《Heaven's Oddity》Chapter 26: Syd.


Ben had collected ways to contact quite a few organizations around the continent over the years. While he didn't have direct contact with all the highest-graded intel-gathering groups, he had ways to inform anonymously many second or below-level organizations.

Like right now, the one he sent was not directly under the royal family but rather a group from a clan in the Qhechan Empire.

Ben received three notes from them around four hundred years ago when he worked in an anomaly within a ruin that belonged to that family. At that time, he received them due to his experience in dangerous zones.

'For the whole empire, I have only one contact left. That's inevitable since I have only been using those, but I get exhausted from dealing with those smart-asses. And the issue is I can't simply ask them for more. Instead, I need to be lucky or prepare a complete act. It takes too long.'

Ben found this way of communication the most fitting for him. He could still hide. But if he saw something unsettling, he could send a tip to groups that may be able to address the problem.

Although the solution was slow since those messages weren't as reliable, most would at least check the intelligence given if it involved something serious.

Ben would love to have an entire box filled if gathering them wasn't as challenging.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. Generally, the notes ended up in the hands of their own people, influential known individuals, or people working in fields that interested them. However, the last kind doesn't actually ask for it. Instead, each group picked them carefully to serve as an extra eye.

'Whatever! I can inform someone from elsewhere if needed. If they don't care, then let the world burn. Besides, this is inevitable. As I grow older, I can only be more careful since it's easier for others to become too curious about me. They may not care much about a thousand old man who seems weak, but they'll surely care about someone who reached five. If only the world could be less sensitive.' Ben sighed.

Noticing that his mood completely changed, Ben thought: 'It was that... But I don't get it.'

Ben wasn't exactly sure what triggered the seed of doubt in his mind, but he was more than happy to have solved it. At least he could stop running away like a lost, distressed puppy.


The squirrel hit the empty cup while looking at Ben.

"Did you like it that much?" Ben asked as he refilled the cup again.

"Little thing, what should I name you?"

Ben considered it for some time.

With his worry finally cleared, Ben relaxed a bit more. While his attention to the surroundings never turned off completely, he, at least, stopped overexerting his mind and body in a wild-goose chase.


Squeaks spread through the waterfall, breaking nature's silence completely.

"Come on, little fella, we need to remove the smell entirely."

With much effort, Ben was thoughtfully cleaning the little squirrel. The small animal was inside a large bucket filled with water, and while washing it, Ben used a few products and a fancy sponge.

Around them, four pieces of Array Tablets formed a protective shield and privacy veil. The isolation included the area of the table and a part of the river.

After finally cleaning any leftover traces, Ben finally let the squirrel go. The little animal jumped off, stopped, and looked back towards the creature who acted so clingy suddenly.

Ben could only sigh.

"It's done. You can do your thing. Are you leaving or something? Or did you get addicted to the food?"

The squirrel squeaked back angrily, talking back to Ben.

"Being angry solves nothing. Besides, the remains of blood and the ritual are finally gone. Don't you feel better?"

The squirrel only angrily looked at him.

"If you stay, I'll name ya. How about Syd? It's a good name, isn't it? Syd!"

Half talking alone, Ben let the words flow.

"Syd, how about we prepare a fireworks show? Wouldn't it be great to scare you? Hopefully, you don't mind traveling around too much for a bit. But if you stick around, I can find you a good place to live later. How about that? I have the perfect place in my mind, a home with good food. Indeed, it should be harvest time soon, so it wouldn't take long for me to pass by and drop you off. Hey, Syd, do you want some more bribes?"

Ben took another golden nut and placed it in the empty cup above the table. Although Ben had a whole one-meter cubic box filled with those, the little guy ate non-stop for three days, causing quite a dent in the stock. As a result, he began controlling the squirrel's diet as soon as the little body recovered fully.


Seeing the fruit he hadn't seen in more than one day, the squirrel jumped back to the table and went directly to the food.

"See, it isn't that hard," Ben said as he put his elbow on the table and slumped over.

"You're healed. So I wonder if you'll stick around. Unfortunately, your diet is quite expensive. Perhaps, can you eat more moderately?"

After talking, Ben took a few more necessities out for Syd: Some comfortable pillow, a water bowl, and some cheaper food.

Once he placed everything on the table, Ben sat back straight up and closed his eyes, resting.


Ben stayed the whole night resting, and so did the little squirrel.

They were still in the same place, surrounded by protective shielding.

But while Ben was inside the river section bathing, the squirrel was nowhere.

Around him, the array formed some murky mist, blocking the incredible morning view.

'Having a body of water to sink in feels so much better.' Ben thought as he stood up and stretched his arms.

He might have lived for thousands of years, but he couldn't forget a few feelings. For instance, something feels special when sitting down and letting the water flow that activating a spirit stone or array can't replace.

After getting out of the river, Ben wore some loose, comfy shorts and sat down. Following, he took all his new possessions. One after another, he sorted them up into a few groups.

The first one he separated was some evidence. He chose five tablet arrays and a few materials and stored them away in a separate area in the ring. Those he'll give to the Highpeak when and if he confirms his suspicions.

Next, he put away all the regular valuables with the generic stuff in his storage. Finally, he left on the table only the precious loot.

Looking around, Ben did an inventory check before taking a few more materials out. Next, he took the valuable horn from his chest. Ben decided to pre-refine the animal remain to avoid further complications.

So, having decided on his subsequent move, he began to use the materials selected to create an isolation cover around the horn.

Lord of Space wasn't a species specifically. Instead, it was a title given to a creature that achieved unprecedented levels of space manipulation mastery. So no one knows which form such remains take if they didn't test it.

With this in mind, Ben camouflaged the treasure by making it look like an artifact. Besides, since he planned to use it to influence space and not as a precise transportation core, he didn't mind the loss of purity.

While Ben worked, the squirrel appeared from outside the mist, running towards Ben and squeaking.

"You're back. Were you taking notes of the surroundings?"

Syd jumped to the table and began to observe the horn. In his hand, he had more food. He put some down, and while he scratched his ears, he began to eat.

"We'll be leaving tomorrow. We shall buy extra paint for your home and mine some sulfur for the new year, whenever it may be. It should be around the middle of the year right now."

While talking, Ben's hands didn't stop, and neither did Syd's curious eyes.

"Ah... I should prepare a few protective measures for you, right? Even some simple stuff should assist you if a troublesome time comes."

The whole morning passed quickly. Ben kept talking while working, enjoying having something at his side to avoid the boredom.

Surprisingly, despite his usual extensive periods alone, he immediately attached to anything alive. Moreover, Ben found dealing with animals much easier after growing increasingly distrustful of fellow humans. However, despite every bit of worry he carried, Ben never chose solitude if he had another choice.

The day was uneventful and peaceful. By the end of the day, Ben completes the treatment of the horn and builds a few accessories for Syd.

After receiving his gift, Syd sat around with a small bracelet in each fore-paw. He felt a sort of blessing constructed by a Spell-Array. The accessories worked together and will remain active as long as Syd stays around Ben. However, if the squirrel decides to leave for some reason, the three protective measures will decay after a few days.

"How is it?" Ben asked.

Above the table, Syd was poking at the bracelets and smelled and licked it, curious. He found it amusing. Fortunately, the two items are as non-intrusive as Ben could build them, so the squirrel got used to them since they both had some aura he liked.

While looking at Syd exploring the bracelets, a big, pure smile appeared on Ben's face.

"Let's sleep peacefully once again before venturing into the jungle that is society."

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