《CODEX INFINITUS》Chapter 14: Core Meta-Genes & Meta-Power


Chapter 14: Core Meta-Genes & Meta-Power

Odin was startled. He stood stock-still beside the giant rat's corpse in a dazed state as his mind tried to make sense of the notification. But his decision-making was almost instantaneous.

"Yes, please, absorb the core meta-genes," he gave the mental command and braced himself. Since the Origin Order had hinted that the mysterious genes were beneficial to him, he wouldn't hesitate to make a decision.


[Host's command received]

[Now, starting the absorption of the beneficial core meta-genes for the Host]


No sooner had the last line of red text flashed before Odin's vision than he felt waves of piercing pains surging down his spine. Pricking sensations coursed through his body as his temples pulsated, causing his vision to blur. But when his eyes fluttered open the next moment, his body had returned to normal. It was as if the whole development had been a delusion.


But suddenly, he felt like his whole perspective was very clear. His eyesight seemed more acute as he could even make out the details of a tiny fruit fly on the window sill, about seven yards away. Moreover, he could also perceive everything in the six-yard radius around his body without even looking. It was as if the entire space had become his domain.

Just then, more notifications in dark red text flashed before his eyes.


[Core meta-genes of the spatial attribute successfully absorbed and incorporated into the Host's body and soul]

[Evolution prerequisites accomplished]

[Spirit +4, Physique +1, Strength +1, Agility +1]

[The Host has acquired the Spatial Sense meta-power]


Odin stood motionless, his mouth agape while glancing at the blood-red words before his eyes. It was then that he discerned a strange power coursing through his systems. With his improved senses, he could feel it merging with every part of his body. It strengthened his bones, blood, and muscles with every passing second.


Suddenly, his newly-improved senses perceived a slight fluctuation in the area beside the front door. Although it was just a minute ripple in the space, it was still as clear as day within the six-yard radius around him.

"Another purple-eyed rat!"

Odin swiftly turned his scorching gaze towards the door. He was no longer scared of the giant rats. Instead, he wished for more of them to appear so that he could slay them and absorb their meta-genes.

His only worry was that they might ignore him and attack his adoptive mother. So, he had to launch the first strike to draw their attention.

"Odin," Aunt Lucy called out in a trembling voice. "What are you doing?"

Odin paid her no heed as he couldn't afford to lose concentration. It was then or never.


He thumped his bare feet on the floor before rushing towards the spatial ripple like the Flash. His improved dexterity bloomed in splendor as the sheer momentum generated by his incredible speed compelled his long hair to fly back behind his head. All the while, his keen senses continued scanning and monitoring the spatial fluctuation that had grown more prominent.

Time seemed to slow down, and as expected, another giant purple-eyed rat mysteriously materialized by the door the next instant. However, just as it was attempting to acclimatize itself to the new surroundings, Odin was upon it with the Glock semi-automatic weapon in hand.

He didn't allow it even a second to blink. He just raised the pistol and fired thrice from point-blank range, blasting a hollow bloody mess in its head. It didn't even get a chance to let out a tiny squeak before it perished.


[Killed One Pseudo-Type-I ...]


The Origin Order's blood-red notifications flashed before Odin's eyes. However, he ignored them since his acute senses had just detected another spatial ripple behind him. It seemed like another three-eyed rat had arrived to donate to his evolution. He had to offer it a 'warm' welcome.


In a single whirl, Odin turned 180 degrees before taking a step forward and pointing the semi-automatic pistol in the empty space before him. Unsurprisingly, the rat manifested right in front of the gun's muzzle the next moment, and he finished it off with three more bullets. The whole thing seemed so surreal as he'd taken less than five seconds to take down two rats which would have given trained FBI agents a hard time.


[Killed Two Pseudo-Type-I Creatures]

[Origin Points +10, Current Origin Points: 15/20]


[Special Core Meta-Genes beneficial to Host detected within the bodies of the slain creatures]

[Whether to absorb??]



Odin gave the command immediately, without any hesitation.


[Host's command received]

[Now, starting the absorption of the beneficial core meta-genes for the Host]



The next moment, Odin couldn't help but let loose an agonized groan as a sharp, stinging pain assaulted his entire being. A horrible headache without any prior warnings manifested, causing an intense throbbing within his brain. He couldn't prevent his body from trembling and cramping as he tumbled to the cold hard floor.


Aunt Lucy cried out as she raced to his side, her fear of the giant rats seemingly long forgotten. Her face was a bit pale as she supported him from the ground.

"Don't worry, Aunt Lucy," Odin assured her with a trembling voice, trying his best to resist the pain still tormenting him. "I just need a moment to rest, and I'll be okay."

"Are you sure you're okay?" Aunt Lucy asked, still glancing worriedly at him.

"I'm fine," he replied, forcing a smile. "Didn't you see me kill off the rats? How could anything have happened to me?"

"Eh!" Aunt Lucy's eyes widened. "Odin! Where did you learn to fight like that, by the way?"

"Now is not the time for questions, Aunt Lucy," Odin said, shaking his head. His voice grew more stable as the pain subsided with every passing second. "We can talk about everything later. But for now, we need to call 911 and report the incident. And when the cops get here, don't tell them that I killed the mutated rodents. Okay?"

Aunt Lucy gave him a dubious look before nodding. "I'll go dial 911 now. However, if you wish to fool the cops, we'll have to get our stories straight before they get here."

"I understand, Aunt Lucy," Odin replied, but he wasn't too worried. Since the apocalypse was around the corner, he wasn't afraid of the police.

In less than three days, the modern system on earth would crumble. So, how could the cops bother a minor person like him when they would also be struggling to survive?

"Okay, Odin," Aunt Lucy said. Although her voice was still trembling, she seemed to have calmed down. "I'll go call the police and be back here in a second. We really need to talk. Okay?"

"Okay, and don't forget to check on the girls," Odin said absentmindedly. His attention was on the lines of dark red text that had again just manifested before his eyes.


[Core meta-genes of the spatial attribute successfully absorbed and incorporated into the Host's body and soul]

[Evolution prerequisites accomplished]

[Spirit +6, Physique +1]

[The Host has acquired the Basic Spatial Manipulation meta-power]


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