《A Hero Among Us》Chapter 3 "Blast Radius"
The two heroes on the other side of the street go running toward the sound of the explosion.
Hayze: (What’s going on?)
The heroes run across the street and down an alleyway. Hayze gets up and runs after them. He sees other people are running away from the explosion in fear.
Hayze: (That was a colossal explosion… it has to be a villain.)
The two heroes turn out of the alleyway and into another street; there is a thick cloud of smoke, flipped cars, and fire fill the road; people are running for their lives screaming.
Hero #1: Jesus Christ… who could have done all this with just a single explosion!
Hero #2: I don’t know, but I think we might be out of our league here.
Suddenly an injured hero gets thrown out of the smoke and slides on the ground to the heroes’ feet.
Injured Hero: *groans*
The hero has severe burns on his face and arms.
Hero #1: Jesus Christ!
They rush to the aid of the injured hero.
Hero #2: What happened!
Hero #1: Are you alright!
The injured hero reaches out to the two heroes.
Injured Hero: R- Run…
He dies.
Hero #2: Dammit!
Hero #1: D- did he say run?
Hero #2: Whoever the hell is responsible for this, we’re going to make them pay!
Suddenly maniacal laughter can be heard from within the smoke.
Voice: It’s funny you bring up hell because that’s where I’m going to send you heroes!
A figure emerges from the smoke. He’s covered in sticks of dynamite; sparks fly from his fingertips.
Hero #1: It’s a villain!
Villain: Villain? You don’t even know my name? Well then… let me teach it to you!
The villain takes two sticks of dynamite and ignites their fuses.
Villain: Call me, Nitroglis!
Nitroglis throws the dynamite sticks at the heroes.
Hero #1: Holy shit!
Hero #2: We’re gonna die!
Suddenly a female hero leaps down from a rooftop, grabs the dynamite sticks out of the air, and throws them back at Nitroglis; they explode in his face. The heroine lands and looks back at the other heroes.
Hero #1: It’s Femme Fatal!
Hero #2: She’s an A-rank hero!
Fatal: What are you two doing standing around like a bunch of cowards! What are your ranks?
Hero #1: I- I’m C-rank, ma’am!
Hero #2: M- m- me too!
Fatal: Well, then get your act together! This guy is an A-rank villain at least, so go make sure that no citizens are injured, and if they are, then help them out!
The heroes stare at Fatal blankly.
Fatal: Did I stutter!
The heroes get scared.
Heroes: Yes, ma’am!
They run off.
Nitroglis: Look at you barking orders when you’re not even the most powerful person here.
Nitroglis emerges from the smoke of the explosion unharmed.
Fatal: Pfft.
Nitroglis: It was a nice try, but my body is immune to all explosions. My arms and legs aren’t getting blown off by my own dynamite!
Fatal: That’s fine.
Fatal cracks her knuckles.
Fatal: I’ll just rip ‘em off.
Hayze watches from the alleyway.
Hayze (Narrating): When a villain decides to run rampant, the heroes must take them down and keep the public safe at the same time. Ranks are a way of classifying and identifying heroes quickly. There are many reasons why a hero would have to work with another hero they’ve never met before, and by using their rank, they get a feel for the strength of whom they are working with. The hero ranks go as follows:
S: Top 20
A: Elite
B: Above Average
C: Average
D: Sidekicks
Hayze (Narrating): Remember back to what I said before, “those who performed the best were paid the most and got all the fame and glory; their careers depended on their ability to stay in the spotlight.” These ranks decipher not only a hero's strength but their status as well. Moving up in the ranks is sometimes easy, like moving on from sidekick duties to becoming a solo act, but other times it takes a lot of hard work and effort to move to the next level. Your rank determines what kind of tasks you’ll be assigned and the type of work you’ll be doing; if you’re an average hero, you’ll need to make the most out of your limited opportunities to get noticed.
Nitroglis readies two more sticks of dynamite.
Nitroglis: Sorry, little girl, but I’ll be damned if I get taken out before my explosive finale!
Fatal: Well, it looks like you're gonna be damned then.
Nitroglis smiles from ear to ear.
Nitroglis: You seem awfully confident for someone all alone?
Fatal: What? Do you really think you’re strong enough to take me out one on one? You’re nothing but a scrawny little sparkler.
Nitroglis: You’re forgetting one important detail, though!
Fatal: Huh?
Nitroglis lights up a stick of dynamite.
Nitroglis: You have more distractions than I do.
Nitroglis throws the dynamite through the window of a building.
Nitroglis: Now fetch!
Fatal: *grunts*
Fatal sprints toward the building.
Fatal: (If that explosion goes off inside that building, then the whole damn thing could go down!)
Fatal’s legs pulsate with energy, her running speed accelerates as she leaves a dust trail in her path.
Nitroglis: (Interesting…)
Hayze watches intently.
Hayze: (That’s Femme Fatal… an A-rank hero with an exceptionally powerful quirk: muscle boost, she can boost the output of any muscle in her body individually or all at the same time, but if the duration lasts more than a few seconds, her muscles will get sore and possibly tear.)
Fatal leaps through the window of the building, grabs the dynamite, and extinguishes the fuse.
Fatal: Phew.
Nitroglis starts clapping.
Nitroglis: Nice work!
Fatal brushes off her shoulder.
Fatal: (I see his game… he’s gonna keep trying to distract me by attacking innocent people and causing destruction. As much as I don’t like it, I need to play it safe and wait for more heroes to arrive.)
Nitroglis surveys the streets, admiring his work.
Nitroglis: (More heroes will be on their way; I can’t handle multiple A-ranks or higher at once… I guess I’ll play around for just a little longer before getting serious.)
Nitroglis looks at the group of abandoned cars in the street next to the alley Hayze is hiding in.
Nitroglis: (Well, I might as well make some more noise first!)
Nitroglis rips off and lights one of his dynamite sticks.
Fatal: (What’s he up to?)
Nitroglis: I love a good fight, but the setting isn’t perfect yet… it needs… a little more fire!
Nitroglis chucks the stick at the group of cars, causing a massive explosion knocking Hayze back, and engulfing the street in fire and smoke.
Nitroglis: *laughs maniacally*
Fatal: Fucking maniac…
Hayze gets to his knees.
Hayze: *coughing* (Wasn’t expecting that…)
Hayze looks back at the blazing inferno behind him.
Hayze: (Something is off…)
Hayze reaches his hand out toward the fire.
Hayze: (Where is the heat?)
Hayze stares into the fire. To him, it feels as though time has slowed down; he starts moving his fingers up and down with the tip of the fire moving in perfect synchronization.
Hayze: (Is this…)
Hayze stares into his palm. He tightens his concentration on the center of his palm, and after a few seconds, a small ember forms. Hayze’s eyes widen.
Hayze: (It is…)
Fatal rushes Nitroglis.
Fatal: Take this!
Fatal punches Nitroglis directly in the stomach, sending him flying through a building. Fatal cringes.
Fatal: Damn it, Rachel, break the bad guys, not the city.
Nitroglis skids against the ground into a panicked street; his appearance triggers chaos.
Nitroglis: *groans* Damn, for a chick, she packs a wallop! If I’m going to beat her, I need to take drastic measures.
A car honks at Nitroglis as it swerves to avoid him and smashes into a light post knocking out the driver.
Nitroglis: Speak of the devil.
Inside the car is a family of four, they all look panicked as Nitroglis grabs a dynamite stick. The father was knocked unconscious in the crash, his wife and kids try to escape, but the doors are locked.
Nitroglis: Time to die!
Fatal rushes between Nitroglis and the car.
Fatal: Your fight is with me! Leave these people alone!
Nitroglis laughs.
Nitroglis: I’m a villain, girly! You should know that I wreak havoc for the sake of wreaking havoc!
Fatal: Is that all this is! There’s no elaborate plan? You’re a fucking psychopath!
Nitroglis: Bingo! Not every villain needs a contrived backstory or sinister plot! I want to put my face on the map as the guy who blasted a ton of buildings and people into dust! I’m going out in a blaze of glory!
Nitroglis lights the dynamite.
Nitroglis: Or I guess in this case! An explosion of glory!
Hayze arrives on the scene and sees Nitroglis and Fatal squaring off.
Hayze: (What’s he doing?)
Nitroglis starts swallowing the dynamite whole, bottom down.
Fatal: What the hell!
Nitroglis: *beyond comprehension due to dynamite in mouth* It’s time for my explosive finale!
Fatal looks confused.
Fatal: What did you say?
Nitroglis: *beyond comprehension* It’s time for my explosive finale!
Hayze: *from afar* HE’S GOING TO BLOW HIMSELF UP!
Nitroglis: *beyond comprehension* Thank you!
Fatal realizes Nitroglis’ plan and rushes into action; she punches him clean in the stomach, causing him to upchuck the dynamite.
Nitroglis: *groans* Damn… it looks like I’ll have to put it in the other way!
Fatal gags.
Fatal: You villains are all disgusting…
Hayze notices that the dynamite stick Nitroglis puked up still has its fuse lit, and it landed behind Fatal and in front of the car the family is in.
Hayze: (She doesn’t see the dynamite, and it’s going to go off in a few seconds! I could call it out to her again, but that will give that villain time to self-destruct!)
Hayze looks down at his hands.
Hayze: (I’ve gotta try to help!)
Hayze points his hand at the dynamite and concentrates hard on putting out the fuse. However, nothing happens.
Hayze: (I’m not close enough!)
Hayze starts running towards them.
Nitroglis: You hit hard for a female; you know that?
Fatal: You’re annoying regardless of your gender, you know that?
Nitroglis laughs.
Nitroglis: You’ve got spunk, and I like that. It’s too bad.
Fatal: Too bad about what?
Nitroglis: That those were your last words!
The dynamite fuse is almost gone. Hayze dives forward, holding out his arm, trying to stop the fuse.
Hayze: (Please work! Please work!)
Just as the fuse is about to detonate the dynamite, it goes out.
Nitroglis: WHAT!
Fatal: Huh?
Fatal looks over her shoulder as Hayze skids against the ground and comes to a stop next to her.
Hayze: *groans*
Fatal notices the dynamite.
Fatal: (He… he saved me.)
Nitroglis takes all of the dynamite sticks he has remaining and lights each and every one of them.
Nitroglis: Alright! That’s it! I can see that the theatrics won’t cut it! I need to be forceful! I need to-
Fatal bursts toward Nitroglis and grabs him by his leg. She lifts him off the ground and begins spinning him around continuously.
Nitroglis: Woah, Woah, Woah! What are you doing!
Fatal: You said you’re not hurt by your own explosions, right?
The spinning gets faster and faster due to Fatal’s muscle control.
Fatal: If you want an explosive finale! I’ll give you one!
Nitroglis: Put me down now!
Fatal: Is it the fourth of July?
Nitroglis: What?
Fatal: Because I think it’s time for fireworks!
Fatal launches Nitroglis sky-high. Hayze watches with amazement as Nitroglis clears higher than the skyscrapers surrounding them.
Hayze: Woah…
Nitroglis careens higher and higher.
Nitroglis: AHHHHHHHH!
All of the dynamite sticks explode.
Hayze: (Yeah… that’s explosive, alright.)
Nitroglis comes crashing down.
Nitroglis: AHHHHHHHH!
Nitroglis smashes into the pavement of the street and is knocked unconscious.
Fatal: Ah… all in a day’s work.
Bystanders and spectators alike cheer as Fatal has saved the day.
Bystander 1: We’re saved!
Bystander 1: Quiet down, Ted. The world doesn’t revolve around you; the hero just saved the day!
Fatal helps the people in the crashed car exit the vehicle as ambulances and police arrive on the scene. Fatal walks over to Hayze.
Fatal: Thanks for the help.
Fatal helps Hayze to his feet.
Fatal: Although I am a little pissed, I needed it. *under her breath* I gotta work on my spatial awareness.
Hayze: No problem… I’m just glad I could help…
Fatal notices Hayze’s eyes.
Fatal: Crazy looking eyes you got there.
Hayze: What?
Hayze looks in the crashed car’s window and sees that his irises are red rather than their standard dark gray.
Hayze: (Woah… wait a second… red… fire…)
A police officer walks over to Fatal.
Officer: Femme Fatal, thank you for taking down Nitroglis. He’s been eluding us for quite some time.
Hayze: (How?)
Fatal: Don’t mention it, Officer.
Officer: We just need a couple of statements from you if you don’t mind. I’ll try to make it quick before the reporters show up.
Fatal: Yeah… that would be preferable.
The officer and Fatal start walking away, but Fatal stops and turns to Hayze.
Fatal: Oh, and by the way, kid, don’t do that ever again. You may have saved those people and me, but that’s a job for pro heroes like myself.
Hayze: Well, that’s what I want to become.
Fatal smiles.
Fatal: Good, it suits you.
Hayze: R- really?
The officer and Fatal leave; a single tear falls from Hayze’s eye.
Hayze: (Yes!)
Suddenly, Hayze’s eyes revert to normal, and he passes out. Later, Hayze wakes up in a hospital bed.
Hayze: Wh- what happened?
Hayze looks around to see Dr. Moore standing beside his bed.
Moore: I see you’re getting used to the new quirk.
Hayze: What are you doing here?
Moore: I saw you getting loaded into an ambulance on TV.
Hayze: Why?
Moore: Because I watch the news…
Hayze: No, why was I in an ambulance? I don’t have any injuries.
Moore: You ran entirely out of energy and passed out from exhaustion.
Hayze: How? I barely did anything.
Moore: Well, it seems to me like the serum worked, and it gave you quite the exciting quirk.
Hayze looks away.
Hayze: I uh… I’m sorry.
Moore: For what?
Hayze: I started to doubt you. I thought I couldn’t trust that what you said was true even though you assured me it was, so I’m sorry about that.
Dr. Moore is surprised.
Moore: You didn’t have to say that, you know that, right?
Hayze: Yeah, well, it wouldn’t have sat well with me. Because I wouldn’t have been able to help today if it weren’t for you, so I should at least show some gratitude.
Dr. Moore smiles.
Moore: Well then, thank you. I guess I should explain that your control is fragile because you're new to this quirk. Mainly because it is very different from your healing ability.
Hayze: How so?
Moore: Your healing is always on; the second you sustain an injury, it begins working without any thought from you required. Your new quirk has an “on-switch,” so to speak; it’s not always active, so you’re not used to its energy consumption when it is.
Hayze: So, it’s like a flashlight on a phone?
Moore: I was thinking of something more scientific to relate it to, but that works.
Hayze: Well, that’s something I can work on; the only issue is I have no idea how I turned it on in the first place.
Moore: Don’t worry about that. I have it all handled. Come by my lab tomorrow; I’ll let the guards know you’re coming so they won’t give you any trouble.
Hayze: Okay… but why do you need me to go to your lab again?
Moore: I have someone I want you to meet.
Hayze looks confused.
Moore: Don’t worry, she’ll be a big help to you.
The next day, Hayze arrives at Dr. Moore’s lab.
Hayze: (With the H.A.E. tomorrow, I hope whoever this is will be able to help me prepare.)
Hayze knocks on the door.
Hayze: Dr. Moore? It’s me, Hayze.
Dr. Moore: *muffled* Come in!
The door opens, and Hayze walks in.
Hayze: So, who is this person that I’m supposed to meet?
Suddenly a baseball comes flying at Hayze at well over 90 miles per hour. Hayze barely dodges the ball.
Hayze: What the hell!
Voice: You?
Hayze looks to see Femme Fatal standing beside Dr. Moore.
Dr. Moore: Do you know Hayze already?
Fatal: Yeah… he helped me out while I was fighting a villain yesterday.
Dr. Moore: Oh, well, it’s good to hear that you’re both acquainted already. That will make this introduction simpler.
Fatal examines Hayze.
Fatal: So, let me get this straight when you ran to my aid. Was that the first time you had ever used the quirk the serum gave you?
Hayze: Yeah, it was.
Fatal stares at Hayze for a few moments.
Fatal: I think you picked a good one, Kelsey, unlike last time.
Hayze: (Last time?)
Dr. Moore laughs nervously.
Dr. Moore: Anyway… This is my sister Hayze, Rachel Moore, a.k.a. Femme Fatal. She was the first person ever to receive the quirk serum.
Fatal: And I should have been the last, but here we are.
Dr. Moore: Give me a break, Rachel. You just said he was a good pick.
Fatal: Yes, I did. But you shouldn’t have been picking in the first place.
Dr. Moore: *sighs*
Hayze looks at the two women.
Hayze: (I can see the similarities now that they’re next to each other… but there’s an apparent age gap between the two of them, more extensive than usual for siblings, and they clearly aren’t super close. Dr. Moore said she saw me getting loaded onto the ambulance but didn’t even know that her sister was the main hero on the scene.)
Fatal: Well, between what you did yesterday and the fact that you’ve already been injected with the serum. I have no choice but to help you with the very basics, but after that, it’s sink or swim. Got it?
Hayze: Okay, I understand.
Fatal: I saw that you were able to put out the spark on that dynamite, but that can’t be all your quirk is capable of.
“ Hayze stares into the fire. To him, it feels as though time has slowed down; he starts moving his fingers up and down with the tip of the fire moving in perfect synchronization.
Hayze: (Is this…) “
Hayze: I could tell something was different when the flames didn’t feel hot. Once I saw that I could manipulate them with my fingertips, I knew what was going on. So I tested my theory by trying to make an ember in my hands, which I did.
Fatal: Alright, well then give us a demonstration.
Hayze: I can’t.
Fatal: Hm?
Hayze: I don’t know how I turned it on.
Dr. Moore: Rachel, I told you that’s the exact reason why I wanted you to meet him.
Fatal: Oh right… So, what did you feel when you first felt the power?
Hayze: What do you mean?
Fatal: Whenever you activate your quirk, you need to concentrate on a specific emotion; for me, it's frustration. For some reason, the quirks received from genetic modification are connected to our feelings. Both the other user and I experienced this with our quirks; it would make sense that your quirk works the same way.
Hayze looks at Dr. Moore.
Hayze: I thought you said you didn’t “have a consistent way to test what my new quirk is.”
Dr. Moore: Because I don’t, like I said before, you’re trial three, so I can’t really give a proven hypothesis. Once I saw that your quirk has an on-switch, that’s when I realized this might be correct 100% of the time. I can’t really explain why it works like that, but you should listen to Rachel.
Fatal: So, what did you feel when you felt your power?
Hayze: I don’t know… I’m not sure when exactly it first-
“ Hayze closes his eyes and grinds his teeth.
Hayze: (I don’t want to give up, I don’t want to settle for anything else, I just want to be a hero. I don’t care about being the strongest, or even famous for that matter, the pay doesn’t mean anything to me either, all I want to do is help people… but at the end of the day... not everyone gets what they want… and it pisses me the fuck off!) “
Hayze: (That was the moment where my emotions were most intense, or more specifically…) I think I was feeling anger.
Fatal: Okay, then try to recreate the same anger you felt when your quirk first turned on.
Hayze concentrates and tries to anger himself. Eventually, he can feel the power surge through him. He opens his eyes to reveal their red color. Dr. Moore is visibly concerned.
Fatal: The only different thing is your eyes changing color.
Moore: Yeah… that’s definitely not something that has happened before.
Fatal: Do you think that means he could have more than just a fire quirk? Like… multiple elements?
Dr. Moore is in deep thought.
Fatal: What? Is that bad?
Moore: No, it’s just, you’re already far behind your peers in terms of quirk control; having to learn multiple quirks could be more challenging.
Hayze: We can worry about that later. Right now, I just want to concentrate on making this fire quirk strong enough to pass the quirk exam.
Fatal: Well, the exam isn’t too tricky. You just have to show off a basic attack or move and then answer a series of questions. An ember probably won’t cut it, but I can show you how to make a fireball really quick.
Hayze: Seriously? But your quirk is nothing like mine?
Fatal: That’s where you’re wrong; being able to concentrate energy to a single point is a big part of my quirk. Hold out your hand.
Hayze: Uh… okay.
Hayze holds out his hand.
Fatal: Now, do what you did before to create an ember in your palm.
Hayze creates the ember.
Fatal: Now, simply keep piling more and more energy into that ember.
Hayze continues concentrating on the ember for a few moments, but nothing happens.
Hayze: It’s not working, I can’t-
Fatal: Let me guess, now that the ember is there, you’re concentrating on that?
Hayze: W- well yeah, but I-
Fatal: Keep your concentration on the point in the center of your palm. You can’t just magically pump energy into the flame; you need to stream it in through the same point it was created from.
Hayze looks at his palm.
Fatal: Energy control is pretty important; you’ll never get anywhere if you don’t understand the fundamentals. Now, try again.
Hayze follows Fatal’s directions. The ember slowly transforms into an unstable fireball.
Hayze: Wow… sorry for questioning you.
Fatal: You should be. Shaping that flame seems pretty harsh for you right now, you can barely keep it in its spherical shape, but we can work on that later.
Hayze: Righ-
Hayze suddenly gets lightheaded and falls to a knee.
Dr. Moore: Woah, are you alright?
Hayze: I’m fine… I just got tired all of a sudden.
Fatal: This must be why you passed out in the street. It seems like having your quirk active eats up a lot of your energy.
Dr. Moore: Not to mention you’re not used to having to control your energy output at all. You probably expended way too much of it on that simple exercise with Rachel.
Hayze’s eyes revert to normal.
Hayze: Yeah… that’s not good.
Fatal: Don’t worry about it right now. I can help teach you more of the basics of energy control after you pass the H.A.E.
Hayze: You think I’ll pass it now?
Fatal: Yes, just make that fireball promptly so that you don’t pass out; that wouldn’t be good.
Hayze: Right.
Fatal: Also, always remember one thing: It’s not about the quirk; it’s about the person who wields the quirk. You never would have made that fireball if I didn’t help you understand how your quirk works. You could have the strongest quirk on the planet, but if you don’t know how to use it, then you’re nothing more than a fool.
Hayze takes in Fatal’s words.
Hayze: Right.
The next day, Hayze approaches the test building.
Hayze: (Well, this is it. My last chance to pass this test. If I fail, then that’s it, I might as well kiss my chance at becoming a pro hero goodbye.)
Hayze walks into his test room and sits down. The whole room is filled. Hayze looks around.
Hayze: (This is one of the last H.A.E. examination days, and the whole room is packed. Everyone wants to get into U.A., that’s for sure.)
The girl in the seat next to Hayze drops her pencil, and it rolls over to Hayze; he picks it up and hands it to her.
Hayze: Here you go.
Girl: Thanks! I’m going to need that!
Hayze: Yeah, no problem…
A few seconds of awkward silence pass by.
Girl: So, uh... What exam are you trying to do better on?
Hayze: The quirk test.
Girl: Oh, that’s different; most people I know have passed that one.
Hayze: Yeah… don’t remind me... What uh… what are you trying to do better on?
Girl: The physical test, I’m not that strong, unfortunately.
Hayze: I’m sure you’ll do fine.
Girl: Out of curiosity, how many times have you taken the test?
Hayze: Uh… well…
Girl: Hm?
Hayze: It’s my tenth time taking this exam. My quirk just hasn’t been enough to get a passing grade.
Girl: That’s unfortunate, but why do you think it will be different this time?
Hayze: Well I-
Proctor: Alright, everyone, I’ll pass around the test booklets and then explain the rules and instructions.
Girl: I’m Ashley; by the way, it was nice to meet you; good luck.
Hayze: I’m Hayze; good luck to you too.
The exam participants do their multiple-choice exams and physical exams, after which Hayze awaits his turn for the Quirk Evaluation test. There are four test rooms, each with a proctor inside to see a quirk demonstration and ask questions. An examinee exits one of the test rooms, and the proctor walks out with a clipboard.
Proctor: Next, Adam Hayze.
Hayze walks into the room with the proctor. The proctor sits down at a desk.
Proctor: Huh, it says here there was a revision to your quirk that literally just went in our system.
Hayze: (Man, Dr. Moore acts fast...) Yessir.
Proctor: That’s fine, now show me what you can do. The room is made of a unique fiber that can absorb damage designed by the scientists at U.A. If you have an unusual move you want to use, fire it off at the walls. I just need to have a visual reference of what your quirk can do.
Hayze takes a deep breath and powers up. His eyes change to red.
Proctor: Eye color change? That’s strange and not great for masking your intentions, but I shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. Go ahead.
Hayze holds out his hand towards the wall.
Hayze: (Now or never, time to shine.)
Hayze generates a fireball slightly bigger than his hand and fires it at the wall. It collides with the wall. It takes a second for the fibers to absorb the fireball, and it leaves a burn mark where it hit.
Proctor: That’s… not… supposed to happen; the wall must have been weakened by the other examinee’s quirks. Anyway, I’ll ask you three questions, you’ll have just 30 seconds to answer, ready?
Hayze: Yes.
The proctor looks down at his clipboard.
Proctor: Question 1: To you, what is a quirk?
Hayze: An ability that acts as an extension of your body. A quirk doesn’t make you strong; you make it strong. It’s like a muscle that you have to exercise to build it up. If you’re nothing without your quirk, then you’re nothing already.
Proctor: Question 2: When should you use your quirk for force?
Hayze: Only as a last resort or for self-defense, quirks should be used for restraint or rescue primarily, but in cases where citizens' lives are in direct danger, a quirk can be used for non-lethal force.
Proctor: Question 3: If you lost your quirk in the middle of a mission, what would you do?
Hayze: Complete it.
The proctor looks up at Hayze.
Proctor: Care to elaborate?
Hayze: No, sir.
The proctor stares at Hayze for a moment.
Proctor: Alright, then that’s it, your tests have been submitted, you can head home. You’ll hear the results soon via the mail.
Hayze walks out of the room and down the hall towards the exit of the testing facility.
Hayze: (I feel like that went well, I guess I’ll know soon, but for right now-)
Hayze walks out of the building and looks into the sky.
Hayze: (I think I’m on the path to fulfilling my dream.)
A Fractured Song
Just because you’re transported to another world, doesn’t mean you’ll escape from your pain. Abused by her parents, thirteen-year-old Frances only wants to be safe and for her life not to hurt so much. And when she and her class are transported to the magical world of Durannon to fight the monsters invading the human kingdoms and defeat the self-titled Demon King, Frances is presented with a golden opportunity. If she succeeds, Frances will have the home she never had. If she fails, Frances will be summoned back to the home she escaped. Yet, despite her newfound magic and friends, Frances finds that trauma is not so easily lost. She is dogged by her abuse and its physical and invisible scars. Not only does she have to learn magic, she has to survive the nightmares of her past, and wrestle with her feelings of doubt and self-loathing. If she can heal from her trauma, though, she might be able to defeat the Demon King and maybe, just maybe, she can find a home for herself. Beautiful Cover by Rianne Draws (https://twitter.com/RianneDraws) Full cover at: https://www.reddit.com/r/VrensLibrary/comments/iwhsar/a_fractured_song_new_cover_courtesy_of/
8 138Transposed
Apparently, even heaven had the odd clerical error. Which was not something Nathaniel Miller would have expected, and yet, that seemed to be exactly what had happened to him. The collector of souls seemed to have been given the wrong address, and instead of taking one Nathaniel Miller of the earth apparently right next door, he took Nate. As recompense for this small bit of error Nate was placed in the body of the Nathaniel Miller that had supposed to have been taken in the first place, and seeing as he now had an opportunity to try to live his life a different way he planned on taking advantage of this chance. No one, however, had specified how different this world would be from his, sure they had said the tech would be a little older, and there were other small anomalies. But no one had seen fit to let him know that older meant medieval, and those small anomalies mentioned? They probably referred to all the fantasy elements and magic that seemed to be part of this world. Still, he was determined to do better this time around, after all, chances like this were next to unheard of...
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Original Sci-fi Fantasy LN by Itsutsu KamiA young man becomes a beta tester for a new type of VR to help pay for his dorm fees but gets more than he bargains for.
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being only sad wasn't enoughthis heart wanted itself beautifully destroyed.° ranging from december 2020 to february 2021.
8 174Electric (Phillip Carlyle x OC) ~DISCONTINUED~
Just a little fanfic I made up with the help of wildmustang4002 who inspired me to write this story!
8 73Diamonds
"I want that one." Draco was only 8 years old when he picked Hermione. He should have known it wouldn't be that easy.Rank:- 2 on #feltson (August 2018)- 63 on #Dramione (October 2019)AU - Marriage Law, Modern Wizarding World c. 1990
8 113