《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 32: Infiltration


I walked towards the town square at an even pace, thinking through my plan.

I'll need to observe the house first to figure out what obstacles I'll need to get through. After that, I need to disable the traps and alarms that he will undoubtedly have. I have a feeling I will be using Rune Programming a lot here.

I arrived at the town square soon after and looked around for the most secure-looking house. I went up to it and observed the entrance. It was guarded by two very strong-looking men who were adorned in fancy-looking armor. They had their swords sheathed but easily accessible. I could tell that they meant business.

The entrance they stood in front of looked very secure sporting a metal door of some kind that connected to a fence that surrounded the property.

This looks more like a prison than a house! This must be Scott Crawford's house. I'd be a bit paranoid too if my way of making money undoubtedly caused resentment in other people.

I squinted at the house's security.

This is going to be hard unless I get some insider information. Does this mean I have to do that thing? Well, I guess it's for the greater good. I'll just release them after anyhow so it's not that big of a deal. I think.

So with the semblance of a plan forming in my mind, I approached the guards. As I came closer I pricked a finger on each of my hands. Their eyes narrowed and they stared intensely at me as I approached, their eyes boring holes in my skull.

"Hey. This is private property. Leave or we will have to force you to leave", one of the guards said with a frown.

I gave them my brightest smile.

"Hello, good guards! I was just wondering if this is the house of Scott Crawford?"


"What does it mean to you if it is?"

"Ah, nothing just curious."

I walked closer to the guards and held up two hands.

"High five! Congrats on doing such an amazing job guarding you two."

The guards looked at each other, rolling their eyes in derision before they decided to accept my gesture, probably hoping that it would make me go away. As their hands touched mine I quickly activated my Rune Programming and copied the one I'd used on the goblins who were now Dob and Lob.

I watched as a familiar blank look appeared on their faces as I ran the program.

"Say Hi", I ordered, to make sure that it had worked.

"Hi", the guards responded emotionlessly.

Woo, it worked! Ok, now I need to get as much information regarding this house as possible.

"Whose house is this?", I asked the guards.

"Scott Crawford's house."

Good! I'm glad I got the right house. I don't want to bind humans that often. It feels bad. The sense of power is a little alluring but I don't want to turn into a villain.

"How would you guys break into this place?"

"We wouldn't. It would be a bad idea."

Well, that's encouraging...

"That wasn't the question. If you wanted to break in how would you?"

"We don't know."

"Can you at least tell me what I have to get through?"

"Yes. There are four other guards, two alarm systems, and this 1-foot-thick metal door that can only be opened from the inside."

That sounds just wonderful. I wonder how Scott gets in through the door if it can only be opened from the inside? Whatever is not my problem I can just brute force it open anyway.

Now knowing what lay ahead of me I left the guards there commanding them to act like normal except for the fact that they wouldn't attack me. I stopped in front of the thick metal door.


Poor door. You're not going to be here much longer.

I placed my hand on the door and used Rune Programming and added in a very powerful movement rune along with a few other runes.

That should do it. Bye-bye door.

Running the program I watched in child-like glee as the giant door flung backward off its hinges before slowing down and floating down to the ground with a light clank. I stepped through the now wide-open entrance.

Here comes James!

I chuckled to myself. I looked around and saw a series of runes that were flashing and going across the ground in an almost invisible line. I had a feeling that this was one of the alarm systems so I jumped over the line when it got to me.

Maybe I can use my Rune Manipulation here. I've never used it before except for attempting it on the stupid Guild door so this is exciting.

I knocked on the ground, holding my breath with anticipation.

[Scanned new device: Simple]

[+5 System Experience]

[New rune discovered: Sound]

[+10 System Experience]

[Experience: 630/1600]

It's a simple device? Well, I guess that makes sense it's not that complicated... I wonder when I'll be able to manipulate more complicated stuff. I remember the Guild door was Complex so I couldn't Manipulate it.

I knocked on the ground again and I saw my Rune Programming menu open up. This time however it wasn't an empty program.

Woah so this is the Rune Programming for this alarm system. I guess I can probably just delete it then...

So I completely deleted the Rune Programming of the alarm system causing it to cease to function.

I could be such an amazing thief. Too bad I have some morals.

Getting past the first alarm system I continued onward. Ten seconds later I came across the four guards that the other two guards had told me about. They didn't bother with any chitchat and just charged toward me with their weapons at the ready. Just like I'd done with the scum in the alley I quickly reprogrammed my dagger and cut their Achilles tendon, sending them sprawling on the ground.

As they were dealing with the excruciating pain I bound each of them to me and had them act like normal except I of course told them to not attack me as attacking intruders was definitely normal behavior. With all the guards out of the way, I could focus on rummaging around in Scott's house. After I found and disabled the last alarm system of course.

It didn't take long for me to find the last alarm system. A grid of crisscrossing beams of light that reminded me of lasers.

I definitely won't be able to Manipulate this. I can already tell it's more complicated than a Simple device. How am I going to get through this?

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