《A Legend of Matai: Yasmine O'Haire》Chapter 005
One after another they came through that narrow hallway into Yasmine’s increasingly cramped living room. Faces she hadn’t seen in a year or more in some cases. Regardless of distance, though, they all came. Ten faces that she knew from the bottom of her heart were the best damn team in the entire city. No one came close. Job after job they had come through with bumps and scrapes but had recovered to fight another day. They’d fought battles in the streets, stopped crime rings, saved hostages, stolen wealth, and faced monsters both literal and figurative. Though the Rollock Avenue Apartments where they’d set up shop were a distant memory now, the Fixers were all still around.
One last knock on the door signalled the arrival of the man of the hour. Yasmine slipped past the others and went to the door, opening it up to reveal the weathered face of Flipp Moran. His tired eyes looking her up and down before peering past her at the living room. He swallowed, trying to hide his nerves a little as she gestured for him to pass her by. She glanced out into the alley, keeping an eye out for tails before closing the door behind her and following him in. She found him standing like a statue at the point where the hall met the open space and stepped up beside him, putting a hand on his shoulder. She grinned at him and gestured to the group; “I’m guessing introductions are in order, just to make sure our friend Flipp here is on the same page, yeah?”
There was a quiet round of chuckles from those present as Yasmine began, first gesturing to the stern looking Lyssandra sitting on a stool to her immediate left. Lyssandra crossed her legs and adjusted her glasses before fixing Flipp with a probing stare. “Lyssandra Fitz Hale, used to be my second-in-command of the Fixers,” Yasmine began, “Expert in logistics and resource retrieval, master tactician and a pretty damn good architect as well. You know she designed the-” Lyssandra cut her off, clearing her throat and looking up at Yasmine with a smile. “Right, anyway, Lyssandra is also our trump card when it comes to a fight. If we need her, you’ll know.”
“What do you mean trump card?” Flipp asked.
“You’ll know when you need to know,” Yasmine said with a wink.
Next she gestured to an absolutely miserable-looking man leaning against the wall in the far corner of the room. He had jet black hair and a faint violet tint to his skin. His ears had only the faintest point to them, hinting at an aelven heritage. He kept his arms crossed and his eyes all over the room, picking occasionally at his black painted fingernails, “Amon Dheil Karzai, Alec’s half-brother,” She explained. Flipp looked dubiously at the massive Alec who was sprawled over the couch, his leg flung over a disgruntled Tyler’s lap.
“Amon is our infiltration specialist, there isn’t a place in the city he can’t get into,” Yasmine began only to be interrupted by a guffaw from Alec.
“Except Jacob’s pants!’ He chortled, drawing a glare from Jacob who had set himself up across from Lyssandra as well as a frown from his brother. The others joined in on the laugh though, including Yasmine who gave Amon an apologetic shrug. Amon just sighed and looked Flipp in the eyes, nodding mutely before returning to pick at his nails.
Next she gestured to a woman with dark blue dyed hair, she’d found herself a comfortable seat on Alec’s knee and was flirting quietly with him when Yasmine cleared her throat. The woman wore a dark vest and violet shirt that looked a lot like the outfits the waiters were wearing at the box. On her hip was a saber that looked like the ones the bouncers carried. She turned and inclined her head, “How do you do,” She said with a smile.
“Tabitha Winters, one of our frontline fighters, she’s a practitioner of outsider magic. Demons, Devils, Angels, that kind of thing. One hell of a swordswoman too,” She said, “Officially she’s with the Crown working for Kurda but she never misses a call for a job.”
“Always happy to be here, princess,” Tabitha said sweetly only for another woman sitting on the floor opposite her to start making kissy noises.
Yasmine turned to that person next, she had yellow-blonde hair that had clearly been treated to look green at the right angle, her elven ears were very defined along with her angular face and bright green eyes. She had a wicked smile that seemed almost vicious in a way. “That’s Sylva Zhar, if the name sounds familiar it should, she’s the daughter of the head of the Triad Mafia.”
“The Mafia?” Flipp blurted, looking at Yasmine.
Yasmine shrugged, “You get all kinds with my crew.”
“Sup hobag,” Sylva grunted, flipping Yasmine the bird.
“Good to see you too skankface,” She blew a kiss at Sylva who pretended to catch it, pull it to her heart, and swoon.
Yasmine turned to Alec, “Alec Karzai, you’ve already met, but he specializes in Shock and Awe tactics, our heaviest hitter,” Yasmine said, winking at the orc who crossed his arms and nodded sagely before flexing his right arm and kissing the embarrassingly large bicep.
Flipp scanned the faces, trying to remember them all. He stopped on what looked like a teenage boy curled up and pressed against the wall at Amon’s side. He had a girlish face and an overall petite figure. The boy kept looking up at Flipp before looking away, rummaging in his oversized coat for something. “That’s Tommy Tomko,” Yasmine said, “Intelligence, Cyber warfare, Research and development,” she clipped out, putting her hands on her hips, “Best hacker in the city, after all, he’s a one-of-a-kind Technopath.”
“H-hi,” Tommy mumbled, “N-nice t-t-to meet you.”
“He’s also agoraphobic as hell,” Sylva laughed, flopping onto her back and reaching with wriggling fingers toward Tommy’s feet. He squeaked and pulled back.
“Sylva! Not cool!” He whined.
Yasmine couldn’t keep the shit-eating grin off her face as she turned to Tyler who was looking decidedly uncomfortable beneath Alec’s legs. He still had his free hand on his rifle bag, “That’s Tyler Vash, his abilities put him in the area-control role. Though you might know him as the ‘Cold Man’.”
“The sniper?” Flipp asked, looking Tyler up and down, “Really, I figured he’d be taller.”
“Can’t all have orc genes,” Tyler grumbled, nudging Alec’s legs in futility.
“Talia could set you up,” Sylva quipped, “Hey Tommy, call Talia and tell her that Tyler want’s to be an orc,” She said, reaching back again to grab at Tommy who squirrled away from her again.
“Stop,” Amon growled at her, moving a bit in front of the kid.
“Oh come on, he’s so cute though!” Sylva complained.
“Sylva,” Lyssandra snapped, her voice like a whip-crack. Sylva sat up straight and produced the most insincere salute she could manage in the other woman’s direction. Tabitha laughed, nudging Alec and whispering something in his ear.
Yasmine moved right along, next pointing to a woman who was sitting politely at Jacob’s left, she had a shock of bright red hair and glittering blue eyes. She bowed her head politely and smiled with genuine enthusiasm, “Hannah Vayne,” Yasmine said, “She’s our mascot,” Yasmine teased. Flipp looked up at her only to hear a bestial growl come from the girl’s direction. When he looked back her eyes had turned scarlet and her pupils had thinned to slits.
“Go fuck yourself, O’Haire, I’m here for blood,” Hannah snarled in a decidedly unladylike voice.
“You’ll get it, Scarlett, now give Hannah the reigns, you don’t want to make Jacob uncomfortable do you?” She teased, eyeing a now scowling Jacob with a smirk.
“Right, right, don’t want to make prissy priest over here upset,” She rambled, waving her hands and closed her eyes, when she opened them they were blue again, “Sorry about that, Scarlett missed you, Miss Yasmine,” Hannah said sweetly.
“I know she did,” Yasmine said and turned to Jacob, “Let not forget Jacob Hardy, resident stick in the mud and I guess a half-decent frontline fighter.”
“I’m only here to make sure you don’t do anything stupid, O’Haire,” He snapped, “Once the job is done, I’m out.”
“Do what you want, bitch boy,” Yasmine shot back.
He got to his feet but before he could so much as move Tabitha got to her feet as well, her hand on her saber, she narrowed her eyes, “You will show th’ boss respect, yeah?” She growled. Jacob held up his hands and sat back down, Tabitha hopping back onto Alec’s lap and throwing her arms around him and Tyler. “Continue, Yasmine,” She added.
“Right,” Yasmine cleared her throat, “Last but certainly not least,” She nodded to the small mini-bar that was attached to her kitchen. There an elderly-looking man was looking through the small bottles and sniffing them now and then. He looked up and frowned at Flipp before looking up at Yasmine.
“The boy has a toxin allergy,” the old man said, “Do you need oxygen, young man?”
“How?” Flipp blurted, “That’s-”
“That, is Erik Klaus, our medic, do not piss him off, ever,” Yasmine said firmly.
“Noted,” Flipp muttered, rubbing his arms and clearing his throat, “It’s a pleasure to meet you all. Thank you for convening on such short notice.”
“It was a call from the boss,” Amon said drearily his voice something like a monotone. He pulled his floppy hair out of his face and held Flipp’s gaze with his own unblinking expression, “We aren’t Fixers anymore but we all owe her more than a lifetime’s worth.”
“Speak for yourself,” Jacob grunted, “I’m constantly cleaning up her messes.”
“Quit being such a fogger, Jacob,” Sylva groaned, “You’re so depressing.”
“I’m depressing!” He griped, “Amon could win a Drowned-One cosplay contest, against the god himself!”
Alec cackled, “He’s not wrong, bro.”
Amon cracked the barest smile, “I’ll take it as a compliment.”
“Tabitha, how long has it been since you’ve had your shoulder looked at?” Erik chimed in, stepping behind the swordswoman.
Tabitha jumped a bit and peered back at him, “Maybe some other time Doctor Ice-Fingers.”
Tommy raised his hand and looked earnestly at Yasmine who let out a sigh and pointed in his direction. He cleared his throat and rubbed his knees together, “Are we still eating?” He asked, looking furtively in Flipp’s direction. “I-I wouldn’t mind something to eat while w-we’re talking about the j-j-job,” He stammered.
“Pizza is on it’s way, hon,” Yasmine said, putting her hands on her hips.
“Fuck yeah Pizza! Is it Orizo’s? No, wait, we’re on the East Side, uh…” Alec held up his big hands and then clapped them loudly, “Got it! It’s Starwind!”
“Got it in one,” Yasmine laughed then narrowed her eyes, “You were looking in my fridge, weren’t you?”
Alec’s eyes widened, “How’d you know?”
Yasmine shook her head and glanced down at Flipp who dabbed his forehead with a handkerchief. He looked up at Yasmine and swallowed, “So these are the Rollock Avenue Fixers?” He asked, scanning the room. “I was expecting, uhm…”
“An elite combat squad?” Jacob chimed in, actually smiling at this point, he nodded at the people around the room. “We may be the most ridiculous group of misfits and wierdos this side of anywhere, but…” he sighed and scratched the back of his head, “...Yasmine put together a damn good team.”
“It certainly took a while,” Yasmine said, leaning against the wall. She gestured to the minibar and a small bottle of liquor leaped up and jumped into her hand. She tossed it over to Jacob and he caught it, turning it over and raising an eyebrow. “Peace offering, can we be cool till the job is done big guy?”
He pursed his lips, “This must be important to you,” He said, cracking the seal and taking a sip, “Yeah, sure, why not, all in for one more play.”
“What exactly is our play, by the way?” Lyssandra pressed, “You haven’t given us the details. It’s hard for me to work with Tommy on our equipment if I don’t know what we’re doing.”
“Right so-” Yasmine was cut off by a knock at the door. She gave Lyssandra an apologetic wink and then made her way over, opening the door and admiring the tower of pizza boxes blocking her view of the carrier. She peered around the side and spotted a young man with tiny blunt horns on his head and a pair of bright yellow eyes looking up at her.
“Uh… Are you uh… Y-yasmine?” The kid asked.
“Sure am, you got here quick,” She said, taking the boxes from him and bringing them into the Kitchen. He stared at her open mouthed as she snatched a pair of cred cards off the counter and put them in his hands.
“Y-you’re really pretty,” He babbled.
“I know, you’re pretty cute too, now get outta here ladykiller, I gave you a nice big tip to not tell anyone I have guests over,” She purred, squeezing his cheek, “Can you keep your mouth shut for me?”
“Y-yeah! O-of course!” He managed, pocketing the cards and rushing off. She shut the door and saw that Hannah was already distributing the boxes among the team. She stepped inside and opened her own box, pulling out a slice of supreme and taking a bite before grabbing the last box and making her way over to Flipp’s side. She dropped it on his lap and nodded to him.
“Do you always tease the poor delivery boys like that?” Sylva asked.
“Every time, I totally get off on it,” Yasmine said crassly, taking another bite.
“You’re so nasty,” Tabitha laughed.
“Been called worse,” Yasmine took another bite and chewed thoughtfully before swallowing and clearing her throat, “Alright, business. Flipp here is hiring us for probably our biggest job, ever, I hope you guys are up for it.”
They looked at one another, Tommy speaking up first, “How big are we talking?”
“It’s a two-stage job,” Yasmine said, holding up her fingers. Lyssandra pulled up a large tab and began to take notes, nodding at Tommy who leaned back and closed his eyes. Out of the corner of Yasmine’s eyes she could see Lyssandra’s screen flicker a little as Tommy joined in. “First stage is going to be a high-difficulty heist. We’re hitting the target we’ve all dreamed about but figured it was brains to even try.”
Jacob leaned forward, “You aren’t serious.”
Sylva threw her hands up and let out a whoop of excitement, “We’re hitting ASTA! Finally!”
Flipp looked up at her, “You have history with the corporation?” He asked.
Amon chimed in, “Sonya Chernovna is the reason the Rollock Avenue Apartments no longer exist,” He said glumly, “She is ultimately to blame for our gang having to part ways.”
Tabitha nodded, “We’ve all got a beef with that bitch, she pretends to be neutral but she’s been supporting the feddies with the best tech in the world. Her public image is basically spotless, there’s no taking her down.”
“But we can bloody her nose,” Alec grunted, “Still friggin brains to take her on if you ask me.”
Jacob licked his lips, “Whatever it is, I’m in,” He said, surprising everyone else in the room.
Tyler raised an eyebrow, “Really? To think you’d be the first.”
“Do our usual raid rules apply?” Jacob asked Yasmine.
“Whatever you can get away with, Jacob, but if you fuck up we’re leaving you behind. That’s how it works,” She said, leaning against the wall.
“Scarlett is delighted by this development,” Hannah said sweetly, “She would like me to say something very inappropriate though concerning Doctor Chernovna and her genitals.”
Sylva snorted out a laugh, “So what’s the main target?”
“A map that also works as a key,” Yasmine said, and then gestured to Flipp. “If you wouldn’t mind filling us in with how that works?”
Flipp nodded, “R-right, so, Doctor Chernovna maintains a collection of relics and historical memorabilia in her penthouse at ASTA headquarters. I visited her penthouse undercover as a representative of the Mage’s Society.”
“You’re not actually with the society, are you?” Tabitha asked warily.
“Not in the least,” Flipp said, “Though I have friends who are.”
“Okay, cool, continue,” Tabitha said, waving her hand.
“While I was there she took us on a tour of her private collection. That’s where I saw it in plain sight of all things. It is a tablet with a gemstone embedded in one side. When exposed to mana the gemstone will project a map of the catacombs,” Flipp explained, “At the end of the map is one of the hidden entrances to the Depths.”
Tyler looked up at Yasmine, “You want to hit the Depths?” He asked dubiously, “Ain’t they a myth?”
“Kurda’s been there, but he never reached the bottom,” Yasmine said.
“Then why don’t you ask him how he got in?” Jacob asked.
“Because we don’t need him, damn it,” Yasmine barked, clenching her fists, “We’ve all worked for him before, we’ve all been under his thumb, yeah he’s a pretty alright guy and has helped us all out but damn it we can’t lean on him forever. We need to do this on our own! Do something even he couldn’t do! Hit the bottom,” She broke into a vicious grin, “And then loot everything we can.”
Flipp watched their reactions with growing shock as each of them, even little Tommy, took on a sinister expression.
“Now this sounds like a job worthy of us,” Tabitha crooned.
“Tommy and I are already preparing supplies for both stages, is your account number still the same Yasmine?” Lyssandra asked.
“Yeah, buy whatever you need, just don’t wipe me out I’m holding onto some of it for Shayde,” Yasmine confirmed.
“Aww!” Sylva teased, “Good mommy!”
Erik, who had been silent through most of this crossed his arms, “I do not know how much help I will be, unfortunately, I’m a bit old for wandering ancient crypts and structures,” The doctor said, taking another sip of liquor. He looked up at Yasmine and the two held one another’s gaze for a few heartbeats. He rolled his jaw and took another long draft of the liquor before grabbing another and snorting, “Though it doesn’t sound like a bad way to go out!”
“I better get eyes on ASTA Corp Headquarters then, longer I’m nearby the better,” Tyler said, giving Alec’s leg a pinch and finally dislodging himself.
“I have a friend that works with the custodian crew,” Hannah chimed in, “I’ll get a job there.”
“It’ll take me a while but I’ll get access to their systems,” Tommy said, sounding delighted, “I’ve always wanted an excuse to try.”
“We’ll need a way to get in and get out,” Amon grumbled, “I’ll make a few sweeps through the building.”
“Alec, Jacob, and I will go over strategy, brush up,” Tabitha said.
“I’ve got an idea for a few distractions,” Sylva added, “I’ll call around, maybe get ahold of Abrin while I’m at it.”
Before long the entire group was talking amongst themselves. Exchanging new contact information and discussing the job and what it would entail. Tyler excused himself after some small talk with Sylva who didn’t seem as angry to see him as Yasmine had expected. Shortly after that Jacob, Tabitha, and Alec made their way out planning to head to an abandoned warehouse to go over a few things. Lyssandra and Tommy situated themselves on the couch and spoke quietly while going over technical details. Erik continued to drink while harping on Amon about his health until the dreary man left on the premise of casing ASTA Headquarters. Hannah contented herself with playing a tab game with Sylva and staying out of everyone’s way.
“I’m… impressed,” Flipp admitted.
“I know right?” Yasmine said, leaning on the wall and smiling like a proud mother, “They are the best there is, I promise you.”
“I’m starting to believe it,” He said, “This might just work.”
Yasmine laughed, “I’m pretty sure we have fate on our side in this case.”
He frowned and looked up at her, “Fate?”
“Yeah, call it a hunch,” Yasmine said and patted his arm, “Now try not to look like a dunce, my daughter’ll be home soon and she can smell fear.”
“Wait, what?”
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