. That's what you get for being a jerk. Also 30 experience?! That's quite a bit considering I killed that one so easily. Well, I guess I won't look a gift horse in the mouth, after all, there's quite a bit of experience that I can earn here.

Ben yelped in surprise as the spider he was fighting dropped dead to the ground and I saw his eyes follow the dagger as it flew back to me, his eyes meeting mine.

"Jameson? Wha. What are you doing here?! And what the heck was that?!", Ben exclaimed, his eyes wide with shock.

Heh. He must be really surprised he didn't even put sir at the end of Jameson like he usually does.

"I heard the screams so I rushed back. Anyway, that doesn't matter right now. We need to finish off these beasts."

"Yeah, you're right. How do we do it though? Are you going to use whatever that was again?"

"Well, that's part of it. Just watch."

I took out the stick I'd programmed earlier and quickly adjusted the Parameter Rune to make it louder and added a bit of delay using a Time Rune.

"Everyone stand back and cover your ears!", I shouted towards the miners.

They obliged and stood back and everyone else that could cover their ears also did so. I then ran the stick's program and quickly plugged my ears as I watched the spiders freeze at the unexpectedly loud, very low sound.

"That was amazing!", Ben shouted.

Well, I'm not done yet.

I pulled out my dagger and sent it toward the spiders while they were dazed. Following its programming, it pierced through the heads of the spiders one by one but at a rapid speed so the other spiders didn't have time to recover before they too were killed.

[Killed Giant Spider x 4]

[+120 System Experience]

[Experience: 785/1600]

120 experience! Nice! I'm kinda spoiled. That was a lot of experience and my dagger did all the work. To be fair I did program it but to be fair to my fairness it didn't take that much effort.

"That was even more amazing!", Ben yelled, his eyes wide with almost comical amazement.

"Thanks, Ben! You were pretty good at fighting too. I mean you held off pretty well solo against one of those things."

"Yeah but it's nothing compared to what you just did!"

"Well, that's a bit of an unfair comparison. I mean you're busy running Yarthaw so I imagine you don't have much time to train and I have a feeling no one has tried to pick a fight with you which is a good thing."

"I suppose you're right. Well, you have me and the miners' thanks and I'm sure you'll also have the thanks of everyone in Yarthaw once they hear about what you did. After all, the miners have families and who knows what would've happened if those spiders had gotten loose. I do have a bit of bad news though."

"What is it?", I said, frowning slightly.

"Well, I'm pretty sure that there are more of them in the tunnels."

"Yeah, we saw one of the spiders run off somewhere when we started fighting. It might've been reporting to its superior or something."

Hmm. I wonder if the spiders have bigger brains because of their size. Most likely. So we might be dealing with a spider army or something soon. This might be a problem...

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