《Heaven's Oddity》Chapter 14: Going all out.


The whole faction's home had been peaceful for weeks. However, today, the tension in the air rose again as Patrick and Derick left.

The order from their sect surprised a few people in this group. But because of their open aggression, the two brothers could only accept the recalls and return with their entourage.

While the tension in the air was high, nothing happened.

After, the base security got upgraded, as Ginn's subordinates calmly organized everything.

Four days passed by, and everyone worked as intended.

But today, while Clearsky Auction House moved early towards the base, Joyce decided to visit Eloise first thing in the morning.

Signs that the decided to make their move appeared from within the unusual small movements.

In a garden on the left side of the base, Lyrian was having her breakfast. As she generally did every day, she enjoyed the early sun.

Today, her mood was stable, as she didn't seem affected by the event from a few days ago. Since she didn't show open aggressiveness, she was the only one able to stay behind and complete the mission.

However, while she enjoyed her tea, a Spirit veil solidified surrounding her.

She looked at the isolation and placed her tea back on the table.

She looked towards where the mansion would be and smiled as a group of young people appeared before her.

Ginn came into her vision. His sword was in his right hand and the sheath in his left.

"What's the meaning of this, young man? Did the ability to snitch people back confuse your head? Are Volcano personal, people you should dare to corner?" She asked, her tone getting colder and colder.

Despite her cold tone, her mood didn't change, like she saw the whole play as only some children's tantrums.

To her surprise, they all came running towards her without responding.

"So brave..." she expressed as she got up and stepped aside from the table, preparing to receive the attackers.

'Let me kill a few.' she thought.

Ginn was the first to arrive at her, and she used her bare hands to stop the sword from coming at her.

Nevertheless, showing the difference in strength, Ginn became unable to move. While he tried to retrieve the sword, he couldn't.

Immediately, Lyrian prepared to kill the second attacker, but to her misfortune, they didn't get close to her.

Indeed, when the next attacker was around two meters from the Elder, he stopped aiming his weapon and flopped it. Following, he opened his hand, showing a dull symbol drawn on it. Before even reaching one meter from her, a gigantic explosion occurred.

Surprised, she took a small step back. Increasing her awareness, she looked toward the young man that surprised her. And she saw someone flying backward due to the big explosion. Unlike her, the assailant wasn't able to hold his ground.

At the same time, a greater force came from the sword she held firmly. Because of that, she looked at Ginn and saw his aura going wild.

From Ginn's left, another explosion went off. But this time around, she wasn't surprised.


Then simultaneously, a few people appeared on all her sides, preparing for the same type of attack.

Within everyone's sight, Lyrian's aura rose as she fought back. Her closed fist made a fast movement in the air, creating a shock wave.

In the middle of this explosion, she opened her fist and aimed it toward Ginn. Not holding back, before the first explosion calmed down, a second occurred.

As Lyrian released Ginn's sword, he flew back due to the attack, going out of the isolation area.

Once Ginn left the isolation, the energy walls emitted a very intense red glow. The dust around Lyrian hadn't settled down yet, but she sensed the surrounding space wriggling.

The entire isolated area became a sea of flames in less than a second. But noticing the attack, Lyrian aimed for the sky as she punched.

The clash with the fire attack was so fast and powerful that thundering reached outside as the ground shook.

As a result, the whole city noticed that a fight was going on. And many eyes peeked toward a line of flames rising to the sky like a beacon.

Outside the base, Clearsky's personnel were surprised by the tremor.

"Stop your silly expression and initiate the array!" Dove Clearsky yelled, waking them up.

In the middle of the flaming air, Lyrian's smiling face was gone. The last attack was much stronger than her prediction of those kids' firepower levels, even more than her expectation from Ginn's suicidal attack.

While she was running calculations through her head, main force moved again, ceaselessly.

At the front, Deniz moved directly towards Lyrian, his one white eye completely red.

Lyrian noticed two blonds and dark-red-haired young men appearing inside the isolation as Deniz moved toward her. But what surprised her was how Ginn was fine and behind them. Since she didn't hold much back in the last attack, she expected him to be deeply wounded.

As Deniz got closer, Lyrian sensed two assassins getting closer to her back.

With a powerful motion, she stepped down. The ground cracked, and the corresponding shock wave made the three attackers fly back. Meanwhile, Lyrian jumped and ran towards the four on the outskirts.

Energy concentrated around the three in front of Ginn. And Doug, the dark-red-haired man, directed a sealing technique, which caused chains to solidify in the air and fly towards Lyrian.

She flawlessly smashed all the chains in her way.

While Dough flew back, the Green brother rolled to the side.

Behind them, Ginn stepped aside calmly, dodging the flying man. But his sword moved in a broad and arched motion. He aimed to slice the middle-aged woman moving toward him.

While attacking, Ginn's muscles contracted as he exerted more force than needed to hold his sword. On the other hand, Lyrian didn't stop either, as her Spirit-covered closed fist gained a gray dulled color.

But when all the chains around broke into smaller pieces, those immediately popped and disappeared, initiating a spell.

They all sensed the energy in their surroundings vanishing.

Their mighty auras also popped out of existence as all their techniques turned off. But while Lyrian's hand went back into its natural color, Ginn could still hold his fast-moving sword somehow.


After noticing the change, Lyrian moved her closed fist in an arc motion, hitting the side of the blade coming at her. She then arched her back and tried to jump backward, using all the force in her legs. But she was too slow.

The sword moved down, screaming and slicing the side of her arm's skin. Then, it scratched the front of her right shoulder and flew close to the middle of her chest, cutting directly into her left thigh.

Despite everything, she didn't stop and moved back until she was out of the energy-dried area.

"Scheming brats, " she whispered.

Immediately, the energy filled the area again.

Noticing something abnormal, Lyrian stopped and glanced up. The initial barrier had regenerated, but that wasn't what surprised her. What shocked her was that something changed, and she lost total connection to the outside. 'I can't run, ha.' She concluded.

Her senses blurred as a new sea of flames materialized.

In the middle, she still pinpointed eight people running toward her.

Not holding back, she unleashed an aura wave, and her whole body gained a coloration gray dull. However, the eight attacks didn't come. But instead, the eight auras became one.

Once the change took effect, she noticed they somehow could share their power. 'That's why...'

Then, she moved and aimed at the sword moving towards her again with the intent to break it.

Her hands cut through the sword aura flowing towards her without a problem. And she tried to catch it barehanded again. However, this time around, the sword didn't stop. Although she didn't miscalculate the force used, it cut through her hand like butter.

After she touched it, Lyrian noticed her body going numb. And just before the sword impaled her chest, she saw the blade covered in some weird-looking engravings. That somehow made it sharper enough to break through her refined body, which she couldn't believe.

In this split second, her eyes quickly focused on Ginn and saw how he didn't seem mighty at all, his face pale and contorted. With her high awareness, she immediately noticed what was missing from him: the scabbard.

The numbness rose to cloud all her senses as the sword entered a few centimeters on her chest. Despite still being conscious, she couldn't move or sense the outside.

But the move didn't stop there.

The energy surrounding her changed and moved like a quilt trapping her. Layer after layer of restriction formed to hold her in place. And this included the swords left on the ground and all the blood splattered around.

Next, the isolating array glowed red and collapsed onto her.

Everyone appeared suddenly outside. And except for Ginn, they all fell to the floor exhausted.

Around the sword, a scabbard had materialized. But even then, it slid off from all the restrictions like they were nothing.

Yet, Ginn still stood in his place for a moment, prepared to fight longer despite his condition. He only allowed his tension to go once he saw that the seal sequence was complete.

He slowly walked halfway towards the building before lying down.

Behind him, a group of people appeared, fortifying the seals. Dinna Mortez was within the new group. And despite her disheveled appearance, she carefully checked the entrapment before yelling loudly.


The yell was like a trigger of a firework show. Once people around heard it, many screamed in commemoration. Some even cried while catching their breath on the floor.

However, Dinna didn't stop. She ordered the surrounding group. As they sat down, they controlled the entrapment. Their job was to, once and for all, slowly kill the one inside.

While the celebration went on, Manu and Max began their move. The two doctors and their subordinates, in perfect condition, went around attending to the heavily injured people.

At Ginn's side, the teenager Louis appeared with a medicine flask. He helped Ginn drink it and then placed his hands on Ginn's chest, providing his leader his energy.

Around, the celebration slowly calmed down as everyone began to help the exhausted and wounded into the building.

After some time, Manu came to Louis's side. She placed her hand on the boy's shoulder and said: "Can you go send the Clearsky people off? Tell them the plan was a success, but we're too occupied to welcome them."

The teenager nodded, with his eyes now red. Then, he slowly stopped providing support to Ginn, stood up, and moved towards the base's entrance.

Following this, Manu checked Ginn's condition and began some first aid. But once Louis was far away enough, she talked.

"Why are you faking unconsciousness? Don't you want to see the little boy cry?"

"If he started crying, he would probably be unable to do his part and feel bad about it," Ginn said weakly.

"He's rather sensitive to people suffering around him, so I'm not sure if he'll ever be a master of the spear."

"He will," Ginn answered with confidence.

"Three deaths. The results are better than predicted." Manu reported.

"Do your best. So we don't lose anyone else." Ginn ordered.

"Sure. I'll send you in now." After finishing first aid, she called for people around her. Next, Ginn was readily helped into a stretcher and brought inside.


Above the fourth-floor window, Joyce looked down, her expression serious.

'Underestimating...' She wondered.

Noticing something emerging behind her, she turned around.

"So how about it?" she asked.

"They're all caught, Master." A teenage girl answered and then bowed.

"For now, that's all. Just keep an eye on them for me."

"Alright." The girl left.

After taking another look outside, this Joyce dissolved into nothing.


Inside the seclusion room, totally isolated, Ben didn't notice the fight happening outside.

But after all this time here, he was now nude and asleep on the low bed. And marble floated on channels around the room while liquid Spirit flowed down the wall into them.

And within the glow in the air, Ben's appearance was much healthier.

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