《Prince of the Wild》Mathilde


Mathilde hummed to herself while laying new flowers in her lady’s room. Flowers never lasted for long in the house of a vampire, but Mathilde had never minded this daily task. The look on her master’s wife’s face was something she could just… gobble up.

“You look thinner again today. Master must really want to suck the meat out of your bones.” Mathilde said.

Danielle didn’t answer. She never answered but Mathilde didn’t mind that either. The woman’s silence was part of the fun. She held a flower between her talons, and it began wilting almost immediately.

“These won’t last long. Which means I must come back here tomorrow. Would you like that?” Mathilde said and placed the vase of flowers on Danielle’s nightstand: “I would like that. I enjoy these little moments with you.”

Mortal skin was meant to be warm but when Mathilde caressed Danielle’s cheek and felt her tremble with revulsion, she was cold as a corpse.

“You used to be so beautiful but now look at you. You won’t last much longer.” Mathilde said and kissed the top of Danielle’s head: “Maybe master will make me his wife when you’re gone. Children need a mother, and you know how much I love Nuncio.”

Only when her children were mentioned did some life return into Danielle. Proof that there was still someone home and Danielle’s body wasn’t just surviving out of a force of habit.

“Did that make you mad? Are you worried your children will forget you? Maybe it will be better if they did. This husk that you’ve become… I wonder how master can bare to look at you. Humans… they wilt so quickly. Like flowers. Only vampires last.”

Mathilde brushed Danielle’s thin, white hair with her talons.

“I could make you a vampire but… I won’t. You’d be no fun that way. Master considered it too but you’re too uppity. We wouldn’t want you teaching Elysa anymore bad habits, would we?” Mathilde said.


Danielle mumbled something that Mathilde couldn’t make out even with her vampire ears and she leaned in closer until her face was next to Danielle’s mouth.

“Could you repeat that? I think your voice is going.” Mathilde said.

There was a flash of pain when Danielle sunk her teeth in her earlobe. Despite having wasted away to skin and bone there was still power left in her jaws, and she almost tore Mathilde’s ear off.

“Bitch!” Mathilde cried after finally freeing herself.

Danielle didn’t answer and just looked at her with hate no words could do justice. Mathilde rubber her ear. The bitch had actually left a scratch on her. A scratch that didn’t bleed but just the thought of being hurt by a human was… infuriating.

“When master returns, I will ask for permission to take your teeth.” Mathilde said and tapped her fangs with her talons: “I will pull them out myself. One by one. You can scream and you can cry but I won’t stop until they’re all gone.”

Danielle sunk back in her defiant silence and stared intently at the flowers.

“What does cattle need teeth for anyway? When you’re…”

There was a knock on the door and Mathilde stared confused at the ceiling. What was this? Who could be knocking on the master’s door? This place was kept hidden from men and fae both. The knocking continued and Mathilde tapped the table with her talon. Then she smiled at Danielle and did a mocking curtsy.

“I’ll be back. Don’t go anywhere.” Mathilde said.

Mathilde locked the door leading to Danielle’s room even though she hadn’t had the strength to move under her own power in years. Meanwhile the knocking continued.

“Coming, coming. Annoying prick.” Mathilde muttered to herself.

Whoever was disturbing her had better have a good excuse. When master had left Cobbler’s Hold behind and taken her with him, she hadn’t come to open doors for strangers.


Despite it being the middle of the day, Mathilde walked past open windows without fear. Thanks to the master’s power, the accursed sun remained hidden under eternal storm clouds. The Grey House was a vampire’s sanctuary. The one place where she didn’t need to hide in a coffin during the day.

The knocking continued and a vein started pulsating in Mathilde’s forehead.

“I am going to kill you. Kill you and suck you dry.” She hummed to herself.

A habit she had never been able to break out of made her check herself in a mirror. Even though she hadn’t had a reflection in well over ten years. Not since master had appeared outside her window and asked to be let in. The best decision of her life had led to her winning the best lover she could have hoped for. How many other men came bearing eternal youth?

After casting a glamour on herself to appear like she was warm and mortal, she opened the front door to the house.

And was greeted by the master’s son.

“Nuncio?” Mathilde said.

“… hello, Mathilde.” Nuncio said without quite looking her in the eyes.

Nuncio looked like he had been sleeping in a ditch for a week which had left his suit beyond salvation. He reeked of smoke and ash clung to his face.

The black car that master had prepared as a gift for the viscount was parked on the yard and behind Nuncio stood a young man with brown skin and… the bluest eyes she had ever seen.

Mathilde eyed both Nuncio and the brown man with suspicion. Unlike her master, she lacked the power to peer into the minds of humans. Or control the weather. Or change into a flying beast. All powers the master had promised he would grant her one day.

“Who is that?” Mathilde said.

When the brown man smirked, Mathilde knew she would have to kill him. No one with such an infuriating grin could be allowed to live. She would kill him and enjoy watching that smirk turn into a grimace of pain and horror.

“Salvatore Torrini at your service, my lady.”

“He’s… uh… my new advisor.” Nuncio said: “Could you see he has a room prepared for him and… tell my father to see to his salary.”

“And let him know I don’t come cheap.” Torrini said.

Mathilde gripped the door handle hard enough to leave a dent in it when she smiled.

“Oh, don’t worry. I will be sure to keep the master informed. I am sure he is going to love hearing this.” Mathilde said and opened the door wide for Nuncio and Torrini: “Come in. Once you do, you won’t be able to leave.”

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