《The Dragonborn Comes: A Self Insert》Good News (kinda)


It’s up to you whether you see this as good news or not, but I’m going to be rewriting this story. It’s not badly written, it’s just that I’ve been writing off the top of my head and have come to realise my story could be so much better with an actual outline. As such, I’ll be taking some time off in order to create it. I won’t give an exact time measurement, but I am imagining it’ll be about a month long.

I won’t be deleting this story either. I want it to remain so that I can one day (hopefully) compare it to the newer version and see what’s improved as well as what needs improving. But that’s for future me to worry about.

To reiterate, I am not dropping the story, and its premise is not changing. The SI will still be Dragonborn, just that I want a fresh start is all. For those of you who are upset, don’t be. I’ll be back before you know it.

— Ash (AshestoDusts)

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