《A Festival of Fools》13 - Do Tesla's dream of electric Ferrari’s?
Chapter 13
“Do Tesla's dream of electric Ferrari’s? ”
‘Ha! I like this guy’ Bert laughs as he saw the livery on one of the cars lining up in front of the crowd they were in.
‘Yo Hunter over here!’ Cameron shouts from across the starting line, waving the two detectives over. ‘Well well, wanna get V.I.P seats Lando?’ Bert said as he nudges Lando to follow, the both of them making their way across into the tent where Cameron was.
‘Welcome!’ Cameron greets them with arms wide open as the two had their eyes wander inside the tent. ‘You like this? Pretty good right?’ Inside, a fully stocked bar with its own bartender and a buffet table, stood as the area’s center of attraction, it was complete with servers tending to anyone who wants a plate. There are bar tables with high chairs next to the start line and a couple of V.I.P people already taking spots to watch the start.
‘Yea very good Cameron better the last time.’ Bert responds. ‘Say, may I ask? Is that the mayor’s son over there with the lovely ladies from the race sponsors?’ Bert asked as he pointed at one of the V.I.P tables.
‘Oh yeah it’s the first time i’ve seen him here tho. Usually they’d have representatives attend but, yea… that’s the first time.’
‘Really? Maybe something’s big is up for grabs today huh?’ Said Bert, nudging Cameron on his side.
‘Actually that might be a good reason, I mean Monster’s here so…’ Cameron whispered while he looked around the crowd. ‘Besides fifty grand for you and yer friend, old timer. You might get some of the dough.’
‘Really? What’re we getting tonight my friend?’ Bert asked with a curious tone.
‘Ohh I’m afraid I’m not in the loop with that but anyways you’ll see after the race.’ Cameron winks as he pats Bert on the back. ‘Alright, tho you know I hate surprises.’ Bert replied.
Lando meanwhile had just ordered drinks from the bar and had carefully made his way back to where Bert was sitting.
‘Well shit, you didn’t tell me the mayor's kid would be here’ Lando asked.
‘What? You know him?’ Bert responds as he lit another cigar.
‘Yeah he frequents at my bar and also fucking knows I’m a former cop…’ He said as Lando downs his glass of brandy, pouring himself another glass
‘Fuck that’s not good. He saw you already?’
‘Nope but if we stay here, he will.’
Bert paused for a moment and took a few puffs from his cigar. Everybody’s eyes were now glued on the track as the cars lined up side by side on the start line. Usually now is where the noise from the engines would start to take over but since all of the cars were electric there was nothing much to hear other than the whizzing of the gears that run the electric unit as the music still dominated the airwaves around them.
‘So whaddya think?’ Bert asked Lando. ‘Well from afar I thought they might be using a 9th generation “Tesla” or at least a new model from “Carbine” or “Toyota” or something but up close I don’t think I’ve seen this model before.’ Lando replies with a confused look.
‘Fuck, and I thought I’d get answers…’ Bert responds.
‘Is that why you brought me?’ He asked. ‘Yes…’ Bert replies. ‘You know more things about cars than I do and I’ve been stuck in a dead end for the last two months tryin to figure out what they were racin.’
‘Well sorry to disappoint ya but these cars are badgeless and don't resemble any design DNA from any manufacturer that I know off so I’m just as clueless as you are.’ Lando said.
‘Wait… Cameron did say there was a big prize today. Maybe we can find something out from there.’ Bert replies as puffed smoke from his cigar.
‘By we you mean me?’
‘Yea… besides, don’t cha need to disappear?’ Bert said as Lando slowly stood up from his seat. ‘There’s seaside dock behind this lot, you can use the path there to get to the Pier where I am certain that is where they are storing it.’
‘Wait!’ Bert grabbed Lando’s arm and handed him a small device. ‘Take these…’
‘Wow Bert, wireless?!’ He said as he looked at the earbuds on his palm. ‘I thought we’re using walkie talkies?’
‘Very funny Lando.’
Lando gave Bert a salute as he walked away from the table. Behind him, the flag marshal made his way onto the starting line. All of the cars rev up their power units as they all buzz in unison like a gang of hornets anticipating the marshal’s flag as she swings it down and all of the 35 participants come rushing by at full throttle. Everybody was cheering on and excited to see how rapid these new electric supercars were in action but all of a sudden a loud roaring howl came speeding by as the last car in the line up passed him. It was the flash of Monster’s green Lamborghini.
Meanwhile an unsuspecting Uncle Thor was watching his regular late night talk show when a news flash interrupted his viewing. It was another one of those residential break-ins that have been a rising trend now for the past few weeks. The report did not mention the city on where this recent crime took place but the noticed the houses in the background looked familiar as he speculated it might be near where his home was, which sent shivers down his spine as he thought that the culprits might’ve returned. He gives Denzo a call to check on him, fearing that his safety had been compromised but was relieved that he was fine and secure but he did have some news that the boy had heard sirens nearby which solidified his hunch.
Moments later he hears a commotion brewing up near his ward which instantly irritates him as he now can’t hear the T.V.
‘Fuckin health care, the price would’ve been more worth it if you guys had actual room service!’ He said, expressing his ire at the nearby nurse tending the patient across from him. He was transferred out of his room earlier that afternoon as the doctors had already cleared him for check out the day after. They had informed him that since he was no longer under observation that they would need to charge extra if he was to continue his stay at the private ward which was an offer his daughter ,Denzo’s mother, ungraciously declined. A decision he couldn’t counter because he himself had no other means to pay for the night.
He observes the incoming commotion as the doctors and nurses were rushing towards the emergency room, he suddenly wonders whether he got the same treatment when he arrived as he spots a lady and daughter being escorted through the hallway by a police officer. Thor squints his eyes as he turns his gaze back on the television as he ponders whether the commotion is directly connected to the incident on T.V.
‘You can wait here with your daughter Mrs. Robbie, the doctors are already treating your husband as we speak.’ The police officer said as he led the pair onto their seats. ‘The doctors will be with you within an hour or so, in the meantime have a rest and uh… I’ll leave you be.’
Uncle Thor was watching the scene from his bed as the mother and daughter sat just outside the ward that he was in. One of the nurses must’ve noticed his glare as she pulled the curtains around his hospital bed. ‘Hey can ya at least leave the front open?! I’m trying to watch T.V here!’ He complained. The nurse begrudgingly obliged, as she rolls her eyes while she pulls back the curtain just enough to reveal the television to the old man.
‘Fucking Healthcare.’ He mumbles.
‘Are you sure this is the right way?’ Asked Lando while he walked along the shadows casted by the trees.
‘Yeah just follow the fence and you’ll get there.’
The path Bert sent him on was just a part of the dirt embankment behind the fenced property of the club and it looked like it didn’t lead to anything on the horizon. He kept walking till he reached the end of the embankment. In front of him was the marina serving the mayor’s yacht club. It was empty, strangely, but Lando didn’t bother to think further as he needed to get himself across as the cold waters of the marina stood in between him and the small landing ahead. He has an option of following the embankment he was on which leads back to the main road but that would defeat the purpose of sneaking behind enemy lines. He could also take a leap of faith as the gap was not that far but Lando didn’t feel the confidence to clear the gap even if it was only a car’s width away. ‘There has to be something here…’ He told himself while looking for a solution but to his dismay there was nothing there he could use to get himself across.
‘Bert did you recon the place before you came up with this plan?!’ An irate sounding man shouts at Bert’s earpiece.
‘I did… to some extent… why?’
‘WHY?!’ He furiously responded. ‘Your little path lead to nowhere, i’m just standing here at the edge of the banking looking at the fucking yacht club with nowhere to go!’
‘Oh that... just jump across. You can do it.’ Bert said, encouraging his former partner.
‘Oh yeah fucking great, I’m too old for this remember? You expect me to jump this?’
‘It’s easy Lando it’s just a jump.’
‘Fuckin hell…’
Lando sighed as he knew he had no choice. He takes a couple of steps back as he winds himself up for the jump. ‘You owe me a favor Bertrand.’ he said as he took a deep breath and lunged himself into a sprint, and as he reached the edge of the embankment, he jumped with the full force his legs can muster, hoping that it would all be enough. Time felt like it stopped as he seemed to be suspended in midair, his eyes already focused on his landing, his feet were already extended in front of him. All that was left now was to land safely as his feet reached the landing with a loud thud.
‘You okay?’ Bert asked.
‘My back....’ Lando answered back, voice seemingly in pain.
‘Can you continue?’
‘Do I have a choice?’ Lando said as he marched on, desperately trying to stand straight again.
‘There should be a floating dock there somewhere. You know? The floating plastic tiles you see in some resort places?’ Bert said ‘That should take you straight to the concrete docks. Just climb up the ladder when you get there and you're in.’
‘Now why can’t you just give me the full info like that?’ Lando replies as he spots the floating plastic pads just across from the dock he landed on. ‘Are you sure there aren’t any more surprises before I get there?’
‘None that’s it, and for the record I did use that route before and I didn’t have a problem with it. I just thought it would be the same for you, ya know?’
‘From what I remember Bert, you’re the one doing the chasing and I was the one doing the driving.’ He said.
‘Well since you’ve retired I’ve also learned how to do the talking Lando, which was a skill you never really did excel on.’
‘Ha.Ha, shut up…’ Lando replies, as Bert chuckled at the other end of the line.
The floating dock wasn’t tethered properly which made traversing it difficult but Lando reached the end of it safely as he made his way up the ladder going to the main docks of the pier. It was already way past midnight and the docks were thriving with activity. It wasn’t a rare coincidence to have ships coming in at this hour but it still was bothering Lando as he now had to find a way to sneak around unnoticed and find the clues that he needed in this vast facility.
‘Come to think of it Bert, I didn’t sign up for this.’ Lando said as he looked around to see all of the people moving cargo around the area. ‘Here I was thinking that you’ll just show me something to prove your point, and I end up infiltrating the fucking docks.’
From where he stood he can see the pile of containers stacked up ahead of him while the Dock workers were unloading a couple of payloads that had just come off from one of the ships. There were a couple of trucks on standby near the containers and each of them had their own team to assist the people loading up the cargo. To the left of him was the ship end of the docks where most of the lights were pointed at, and to the right was one of the warehouses where some of the payload was being loaded in. He figured he could sneak in easier through the warehouse but to do so he would need to get past the trucks. ‘Bert?’ He said ‘Can you read me?’
‘Not now, that “guy” is talking to me…’
‘Shit…’ Lando thought he had to act fast. He sneaks closer to get a better look and for some reason the trucks seemed unguarded. He checks again if the trucks had any company logos on them but it turns out that they were all unmarked. Deciding that he didn’t have the time, he threw caution to the wind and walked casually across from where they parked. On the way he saw a clipboard from one of the staff that was left on the hood of a forklift and took it as part of his cover. He makes a straight route towards the warehouse, careful not to look at anyone on the way and risk getting noticed. Upon reaching the warehouse, he quickly takes a peek inside its large doors to find that it was almost empty. One of the container trucks with a crane attachment appeared behind the stacks of containers near the warehouse and made its way in to make its delivery. Lando had to pretend to be a worker as he flips through the documents on the clipboard that he borrowed to avoid suspicion. It was only there that he noticed what he accidentally stole, as in his hands were the dispatch documents for all of the cargo that were being loaded out that night. He flips through to see if anything “car” related was to be delivered and to his delight there were two containers that came up and both were in the same warehouse.
‘Building 44 huh.’ He muttered as he looked around to check where the labels were in the warehouse he was near to.
‘Fifty… shit I’m a bit far off…’ He thought as he stared at the huge painted number 50 on the wall. ‘You good to talk now?’ Lando asked while he made his way towards the building in question. ‘Yeah, I excused myself from the mayor’s son, told him I need another round of pasta, anyways, what’s up?’
‘I got something, two containers both listed as Carbine Automotive on the dispatch list. Problem is I think it's a long way from here.’
‘Why where is it?’ Bert asked.
‘It’s in Building 44, and I’m on 50.’ Lando replied as Bert can hear his labored breathing.
‘Woah do you plan to run there? It’s at least a 5 minute drive from where we parked.’ Bert replies, the expression on his face looked concerned as he thought he might have sent Lando on a riskier mission that he anticipated.
‘No choice, just stay frosty. I’ll be back before anyone suspects anything.’
‘Shit… copy.’
Bert takes a deep breath as he fills up his plate with another batch of pasta. He tries to delay his return by taking a trip to the bar but it still wasn’t enough and soon he found himself once again in the midst of the locale’s high rollers.
‘Ah Mr. Hunter! Finally you’ve returned. I thought you left already, which would be sad since we’re still in the middle of a wager here.’ Said a young man who looked like he had just gotten out of his living room sofa. His hair tied to a bun, a plain t-shirt, cargo shorts and green flip flops completed his choice wardrobe.
‘Well how could I “Mr. Manu”? I have a lot riding on this race.’ Replied Bert.
‘Please, call me Manu. After all, you're older than me.’ The eccentric young man replied as he laughed at his own joke.
‘Well “Manu” I must say you have quite a hold on my character. I expect nothing less from the mayor’s breadwinner.’ Bert said in reply as Mr.Manu smiled and offered a toast towards Bert.
‘Aww you’re too kind, good sir, too kind.’ He said.
‘Anyways, continuing on the last topic, I believed you asked why I am here after all this time. Well simply put, It’s because of the prize.’ Mr. Manu said as all of the people on the table hushed their lips and trained their eyes on him with curiosity.
‘Yeah what is this prize?’ Asked Jun, one of Mr. Manu’s friends.
‘Well the organizer’s haven’t told me anything specific, all I know is that it’s going to be a good additional asset to anyone who wins the wager.’
‘Is this in any way car related?’ Bert asked.
‘I have no idea…’
‘Well I guess it’s a mystery.’ Bert replies as he takes a generous sip from his brandy. ‘Either way I’m just waiting for Monster to win.’
‘Ah yes I almost forgot, why did you vote for Monster? You’re basically the only person in the list who voted for the guy.’ Mr. Manu asked.
‘I like the guy, his persona per se.’ Said Bert in between sips. ‘He seems like he has a message to say to us old folk.’ As Mr. Manu squinted, confused by what he heard. ‘I mean not you of course, Mr. Manu you’re leagues younger, obviously.’
‘It’s not that Mr. Hunter. It's the other thing you said. A message, a persona perhaps. I mean not to judge but we seriously think that going electric is the best for the future.’ Said Mr. Manu.
‘Not to mention that it’s cleaner and quieter, plus it is actually easier to maintain.’ Jun said.
‘Yes and I understand that but from a sporting point of view, it’s just not sexy.’ Bert’s words rang deep within the ears of the other men at the table. There was a clear silence in the table but the silence didn’t last that long after the Mayor’s son raised his glass to Bert once more.
‘Well I’ll cheer for that!’ He exclaimed, with his friend blindingly following suit. ‘I mean it is quite true. These electric cars are too boring if you think about it.’
‘But still though…’ As the mayor’s son takes a swig on his glass. ‘Do you really think that Lambo could keep up?’
And right on cue the cars have returned after a full lap of the street course as they fly past the V.I.P tent one by one and the first seven cars that arrived in succession were all electric.
The Green Lamborghini arrived five seconds behind.
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Online Lovers • Treegan
@keeganallen started following you @keeganallen liked your post @keeganallen commented on your post- "You're so pretty, be mine - @keeganallen"D i s c l a i m e r: This is my own idea. I'm writing this for entertainment. I hope you enjoy. :)
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