《HOPE - IN THE HUMANITY》Chapter 6: Making preparations
7 February 2022 Monday
Jack rode his bike to Boss construction on reaching outside the building he called Carla who told him that she was already inside. Jack parked his bike on the sidewalk and walked inside the building in the lobby he met with Carla then they both walked to the reception. The woman at the reception recognized him and waved him through Jason's office. Carla said to Jason it must be a good feeling to be treated like a VIP. Jason awkwardly laughed and said to her that she would also be getting this treatment if their company success and more than him since she will always be the face,
They reached Jason’s office where Jason welcomed them then Jack introduced Carla to Jason. Jason started talking and explained that he had made the estimates and it would cost about 500k including the private leased line for internet and he could negotiate with a good provider for the service. Jason was happy because the amount was within his expectations.
Carla was again shocked by the obscene amount of wealth being spent around like chump change. She voiced her opinion to which Jason replied that if his instincts were right then that amount would be chump change for her a business partner of Jack.
Jack was getting embarrassed by the conversion and to change the topic asked Carla if she wanted to see the building she said she wanted to see it but was not willing to ride on his death trap motorcycle. To which Jack replied that he was wounded that she thinks so.
Jason offered to take her to see the building since he had to take pictures of the building for his business advertisement to which Jack told Carla to go ahead.
Jack signed the contract after reading it. He told Jason that building owners would be transferred today since he had transferred money in escrow and the bank would receive a signed contract that day.
Jason thanked Jack for his business and proceeded to walk Carla to his car. Jack drove his bike to the shooting range and proceeded to do some practice with the guns. He was good with handguns and AR-15 but had problems with sniper rifles. When he was 1 hour into his practice Jerry called him and told him to go somewhere safe because he had to talk to him.
Okay Jerry I am alone what did you want to talk about
I want you to buy the guns we discussed and also an assault rifle.
Jerry, we discussed this before I don't want to catch someone's attention and why all of a sudden you are all of sudden insisting on purchasing guns
Well, I looked into Jason and there are some complaints about excessive force and 1 redacted report in which the only witness is him. So yeah I think it is enough for the extra precaution and you can only purchase guns without problem till you are in law enforcement. After you leave the FBI it is going to be a bit of a headache.
Okay, I will look into purchasing the guns, just apply for the permit with my FBI id and I will call Todd if he can do something about it.
Jake called Todd and said, “Hello Todd how are you doing?”
I am fine jake what can I do for you
Well Todd I am applying for gun purchases and was thinking if you can fast track it since I don't think I will be in law enforcement after this hearing and you know then how hard it will be to purchase the guns.
Well slow down buddy why are you suddenly looking to buy guns?
Well I had an altercation with my friend’s ex he is also in the FBI and I made some inquiries he has a temper and I wanted to buy the guns after shooting practice and just now remembered that it is going to be more of a headache without the FBI badge can you do this as a favor for me.
Well, you sure have an interesting life. And I will do it. How about this? I make some calls and your permits will be issued for the guns but just make sure to apply for a max of 2 guns and I might not be able to fast-track them. Send me the application number after applying
Thank you Todd I will owe you one.
Jerry said “well that eases some things you should apply for an assault rifle and shotgun. the assault rifle is not gonna be available to you after the hearing.
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Okay now let us just wait to hearing
Well, I might have found a way to upgrade myself under the radar but you are gonna have to make some creative reasons.
Well, Jerry, I am all ears. If I can be an accessory to hacking military satellites, I don't think you can get me to do more crimes than that.
It depends on your viewpoint after looking into your dad's company I found out that they are developing some serious mainframes and if you can buy 2-3 for me and have access to their factory I can custom design some components so it can work faster than all the mainframes including the military ones than we will only need to upgrade me when I will crack the quantum computer.
Looks like I jinxed myself that is way worse if someone found out than dad can also be in trouble.
That is why I am telling you that you are going to need access to their factory so no one can find out
Fine, I will think about it and not like those things that come cheap.
We can acquire them cheaply. The main cost is software which can cost up to 300k and some serious maintenance also on it. We can reduce that by very much.
Okay, have you applied for a license and sent details to Todd?
Yes I have sent the details and also the bank has received the contract and has started the process for transferring property in your name when it is finished I will send Jason the go-ahead and details for construction permits from his end and also I sent the software to your dad which you forgot and it has 2 3 minor bugs so your dad doesn't get very surprised when he sees a bug less software fresh of the line because even you are not that talented
I know that is why you are so damn sarcastic and arrogant
You insult my intelligence puny human
Don't make me take some drastic action Jerry I am not finding this funny you need to work on your sense of humor.
You are no fun and sometimes I think you are making an extra effort to suck the fun out of me.
Jack did not reply to Jerry and proceeded to shoot guns. He arrived home in the evening and called Carla to ask how she liked the building. When she answered she said “hello Jack it is good to hear from you. ”
How did you like the building and area?
It was nice and there was very less traffic so that is a plus and it was a good idea for you to get the top 2 floors for your home. It will be a plus for you.
Yeah, it will be nice to have that extra space. I called to ask if you can look for temporary office space for our work?
Giving me work from before the company even has a name. but I will do it.
Oh damn it, how did I forget that?
You know, give me another thing to think about? And do you know anyone for our employees?
Can I hire my friends?
Are they competent?
You should ask these questions of course they are competent
Then I don't have any problem with you hiring them because I also hired a friend.
Let's just see you at the hearing
Don't take too much stress about it, Carla it will be alright.
Jack then called his father and asked him about his opinion. he said “Jack I know you said you will not take family money as an investment right now but can you reconsider it will be a crime to not invest in this software I only found 2 minor bugs and now running the hardware tests and thinks are looking like you said it would?
No, I will not reconsider but can I make you a deal: you can buy 15 % shares for the four of you at 7. 5 million dollars after six months with the condition that the first option to buy the shares back will be to me at market rate?
That is a good offer and I think you are undervaluing it by a huge amount.
I am not undervaluing it I made Carla the same offer of 10% for 5 million with the same condition and I know you will buy the shares right now if I sold them when those shares have very less value now but then it would be unfair to Carla
I understand your reasons so don't worry about me and I also gave Lannie results and she said she had no problems with the business how much work have you done on that other software you were talking about?
I should be finished in 10 days.
That is good and I would like you to view them and also just send them to me after you finish completing them.
Jack hung up the phone and asked jack what should be company’s name
Jerry suggested “Blazing Discoveries” which Jack liked and asked where he found the name Jerry replied that he made it. Jack looked at him oddly but did not say anything. Jack was thinking about how fast Jerry was developing and this was the first thing Jerry created not found as far as Jack knew but did not say anything to Jerry because he seems oblivious to the consequences of such discovery.
Jack was now very excited but after eating takeout Chinese he decided to sleep.
8 February 2022 Tuesday
Jack was feeling very tired from the exercise but Jerry’s brutal exercise regime was showing results and he was doing more push-ups and sit-ups than before. Then I took his bike to the gun store and walked into the store. The store was managed by a middle-aged man who asked
“ What are you looking to purchase, sir?”
I am looking to buy some ammo for my 9 mm and also an assault rifle and a shotgun.
I am afraid sir assault rifle I can not sell you and you will need the permit for the shotgun.
Don't worry I have permits for both the assault rifle and shotgun
So you must be law enforcement then because sure as not look retired law enforcement to me.
Yes I am in the FBI
Okay, can you give me your permit and FBI badge? I am gonna need them.
Well I don't have the badge but have the FBI ID
Then how do you have the permit?
Looks like they missed it when they wrote law enforcement.
That is the government full of loopholes and shit.
Jack received the guns and the ammunition from the store owner and also bought a gun case and duffel bag to store them. Jack arrived at his apartment late in the evening. He asked Jerry about his progress on the companies and technology which if invested can result in achieving their short-term goal of getting rid of E-waste and Taking care of the energy crisis.
Jerry said “ I have identified a good candidate for e-waste. They are a small startup that is using microorganisms to extract useful metals from e-waste. It is safe and less chemically polluting than the alternatives. But this process is time-intensive and also gives about a 5% return on the investment.
That is good but I am thinking you told me about it because you can do something to improve it
Yes, I can. I have to get my hands on a gene lab of some sort and do some gene editing but if we introduce it to the microorganisms then the time will be halved and it will cause a 50% Profit on the investment.
But you know that we can not be using gene editing without heavy red tape
That is a problem in us but not in countries like Ghana and Cambodia. We can start our business there where already they are doing recycling but in a very toxic environment and killing themselves. By doing this we can also reduce the income disparity.
I suppose that can be done but how are we going to get our hands on a gene-editing lab.
Well it looks like it is time for a big reveal
What are you hiding
There is some research going on by the government on telomeres. In simple terms, it is the thing that repairs your chromosomes damaged due to DNA replication in cells. It will allow humans to live long and full lives without the effects of aging.
Why is the government interested in doing so? We are already overpopulated and how are we going to get access to this type of lab which I assume will be very secret and heavily guarded.
Well, that is the beauty of it. Someone already has access to the lab and is using that access to steal samples and research from it and give them to a private pharma company that is trying to replicate the process. And according to the message between the scientists of the pharma company they are close to it.
Wait according to messages between them. what the fuck! Are you reading private messages between people?
Yes but I am not reading it from their phones. It is from a data dump from the NSA. And they will be caught in about 2 months by the government agencies for their crimes if my predictions are true.
Isn’t this keeps getting better and better every time so you are not spying on people but are spying on NSA? That is treason you know and why I did not know about it till now
That is treason if we get caught. And as for you not knowing you knew you told me to find things like this. And it is not illegal because the data I am viewing from NSA doesn't officially exist so I can not steal something that they claim is not there.
I don't think the court will agree with this statement but fine just use whatever database you like from around the globe because it is for a penny in for a dollar.
Thank you, this will allow me to make more progress and from there I think we should think about backing me up somewhere.
Right about your backup, I think we have to make some serious encryption on your program and back up you on some web servers that some corporations maintain for the high-security needs of clients.
No, I think we should use public cloud services since they have redundancies, and also I can maintain constant communication with my backup so that the data will not be lost if this server is damaged.
This is your life we are talking so your decision should be final I have no problem with the idea
We are getting sidetracked how are we looking at diesel cell and battery technology
I think we have to do the research ourselves for these technologies because they are going to take a minimum of 3-5 years at this rate of development
But then how are we going to justify the research to the world?
I think we should make a company for researching these technologies and provide funds to the scientists with contracts that give them 10% royalties from the technology. Then we can introduce our battery tech as an invention done by one of our scientists who wants to remain anonymous and for diesel fuel cells we can arrange some happy accidents along the way.
I like the idea but how should we proceed with it? and which Funds are we going to use mine or the funds we acquired from the government.
We should use your funds because I am thinking of the funds we acquire to use in purchasing the e-waste company which should be around 10 million or so. And dividing the rest into four parts and using one part for the eventual expansion of our e-waste recycling facility.
And investing the remaining three parts in various stock markets.
I think you are right, just arrange it like that and get the sample of microorganisms for gene editing. We are going to do it.
In that case, I will need your DNA sample and full profile on everything.
Why would you need that?
Because they are idiots and leave very much on the table. I can convince the telomere that your DNA is what I tell it is. I can make you a much better version of yourself.
I am not too keen on having some weird skin color
What is your obsession with your body don't worry I will make sure there is no outward change in you that will be difficult to explain?
But how will you make sure that it is not harmful to me?
That is the reason I need your DNA so I can run some tests. and you are gonna do some serious hand-to-hand and tactical training if you want to do this yourself because I don't think in current shape you could stealthily infiltrate the private lab of the Pharma company. And also you are going to need some tools which you are going to practice in making so you can infiltrate it.
Where is this lab located, Jerry?
Chicago, we can get away with it and blame it on local gangs.
I think I can get all this. will you need anything more
I was going to tell you this after you are more committed to the plan but I am also going to need some serious medical equipment and an emergency doctor who I can call if things go sideways.
What do you mean sideways?
Well, we are going to change your whole DNA so there is a 5% chance it can go sideways but you will not be dead and I can get you in the same shape back in 90% of that 5%.
That is some comfort but I guess we have to take the risk if we have to achieve our goals.
That is the spirit we have 1 month to make you ready so your training is going to be stepped up so you can be ready.
Jack was having a headache by the time he finished his talk with Jerry and just decided to go for a late-night jog. He came home later than usual and went to a deli for dinner. He was thinking about the lines he was crossing and concessions he was making but after some introspection, he knew he always knew that this would happen if he succeeded in making an A. I. so this whole thing was looking a lot like self-justifying and quenching doubts.
He was no closer to unraveling his thoughts than he was before. Jerry told Jack to come to his room where he was informed that the money was from the government. Having arrived and Carlos was asking for instructions Jerry said “Looks like it is time to offer Carlos a job and tell him that I am not a drug lord. ”
I agree but how do we approach this I don't think he will just accept that you are not a drug lord after so much innuendo by us that you are
We did not tell him that I am a drug lord we just did not actively discourage him from this notion
But the problem remains how do we convince him to work for us
I don't think we will need to convince him we can just give him an honest offer that I am not a drug dealer and will not do illegal activities using him
Okay, I will refer to your judgment since I have no doubt you have vetted him before considering the job and knows him best.
Jerry told Jack that he would talk to Carlos in his presence after the hearing. At the mention of hearing, Jack just thought about how much he got to know in these few days about how the system works in the favor of who has the power.
The next day was spent very normally with emphasis on hand-to-hand and shooting and now the day of the hearing was upon Jack.
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